MTL - Peerless Spirit Master-Chapter 457 The Key of the Plane! Meet the Dragon God! 【2 more】

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   Chapter 457 The Key of the Plane! Meet the Dragon God! 【2 more】

   "It's still..." The ancient and majestic voice paused for a while before sighing, "Failed."

   "Failed again." The man in white opened his eyes, and a faint golden light flowed from the bottom of his pupils, like a crescent moon on a river, casting a shallow brilliance.

   He pointed his toes and swept down from the high platform, and the white clothes fell automatically without wind.

  Rong Jinhuai stood there quietly. After a long, long silence, he asked softly, "Dragon God, do you remember, this is the first time you have failed?"

   After a long time, the low voice came again: "I remember it very clearly, it's the eighth time..."

   "Yeah, it's the eighth time." Hearing this, Rong Jinhuai chuckled lightly, "Only the last time left."

   "If you fail next time, I'm afraid you won't have this chance again." He lowered his eyebrows and said in a shallow voice, "Dragon God, everything you have done for me has become in vain."

  Dragon God was silent.

   After a long while, he sounded like a bronze bell roaring again: "For you, I am willing."

   "But I failed your expectations." Rong Jinhuai's eyes darkened slightly, "You used your flesh and blood to open up such a path for me, but I didn't have the luck to inherit it."

   "You've done a good job." The Dragon God said kindly, "If it were someone else, you wouldn't be able to achieve your level."

   "They, I'm afraid even the young master can't be."

   Another long silence.

   "A while ago..." Rong Jinhuai fluttered his clothes, sat down cross-legged, closed his eyes, and said lightly, "The Emperor asked me if I knew where you were."

   "Oh?" The Dragon God seemed a little surprised, "How did you answer."

   "I said, I know." Rong Jinhuai nodded, "Just can't tell him where you are."

   Hearing this, the Dragon God was silent for a while before saying, "I thought you would tell him that I am dead."

   "No..." Rong Jinhuai raised his eyes, "You are not dead."

   After a pause, he emphasized again: "You are still alive."

   "This is in your opinion, child." The Dragon God smiled, with helplessness in his laughter, "I look like this now, what's the difference between death and death."

After the words    fell to the ground, the white cloud in the depths finally dispersed, and the true face of the Dragon God was finally exposed in the air.

   Surprisingly, the man in white was not talking to a golden ancient dragon with wings and four claws, but a... huge skeleton!

  The pale skeleton was firmly fixed to a wall.

Above the    savage dragon head, there are two points of light flickering, flickering and disappearing.

   The huge dragon body occupies the wall several dozen feet high.

   Looking around, it was actually a pile of bones.

   "Look..." The voice came from the dragon head that had turned into a skeleton, "I can't move, I can't see, what's the difference between being dead?"

  The Dragon God sighed a long time: "Child, you have to learn to accept that sometimes death may be a new birth."

   He exchanged his death for the hope of this world, which was very worthwhile in the eyes of the Dragon God.

   "It's not you who is born, isn't it?" Rong Jinhuai was noncommittal, his eyes swept away, "Also, I know very well that if I really succeed, you will completely disappear the moment I succeed."

   "There is always a price to pay." Dragon God doesn't care, "If you can completely control this plane, then other things will be solved head on."

  Dragon God, in fact, did not disappear.

   It is true that in the battle 7,000 years ago, he also lost a lot of the source of life because of the strong action using the Dragon Jin Fan.

   But this life originates from him, and it is almost non-existent.

   It can be said that among the five chaotic beasts of the orc race, although the Dragon God is not the strongest, weaker than the colorful phoenix, the physical strength of the Dragon God is definitely the existence of a divine weapon.

   His source of life is also the most profound among the five.

   The reason why there is no trace of the Dragon God among the nine clans is because he used his own flesh and blood as a sacrifice to open the passage to the Key of the Plane.

  The key to the plane, as the name suggests, is the key to a plane.

  If you can get the key of the plane, then you can become the master of this plane.

   Not all planes have plane keys, only unowned planes will have plane keys.

   And most of the planes, from the moment it was created, are owned, unowned planes, very few.

   Once you become the master of a plane, you can control the plane and even kill other creatures.

   But the biggest advantage is that you can get a steady stream of faith.

  The power of faith can enable practitioners to enter a higher level and become a strong traveler.

   Similarly, by becoming the master of the plane, you can better protect the people you care about.

   Rong Jinhuai doesn't care about the power of belief, he cares about the latter.

  Unfortunately, after eight shocks, he was still rejected by the Key of the Plane.

   This routine developed by the Dragon God can only be attacked nine times in total. If the ninth attempt fails, then the door to the key to the plane will be permanently closed.

   In the future, even if other people know how to open this road, they will not be able to open it again.

   So this ninth time, it must not be attempted lightly.

   "However, I still let you down." Rong Jinhuai opened his eyes and looked at the lines on his palm, "The eighth time, I'm still one small step away."

   Hearing this sentence, the Dragon God was not surprised, he smiled gently: "So this time, can you feel the difference from the previous few times?"

   "There's no big difference." Rong Jinhuai shook his head very lightly, "However, I seem to feel that the fog has dissipated a little."

   That high platform is the way to the Key of the Plane.

   The so-called plane key is not actually a real key.

  It is illusory, but it does exist.

   These days, he has been trying to find the Key of the Plane.

  Unfortunately, no matter how close he was, he could still feel that there was a layer of mist between him and the Key of the Plane.

