MTL - Peerless Martial God 2-v5 Chapter 1646 The ultimate kill!

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Lin Feng and Nian Ling Jiao just greeted him. Lin Feng handed the Shadow Soul sword to Nian Lingjiao. He took out the Xuanyuan sword that had not been used for a long time from the storage and storage ring. They had two swords and two swords. One stroke cut, directly smashed the head of a demon wolf!

The huge wolf body fell to the ground, desperately licking the limbs, and soon broke off!

The other demon wolves did not retreat at all, and they brushed to Lin Feng and Nian Lingjiao!

Nian Lingjiao said: "Let's start killing the ring today, and regain our feelings when we are in the battle of all directions!"

In the battlefield of the Eight Dynasties, Ning Lingjiao and Lin Feng were born and died together. It was once a tacit understanding between each other. Although it was a long time ago, it is still in the eyes, so people yearn for it!

Jieyuan Branch, far-reaching, and unacceptable

Lin Feng nodded: "Good! Eliminate these animals together!"

Lin Feng and Nian Lingjiao have a double back and are consistent with each other. The two people's bodies are tightly close together, and the body temperature of each other is passed over, extremely warm!

Four demon wolves surrounded the two in the middle, holding on to the non-stop demonstration, and finally a demon wolf first rushed up, opened the blood bowl and bite it down!

"Out of the sword!"

Nian Lingjiao stabbed a sword, the huge sword shadow for dozens of meters, can be cut through this side of the world, the devil wolf is only awesome and only confessed, and was directly stunned by a spirit and a sword. , plopped down on the ground, dead clean!

"Lin Feng, do you see if I have progressed again?" asked Ling Jiao Jiao Jiao.

The enemies are not covered by the enemy

"Well, it seems that you are still the one who refuses to accept the loss of the spirit! Remember that when we were in the battlefield of the Eight Realms, you have been dissatisfied with me, the temper has not changed!" Lin Feng smiled and also sent a sword!

The Xuanyuan Sword is also the absolute mouthpiece in the implement. A sword is swung out, stirring the piece of the sky, rolling up the murderousness, directly smashing a magic wolf that has been thrown up into a **** fog, spilling on this fertile farm. on!

These four demon wolves are not enough for Lin Feng and Nian Lingjiao to clean up, no two photos are all reimbursed!

This scene was seen by the land war and other people, but it was in the heart, such a powerful combat power, but they could not think about it, if they were replaced, they would be hurt if they were not dead!

"The land team, this is what you have been talking about, Lin Feng? What is he doing, how is it so powerful?" asked a special police officer next to him.

"Oh, I don't know, I think... I think it should be the strongest place on our planet..." The land murmurs, but the heart is envious, if you have such a powerful skill, What a beautiful thing that should be!

Just when they thought the danger had been lifted, a large shed in the distance suddenly collapsed, and a larger demon wolf emerged from it!

This demon wolf is ten meters high, directly flipping the big shed, Lin Feng recognized it at a glance, this is the real master! It is the nine-tailed demon wolf that escaped, which is the transformation of the witch's holy Buddha!

After the enemy’s enemies, the post-ball battle

The nine-tailed demon wolf slowly approached Lin Feng and Nian Lingjiao, but it was a human voice: "Lin Feng... Are you really going to kill it, destroying me, repairing my millennium is not enough?"

Its vocalization can scare the land war and other people. Where have they seen such talking animals, all of them are shocked and chin has fallen, and it is no different from seeing ghosts!

Lin Feng sneered: "Women's holy Buddha, you are going to talk nonsense again, aren't those who have been eaten by you not killed by you? You are purely self-satisfied, and your son of the demon, he is where?!"

The nine-tailed devil wolf screamed: "This world is a weak meat, they should be the food in my mouth. It is their honor to be eaten by me! Hahahaha, you want to find the magic of the ages, I am afraid you don't have that. Opportunity!"

After the hatred of the ghosts, the hate

After that, the remaining tails of the nine-tailed demon wolf suddenly exploded, and all of them turned into wolf heads, all with a big mouth, sweeping to Lin Feng and Nian Lingjiao and Lin Feng!

This tail is full of water tank thickness, with a hurricane and blood, very powerful!

Lin Feng and Nian Lingjiao simultaneously attacked the sword, and two swords lighted out. They cut off the heads on several tails directly, and the screams of the devil wolf screamed, and the mouth spouted a blood group, each blood group. There have been countless twisted faces!

These are all monks and souls swallowed up by the nine-tailed demon wolf, but now they have lost their original consciousness, and all of them become fierce. If they are bitten by them, it is estimated that they will win even the slag!

Lin Feng quickly released the enchantment of the road, the blood group hit the enchantment, but did not collapse, but desperately want to break through the enchantment, Lin Feng a sword stabbed a blood group, a burst of burst Open, the souls that were wrapped in them got rid of the bondage, and the expression on their faces became peaceful and slowly dissipated into the air!

Nian Lingjiao also did the same, and pierced these blood groups in succession, releasing the souls inside!

After Sun Yuanyuan’s far-off independence, he hated by the ghosts.

