MTL - Path of Medicine With a System-v2 Chapter 1931 how big a deal am i

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   "Okay, you don't have to act, it's not easy for us to drive all the way from Bird City in winter, and we won't go to the auditorium that is too windy and leaky." The leader of Bird City said to Zhang Fan very dissatisfied. Zhang Fan smiled embarrassingly, and invited the leaders into the conference room of the surgery building.

  Compared with the auditorium, the conference room in the surgery building is much more advanced. Just like a more popular and somewhat upscale movie theater, even the seats are soft leather seats. Unlike the benches in the auditorium, not only are they tough, but they creak and twist when sitting on them, and there is always a feeling that they are about to be crushed.

  Zhang Fan is a bit like a man who has saved private money for a year. Seeing that he will spend money for the New Year, his family finds out. There is not only sadness in my heart, but also an indescribable pity.

Zhang Fan and Mr. Ren accompanied the leaders to inspect each department first, "I would like to say New Year greetings to all the comrades who insist on working on the front line." If it was the past, the leaders of Bird City would not have to wander around the various departments when they came, after all, they are wandering. It's useless, as a pure layman, you can't see the key points even if you watch the excitement, and if you don't do it well, you may be fooled by Zhang Fan.

   But not today, the Chinese New Year is coming soon, if the leader doesn’t offer condolences to the front-line staff, he will probably be scolded behind his back. Before the leader left the department, a group of women in the obstetrics and gynecology department muttered, "The leader is really approachable." "The leader really cares about our front-line functional staff."

  The leader’s face was full of tears when he heard it, but Zhang Fan felt MMP in his heart, and said in his heart: You know a hammer. After walking through the first-line departments after asking about their health and care, the leader had no choice but to tell Zhang Fan, "The hospital has indeed grown a lot!"

   "It's not enough. Our hospital is considered big in Chasu. Compared with hospitals in other provinces, there is still a gap. For example, the largest hospital in the universe has prepared the entire subway line inside the hospital."

  The leader’s face didn’t change at all, “It’s okay, isn’t our Chasu’s airport the same as our hospital’s airport? The hospitals with airports in the world are probably only our Chasu Hospital. Young people, you can do it.”

  The leader patted Zhang Fan on the shoulder, just not to be fooled by Zhang Fan. Before the leader finished speaking, Wang Hong arrived in a hurry.

  The anxious expression on his face seemed to be followed by a big bad wolf. Zhang Fan took a look. Although Wang Hong was very anxious, she seemed to be acting too much. If there was something urgent, the phone call would have come earlier, so why bother with your legs.

  Zhang Fan doesn't need to guess, it is probably Ouyang who made something up to let Zhang Fan get away.

   "Be safe, so many leaders are here, and you can decide everything for you." Zhang Fan didn't take it seriously, but Wang Hong handed Zhang Fan a piece of paper.

  Zhang Fan was taken aback, is there really something wrong?

  Looking at it, Zhang Fan was taken aback by the document sent by the Cha Su Public Opinion Office.

  Many people don't know that the county level has a subordinate public opinion department very early.

  In normal times, Zhang Fan would not pay much attention to this kind of news, even name-calling curse news. After all, scolding won't cause a piece of meat to fall off, and the more you explain this kind of thing, the more unclear it becomes. If you ignore him, he finds it boring, so he leaves within a few days.

  But today is different, this is an excuse.

Holding the paper in his hand, Zhang Fan tremblingly handed it over to the leader, and then said with a particularly sad expression: "Leader, I didn't do a good job, you want to criticize me. I feel a little uncomfortable today, I would like to ask for a few days off."

  Zhang Fan thought very clearly, if he rests for a few days, the leader can't stay in Chasu. As long as you rest by yourself and count on other people in the hospital, let alone money from the leaders, you can't even take a hair with you.

  The faces of the leaders are all green. They are all foxes from the year before last. Don’t act for anyone.

"When this guy was selling anti-emetics, he was almost scolded like a dog, and he didn't say that he was feeling a little bit unwell, but now Nima is starting to be hypocritical!" Although the leader's face didn't change at all, there was already a change in his stomach. The pot is on.

  Now we can’t let Zhang Fan run away. Let him go home and rest. This trip will be for nothing, not only for nothing, but also for the red envelopes sent out.

  「Don’t worry, what’s black is not white, and what’s white can’t be erased. I’ll give you an explanation. I’m here now.

  Work here. "

"I don't care. It really doesn't matter if I get scolded or something, but our front-line researchers have been wronged. They struggled day and night. Today they managed to achieve a little achievement, but now they are so wronged by others. Really. Yes, they are too wronged."

  The faces of the leaders of Bird City were all blue with anger. Now I'm still talking fart, I can't even open my mouth.

  Actually, hot news, as many as a few people are people who eat melons, and those who are really afraid are some people with good intentions, such as exaggerating to the point of playing big chess when they encounter something, and all kinds of instigating everyone to make trouble together.

  The leader of Bird City immediately asked the people on Netcom to refute the rumors.

   First of all, the news that Huaguo and Golden Retriever had successfully negotiated was released. As a result, the crowd who were about to break up gathered together again.

  “The tea-vegetarian talk was successful?” The people who eat melons are still confused.

