MTL - Paradise of Demonic Gods-~ 1227 induction

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At the same time, the **** red sky and the **** land were restored to their original state, and the field of Reyatius was broken.

Everyone, including Tyrande, also recovered his mobility in an instant.

However, the first time to restore their mobility, they have all reached the ground, just because Ria Titus was pressed into the top of the patties, Fang Xingjian is slowly floating there.

He looked down and looked at the patties under his feet: "The evil gods?"

Fang Xingjian was previously communicating with Urbian, and then recalled the contents of quantum foam and mass energy conversion.

This memory, but found every detail, every step he turned out to be very clear, as if it is the palm of the line, even feel that you can repeat it anytime, anywhere.

However, before he repeated it several times, he was subjected to the dangerous feelings of Tyrande. The martial arts will remain in the hands of many people. During his thoughts, Gao Wei’s perception has already seen the Jinshan Town’s direction.

Then a projection of the 90,000-point martial arts will be lowered, and there will be such a scene that Ria Titus was instantly crushed.

Looking at the blood mud under his feet, Fang Xingjian blinked his eyes and looked at the direction of another cottage in Jinshan Town.

Inside the lodge, Deer Bryce, the evil **** warrior who had handed over Fang Xingjian in the cult of the evil spirits, was horrified and shocked.

The first reaction of the whole person was a glimpse of the body, a rapid retreat in the compressed space, and came to a blood pool at a speed of light.

This is a pool of water with a radius of about two meters, completely soaked by blood. In the pungent **** smell, there is a blood bubble in the pool, just like any creature rolling in it.

This is the blood pool of the evil gods, but the stronghold of the blood river in one world. This evil **** has survived for countless years. The blood river is in the infinite multi-cosm. Every time you pass a world, you can The world leaves a blood pool.

As long as you pass through the blood pool, you can come to the world from the blood river.

Deer Bryce is a blood pool in the town of Jinshan, wanting to make the world permanently connected by the blood river.

It was also under his protection that the former Tyrant and others did not find the trace of the blood pool no matter how they searched.

But now that the companion was crushed by Fang Xingjian, Delbres was terrified in his heart and never dared to stay. He just wanted to escape into the blood.

However, such a short-distance movement of light speed, even if it compresses the layer space, still can not escape the high-dimensional perception of Fang Xingjian.

I saw Fang Xingjian's thumb index finger gently pinch, just like pinching a mosquito, has already pinched Deer Briss between the two fingers.

What is the concept of the 90,000-point martial arts will, Dilbris only feels that the space around the four is like an absolute barrier, and he is banned in an instant, then his figure is rapidly shrinking, and he has been pinched by Fang Xingjian in a blink of an eye. Between the thumb and forefinger.

The whole process is also combined with time acceleration, space compression, high-dimensional strikes, and 90,000 points of martial arts will, and Deer Briss has no resistance.

Then accompanied by a scream, I saw Fang Xingjian's fingers slightly exerted force, and Dibris's majority of the body had turned into a **** stain.

"Living...staying!" Deer Briss said with a distorted face: "Fang Xingjian, stop working! I admit defeat, I will go back immediately." He couldn't figure out all the way in his mind, can't figure out how long it took, Why did Fang Fangjian in front of him grow to this point, he was pinched to death like a worm.

"You are still better to die."

A slamming sound, enough to match the high temperature and high pressure of the center of the supernova, lasted for a moment, and Deer Briss had turned into a fly ash and dissipated in the air.

The power of 90,000 martial arts will be too overbearing. Fang Xingjian feels that he can even evaporate the mainland and the crust under his feet. He can make a direct shot to break the planet under his feet, even more than a dozen. He is also sure to destroy Jupiter and Saturn.

This is not the same as the sword of the sentient beings he exerts. Although the sword of all beings is displayed by the entropy of countless parallel universes, it is a theoretically difficult to calculate destructive power, even on every molecule of the earth. All are filled with 1 attack power that can not be recorded.

The 90,000-point martial arts will not have the infinite destructive power of the sword of all beings, but it is a kind of reality. He can master every strength of every thread, not as uncontrollable as the sword of all beings. If you die later, you will die.

Just after Fang Xingjian pinched Dear Briss, a few kilometers underground, Reyatius was a confession of heart and trepidation.

It turned out that when he was crushed by Fang Xingjian, the whole person had a layer of flesh and blood left on the surface, and the body went down all the way to hide underground.

Originally, he thought that he was unable to exert his full strength and was hiding to prepare for the second attack.

Then he saw the scene where the companion was crushed as a bug.

This made the warrior of this evil **** no longer have the courage to fight in the slightest, and how to escape in the mind.

But in the next moment, a hand slammed out of the broken space and grabbed Ria Titus.

Looking at the square star sword in front of him, Reia Titus immediately said: "I have 5,000 planets in my hand. As long as you are willing to let me go, I can give you any resources."

"I don't need it." Fang Xingjian said faintly. The next moment, hundreds of millions of Jianguang tying through every dimension of the body and body of Reyatius, completely smashed each other, and even the slightest thoughts and strengths were left. .

After finishing these things, Fang Xingjian slowly walked to the front of the blood pool, his hands and eleven shots, the blood pool in front of him seemed to be squeezed by the boundless power, violently closed together, completely disconnected the link with the blood river. .

After doing all this, Fang Xingjian’s expression is still faint, just like a step after a meal.

In fact, it is almost the same for him. The 90,000-point martial arts will enable him to crush most of the powerful people in the universe. The two evil-god warriors in front of him are enough to destroy countless civilizations and occupy thousands of people. The planet, but still in front of him is still vulnerable.

After doing all this, the projection flashed a little, and then disappeared, leaving amazement, but lost, Tyrant, Holt and others.

In the mind, Fang Xingjian recalled the crisp and neat movements. They all had to sigh that the gap between themselves and Fang Xingjian is getting bigger and bigger, and Fang Xingjian seems to have a kind of temperament that is as high as the heavens and high.

On the other side, Fang Xingjian, who communicated with Urbian, silently took back the projection and looked at Urbian, who said to the side: "When you and the Silver Witch King hit the top seven, I intend to go to the Western Continent.

But before I go, there are some things I have to do. ”