   It was like... something was blocking him, preventing him from getting close to the Plane Key.

   "Then my suggestion is..." The Dragon God knew clearly, "This is the ninth time, you should not go ahead, because at present, you and it are not lucky enough."

   "I also have this intention." Rong Jinhuai nodded slightly, "I won't try again for a long time in the future."

   "Actually, your strength is already very high." The Dragon God seemed to be sighing, "Why are you still obsessed with this?"

   Haven't you already become a young master?

   One day, it will take another step and reach a level that no one can imagine, even the nine monarchs will be far behind.

   Hearing this, Rong Jinhuai was silent for a while, and after a while, he whispered, "Because I'm afraid."

   "What are you afraid of?" Dragon God is like a mentor, guiding the way forward for later generations.

   "I don't know why, but I always feel that if I don't have the key to the plane, I won't be able to protect her." Rong Jinhuai raised his head slightly, his eyes were rarely confused, "This feeling makes me very uneasy."

  Dragon God was slightly surprised: "Why do you feel this way?"

   "I don't know." Rong Jinhuai smiled helplessly, "Maybe Dragon God, you would say that this is a psychological effect, because her fall caused me a lot of trauma."

  Dragon God was stunned for a while, and a little helpless.

   was really right by this kid, he wanted to say so.

   After all, I feel that this kind of thing is really a bit too ethereal.

   He also knew that the incident did indeed bring about indelible scars.

   "But I'm sure that it's not just my psychology that is causing trouble." Rong Jinhuai's eyes narrowed, and the golden color was strong, "I have a hunch that something bigger will happen."

  Dragon God's voice paused before saying, "Illusionary Demon? The head of all demons?"

  When the man in white came here, he told him everything about the outside world.

   It is conceivable that the head of the demons will break through the seal and come out sooner or later.

   It just depends on that time, whether there is still someone who can control the leader of the demons.

   "No—" Hearing this, Rong Jinhuai's eyelashes trembled slightly, "It's more terrifying than this."

   What is it that makes him feel this way?

   What could be more terrifying than the return of the head of all demons?

   He raised his hand and squeezed his eyebrows, trying to wipe away the exhaustion, but found it was in vain.

   "Your heart is messed up, child." In the huge skeleton, there was a deep sigh, "I have always known that you are thoughtful and thoughtful, but it is these that trap you."

   "It's about planning ahead, but thinking about it too much will backfire. It's better to just go with the flow, maybe in the end you'll find that things are not as bad as you thought."

   "Hopefully..." Rong Jinhuai replied in a low voice, "I also hope that things will get better."

   In fact, this feeling has not happened before, and it has only recently begun to appear.

   "It's hard for you, Dragon God." He got up, then walked slowly in front of the skeleton, and stretched out his hand to caress the dragon head sticking out of the wall.

  The action of the man in white was very gentle, and his voice was soft: "You have become like this, and you have to listen to me."

   Hearing this, laughter came from the dragon head: "I grew up watching you, you can tell me anything you want."

  Rong Jinhuai leaned against the wall with a shallow smile on his lips: "Sometimes I think, Dragon God, if you have descendants, you will definitely be a good father."

   "Oh, I think so too." The Dragon God was rarely in a good mood, he complained, "It's just that there is no way, who makes Chaos Beast unable to have its own descendants?"

   After a pause, he continued: "What's more, I'm not like Qingying and Liuyuan, who have a company with each other. Even if I want to have a baby, who should I go to?"

   "Look at the Dragon God, you still have a great vision for life." Rong Jinhuai looked indifferent, "So you should not say that you are already dead."

  Dragon God was stunned for a moment, before he realized it, he couldn't help laughing and scolding: "Good boy, you actually taught me a lesson with words."

   "Junior doesn't dare." Rong Jinhuai smiled slightly, as if there were some stars flickering in his eyes, "Junior just wants you to live well."

   "It's alright, alright." The Dragon God sighed, "Don't worry, even though I've become such a ghost, I didn't intend to commit suicide."

   "By the way, Dragon God, I forgot to ask you one more thing." Rong Jinhuai suddenly whispered, "What do you think of Moya?"

   It is said that the power of the nine clans is in his eyes, but seven thousand years ago, not long after he came to this world, some things were unknown.

   One can imagine that in the future, he and Qingqing will definitely face the dark orcs.

   Moya, the leader of the dark orcs, is also their enemy.

   But it's still very vague about Moya's betrayal of the Orcs.

  What the Beastmaster said was because of love and hate, he didn't think it was reliable.

   Of course, it’s not that the Beastmaster is lying, it’s probably what Gaia heard.

   Then, why did Moya leave the Kasa Continent with the entire Beamon tribe?

   "Moya?" The Dragon God was startled for a moment, "Is she coming out too?"

   Without waiting for the man in white to answer, he immediately smiled bitterly: "Look at me, my memory is really bad. I just told you that the capital of all demons will break the seal, how can Moya not come out."

   Rong Jinhuai looked at the dragon head under his palm, his eyes frozen.

   "Actually, Moya is also a pitiful person." The voice came from the dragon head, but it didn't make people feel the slightest shock, "Poor."

   "Poor people, there must be something to hate." Rong Jinhuai was indifferent, and his glazed eyes were as clear as cold springs.

  Dragon God did not deny this sentence, but instead asked: "Do you know why, seven thousand years ago, Qingying and I did not kill the dark orcs?"

   Hearing the words, Rong Jinhuai's eyes paused slightly, he turned his ears and whispered, "I'm listening."

   (end of this chapter)

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