MTL - Peerless White Emperor-Chapter 1249 Mushroom

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Ye Cang remembered Lin Sen's request, began to use homemade red oil to make red oil, and then did not like the spine fist quickly into a meat sauce, put plant salt, broth, and then began to meet, pick up the rolling stick stick A roll of residual image, instantly turned into a thin skin, a knife flashed, all turned into a square dough spare and then sighed "good boring, no new ideas, fixed ingredients, fixed seasoning, 哎. ”

"So we have to upgrade ourselves, the same way countless ways, live to learn old." Li Lao laughed.

"I have to prepare the ingredients for noon." Ye Cang came to the mushroom forest and found the newly added mushroom in the night. The name was all right. The mushroom in the sun looked a little transparent, very beautiful, and the size was big. The three basketballs are so big, not the kind of long-legged mushrooms, but the poles are almost a little thinner than the umbrella caps. They take a few shots, and the places they have collected continue to split and grow, carrying the mushrooms back to the kitchen, and the chefs watch Mushrooms are strange for a while. This mushroom seems to have never been seen. Although there are many kinds of mushroom forest mushrooms, new mushrooms often appear, but it is worth noting that the owner has moved back. In such a day, Li is the first to guess. Most of the problems are "owner, this mushroom."

"Is it different? This is my trustee from the surface below, above the center of the earth, a mushroom found by chance in a natural tiankeng stone cave, called the mushroom, should be delicious, I have not done it yet." "Ye Cang put the mushrooms on the chopping board, everyone is very itchy. This kind of ingredients that Tona mysterious people are looking for are rare ingredients than the fairy beans, and the taste is unique, and even new ones will appear. the taste of.

"Zhuangzhu, can you let me see!!" Zhang Lao is very passionate about mushrooms, and the soup is indispensable. Chen Ai Li has anxiously "the owner, let me."

"Stop!! Such a valuable thing, it must be an old qualified employee like me!! You will say it later!!" Zhang Lao shouted, Chen Shang Aili biting his teeth, this old thing.

"Well, there are still a lot behind, give you these two, first big mushroom, just look at it." Ye Canggang cut a piece and put down the kitchen knife without words.

Everyone looked at the sliced ​​piece on the chopping board and grew a split spore in his own body. It quickly became a new intact mushroom. It was just as big as the uncut body. It was dumbfounded. What kind of mushroom is this? A pile of mushroom pieces turned into a pile of whole mushrooms, and Ye Cang reacted and muttered, "Try."

The leaves of Cang Knife flashed, and the mushrooms became a lot of squares with thumb squares, but these squares quickly split and grew into half-slap-sized intact mushrooms. "Interesting, cook directly."

Ye Cang pours the mushroom into his glutinous soup, and soon the scent is so fascinating that even the five-sensory illusion spreads out. Li Xiangyu’s eyes begin to lose consciousness. “Good scent, master, I seem to see I went to my own shop, Shannon Tea Restaurant."

Zhang Laojian immediately covered the lid and opened all the windows around him with the gas. The exhaust machine was fully opened, and then the breath was released. "Is this stuff poisonous?"

Although Ye Cang just stunned, he quickly adapted to "the raw food is not poisonous."

Li Lao came to the side of the soup, probably the lid, holding his breath, pinching out a piece, putting it in his mouth, lying in the trough! ! This taste! ! Directly hit the heart of the delicious! ! Juicy to the explosion! ! Explosive peeing bovine pill and this is simply weaker! ! The mouth of your own mouth is still overflowing from the mouth, you can imagine the size of the mushroom, you can hide so much juice! ! At least Black Technology has absorbed several times his juice! ! Unbelievable, and delicious to the soft, addictive! The first time I tasted this explosive flavor, unlike other delicious mushrooms, the taste is often soft. The taste of this stuff is not there. It feels like a peony, and the dose is too big! ! This pot soup puts too much this mushroom! ! Soon Li Lao felt the feeling of extreme disgusting after the fresh, this is the reaction of excessive fragrance, although the explosive beauty is temporarily blocked, but the tongue, stomach, body reacted, some can not adapt, the taste is very crisp, I retched a few times. "You put too much. This thing is not like a fresh thing. It is more horrible than MSG. The content of natural sodium glutamate is very complicated. You can know if you eat one."

