MTL - Peerless Genius System-Chapter 834 Terrorist progress

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After breaking the enchantment, Xiao Luo was like a meteorite, and it landed on a giant square in the center of the Guangzu Holy Land.


In a sly manner, the pressure is centered on his standing point, and he whispers quietly around him. He walks over the flowers and grasses until he reaches the end of the edge of the sky city pool and stops.

"Little girl, have you felt it?" asked the duck emperor seriously.

“What do you feel?” The ghost whispered a small mouth.

Duck King said: "The entire air city is shaking slightly."

"Luo is invincible in the world, let the air city pool shake a few things, what a fuss." The ghost does not care.

The emperor’s expression of horror, what's so fussing? The size of this air city pool is as large as two or three towns. The weight is 10 million tons or even 100 million tons. It is no different from a mountain. It is only because of the breath of the outside that the horror of such a giant is trembled. Can you say that there is something fussing? This is a big thing to scare the urine.

Shortly after Xiao Luo landed, a large group of people from the Guangzu came from all directions.

"Who is good at the Holy Land? Have you eaten the daring leopard?"

A screaming sound, then a thin white man with a big knife on his shoulder appeared in the air directly in front of the square, his eyebrows were inverted, and looked at the fierce face.

Xiao Luo saw him, and there was a strong chill in his eyes. Because this person is not someone else, it was the day when he was humiliated in the original world, and he crushed his Kurisar with the strength of force.

"Is you? You... how did you come here?"

Curesa also recognized Xiao Luo at this time. The arrogance and the light and bleak posture disappeared. Instead, it was the incredible color of the face.

"Where is my wife?"

Xiao Luo's cold questioning, while stepping closer to him, every step, there is a deep footprint on the ground, his breath is also climbing.

Curisa had a swallowing of a saliva, and it was awkward, because in his opinion, it was not a person who came towards him, but a beast with a savage and fierce scream.

He fixed his mind and felt extremely angry at the fact that he was afraid of a Xiao clan: "There is no insult to our Lord, and you are like this, and you want to touch our Lord, and you simply want to eat swan meat." "He rushed to the people around the light family, "Architecture!!!"


Hundreds of Guangren people armed with long swords, surrounded Xiaoluo in the middle, they quickly changed their position. After the change of position and finalization, the long sword in their hands was like being given life.嗡嗡 ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ”

Sen's cold sword is overwhelming, making people feel like they are in the sea of ​​swords!

"Duck mom, is this a magnifying move?"

The duck feathers of the emperor's body couldn't help but stand upside down. "I feel like I have to be heartbroken!"

The ghost turned into a mini version of the duckling's duck emperor's pocket, raising the illusion of the hand and laughing: "Reassured, this girl will protect you."

"Then you can't be shy, no matter what the situation can't leave me, or I will be anxious with you."

The duck king quickly hurry to find a backing. Originally, Xiaoluo was the most suitable candidate. Obviously, it is not suitable in the Guangzu Holy Land. All the masters will concentrate on Xiaoluo. If it is looking for Xiaoluo’s backing, it will become the target of fire. With the strength of its weak chicken, how can it survive.

"Don't worry, you are so cute, how can I be willing to leave you, oh..." The ghost giggled, she didn't feel a little nervous.

Xiao Luo sneered at Curisha: "Let them die first?"

Curissa ignored him, but shouted at the crowd: "He is the rest of the Shaw family, don't have to be merciful, kill him!"

Xiao family? !

I heard these four words, and all the people in the presence of the Guangzu people were discolored. This is a taboo. It is an ethnic group outside the domain. Before the millennium, they and the Guangzu Holy Land fought in this mysterious world. I am afraid that thousands of souls in the mysterious world will be reduced to slaves of the Shaw family for their slavery. In their deep knowledge, the Shaw family has long been regarded as a vendetta.

"kill him!"

"Kill this devil, the rest of the Xiao family is damned!"

"The demon!"

Only a moment's work, these people will be with the enemy, naturally formed a sense of unity, that is to kill Xiao Luo, their eyes are full of hostility, shouting loudly.

"The demon?"

Xiao Luo is cold, "Is it by you?"

"Yes, let us kill,!" An angry voice rang in the crowd.


Hundreds of people shouted in unison, and the sound of the sky shook the sky. Thousands of bright swords hung in the air, and the hornet that received the order stabbed.

The speed of these swords is extremely fast, such as lightning, such as arrows, the sound of the smashing sound of "咻咻咻" is resounding between the heavens and the earth, and the picture is really amazing. If ordinary people see the rain of the sky I stabbed myself, fearing that I would scare my pants on the spot.


Xiaoluo didn't even look at the sword rain in the sky. The nose was scorned, and the real power of the body turned into an invisible force of imprisonment. It spread silently and silently, and all the swords were imprisoned in the air. Drop it again.

Hundreds of light people were slightly stunned, and the next second, they made every effort to spur their respective swords and vowed to make Xiaoluo into a dead body.

Under their full force, thousands of swords swayed violently and made a "squeaky" sound. These swords were also struggling on the mission, and it was a pity to break through the invisible force. Then, no matter how they are motivated, they can no longer puncture them down.


Xiao Luo took a step forward and immediately shaken the mountain. The horrible pressure was spread out from him. The hundreds of high-ranking people’s bodies were shaking, and the mouth screamed and screamed and flew out. In a flash, it collapsed into a powder, like sand.

Currissa’s eyes are full of incredible colors. This is the unique "smuggling sword array" of their Guangzuo. The power is boundless. Even the Wuzun-class powerhouses have deep jealousy, but the other party has underestimated the sword. The squad is broken, it is incredible. Compared with the last time, the strength of this guy has not only improved a little, but has improved a lot. If it is like climbing a mountain, then he suddenly rushed to the top of the mountain.

What happened to him in these months?

Was the guardian of the original world trained him?

Even if a guardian trains him, this progress is too horrible.

(End of this chapter)