MTL - Path of Medicine With a System-v2 Chapter 1915 Hey, buy, buy, see, everyone is a thief

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  It’s a blessing in disguise, and this idiom seems to be specially made for the tea hospital now.

  The relatively rough scientific research has made other hospitals scramble their hair, and the scrutiny has made other doctors start to queue up automatically.

   Zhang Fan was so palpitating that he wanted to inhale some oxygen.

  However, the benefits are also obvious. Many hospitals began to actively contact the relevant departments of the Chasu Hospital, and then began to play with the departments of the Chasu Hospital.

  For example, in respiratory medicine, respiratory diseases in Northwest China are serious. In the past, because of Lao Ju's weird temper, he was poor and poor, and he was not convincing.

  That is to say, except for the hospital in Bird City holding its nose and forcibly cooperating with Chasu Hospital under the orders of its superiors, other hospitals hardly have any contact with the respiratory department of Chasu Hospital.

It’s different now. Since the research and development of the tuberculosis vaccine from tea, first the old man Jinzi has started daily business communication with the respiratory department of the tea hospital, and then the Digital General Hospital, Sanchuan Xihua, Modu Pulmonology, Capital Chaoyang, all of them have now started business cooperation with the Department of Respiratory Medicine of Chasu Hospital. Although they don't have a name, they are already a bit like a medical consortium.

   Especially Chasu has abundant funds and advanced equipment. Many hospital leaders like to put their projects in Chasu Hospital for research. Of course, the people in Chasu Hospital are happy about this kind of thing, and there is nothing the local hospital can do if they are not happy. For ordinary doctors, the hospital’s rules and regulations are like imperial decrees. Hemiplegia is okay.

  But for serious bosses, the hospital system is just like that.

  And sometimes, there is actually no difference between a boss and an ordinary person, such as taking advantage of this matter. Laoju is arrogant and arrogant. He has money and is generous. Not too many people want to play with Laoju.

  Lao Ju and Ouyang did not deal with each other back then, and the second child refused to accept the boss, but Lao Ju still obeyed Zhang Fan. After all, Ouyang was just talking about Lao Ju at the beginning, but Heimaimaijiang really did it.

   Laoju is obedient, so in terms of paying for it, Zhang Fan is still generous to the Department of Respiratory Medicine.

  Because Chasu Hospital can take advantage of other hospital bosses, I don’t know which network center in Yamen Lane has also used Chasu. Hospitals across the country were very lively for a while in online consultations.

  Many experts jumped out and said that the Internet will shorten the distance of medical treatment in Huaguo and solve the problem of medical imbalance in Huaguo.

   As a result, the operation was improper, and it died within a few days in the so-called voice that could solve the serious problem.

A remote consultation is 200 yuan, and the hospital takes 180 yuan. The so-called network consultation construction fee is just a broken computer, a broken camera, and a printer and a microphone. The hospital can start without blushing. Pave the way to make money.

   Give the expert 20 yuan for the rest. Regardless of whether you get out of bed at 3:00 a.m. or during off-duty hours, you must come if you encounter a remote emergency consultation.

  Then, the expert felt that the money was as big as a newspaper, and it was a bit difficult to earn by himself. If you are a good character, you don’t need a penny, and if you are shameless, you will draw another ten yuan, and then give the chance of consultation to your students or assistants.

  Students or assistants have no way to pass the drums down, and their attitude is very bad. When you are in a bad mood, in front of the patient, scold the director or deputy director of the hospital for treatment like you scolded your son.

   Then, he dismissed the consultation casually, and took ten or twenty yuan with his sister to eat a spicy hot pot.

   Within a few days, the doctors in the lower-level hospitals lost their enthusiasm, and the patients they saw were not stupid. They could still buy two chicken stews for two hundred.

  Internet consultations across the country just died in a heat wave.

  Now, the online consultation in Chasu Hospital is different.

  First of all, every Tuesday, the Internal Medicine Department of Cha Su Hospital and several other cooperative hospitals collectively take over shifts.

  On this day, difficult and miscellaneous diseases within a week will be discussed collectively at the meeting.

  Expert consultation, Cha Su’s Department of Respiratory Medicine is already a key hospital for the treatment of difficult and miscellaneous diseases in Northwest China.

  Because the Chasu Hospital not only invites big bosses, but also gathers key departments of several key internal medicine hospitals in Huaguo to discuss collectively.

  This form of cooperation is more effective than sending a few unretainable talents to further study. First of all, the young doctors in the department are like girls who have seen the world.

   It is no longer a small circle around the Northwest. Their vision is broadened, so that they can know how the best doctors work and study. Don't think that this kind of imitation seems very simple.

  Many hospitals spend money every year to learn, but they can't learn it.

  Currently, the Department of Internal Medicine of Cha Su Hospital, although not super powerful, is already on the verge of budding in the Northwest.

  Even when there are intractable diseases on the Roujiamo side, they will contact the internal medicine department of Chasu Hospital.

  With the development of the hospital, there are two different styles of surgery.

  Internal medicine is now slowly mixed into the circle, and there are more and more meetings. As for surgery, it was different. Except for the hospital where a few senior brothers in Shanghai were the bosses, other hospitals cooperated with Chasu Hospital on a conditional and preventive basis.

