MTL - Paradise of Demonic Gods-~ 1111 black hole

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"Damn, what is this ghost thing?" Mike Dowon looked incredulously at the golden female giant that appeared in the battlefield projection. He was shocked: "What about the investigation department? What are you doing? Not talking about these electromagnetic life. Is the energy intensity low?"

"We don't know that the other party is afraid that there is something we don't know about energy storage that can't be detected by existing means."

"What about now?" Mike Dowen said with anger in his heart: "What is his energy index?"


Listening to the sound of the other person's vomiting, Mike Dalen shouted: "How much is it!"

"No... can't measure, beyond the measurement range, it may be something wrong with the instrument..."

“What a joke?” Mike Dalen’s face turned black, pointing to the golden female giant on the projection, and angered: “Kill her.”

In the virtual image of the prince, standing in the vacuum of the universe, a silent roar in the sky, the next moment the palm is separated, the golden light is like a sun rising in the void, thousands of warships The fighters were all blown up in the air and turned into a group of fireworks to release in the universe.

"Hahaha, don't you come together?"

After hundreds of thousands of warships were blasted in a row, the Prince’s heart was so happy that he shouted at Fang Xingjian.

"There are about 350 million warships in this fleet. You alone will be enough to deal with it." Fang Xingjian said: "Catherine's card has been vented, let's deal with him."

For Fang Xingjian and Urbian, those who stand at the top of the world, they will be more cautious when they act, because only when they reach this point will they understand more about the powerful ability and incredibleness in the world. The trick.

So before they knew Catherine, they didn't shoot anyone. Now, after clearing Catherine's cards, they naturally have no scruples and all show their stature.

"I will come first."

Then I saw that the Silver Witch King took the first step, and a space moved directly across the outer layer of the Venus's outer layer of defense field, which appeared in the atmospheric environment.

Then he tore his hands and teared the metal continent under his feet. He saw countless high-rise buildings rolled up and exited. The metal deck that was strong enough to resist nuclear fusion and resist high-energy photon guns was torn and shattered. Then rolled out, the silver witch king took a breath and pulled out an extreme canyon that was thousands of kilometers long and hundreds of kilometers deep.


On the high tower of the Venus, almost the Prince and the Silver Witch King shot, Catherine became aware of the changes.

Her brow wrinkled, looking at the golden giant on the screen and the silver witch king who was tearing open the outer armor of the star. The suffocation on her face was getting heavier and heavier: "Hey, a bunch of clowns, I really thought I was good." It’s bullying."

Just as she figured out how to clean up these enemies, the artificial intelligence Dai Li showed a projection directly in front of her, which is the square star sword and Urbian in the space.

The body of Fang Xingjian was highlighted and enlarged, and it was placed in front of Catherine.

"Master, I found Fang Xingjian."

Catherine’s gaze shines: “He is Fang Xingjian?”

“According to the image comparison in the database, the shape similarity is close to 95%.”

Her mind moved, the metal floor under her feet seemed to be a pool of mercury, and the heads of Purple Star and Snake King slowly came out of it.

Catherine whispered: "You two look, is he the square star sword you met?"

Although the square star sword and the image in the front are very similar, but as a person with a shuttle parallel universe experience, Catherine is not a square star sword that has not met other parallel universes.

Purple Star and Snake King looked at Fang Xingjian in the picture, and there was a trace of suspicion in his eyes.

When the snake king glanced at it, he lowered his eyelids and said coldly: "I don't know him."

Purple Star was hesitating for a moment, and his heart secretly spit out a sorry, and said: "Only from the appearance, there is nothing wrong with him."

Catherine laughed, and the flames of hatred seemed to burn in her eyes.

"Even if he is not the real one, it is also the existence of his parallel world." She opened her mouth and flashed the sad color on her cheek: "Send the Tussauds squad, grab him, be sure to live, I will judge him personally!" ”

In addition to the confrontation between Fang Xingjian and Catherine, the cosmic battlefield at the moment, with the addition of the Prince, has become a mess.

Then I saw the golden female giants slamming and slamming. Each punch and foot can cause a large area of ​​space distortion, force field squeezing, and those sturdy battleships that are strong enough to pierce the wormhole and make space jumps. The ship then smashed into pieces.

In just a few seconds, tens of millions of warships were directly shattered and turned into huge fireworks bursting into the vacuum.

The various weapons of the Silver Shadow Empire, whether it is a high-energy laser, an electromagnetic gun, a plasma cannon, or even a male electronic gun, have no effect. In addition to causing some slight tremors on the body of the Prince, even a little scar can not be in the virtual image. Left above.

In the command room, Mike Dalen screamed at the table and shouted: "Who can tell me, what the **** is this?"

No one spoke, watching the battleships that were constantly being destroyed in the battlefield projections, and everyone’s forehead unknowingly came out with cold sweat.

Mike Dahlun snorted: "Prepare to use the retracted gun and kill this monster in one breath!"

Everyone who heard this sentence was full of sorrow, the so-called retreating cannon, and a more vivid name called the black hole cannon, a powerful weapon that can change the gravitation through antimatter.

A black hole can even tear a star directly.

This expeditionary army of the Yinying Empire only brought a total of three black hole bombs, all of which were prepared for the Venus, but they did not expect to be used on the Prince.

After a few minutes, the entire fleet lost more than 100 million warships, and the overwhelming wreckage was scattered in the cosmic vacuum, like a star tomb.

The command ship began to deform and stretch, and soon a huge muzzle was revealed.

Almost at the same time as the muzzle appeared, the prince’s brow was picking up, and there was a strong sense of threat in the blood of the heart.

The next moment of darkness accompanied by the brilliance of white spread out in all directions around her chest.

The virtual image of the prince was swallowed up in the blink of an eye, a huge, ball surrounded by a white halo occupied her entire body.

This is not the case. With the outbreak of black hole bombs, the space, time and gravity of the entire starry sky have changed dramatically.