MTL - Paradise of Demonic Gods-~ 1255 magic

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Originally, the ancient heavens drove the door of creation, sneaked into the void, and swallowed the planets. After tens of thousands of years, their cultivation was increasing day by day, and the military power in the heavens was growing, and everything was developing in a good direction.

But just one hundred and eighty years ago, when they swallowed a planet, they suffered fierce resistance.

The extraordinary people who claim to be magicians in the local area, they extract magical energy from the void, and have powerful power.

However, despite the fierce resistance, they quickly suppressed the other side and began to extract local planetary energy.

After the curse, I know how they are licking a horse.

In fact, the magicians on that planet are not local indigenous people. This is a colonial star belonging to the magicians.

It was followed by a series of battles between the two sides. Although the ancient heavens had a large number of martial arts strongmen, it also had a god-level nine-fold as a cutting-edge force, capable of predicting the future, distorting time and space, recreating material, and even cursing it for tens of thousands of years. God-level nine-fold, more able to tear the void alone, travel the universe, and shuttle the parallel world.

But the power of the magicians can not be underestimated. According to the understanding of the curse, this power called the first magical empire ruled a number of colonial planets with a history of more than 100,000 years. Mega meter.

The magic bastions they created have a flying void, flying at a speed of light, and evaporating the terrible power of the continent. The strongest hundred fortresses, called the Doomsday Fortress, have the star of extinction and are powered by stellar energy. I am afraid of strength.

It is this hundred doomsday fortress that crosses the void, suppresses the four poles, and maintains the peace of the entire first magical empire.

At this moment, a total of nine Doomsday Fortresses surround the gates of creation in the cosmic vacuum, completely clamping the super-artifacts of this ancient heaven, not only making the door of creation impossible to escape, but also unable to close the space and defend against foreign enemies. The leader of the first magical empire drove straight in and attacked all the way.

Nowadays, the curse has to admit that the strength of the first magical empire far exceeds that of ancient heaven.

There are only two choices left in front of him. One is to lead the remaining god-level nine-strong powers to fight for a battle, temporarily break through the limits of the Doomsday Fortress, and launch the door of creation to shuttle the universe.

Another option is to abandon the ancient heavens and flee the void.

As the Emperor who took charge of the ancient heavens for tens of thousands of years, the curse naturally has the ability to tear the void and shuttle the universe, but it is not so stable and efficient.

But after thinking for a long time, he still plans to try it.

‘At least leave a doomsday battleship. ’

After a while, the entire central Tiangong seemed to be turbulent, and tens of millions of gold armored warriors screamed in anger, and they saw that the Emperor was wearing a crystal-colored armor, and the whole person swelled up and turned into several tens of thousands of feet. The huge body of the long.

At the same time, dozens of other god-level nine-powered strongmen also liberated the virtual image, a variety of high-profile dragons, giants, storms, the sea, the void, the stars appear on the heavenly palace.

Seeing this scene, many of the Heavenly Soldiers on the scene will all cheer up, and all other god-level powerhouses have begun to release their own strength.

The Emperor of Heaven emperor cursed: "You, may wish to fight with me!"


Colorful, almost indescribable brilliance broke out instantly, and ancient heaven began the largest counterattack in history.

More than 50 god-level nine-strong powers are simultaneously exploding, what kind of scene is that?

The space of the entire gate of creation seems to have lost its color at once. First of all, the extra time is suspended. Countless martial arts will come to the surface and the entire floating fortress in the sky will be broken into pieces.

Then there are countless martial arts wills to turn together, just like a chaotic move toward the entire door of creation.

More than 50 god-level nine-strong powerhouses, their powers broke out together, and the power seemed to be like a kind of chaos. In a static space, the wave of chaos flooded all the floating fortresses seen along the way. A fortress was vanished in the chaotic tide.

After a full ten seconds, time has returned to flow, and the army within the gates of Fortune has been wiped out.

Although the remaining floating fortress is still resisting, it is far from being the opponent of the curse and others.

Beyond the gates of creation, above the Doomsday Fortress, the first magical empire, Edwards, one of the five marshals, picked and raised an eyebrow. His body was faintly white and light, and the whole person’s form was as bright and transparent as the starry sky. You can even see countless nebulae and the stars' rays flowing through them.

"Is it finally coming out? The power of these warriors, if you don't rely on the Doomsday Fortress, is really bad.

But if you let the Doomsday Fortress enter this artifact, it is too dangerous. ”

What Edwards is worried about is that after the Doomsday Fortress enters the gate of creation, it will be self-destructive and even blew to destroy the Doomsday Fortress.

To know that the Doomsday Fortress is the ultimate weapon of the empire, the loss of any one ship is a great sin, and even he can't afford it.

This slowly slowed the siege, and bit by bit the space inside the door of the creation, forcing the other party to come out.

I saw a huge huge gate with a length of more than 100,000 kilometers. It floated quietly in the void, and the center of the threshold shone with colorful light. From this, it seemed to be able to see the heavens and the earth, the animals and the vegetation.

Around the threshold, there are nine doomsday bastions that shimmer with the blazing fire. Each doomsday fortress ship emits gravitational waves and cosmic radiation that transcend the stars. The light is their own existence. As long as they are close to some planets, they are enough to call those The planet collapsed and turned into cosmic dust.

At the moment, the nine Doomsday battleships each released a red-red ray, and the door of the creation was firmly locked up. Through the strong gravitation of the black hole, the door of creation was firmly banned.

At a critical moment, a doomsday warship shook a little, and then it was split in the eyes of everyone, like a scene of the disintegration of the planet.

The entire Doomsday Fortress exploded, a terrorist explosion that was comparable to the explosion of a supernova.

Under the general planetary explosion, the fragments formed by the explosion will strike in all directions, part of which will rush into space to form a meteor, and the other part will collide with each other. Under the action of large material gravity, it will become a planet-like substance.

However, the energy level of the Doomsday Fortress is too high, and the core temperature of more than 1 billion megabytes, once exploded, is enough to absorb the material at a speed of light and then bounce directly out.

Electrons, protons, neutrinos, light, gamma rays, ultraviolet rays, various particles and light radiation directly blast out, spraying millions of degrees of high temperature all the way.

The big bang will directly expand the carried matter into a bubble-like nebula, sweeping the star-galactic rivers with gamma-ray bursts, killing countless planets for hundreds of years, and in the next few hundred million years. Shine the entire universe.

The other Doomsday Fortress and the Gate of Fortune, which are close at hand, are subjected to natural disasters.

Edwards screamed wildly: "Damn, what is going on?"

The remaining eight Doomsday Fortresses rushed through the ray bursts of the face, constantly absorbing the cosmic radiation, and the impact of various neutrinos.

It was enough to cross the starry sky and destroy the fortress of civilization. At this moment, like a small seesaw, it shivered in the cosmic storm.

"Sir!" an adjutant exclaimed: "It's them!"

Edwards looked at the test report sent, and his face suddenly became extremely white.

"What are they? How can these madmen come here?"

In the central position of the explosion, a humanoid creature slowly emerged in the white light of the sky. Millions of high-energy rays glided gently from his body surface, but gentle like the breeze of summer night, could not hurt him. The body is shredded.

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