MTL - Peerless Spirit Master-Chapter 456 Valkyrie, what is it? 【1 more】

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   Chapter 456 Valkyrie, what is it? 【1 more】

  Feng Langyan's lips moved slightly: "Do you know what I want to ask?"

  Although she has never met Long Yu herself, she can feel the strong affinity.

  Perhaps, the masters of the gods can make others involuntarily get close?

   "Yes, I know." Long Jing clapped her hand and sighed slightly, "You want to ask why I am so powerful, but I didn't intervene in the battle of Canglan that year?"

  Feng Langhuan was silent.

  Yes, that's what she wanted to ask.

  If Longyu's cultivation was so powerful, how could he let Fengya die on the battlefield?

  Feng Langhuan never believed that with Longyu's cultivation, she would not know about the Battle of Canglan.

   "As a member of Shenxuan Island, I can't interfere in anything related to the nine clans." Long Jing whispered, "The Battle of Canglan, its essence is a racial war, so it is even more impossible for me to intervene."

   Back then, when she entered the Suzaku Imperial City, she only slaughtered most of the Helian royal family, and did not cause the Suzaku Kingdom to perish.

   Therefore, the law enforcement cannot hold her accountable too much.

   But if she had destroyed the entire Suzaku Kingdom at that time, then what awaited her would not only be the pursuit of the law enforcers, but also the punishment from heaven.

   cannot be violated.

   And it doesn't matter if Tiandao only punishes her alone, the important thing is that it will also link up future generations and deprive her of the power of luck.

   is worth the loss.

What about the    Tenjin Rank?

  Fate is not firmly in your hands, how sad.

   But fortunately, she finally escaped the law enforcement's sight, came to the battlefield outside Canglan City, and rescued her son.

   "My daughter-in-law understands." Feng Langhuan lowered her eyes and smiled, "You can't help yourself, I won't blame you."

   "Actually..." Seeing her like this, Long Yu hesitated.

   Do you want to tell them that Fengya is not dead?

  Longyu thought for a moment, but decided not to tell.

   She hasn't found out where Fengya is yet, so let's make plans after she asks the island owner.

  It's a pity... After so many years, the island owner has disappeared for a long time, and even she doesn't know where the island owner is.

  Hopefully, the island owner can take the initiative to show up in the near future.

  Longyu has always been very strange that she couldn't even sense where Qing Fengya was.

   However, when she left, in order to protect Fengya and Qingtian, she left a consciousness on them, and she could know where they were and what happened to them at any time.

   But after she handed Fengya to the island owner, after a while, she found that she lost contact with her divine consciousness.

  Longxiao frowned. Could it be that the island owner erased the connection between her and Fengya?

  But since the island owner saved Fengya, why did he do this?

   At that time, if it wasn't for her inability to save Fengya, she would never have given her son to anyone.

   What's more, Shenxuan Island Master also made an oath in the way of heaven, and he would definitely not hurt Fengya half a point.

   If this kind of oath is violated, then it is not as simple as being lost.

   Strange, so strange.

   Ever since she left the guard, Long Yu's heart has been unable to let go.

   A big nine clan, with her cultivation base, was still unable to find her son.

   Stop, stop, she can't be too hasty.

   As long as Fengya is ok, it will be fine.

  Longyao sighed quietly, and finally swallowed the sentence - Fengya didn't die.

   "Grandma, do you still want to go back to Shenxuan Island?" Qing Yunge was a little puzzled, "Is Shenxuan Island still restricting your time out?"

   Looking at Dan Gan's appearance, her grandma's cultivation base is placed on Shenxuan Island, so I'm afraid it's not weak, right?

  The **** rank is also limited by those so-called rules and regulations?

   "It's not Shenxuan Island." Long Jing smiled lightly, she raised her finger and pointed to it, and said in a low voice, "It's this plane that restricts me."

   Hearing the words, Qing Yunge's pupils shrank slightly: "A plane?"

  The way of heaven sounds illusory, but it is like an invisible judge.

The    plane is really a dead thing, how can it limit a person?

   "Yunge, your cultivation base has not yet reached the point where you can comprehend the Great Dao. Knowing some things will only add to your troubles." Long Yu shook her head, "So, it's not that grandma didn't tell you."

