MTL - Peerless Martial God 2-v5 Chapter 1645 Devil wolf reappears!

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Lin Feng thought it would be a little angry. He helped them to destroy the mother-in-law, but they were suspected of suspicion. If it wasn’t for themselves, I’m afraid that the result is not like this!

Enemy Qiuyuan's cool study

Wang Yuan’s words were slogan. After a while, he said: “Lin Feng, Wang’s head... He was also seriously injured... Now it’s time to talk about the key moments of the country’s survival. The realm of the realm has suddenly incited rebellion and no longer wants to follow the laws of the world. Acting on the regulations, they... they want to establish a new order on this planet..."

Wang Yuan’s words Lin Feng naturally understood. In the past, these comprehensible people all joined the WTO to be ordinary people. The way of practicing is only a private matter. It seems that these people are now uneasy about self-cultivation. This is the meaning of establishing a country of comprehension!

Wang Yuan saw Lin Feng not talking, and then continued: "You should not care about the previous things. Now the mui and floating mulberry countries have already controlled their country. Now they formally challenge us, if we The Chinese comprehension community has been defeated, then... then we all have to be slaves to the country!"

To talk about personal grievances, Lin Feng has always been very clear-minded, but when it comes to the fall of China, Lin Feng can't help but think about it: "Oh, then I will go back as soon as possible!"

The rise and fall of the country, the responsibility of the husband, this is the old saying, but also one of Lin Feng’s own beliefs!

However, Lin Feng is now more urgent with his own affairs. He wants to find Linglingjiao. Lin Feng hangs up and calls the land war. Lin Feng is Lin Feng, excited to ask where Lin Feng is, when I heard Lin Feng back. After arriving in Jiangnan City, I was even more excited!

"Lin Feng, where are you now, I am going now!" Lin Feng told his address, but did not expect less than twenty minutes, the land war appeared in the downstairs!

Lin Feng jumped to the ground, and the land war excitedly came up to hold Lin Feng's hand: "Lin Feng, are you not going to perform tasks with Wang Yuan, how come you don't tell me?"

Enemy, land, and love

"I just came back, this is not the case of this change, where did you come from?"

"I came from the opposite street. You should know. Feng family died in the dead. Most of them were underground. There is actually a underground secret room. It seems that they have raised a large beast. I just investigated it on the spot." The land war does not hide the road.

"Oh, that's not a beast, it's a monster that can only be repaired." Lin Feng did not hide it, and simply said the story.

After listening to the fear of the land war, Lin Feng then asked: "Right, where is Linglingjiao now?"

Since the last time I left Jiangnan City, Lin Feng has not seen Nian Lingjiao. When Lin Yi asked Lin Feng to ask Nian Lingjiao, he immediately said, "Oh, look at my memory, I forgot about it." Well, we are still in the field just now, I forgot to ask her to come together when excited!"

Saying that the land war made a phone call, said the address, after hanging up the phone, the land war said: "You still don't know, Nian Lingjiao has now become the most powerful figure in Jiangnan City, now I am Her men."

Lin Feng looked at the land battle inexplicably. He still didn't talk. Suddenly he felt a familiar atmosphere from far and near, but he saw Ning Lingjiao flying from the opposite floor. Lin Feng saw the mind. She couldn’t help but see her, she was wearing a police officer’s uniform, not to mention how heroic!

And Ling Lingjiao flew down to the ground, and he plunged into Lin Feng’s arms at one end. He cried, “Lin Feng... I want to die, you have been there for so long... Oh..."

Enemy far away ghost enemy ball battle moon ball

This Lin Feng is really a little unprepared. In the battlefield of the Eight Dynasties, although the two sides can be said that Lang is interested, but never reached the most substantial step, now Ning Lingjiao actually took the initiative to send Hug, I really let Lin Feng feel a bit flattered!

Lin Feng quickly hugged the mindfulness, gently patted her head and said: "Don't cry, don't cry, I am not coming back to find you, let's have something advanced, let's talk about it..."

After the hatred of the ghosts and grandchildren

"Hey, you said, I won’t come back after a long time. Do you know how much I worry about you? I’m afraid that you will never come back again!” Ning Ling Jiao Wei, then said: “Lin Feng, I think all When I got up, everything in the battlefields of the eight parties was remembered. I thought that I was brought to the earth by the avatar of the eternal devil. Together, I brought you the golden moon, the green phoenix and the ancestors. They are now you. did you find it?"

After the hatred of the ghosts and grandchildren to pick up the cold and lonely feelings, listening to the fear of the land war, Lin Feng then asked: "Right, where is Linglingjiao now?"

Looking at the anxious and worried Nian Lingjiao, Lin Feng nodded and said: "Now, in addition to the golden moon, I have found it, Qinghuang Tian and Linzu have already found it, Lin Zu is now in the house..."

Affair of the enemy

When Lingujiao listened, he immediately screamed and loosened Lin Feng and ran into the hotel. The land war hurriedly shouted: "Master... can you pay attention to the police image..."

Lin Feng looked at Ning Lingjiao like a little girl and looked like a little girl. She slipped through a warm stream and patted the shoulder of the land battle and asked, "What did you call? Are you calling her master?"

