MTL - Peerless White Emperor-Chapter 17 To the top of the mountain

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With the contact, Yan Mei found that these three guys are not bad. I also know that they are three novice players. I want to enter this season and want to be a professional player, but they are really lucky. I mastered it from the beginning. A better life career, as well as a hidden profession, looked at Zhang Zhengxiong and asked, "You are a soldier with physical strength and strength as a supplement?"

"No, I am the pastor ```" Zhang Zhengxiong calmly replied, then turned around and continued to scare Lin Le with the human organ stealing incident in the Western District.

"```````````````" thorn rose, ice blood, green dew is speechless, this his mother turned out to be a pastor?

The thorny chest is boring, you a priest brought it as a warrior, although the reminder is too late, in good intentions, "You add some fear ```"

Zhang Zhengxiong turned and patted his chest and smiled. "Nothing! Good health is really good ``"

The three women rolled their eyes, and the three guys were one by one.

Ye Cang chuckled, although he did not pay attention, after knowing some information, he knew that the pastor needs to perceive, but fortunately, Axiong has a specific percentage of physical value that affects the perception of special passiveness, and the perception may not match the pastor's perception of the pastor, but It will not be low.

"But the high-physical priest has a high survival rate, but it still needs some perceptual support. I just don't know what the branches of this game will face in this season. The information is too little." This is also the reason for the cautious actions of the major guilds this season.

As night fell, the view was dim, and the torches were taken out. The light of the torch attracted the red Slim's rush to send experience and materials. Lin Le took out a worn parchment from a concrete liquid. "Little white is me. A recipe that can be used!"

"Take it over and see me." Ye Cang took over the formula, and Yan Mei couldn't help but look at Lin Le. More than one deputy? How did they get it.

Small Flame Bottle* Recipe: Creates a small flame bottle that deals 15 Fire damage to the target and deals a constant level of damage (study conditions: Alchemist or Armed Vendor).

"Do you have the ability to learn this formula?" Ye Cang said while holding the drawings and looking at the thorn.

The thorn rose and shook his head. The town had not heard of the NPC with alchemy.

"Lele, you have to learn." Ye Cang handed Lin Le.

"Brother! Out of the skill book! Heavy!!" Zhang Zhengxiong also found a good thing, thorns and a brow, a good guy, a skill book, some heart.

Ye Cang took a skill book.

Heavy 斩: Launches a critical hit on the target, dealing 150% damage, consuming 10 anger, cooldown: 10 seconds (requires: has an anger value occupation).

The three men looked at each other with "stones, scissors, cloth!".

"Scissors!" Ye Cang.

"Bag!" Zhang Zhengxiong.

"Bag!" Lin Le.

"My ```" Ye Cang just wanted to declare ownership.

"Hey! This is what we played together!" Yan Mei looked at the three guessing and decided to ignore the way he was on the side. The more you touched the three guys, the more speechless.

Ye Cang took a moment to "forgot the ``" and then tried to "then, guess together?"

Ice and blood hold your forehead, these three are more new and original.

"Roll point, there is a rage of ``" thorns sighed, it is estimated that they do not know how to point R, demonstrating "like this, so the big point will take" and then throw out R point dice, 2 point.

Ye Cang three people quickly throw out the scorpion, Ye Cang 1 point, Zhang Zhengxiong 15 points, Lin Le 100 points.

"I won! I won!" Lin Le cheered.

"This time is not counted, I am just a demonstration, then, bear, you a pastor R what ```" thorns Mei looked at his points and said quickly.

"That, Miss, in fact, you can call me Axiong, my physical strength is more than 20, when the strength reaches 10, the system prompts me to open the anger value ``." Zhang Zhengxiong replied.

"Roll! You are the lady!" The thorns growled, and I always feel that everything from Zhang Zhengxiong’s hanging wire has changed. It’s even more speechless that a priest has anger, and the system is already a warrior. The hand sighed slightly on the forehead.

"That ``Miss?" Ye Cang tried to find out.

"This is good, her name is a bit sloppy, Missy." Zhang Zhengxiong thought about a serious nod.

"Missy, are you going to lie?" Lin Le sweared and sweared.

Yan Mei looked at the three people to reach a consensus, Missy, your sister! Roaring again, "I don't call Missy!"

I couldn't help but smile. "It's really good, Missy``."

Qinglu is grinning on one side

"Ice! You!" The thorn felt a weakness and sighed. "I should be a little bigger, you can call me Rose."

"Okay, Miss Yan Mei!" Ye Cang smiled.

"Well, Miss Beautiful!" Zhang Zhengxiong.

"Miss Lai Pi, I won." Lin Le holds the skill book.

"May grow up, give him." Ice blood held back the smile.

"Miss Rose, there is a white dagger here." Qinglu.

"Don't call me Missy!!!" The volcano heard a loud roar.

The six continued to clean up the red slim and the big bats at night. In the middle, they encountered a small group of bats. Ten large bats hit six people and were caught off guard. Fortunately, the number is not particularly large. The teeth open the flame, the two slashes are very good, and the thorns are somewhat unappealing. If you go to PK, the current player has no defense value, open the flame hit, the two swords hit the sword, a sword 20+, properly Can kill one, of course, except Zhang Zhengxiong, who has flame resistance and skill, but also high physical strength, Zhang Zhengxiong has a life value of more than 80.

After Lin Le had a heavy attack, the attack also improved a lot. After the attack subsided, the food status of the six people was almost finished, and the health value needed to be added. Besides, it was about to reach the top of the mountain.

"Size ```" Ye Cang's words have not been finished, they are smashed back to the "Sister Rose, restore it ``."

Everyone looked at the red liquid in the wok. Some of the thorns were weak. Some of them seriously looked at Ye Cang. "Can't really be delicious? Don't be delicious, you can eat it."

"Amount, this is the taste of Red Slime, but there are dishes that can still be eaten, but there is no fire resistance." Ye Cang shook his head.

Everyone sighed, even though they had eaten several times, they couldn't help but numb the scalp, and then they were stunned by the stench of food. After entering a short fainting, they set foot on the road to the top again.

Everyone went through the rugged mountain road to the steep **** near the top of the mountain. The thorns indicated that they stopped the "ice, you go up and see ```"

Ice and blood do not talk to hold the short sword into the waist, quietly climbed up like a kind of agile gecko, the posture is very beautiful and light, did not cause any movement and speed.

Not far away, Ye Cang looked up at the silent and beautiful movements of the blood, the natural lurkers.

Zhang Zhengxiong squeaked his chin and sighed "Good awkward ``".

Ye Cang slowly nodded "Yes."

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