And the nine-tailed demon wolf sees his own blood group in front of Lin Feng and Nian Lingjiao so vulnerable, it seems that they have no chance of winning today, and they screamed to start to retreat, suddenly turned to fight the land and Linzu direction!

After Sun Yuandi was far away, he hated being shown by the ghosts. "Land war, now we are going to Kyoto. There is a practice here, I hope to be useful to you."

The bang was bounced back by the mask on the Pangu compass, leaving only a group of blood shadows on the mask. The nine-tailed wolf has not reacted from the stun, Lin Feng and Nian Lingjiao have arrived. On both sides of it, each sword stabbed into its double ribs!

After stabbing a sword, Lin Feng’s Nian Lingjiao is very tacit and pulls out the sword and quits dozens of meters. The nine-tailed demon wolf looks like a shackle, and a black gas erupts from the wound, mixed with black blood. Poured on the ground, braving a strand of blue smoke, corroding the things on the ground!

"Lin Feng... You kill me today... I will be revenge for me in the future." The nine-tailed wolf finally muttered, and at the same time the figure became a little bit, slowly becoming smaller, and the hair on the body was also Start to shorten quickly, and even restore the human form again!

Only this time is no longer the beautiful Buddha girl that Lin Feng saw, but turned into a wrinkled old man, only to see this wrinkle, she knows that she is definitely a thousand years old monster!

Finally she stopped moving and completely died!

Knocking away from the ghosts of the ghosts

The land war and other people all screamed. They couldn't believe their eyes. They were obviously a demon wolf, but they turned into an old lady in front of their eyes. !

Lin Feng used to kick the old corpse of the old man. I still feel a little uncomfortable in my heart. Anyway, she was a human being before, or a god-like ancient figure. I didn’t expect it to ruin my life because of evil thoughts!

When Lin Feng was collecting the sword, Nian Lingjiao suddenly said: "Lin Feng, what do you think is that?"

Lin Feng discovered that under the old man’s body, a piece of parcel was pressed. Lin Feng picked it up with a sword, but found that it was the red red flaming whip used by the previous witch’s sacred Buddha. There was also a small inside. book.

Lin Feng picked it up and saw that there were four small characters on the cover of this little book: Ding Ding.

Lin Feng opened it and looked at it. Immediately he came to the interest. It even recorded the method of refining the medicine of the alchemy, and the book claimed to be from the hand of the son-in-law!

Lin Feng handed the little book and the small leather whip to the sacred charm: "These you hold it, maybe it will be useful."

After thinking about it, Lin Feng flew into the air, and a sword was inserted into the ground. Only a light pick, immediately dug a large pit more than ten meters deep, and buried all the bodies of these demon wolves and daddy. Going in, and then pulling back and filling back to the original state, it is also the last good thing, did not let them expose the body to the wild!

When the crisis was lifted, Lin Feng received the sword and said to the spirits: "Where are your parents, do you want to tell them, then we may have to go to Kyoto!"

Nian Lingjiao listened to Lin Feng’s saying, immediately shook his head: “This is no need to...”

The knot is not a ghost, and it is a cold enemy.

The knot is not the ghost of the ship to pick up the cold enemy enemy and Lin Feng and Nian Ling Jiao just greeted him. Lin Feng handed the Shadow Soul sword to Nian Lingjiao, and he took it out of the storage and storage ring for a long time. The Xuanyuan sword, two men and two swords, a pair of swords combined, a stroke cut, directly smashed the head of a demon wolf!

Lin Lingjiao seems to want to stop and say, Lin Feng can not help but frown, since Nian Lingjiao said so, Lin Feng does not need to say anything.

"Lin Feng, are you going to Kyoto again?" The land war asked a little bit, Lin Feng nodded and thought about it. He took out a practice method from the storage ring and handed it to the land battle.

"Land war, now we are going to Kyoto. There is a practice here, I hope to be useful to you."

The land war immediately excited, although he has not seen the specific content, but he believes that Lin Feng can take out the things, it is definitely not a product, quickly said: "It is definitely useful, certainly useful, thank you, Lin Feng !"

The land war is also very fascinating to the mind: "Master, you have to go to Kyoto, then when are you coming back?"

Nian Lingjiao smiled and said: "Land war, follow the book and practice well. If you have a chance, you will see you again. If you practice well, then I can rest assured!"

After that, it’s not a cold ship.

After some resignation Lin Feng and Nian Ling Jiao Linzu boarded the compass, vacated, and headed for Kyoto to face the sunset!

The land war looked at Lin Feng, who disappeared into the sky. The long silence was silent, and tears were already in his eyes. He thought in his heart: "Lin Feng, master... goodbye..."

Sun Yuan Qiufang Sun Xue picks up the lonely moon ghost

"Lin Zu, how is your current repair?" Lin Feng asked on the compass. Lin Zu slammed his fist and said: "I am repaired... I have lost a lot. The environment here is really different from the eight-party battlefield. Is this the planet you were born in?"

Lin Feng looked at the deep night sky and nodded. All of them said: "Yes, this is the planet I was born and raised. This is my home country. Everything here is so peaceful, but now it is full of killing. It’s really sad...”

Lin Feng has always had a bit of wondering why everything is so ordinary when he walks, there is no comprehension, no monsters, but everything has changed since he came back?