   Some charismatic people began to speak: "Sell state-owned assets, new compradors in the new era!" For a while, it was very lively.

   "There is still such a thing?" The leader of Bird City thought it would be impossible. In terms of network challenges, the regular army is no match for others!

  When everyone felt the excitement, the Bird City government became angry and began to go through judicial procedures.

   Then everyone began to say: "Can't you be more generous. You are a government, and you are serious with other people and ordinary people. Can you show some face?"

   "Go and ask if this is directed by Zhang Fan!" The leaders of Bird City were all confused. There is no way to hide.

  Early in the morning, in the big office of Chasu Hospital, the leaders of Bird City, the Ministry of Health, and the main leaders of Chasu listened to the report of Comrade Zhang Fan of Chasu Hospital.

   "The task of tackling pancreatic diseases is imminent, especially severe pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer, the king of cancers. We plan to form two research teams and gather the world's top medical experts.

  Female pelvis cross section

  Intestinal and breast surgery under construction·」

   Although the leader of Bird City was not from the medical industry, he felt that something was wrong after hearing so many research projects. He turned his head and glanced at the leaders of the Ministry of Health, and the faces of the leaders of the Ministry were already green.

  The leaders in the ministry wanted to refute, but they couldn't open their mouths, what should I say? You said that tea has no strength. Which of the things they have produced in the past few years can make people in the industry talk about it? Tuberculosis, antiemetics, allogeneic transplantation, which one does not represent the most advanced technology at present.

   Let’s not talk about it, Chasu’s blowing is too mysterious.

  For a while, there was a strange silence in the venue. The layman didn't understand and dared not speak, and the insider wanted to speak but didn't have the strength to speak.

   "Well, it is necessary to have lofty goals. I hope Chasu Hospital can continue to uphold its glorious history." The leader of Bird City looked at the comrades who came from the ministry without saying a word, so he could only speak from his side.

  After the compliment, he asked casually, "How much are these budgets?" "Not much, just over 80 billion." Zhang Fan said a little shyly.

  The leader of Bird City took a deep breath: "That's too much!"

  The second child also nodded, "It's already caught up with the province's medical budget." The leader of Cha Su didn't say a word, and lowered his head!

   It was like asking a show of hands to vote, and he abstained directly. From a normal point of view, it seemed that he didn't help each other, but he didn't help his superiors, which was equivalent to helping Zhang Fan a lot.

  The leaders of the ministry just took a breath, Zhang Fan has released the satellite, but he is very self-aware in terms of funds. Regardless of whether these scientific research projects are successful or not, the scientific research of just a few survey items is more than this amount of money.

   Just when everyone was relaxing, Zhang Fan said a word: I'm talking about knives!

   "Does Cha Su Hospital have so much money? You can't mortgage the hospital! Even if the hospital mortgages, it's more than this price." The leaders of Bird City were shocked.

   I was really surprised.

  More than 80 billion knives, how much is the medical budget of Jiangsu and Zhejiang for a year.

   Then he glanced at the leader of Chasu, but he still didn’t say anything. The government of industrial barbecue and agriculture is now

   Let the leaders feel at ease.

   "I want you to come forward and help me contact the central bank to see if the central bank or the financial side can allocate some money!" The leader of Bird City is really broad-minded. If the leader is narrow-minded, he will probably die of anger in his seat.

  Pfizer, the world's number one pharmaceutical company, has a total annual revenue of more than 40 billion dollars. The scientific research funding you declared for a hospital is more than 80 billion yuan. Is it because you have lost money or your money is as big as a newspaper?

  Looking at Zhang Heizi smiling shyly, watching Secretary Ren's innocent eyes widen. The leader of Bird City really felt an unspeakable grievance in his heart.

"I don't want more from you, just give me 20 billion. It's still a soft girl, and it's a one-off. It's not a dividend with you every year. The government really can't make it through. Look at the road in Bird City, see Look at the municipal administration of tea.

  We are almost scolded by the common people, making the city more beautiful and more convenient, isn’t it good for the hospital, and won’t you be able to attract talents better in the future? "

  So earnestly, really, the leaders of Bird City are like Zhang Fan's subordinates, humble. In fact, this time, it wasn't that Bird City couldn't bear to ask for more.

   It was the general manager who drew a line for Bird City. The line was 20 billion, no more, and the conditions for the healthy development of Chasu Hospital must be guaranteed.

   This is the benefit of Zhang Fan's silence. Otherwise, the leaders of Bird City would be so considerate? He won't give up unless he fights with you, Zhang Fan, about the dividend.

  Of course, Zhang Fan didn't know about this matter. If Zhang Fan knew, he wouldn't be so exciting. Crying must be a cry, as long as the Golden Retriever is sold in the European Union, there will be no shortage of money. Now Zhang Fan finally felt that he could breathe a sigh of relief.

  Is it easy for you, I have been tossing about money since I was in school, and finally became the dean, and the hospital was poor, but now I am relieved.

  The leader of the ministry drooled enviously as he looked at the contract in the hands of the leader of Bird City. He also wanted to open his mouth to ask for some, but unfortunately, the general manager disagreed.

  Not only did they disagree, but the main purpose of their visit this time was to listen to Zhang Fan's demands.