MTL - Peerless Genius System-Chapter 806 Funing

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Can Funing Temple is empty, and every corner has been found and no trace of the Queen of the Moon has been found.

"What about people?" Xiao Luo cast a questioning look at the dumb palace girl around him.

The dumb palace woman shook her head and took out rice paper and charcoal pen and wrote: "The queen went to the national division."

Xiao Luo was so angry that the Buddha was born: "Since she went to the National Division, what did you bring me here? Come and see the decoration of this Funing Hall?"

At this moment, he really had the idea of ​​killing this dumb palace girl. He was looking for the queen of the moon, not the **** palace.

The dumb palace woman showed an innocent expression and wrote on rice paper: "Don't you let me take you to the Queen's palace?"

I~! @#¥%......

In Xiao Luo’s heart, she felt like she was being played by the dumb palace son-in-law. She was about to leave, not to be entangled with this dumb woman.

The dumb palace girl pulled his sleeve and looked at him with a smile.

"Don't bother me, let go!"

Xiao Luo is in a bad mood. This time, the tone is really cold and the eyes are extremely scary.

The dumb palace woman took a stunned spirit and stepped back two or three steps. After a long time, she returned to the gods and wrote on the rice paper with a charcoal pen: "What do you want to find the queen? Maybe I can help you."

"Tears, I want her tears!" Xiao Luo said coldly.

The dumb palace girl groaned and immediately wrote with a smile: "Every time the queen will cry, she will collect it with the Holy Grail. The Holy Grail is inside. I will help you take it."

Write it, turn and walk to the inner temple.


This is beyond the expectation of Xiao Luo. His purpose is not to find the queen of the moon, but to get the tears of the Queen of the Moon. Now the dumb palace woman said that the tears of the Queen of the Moon are in stock, it is not very fast. Can you get it?

Not long after, the dumb palace woman went out from the inner hall, and there was a small and delicate medicinal bottle in her hand, and her hands were sent to Xiao Luo.

"Is this the tear of the Queen of the Moon?" Xiao Luo was dubious.

The dumb woman smiled and focused on the head, and then wrote with a charcoal pen: "Do you have friends who have eaten the forbidden fruit?"

The tears of the Queen of the Moon came to the hand, and Xiao Luo’s hostility to her suddenly dropped: “Well”

"That should be taken to your friends. If the baby in the abdomen is formed, you must take an abortion medicine." Dumb Palace wrote.

Xiao Luo frowned, looking up and down the dumb palace girl, thinking that she is not an ordinary palace lady, or else how to know so much, he said: "Go and find a few silver needles."

The dumb palace woman is still half a beat slow, so I look at him.

"Forget it, use your hair."

Xiao Luo was too lazy to waste time looking for a silver needle. He pulled two blue silk from the head of the dumb palace girl, and broke it into several pieces and then poured it into the real power. This blue silk was as sharp as a silver needle, and then on the dumb palace woman. A little bit of acupuncture points, the dumb palace woman will petrified and stand still on the spot.

"You helped me find the tears of the Queen of the Moon. I will help you heal your illness. If I didn't guess wrong, you have had a terrible experience. If you are scared, you can't talk. I am now. Reactivate your nerves that cannot follow the brain."

At the same time as the speech, the silver needle condensed by the blue silk was plunged into the white neck of the dumb palace woman.

People greet, water suddenly, support sudden, gas house, these acupuncture points are tied with silver needles, and then the back bones of the bones, wind pool, wind house, dumb door, Tianzhu, each needle is deep and shallow The whole process is clean and neat, in one go, from the needle to the needle, a total of less than five breathing time.

Xiaoluo gently opened the acupuncture point of the dumb palace woman: "You should be able to speak now."

After all, the figure was remnant, and it left like a blast.

"Wait, you haven't told me what your name is."

The dumb palace woman chased two or three steps. The next second, the whole person suddenly horrified on the spot, coughed a few times, and his face was incredible. "I... I can talk..."


The noisy footsteps sounded, and the gentlemen who saw the movement outside the temple of Funing ran in.

"His Majesty?"

The head of the team saw the dumb palace girl, it was very shocking. "Are you not going to the National Teacher?"

"I am going, but I am back."

The dumb palace woman bears her hands, and a noble and elegant temperament is naturally released on her own.

"Your Majesty, you... can you talk?!"

The leader of the team has grown a big eye. Since he was ten years old, he was so scared that he lost his ability to speak. After nine years, his majesty suddenly spoke again. This is really incredible.

Other soldiers also find it difficult to believe and stay on the spot.

The dumb palace lady smiled and said: "I met a noble person, he cured me, right, went to the mother of the country to come over, I have something to discuss with her."

"Your Majesty, I happen to have something to discuss with you."

At this time, a burst of blue smoke floated in from outside the gate, a clear sound, and then the blue smoke in front of the dumb palace woman turned into a person. That is a woman ~ ~ looking at the age of about 30 years old, wearing a white robe, white robe mopping the floor, wearing a crown of heaven, looks beautiful, revealing a feminine atmosphere.

Seeing the woman, the other soldiers were very suitable to get up and retire.

"National teacher mother." Dumb palace woman happy to meet up.

"Funing, can you speak?" Guoshi was amazed. He thought it was an auditory hallucination. I didn't expect Funing to speak.

Funing nodded, his clear eyes were full of joy: "Mr. Guo, a man who healed me."

"the man?"

The face of the national teacher suddenly sank. "I am here, and I am reporting to you because of the coming of the country. According to General Zomon, the man was transferred from other places to this. Emperor level."

"Wuhuang level?"

Funing thought of the picture that Xiao Luo had just flew in the air, and his mouth raised a smile. "It seems to be him."

"What is he referring to in your mouth?"

"It is the man who heals my illness and allows me to talk again." Funing said.

"He just came here?" The national teacher was shocked.

Funing nodded.

"There was nowhere to go in the palace, even I couldn't find it."

The more the national teacher thinks, the more terrible it is. "Come, come on!"

"Your Majesty, Guoshi." A soldier rushed in.

"The mobilization of the heavy guardian Fu Ning Hall, without my order, a fly can not be put in." Guoshi ordered.

"Yes" the soldiers took the lead.

"Mother of the National Teacher, don't need this?" Funing shook his head and snorted.

The national teacher said seriously: "How can we not need this? Men are tigers, poisons, disasters, and they will only bring endless suffering to our women. It is necessary to remove men."

(End of this chapter)