   "I know." Qing Yunge didn't care, her eyes were firm, "I will work hard."

"Good boy." Long Hua's eyes were gentle, "Grandma has strict rules on the number and time of leaving the island, so I can't help you too much. After you come to Shenxuan Island, grandma will teach you everything. ."

   "Grandma, you..." Qing Yunge hesitated for a while, "Why don't you take advantage of this time to see Grandpa?"

   She could see that Long Yu had not forgotten Qingtian.

   Everything in the past is just because of involuntary.

   "Cough..." Hearing this, Long Yu couldn't help but clenched her fist and coughed lightly.

   Then, there was a light pink on her cheeks, like the weak cherry blossoms slowly blooming on the high branches of the early spring.

   "I'm still..." Long Yu's voice paused and seemed a little embarrassed, "I didn't plan how to meet him."

   Hearing this, Qing Yunge was stunned for a moment, then laughed.

   Never would have imagined that her grandma, such a reclusive master, had seen countless springs, summers, autumns and winters in the world, and she actually had the attitude of a young daughter in this kind of thing.

If    spreads to the ears of the people on Shenxuan Island, it will probably surprise people, right?

  It seems that love can really change a person.

   "Stop laughing." Long Yu's face was stern, and she pretended to be stern, "No big or small, just like your father when you were young."

  Qing Yunge touched his head, laughed again, and said solemnly: "I was wrong, grandma."

   Oops, her grandma is pretty cute too.

   But a gentle person like her grandmother, how could she like her grandfather's violent temper.

   But looking at her grandmother's arrogant appearance, her grandfather may also be a strict wife?

  Huh... When she goes back, she must make fun of Mr. Qing.

   "Ah, Yunge, I have to go." Long Yan's expression became serious, "I don't know when we will meet next time. You must take care of yourselves."

   Not every time she encounters danger, she can appear in time like today.

   Feng Langhuan and Qing Yunge both nodded.

"Yunge, remember—" This time, Long Hua said to the girl in the red skirt, "You must not take shortcuts in the way of cultivation. Don't see others using a lot of elixir to accumulate cultivation, and you should follow along. "

   "Only by consolidating the foundation step by step and making progress slowly can you reach the Dao in the future."

   Qing Yunge is clear.

  A panacea can solve a temporary need, but not a lifetime.

   Moreover, it will also increase the bottlenecks encountered in the future cultivation process.

   Talented people will not touch these things.

   "Grandma, I still have a question I want to ask you." Qing Yunge thought about it, and chose spiritual power transmission, "Do you know... what is the Valkyrie?"

   To Qing Yunge's surprise, after hearing these three words, Long Yu's expression changed drastically, and she lost her temper for the first time.

   "Grandma?" She tentatively asked, with doubts growing in her eyes.

  Qing Yunge still remembered that in the Nine Gods Academy, when Yue Linghan saw her wearing the Chaos Armor, she accidentally shouted - Valkyrie.

   But obviously, Yue Linghan was not willing to say anything else about Valkyrie.

Among the    nine clans, Qing Yunge had never heard of this taboo, so one can imagine that this taboo is known only to those on Shenxuan Island.

   Since her grandmother is also from Shenxuan Island and her cultivation is so high, she must know about the Valkyrie, right?

   "Yunge..." Long Yu's brows furrowed, her eyes locked tightly to the girl in the red dress, "How did you know the word Valkyrie?"

   "When I was in the college competition, I once met a son of the Moon Clan." Qing Yunge briefly explained, "I learned about the Valkyrie from him."

   For some reason, she always felt that it was better not to reveal the Chaos Armor for the time being.

   Qing Yunge's eyes darkened slightly, always feeling... Chaos armor is more terrifying than Fenglijian.

   "Academy competition? The son of the Moon Clan?" Long Yu thought for a moment, "Is that the seventh son of Yueling Hanyue?"

   "It's him." Qing Yunge was not surprised that her grandmother could call out Yue Linghan's name at once.

   "No wonder." Long Jing nodded slightly, "Ling Hanbowen has a strong knowledge, and he reads various books, no wonder he knows the Valkyrie."

   In the words, there is quite a sense of appreciation.

