MTL - Peerless Demonic Lord-Chapter 15 Tian Qin Stone

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"Liu Yanbing?"

"Liu Yanbing, what are you doing up? Who do you think you are?"

"That is, a hybrid that has no mother, hurry down!" Several Qin family juniors, seeing Liu Yanbing, are indignant.

The people under the field are also stunned.

Because, in their eyes, Liu Yanbing is too weak.

For the time being, Liu Yanbing is not a Qin family. She said that she is less than three layers of quenching spirit, and she is looking for death in Shangqin private rain.

"Ice, come down..."

Qin Tianqing and his wife saw Liu Yanbing’s action frightened.

But at this time, Liu Yanbing turned back, just shook his head at the two. Although, she was stunned by the buzz of the field. But in the middle of it, it is resolute.

She looked up and looked at Qin’s father. He said, “Grandpa, although I am not a Qin family, I am like a prostitute, but I also want to participate in this Qin family.”

"For them, they will do their utmost filial piety." She finished her speech and looked directly at Qin’s father, groaning in her heart, waiting for the result.

Qin’s father blinked and his brow was locked.

According to common sense, the Qin family inherits, must be the blood of the Qin family to participate. However, in the deserted town of everyone, so many people, he is not good to openly refuse Liu Yanbing.

Otherwise, it will be too inhuman.

"Grandpa, I am willing to take over!" But at this time, when Qin Laozi was in trouble, Qin private rain was on the stage, blinking Liu Yanbing, suddenly responded.

Qin’s eyelids bounced a few times, sweeping a few eyes on Liu Yanbing, and once again confirming her humble strength, rest assured a lot, said: "Alright, I am accurate. Private rain, just a field test, point to the end!"

"Well, the baby knows."

Qin privately nodded, and immediately she turned her head. The scorpion flashed through the cold light and slammed out. "Since Qin Shi didn't dare to come, I took you for my brother's revenge!"

Roaring, Qin private rain with one hand into the palm, a slap in the face of Liu Yanbing.


After a shot fell, Liu Yanbing did not return to God, he was knocked to the ground, and the corners of his mouth oozing blood.

"Cut, what about this strength?"

"The hybrid is really a hybrid, just roll it down!"

Seeing that Liu Yanbing was knocked down by Qin’s private rain, the Qin family juniors under the field ridiculed with sarcasm.

Qin private rain also screams: "If you don't want to die, you will admit defeat!"

But at this time, Liu Yanbing stood up and swayed. She squinted and didn't admit defeat. Instead, she stared at Qin's private rain and said, "I won't admit defeat!"

Qin private rain smashed, his face was blue.

"Since you are looking for death, then I will fulfill you!"

She rushed forward, grabbed Liu Yanbing's hair, raised her knees high, and then flew Liu Yanbing out.

However, Liu Yanbing seems to be a strong stone.

No matter how many times she is knocked down, she will eventually get up. In a blink of an eye, her body has been scarred and bloody, making people unable to bear to look straight.

"Get up again, I will kill you!"

In the heart of Qin's private rain, he was born with fear.

She just couldn't understand, so why can a person who doesn't even have three layers of quenching spirits, why can she stand up again and again under her strong offensive?

Of course, she didn't know.

The power to support Liu Yanbing is called faith.

At this time, Liu Yanbing tumbling on the ground a few times, her nails, buckled on the ground, has been broken, swaying, and stood up again.

Standing up, she was covered with long hair, but she couldn’t cover it. The perseverance in her eyes: "I am not defeated, I can still play!"


The people outside the court, the Qin family, spit along the mouth. They are all impressed by Liu Yanbing's perseverance.


In the shackles of Qin's private rain, the road was horrified.

She looked at Liu Yanbing's already broken body, almost shouting.

"Stone brother, haven't come yet!"

In a word, Liu Yanbing was forced to laugh.

"Amount! I killed you!" Finally, Qin private rain was scared by Liu Yanbing's arrogance. She doesn't want anything now, just want to end this nightmare quickly.

She rushed up and slammed her fists into the fists of Liu Yanbing.

"Binger! Binger..."

Seeing this scene, Qin Tianqing and Qiong Shuyao both shouted anxiously, trying to rush to the ring. But it was blocked by the Qin family: "No, no, no ice!"

But at this time, it is at stake.

A figure suddenly smashed through the crowd and leaped to the stage. The figure was in front of Liu Yanbing, his hands on his chest, and he was forced to block the attack of Qin Private Rain.


The attack was blocked and the road blew.

"Who?" Qin private rain stepped back a few steps, his face dignified. She knew that she had just attacked, even if it was an ordinary six-layer quenching, it could not be easily blocked.

Blocked in front of Liu Yanbing, is a handsome young boy.

Juvenile skin, into a strong bronze, he looked down, looking directly at Qin private rain, cold: "Who am I? The person who will defeat you, Qin Shi!"

Juvenile is undoubtedly Qin Shi.

He rushed back to the desert town from the mountains and forests.

After returning to the barren town, he first went back to his hometown and saw that his parents and Liu Yanbing were not there. This quickly rushed to the Qin family. So I have lost a lot of time.

When he first entered the Qin family, he saw the moment of Liu Yanbing’s crisis.

This made him not hesitate, and he slammed into the ring and fought off the attack of Qin Private Rain.

Seeing Qin Shi, the people under the field are all stunned.