Not far from the ground, the enemy is cold and cold

The land war nodded and said: "Well, I recognize her as a master. She is really good. She taught me many tricks of cultivation. I am also in the spiritual training stage and upgraded!"

When I came to the hotel, I saw Lin Zu when I entered the house, but I was already crying with Miao Lingjiao, and I was crying. "Lin Zu, where have you been in these days?" I can't imagine how you came alone!"

Lin Zu saw Lin Feng coming in, excitedly called: "Dad..."

Lin Feng was also excited about the past, holding both of them in their arms, Lin Feng heart hot, I did not expect, after a thousand hardships, finally reunited together!

The land war swallowed, watching the three people, muttering: "Lin... Lin Feng... You are not mistaken, is this really your son?"

The land war can't believe it. Looking at Lin Zu should be 14 or 5 years old, and Lin Feng seems to be at most 21, which is not a father-son relationship. !

The enemy’s distant love, the sun’s ball, is cold by me.

Lin Feng smiled and didn't talk. The hidden feelings in it were too many. How can I make it clear in a while? !

The enemy’s distant love is due to the coldness of the Sun’s ball. It may have smelled the atmosphere of Lin Feng and others. So I came out to see it. When I saw Lin Feng and others, I immediately became fierce and shouted, and I broke out from it. A few giant wolves, rushed toward Lin Feng and so on!

At this time, the mobile phone of the land war rang. He was shocked when he picked it up. He asked, "What? You found the wolf? Where?"

Hang up the phone after the land battle: "Lin Feng, found the beasts that escaped in the east of the city, our people have surrounded them, I have to hurry..."

Lin Feng looked at Lingling, and thought of nodding. "I also go together, just to see these monsters!"

Qingyue Road: "Lin Feng, I will not go, I want to go back to Qingcheng Mountain first."

Lin Feng nodded. Although the Qingyue was also a bit of a skill and a repair, but the fear of these monster wolves is not enough, he asked: "How do you plan to go back, is it safe to go back alone?"

Qing Yuedao: "Not a person, this time you rescued people, there are several elders of Qingcheng Mountain, we will go back together, there will be nothing!"

After a simple farewell, Lin Feng and others went out of the hotel. Lin Feng directly released the Pangu Compass and took the people directly to sit up. The people on the street immediately screamed at the sight. Someone was yelling: "Yeah, that... Is it a flying saucer..."

Lin Feng controlled the compass to take off directly. It disappeared in the blink of an eye. This compass is an ancient artifact. It can be said that it is a super-existing existence. It is not flying at all. It seems to be directly through time and space. When flying, it automatically forms a The self-closing time and space of the ball, the wind outside is loud, but it is as calm as the sun glass room!

The land war was stunned and it was almost impossible to say anything!

Soon I went to the eastern suburbs. Looking down, I quickly saw the lights flashing in one place. When Lin Feng lowered the compass to the ground, those people in the subject matter were all shocked, but they saw the land war and After the Linglingjiao immediately surrounded up, they reported the situation!

It turned out that this is a farm. After the wild wolves got into it, they didn't come out again. They sent several small teams to inquire about the news, but they never went back!

After the hatred of the enemy, the ship hates the cold Lord

"Lin Feng, what should I do?" asked Ning Lingjiao.

"What can I do, of course, I broke in!" Lin Fengdao, after taking the lead, went to the door where the farm was really broken. There was a huge **** paw print on the ground. This became a ready guide. !

After walking to the inside for a few kilometers, I went to the farm's work area, and countless greenhouses were towering. When Lin Feng and others waited, the people behind them followed up. One of them said: "The land team, do you want to fire up?" ?"

They all held all kinds of firearms in their hands. Lin Feng shook his head and stopped their reckless actions. Now, when it’s not a stunned snake, Lin Feng doesn’t want to take too much trouble now. He directly took out the Shadow Spirit Kendo: “You first Don't move, I will go by myself!"

The land war is worried: "Are you alone? Or will you still attack it!"

Lin Feng smiled and said: "Do you think the storm is useful? It is not an ordinary animal. The bullets of this kind of firearm can't penetrate the fur on them. It can only be in vain!"

A non-Keco single-ball

"I am going with you!"

When the voice just fell, I suddenly heard a strange whistle. From a shed in the distance, I pulled out a demon The height of the body was two meters away, and the hair on the body was tight. Teeth, splashes of water, all blood!

After the end of the field, the enemy hate the hate

There are still half people in its mouth! It is the person who came in and explored before!

After the end of the field, the enemy hate the ghost and hate the ball. The land war is stunned, and it is almost impossible to say anything!

It may smell the atmosphere of Lin Feng and others, so I came out to check it out. When I saw Lin Feng and others, I immediately became fierce and shouted. I also pulled out a few giant wolves from inside and rushed toward Lin Feng. !

"Ah..." The people hiding behind Lin Feng were screaming, and some people immediately fired a gun. The fire snakes spurted on the devil wolves, but they couldn’t even hurt the fur. Their fierceness!

Soon these people's bullets were burned, and the devil wolf rushed to the front, Lin Feng quickly released the compass, so that these people all hide inside!

[Today's three chapters are updated. From the first day to the fourth day, the two chapters are updated. In February, the recovery began to resume three chapters, but the warranty in February was updated to two. 】