   "So grandma..." Qing Yunge pursed her lips, "What exactly is a Valkyrie?"

  Why does Yue Linghan call her the Valkyrie?

   Even if she wears the Chaos Armor and looks like a Valkyrie, with Yue Linghan's meticulousness, she wouldn't say so.

   "Valkyrie..." Hearing this, Long Yu raised her head, a thin mist of mist brushed past her eyes, hazy, "Valkyrie is a legendary name."

   "Legend?" Hearing this sentence, Qing Yunge frowned, "So, the Valkyrie is fake?"

   "No." Long Jing shook her head lightly, "It can also be said to be true, but no one has seen it before, and even the five clans of Shenxuan Island may not know the name."

   "Ling Han is also impressed because he has read too many books."

  Since none of the five tribes of Shenxuan Island know about it, how did you know, grandma?

   What is your identity on Shenxuan Island?

  Qing Yunge looked at Longyu, but still didn't ask this question.

  Because, as Longxiao said, she can't know too much at the moment.

   When what you know exceeds your strength, you will feel great pressure.

   is like a phantom.

   "Yunge, don't think about any Valkyrie anymore." Long Yu's expression became stern, "This is not something you should consider, what you have to do is to walk the road in front of you."

   "I understand, grandma." Qing Yunge nodded, "I will go to Shenxuan Island to find you."

   "Okay!" Long Yu smiled slightly, "Then grandma will leave first, remember to take care of your mother..."

   There is another sentence behind her that she didn't say, until the day Fengya comes back!

   Teleportation can only be used within a short distance, all Longyu returned to Shenxuan Island using the Shattered Void.

   As soon as I went back, I met a few law enforcement officers.

   "What?" Long Yu looked at them and said coldly, "Want to arrest me?"

  This time, she just killed the little gangsters of the Dan clan, and none of the nine clansmen moved.

   Even if the law enforcers wanted to arrest her, they would be unknown.

   Hearing this sentence, several law enforcers first glanced at each other before saying helplessly: "Don't dare, it's just that the Dan family asked us to invite you to the Dan family to gather."

   "Dan Gan sued so soon?" Long Yu put her hands on her back and looked indifferent, "What a bastard, I knew this seat should kill him together."

   As soon as these words came out, the law enforcers were a little frightened, and they didn't know how many times they scolded the Dan tribe.

  You say you want to invite others, and you will be finished if you don’t go yourself, and asking them to invite them is simply useless.

   If it wasn't for the Dan Clan who came up with the top elixir, they wouldn't have done this kind of drudgery.

   You must know that the person in front of you is someone who once dared to kill even a law enforcement officer.

   But Long Yu's identity is very special. Although they are under the control of their enforcers, they also control the enforcers in some aspects.

   "Let's go." Long Yu didn't embarrass them, and took the lead, "Next time, don't risk your own life for a few pills."

   "Thank you Lord Longyu for your warning." Several law enforcement officers sighed in relief, clasped their fists and respectfully said, and quickly got up and followed.

Behind   , there is a vast white mist.


   On the blue sky, the white clouds and mists are spotless, like the fluff of cotton fluttering in the wind.

  The scorching sun hangs high in the air, scorching the earth.

   In the distance, a group of willow trees with soft branches cast shadows.

   is another unknown place.

   And it can be seen that this place is not on the ground, but in the air.

   However, it is not the city in the sky where the angel family lives.

  Because of this place, the appearance looks very ordinary.

  If you don't look carefully, you will think it is just an ordinary cloud.

   Actually, this cloud-like thing is a door into that place.

Inside the door, leading to the unknown, even the stone steps inside are paved with white clouds.

   Walking up the stone steps, you can see a floating cave.

   It was also at this moment that a few light breaths came from the cave.

   His voice was slightly cold, and he seemed to be seriously injured.

   panting, someone slowly got up, his voice was slightly low, and called out: "Dragon God, how is it?"

   After a while, another voice sounded, as if a giant bronze bell was roaring in my ears, and thunder rolled in.

   I don't like too many chapters, why do others add five chapters and five thousand words, while I add three chapters and ten thousand words, and some people think I have less?

   In this case, I can divide it into more than ten chapters, doesn’t it look more ╮(╯_╰)╭



   (end of this chapter)

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