MTL - Peerless Battle Spirit-Chapter 2971 Tongkai Origin Mountain (1)

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Time passes day by day.

At first, nothing changed. Until the fifth day, Qin Nan spread his avatars in three different places and captured the breath of several peaks of heavenly respect, coming from afar.

Moreover, when they arrived, they performed a certain secret technique and used a certain secret treasure, so that the people who pass through the heavenly trees, Ji Xuan, and Gu Fei did not notice anything.

Also on this day, the ancestor of Linghuang came with the news that there was an invisible pusher spreading all the things of the Mountain of Origin throughout the Great Upper Realm.

Although ninety-nine percent of the monks in the upper world would not have anything to do with the Mountain of Origins, it was just a moment of indignation and the number of people who scolded the Union and Qin Nan.

Some people even call Qin Nan an enemy!

Enemy of One World!

"This trump sounds pretty domineering." Qin Nan smiled slightly and passed away: "They have already begun."

Then, every other day, there will be several Zenith Celestial Masters, and they quietly come to these three places, especially the gods of the heavens, and there are dozens of Zenith Celestial Masters sneaking into the Cangsheng Tower every day.

Qin Nan also heard a lot of news. There are many ordinary Celestial beings who forcibly retreat, forcibly improve their realm, and reach their peak.

Obviously, in this rapidly changing era, they don't want to miss this opportunity, and if they miss it, they are likely to fall behind step by step.

In addition, the monks in the blue sky seemed to be consciously aware of this turbulent undercurrent, and they gradually stopped talking and chose to transmit sound.

Moreover, the number of other monks in major cities began to gradually decrease.

By the tenth day, the Cangsheng Tower on the Xuanjingtian had already infiltrated more than fifty peak heavens, the gods of the middle heaven and earth heaven, there were already more than twenty peak heavens, the land of the original mountain, There are also more than twenty peak celestial beings.

"In this case, they want to build three mountains of origin at the same time! Heavenly Emperor's Gate was built in Shangxuan Realm, Yongyejiao was built in Zhongxuan Realm heavenly gods, and Bodhi Demon was in charge of the original origin. There was a light in Qin Nan's eyes, Chuan Yin said.

"I didn't expect that Cang chose this step. To build a mountain of origin, it would take countless manpower and countless heavenly treasures. Now to build three in one breath, how many heavenly treasures do you need? Ah! It seems that Cang's benefit from the change of the heavens is not ordinary! "Tongtian Daoshu couldn't help but sigh.

When they discussed it, they also thought that Cang might create three in one breath, but just thought that the possibility was too low, so they were excluded.

"In this case, if we want to stop them all, I'm afraid it won't be so easy." Ji Xuan's face was solemn.

In today's big upper world, if it comes to scale, it is naturally the largest gate of Heavenly Emperor's Gate. The combined scale of Yongyejiao and Bodhi Demon Sect is also slightly better than the Alliance.

The advantage of their alliance is that they have the most top-level combat power, with a total of four Supreme Celestial Masters.

If there is only one mountain of origin, all their top combat power will be gathered, even if the combined forces of the three parties are much larger than them, they have great hope to stop it.

Now they are all scattered, and only one Supreme Master can be left in one place, plus the other Supreme Master, Cang, Huangfu Jue, and Yongyejiao, their hopes are much smaller.

"Now it seems that it can't be stopped completely." Qin Nan shook his head. If he really wanted to stop it completely, unless his deity shot, and promised that the Seven Greatest Treasures would not interfere.

This is obviously impossible.

"However, this is not a problem. A mountain of origin can only be opened once in the short term, and it can only guarantee that five to ten deities can enter the state of supreme deities, and the impact on the overall situation will not be particularly great." Qin Nan thought carefully. Tao said, "So we don't have to stop three, we just need to stop two. Senior Master, you merge with Senior Huang Yun, and stop the one that teaches at night, Ji Xuan, you come to Xuanjingtian, we Stop the one here. "

If you stay, then leave the one that Tiange originally built.

"Okay." The two nodded and agreed to move quickly.

Time continued to pass. Soon after Ji Xuan brought people to the heavens, the dazzling Cangsheng Building burst into a bright purple awn in the gods blessed land on Xuan Realm and shot into the sky.

The sound of the piano, Xiao, drums, lute, etc., sounded in succession. They were all played by some kind of fairy. Therefore, the sound was not only extremely loud, but also passed into the hearts of countless monks, making people My heart was stirred.

With a bang, a figure rose from the Cangsheng Building and hung on the top of the building. On his burly body, there seemed to be a restraint to unravel. The original majestic momentum soared and reached in a blink of an eye. An extremely alarming situation, shocked countless monks, looked at Qi Qi.

This is a heavenly respect for the highest state!

Moreover, Qin Nan saw it at a glance. The Celestial Demonstrator had apparently received some extremely powerful inheritance, probably the quasi-empire inheritance. The surging forces in his body had already surpassed the level of the Taoist Celestial Demon.

"Han Zhaosheng!" Ji Xuan's eyes were cold, and he said, "It seems that this guy is very trusted by Cang. Not only did he make an exception for the Seventh Emperor of Heaven, but he also hosted such major events!"

"Heavenly ... seven sons?" Qin Nan stunned and said, "What is this again?"

"I didn't tell you before. After Cang established the Heavenly Emperor's Gate, he chose seven well-qualified heavenly deities and accepted them as his heirs. These seven people grew very fast, and soon reached the peak of the heavenly emperor. , The combat power is very powerful, far better than other Celestial beings, so they are called the Seven Emperors of Heaven. "

Ji Xuan said: "This Han Zhaosheng was not one of the Seven Emperors of Heavenly Emperor. He was of ordinary talent. When I knew him, he was just a very ordinary deity. He could not even win the inheritance of the immortal king. Somehow, Cang appreciated it very much. He personally brought him the Zhundi inheritance, and kicked one of the seven sons for him, making him the new Tiandi seven sons. "

Ji Xuan said here, Lengheng said: "Now it can be regarded as Huang Tengda. If I had known this, I should have beheaded him then."