   Moreover, Zhang Fan is often thought of during difficult operations. Who is Zhang Fan on weekdays?

  The orthopedic invitation meeting is quite lively in the circle.

   Almost all the bosses with cards sent a receipt to Cha Su. After all, if Huaguo can have a self-developed artificial joint in the hip joint, it can be replicated in the spine, orthopedics, and knee joint in the future.

  Especially Lao Zhao from Shuitanzi called Zhang Fan himself.

  Zhang Fan really felt pain and happiness in his heart.

   "Why didn't I hear Yanan tell me about this?" Old Zhao was straightforward as always.

  Zhang Fanxin said, Nima even planted spies for me!

"She is on the spine, and she rarely goes to the joint side. Then again, the master can't do it, and the apprentice can't do it either. Look, we have already done the hip joint on the joint side. If you slap the spine that your apprentice made, now The orthopedics even required me to go on stage.”

"If you hadn't taught Yanan to be crooked and followed me all the time, wouldn't it be a joke to get you to go on stage after doing orthopedics? If you want to blame, I can only blame you. Half the bottle is dangling, and today I am doing general foreign affairs. Infection tomorrow will delay my good apprentice."

Well, Zhang Fan couldn't tell the other party, the older the old man, the more sharp-toothed and sharp-mouthed, "Okay, okay, I'm still busy, don't inquire about the secrets of our Chasu Hospital in the future, we are a confidential unit, not your pool It can be compared."

"Hehe, I just have an idea in my spine this time. When the time comes, you will pay, and I will give people. It will also increase my face for my little apprentice." After hanging up the phone, Lao Zhao cursed, "Secret a hammer! , a foreigner in a hospital, keep it secret!"

   Zhang Fan, who had been busy all day, came home from get off work, and before he even entered the door, he heard the house was like a big show, and the lively roof seemed to be shaking.

   Pushing open the door, where are Jing Shu and Zhang Zhibo arguing?

  Jing Shu made a face, and Zhang Zhibo started laughing, tossing and turning, the laughing kid blew all over his chest.

  Although Zhang Zhibo can't speak, he also understands that the little aunt at home is still a child and can play with him.

  Zhang Fan's parents, as well as his mother-in-law and father-in-law, also came.

   Those who make meat stuffing make meat stuffing, and those who roll out the dough roll out the dough.

  It was freezing outside the house, but it was bustling inside.

"Brother!" After Jing Shu saw Zhang Fan, even though she was a big girl, she was still the same as she was when she was a child. She quickly ran to her side, hugged Zhang Fan's arm, and pouted, "Why did you just get off work? It's been half a day."

  Zhang Zhibo imitated the example, holding Zhang Fan's leg, gnawing his deciduous teeth desperately.

   "Hehe, isn't it time to get off work? I've lost weight. Is it because I'm under too much study pressure. You have to pay close attention to your studies, and you have to pay close attention to your meals."

  Elder brothers are like fathers, which is clearly reflected in Zhang Fan and Zhang Jingshu.

  When Jing Shu was young, her parents both worked and had no time to take care of the children. The older one took care of the younger ones.

  When Jing Shu grows up, her parents are getting old, and her elder brother has just reached adulthood to start a family.

  When Jing Shu has something to do, the first thing she thinks of is her brother.

  The little girl looked at her brother adoringly. When she was greedy, her brother could go to the factory to buy scrap iron for herself to buy 504 ice cream.

   Years ago, when she was replaced by someone, Jing Shu felt that the sky was falling. As a result, at such an age, it seemed that a few phone calls could solve the problem in front of my brother.

  She knew a little bit before.

  Now, as my proud mentor, after knowing that my brother is Zhang Fan, he speaks politely now. She knew that it was a blessing accumulated over several lifetimes that she had such an old brother.

   "Look, the watch my sister-in-law gave me! It's so expensive!" In front of Shao Hua, Jing Shu is very good at being a person.

   In this regard, Jing Shu is better than Zhang Fan.

I don't know if I can really smell it. Although Zhang Zhibo hasn't met his little aunt a few times, the brat is very clingy. Except when he is addicted to milk, he would find Shao Hua to eat and drink. Let others hug her, and run after Jing Shu all over the place.

  In the evening, the family had a lively meal of dumplings.

   I don’t know if this is the custom in the south. The dumplings that get off the bus are in the northwest. Anyway, it is a little bit important.

   "Brother, my mentor sent a message, saying that it is convenient, and I want to get to know you."

  After Jing Shu was replaced by others, the wife of the master at that time was really a little guilty. The mentor she found for Jing Shu later can almost be said to be no better than him in Huaguo.

  Zhang Fan didn't show up, and now Mentor Jing Shu wants to get to know him.

  Zhang Fan quickly thought about it. The amount of funds for the hospital is too large recently, so he is more careful.

   After answering the phone, Zhang Fan realized that he was a villain.

   It turned out that they didn't want to use their students to find connections and get some kind of shares. After a few chats, they talked about their wife.

   Said that his wife found out that it was breast cancer, and now she is in the Golden Retriever, waiting in line for surgery.

  It means to ask whether the operation of the golden retriever is better or the domestic operation is better.