Xu Qiaoer, her cold face, rarely raised a sweet smile, said: "Oh, not seeing a year, still the same, no matter where you have to make some movement."

"I don't think, this kid really dare to come back?" Qin Tianyu bit his teeth, but the meeting will be relieved, thinking: "Oh, well, let the private rain teach him lessons!"

"Finally caught up?"

Qin Tianqing and his wife saw Qin Shi appear and saved Liu Yanbing, and he was relieved.

"Stone brother..." On the stage, Liu Yanbing saw Qin Shi and finally let go of his heart. The tight body before him was fierce and soft. After so much experience, she finally reached the limit, both in the flesh and spirit.

She groaned in front of her eyes and slowly fell down.


Qin Shi’s eye was fast, and he turned back and helped Liu Yanbing.

He looked at the scarred Liu Yanbing, his heart cramps, his teeth, and said: "Binger, thank you, thank you for the time you have won for me. Leave it to me!"

But at this time, several juniors of the Qin family, Qin Fengshan, Qin Fenghai and others saw Qin Shi and immediately shouted: "Hey, who am I, is this not a waste Qin Shi?"

"I didn't expect that he actually came?"

"That is, when people started, but let go of the adverbial, you must defeat the private rain sister."

"Just rely on him? Defeat the private rain sister? Haha, it is ridiculous. With his strength, to the private rain sister shoes, I don't think it is worthy." Several juniors, like singing a double-spring sarcasm.

Qin Shi sneered, he ignored several juniors, but turned his head and looked at Qin’s father on the high platform. He said: "Grandpa, this Qin family inherits, as long as you have the blood of the Qin family, you are eligible to participate. I said no. Wrong?"

Qin Laozi and Qin Shi looked at each other and could not help but look up.

Before, I heard that Qin Shi injured Qin Fei, and Qin’s father still had some unbelief, but he just saw that Qin Shi’s hands were blocked by Qin’s private rain and could not help but believe.

"I have hurt Qin Fei, but I dare to come over. If there is no courage, it is really powerful." Thinking of this, Qin Laozi nodded and thought: "Alright, let me see, I have not seen it for more than a year." How much has this little devil grown up?"

"Yes, the Qin family inherits, as long as the people who have the blood of the Qin family, are eligible to participate." Qin Laozi responded.

"Ah That's good!"

Qin Shi said very naturally that the words are full of confidence.

After finishing the conversation, he helped Liu Yanbing to step down and handed her to the hands of Qin Tianqing and his wife: "Hey, mother, let you worry. Next, see how the baby brought you back to the Qin family!"

He said something and turned and jumped back to the ring.

Jumping on the ring, he slammed his head and said with irony: "Private rain sister, over 18 years old, has become beautiful? It is a pity that it has become a viper."

Qin private rain licked his mouth, cold road: "Is your brother injured?"

"Well, that's right, it's me." Qin Shi shrugged and said calmly: "Why, private rain sister wants to take revenge for him? That's good, I also want to avenge Binger!"

"With you?"

Qin private rain seems to have heard the big jokes.

"Oh, just rely on me!" Qin Shi proudly responded, if he said before, he is not sure. But after these seven days, the book's devil-like training on him made him very confident.

"Oh, less self-righteous, don't think that restoring the spirit, you can be invincible in the world. You Qin Shi, never want to erase the nickname of the traitor!" Qin private rain swept the eyes of Qin Shi, the strength of the five layers of quenching spirit, Let her be more contemptuous.

Qin Shi disdain to argue with her.

He mobilized the spiritual power, tightened his body, and the strength of the five layers of quenching spirits broke out on the stage.

“Five-layer quenching?”

Feeling this power, the people on the field suddenly disappointed.

"It seems that Qin Shi is just a big boy. With this strength, under the Qin private rain, I am afraid that it is difficult to survive." I learned that Qin Shi’s strength is not very good. I am optimistic.

However, the two brothers of Qin Fengshan are sucking in the air.

They all played with Qin Shi. They know half a month ago, Qin Shicai just three layers of quenching the spirit, can be turned to half a month, even two layers?

This cultivation speed is too enchanting, right?

"He has refined again?" On the high platform, Qin Tianyu is also a lot of color. Seven days ago, he remembered that Qin Shi was just a little ghost who had just broken through the four layers of quenching.

At this time, the two men were on the stage and had already handed over their hands.


Qin private rain attack, a blow will force Qin Stone to retreat. In the face of six layers of quenching, Qin Shi is still somewhat difficult. But it is only a little hard, and after a hundred strokes, it is still very easy.

"A little strength!"

"In this case, I will let you know, the power of the Qin family martial arts." Qin private rain snoring, and then no longer hesitate, one hand into a fist.

Her fists gathered together the majestic power. After the spiritual power gathered, it formed a strong red inflammation, and slammed toward the face of Qin Shi: "烮天拳!"

Seeing that Tiantian Boxing is about to fall.

Qin Shi stood in the same place. Instead of not dodging, he laughed calmly.

"Oh, I only know how to be stubborn, just a coward!"

"He is crazy? Is it so close, he thought he could block the Tiantian fist?" Everyone thought that Qin Shi would be defeated, but at this time, Qin Shi made an action and let them stunned. .

I saw Qin Shi, the slow cat's lower waist, and even the same action with Qin private rain. On his fist, he gathered a vast amount of spiritual power, and his spiritual power turned into a red inflammation. He greeted him with a blow: "martial arts, not only you will!"