Zhang Lao put his eyes in his mouth and it will light up, God-level mushroom! ! God-like mushrooms! ! But soon the discomfort came "I'm really overdone. Bai Zhuangzhu!! I begged this mushroom to be taken care of by me!!"

"Well, well, you are responsible for this mushroom. You can apply to Zhang Lao if you need it. It is up to him to take full responsibility." Ye Cang's words made Chen Shang Ai Li anxiously "Zhuangzhu!! I also think." ”

"Hey, the owner has already decided to let the old man take care of it, you don't want BB, but the owner is a man of words." Zhang Lao sneered.

Chen Shang Ai Li just took the opportunity to taste it. If the mushroom is used well, the soup can be imported into the gods! !

"Indeed, I am a person who speaks a lot." Ye Cang is very satisfied with Zhang Lao.

Chen Shang Ai Li's more embarrassed regrets, why I met the owner so late! ? Lao Li, and this old thing has become the second and third hand of the manor, just because they met first, if I can take care of it! But when I got the wheel, the Cuijing Bean Master gave it to Jing Xuan to look after it, next time! The next time I have to open my mouth first, during this period, I have to slap the owner and the lady! ! For the ingredients, I am going to gamble on Ally! !

Jing Xuan and others immediately applied for mushrooms. Research, only Chen Shang Aili’s application, Zhang Lao shook his head. “The ingredients are not enough, next time.”

"You!!" Chen Ai Li's teeth must be broken, Zhang Lao is so cool, then cut her nails and give her a little bit. "This is more, give it to you."

Chen Shang Ai Li shook his body carefully and took the mushroom to study. Li Lao whispered, "You are too vengeful. Everyone is a colleague. You must know that the bully is cool."

"I’ve been bullying all the time.” Zhang Laoxiao said, Li Lao also smiled. “It’s true.”

"Quiet Xuan, come." Zhang Lao Lao Jing Xuan "Everyone is the owner of the three great treasures of the estate, we have to be closer, I will give you the mushroom."

"Thank you Master Zhang, this is natural. Everyone is a member of the Food City. It is appropriate to take care of each other." Jing Xuan thanked.

"I mean, some people need to polish it." Zhang Lao aimed at Ai Li Chen.

"This, it's not good, it's all people in the food city manor." Jing Xuan understands the meaning of Zhang Lao.

"Nothing is bad, her temper needs to be honed. This is also the meaning of the owner. Xuan Zang Master has to go through the nine hundred and eighty-one difficulties to get the truth. Isn't it?" Zhang continued, Jing Xuan has some difficulties and nodded. Perhaps this is also the test of the Zhuangzhu to me, to see how he can understand the truth. "Well, then."

"Wow, you old man/slag, even the rabbit monk is cheating." Li Lao heard it on the side, and said to the old Zhang, "You hate her so much?"

"Hate, can't say it, it's a bit annoying to be true, and the soup of the manor is my world!! But she really needs to polish it, isn't it?"

Li Lao didn't talk, Zhang Lao looked at Chen's back on Ai Li. "I admit her talent and admire her. When she first debuted, although I was a lot worse, I still used to be her idol, soup. Those methods are amazing to me, I am shocked to be a man of heaven, I also learned a lot of basic things from her soup making skills, but what I hate most is that she ruined her talents and put down the real soup spoon, the chef Knife until the fake food scandal, Xiao Li, my culinary talents I understand, I am not as talented as your five knives, but I admit that I am better than your attachment to cooking, I am definitely better than You!! I can't walk the odd road, the shortcut, then I only have to be serious and step by step! She may never know, the person who beat her several times, once cheered her banner at the scene of her cooking competition. ""

Li Lao only understood at this time, why Zhang Lao has always been directed at Chen Ai Li, the deep responsibility of love, hate iron is not steel.