MTL - Peerless White Emperor-Chapter 18 Hemlock longbow

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"Come up, there is nothing but a cave." The sound of ice and blood came, and everyone climbed up and came to the cave.

"Let's go see it." The thorn felt his hand and felt the temperature coming out of the cave first to enter the cave. Everyone entered the rugged volcanic rock ground, the narrow passage, and the light of the torch was not broad, and everyone Carefully moving forward, after several waves of bat attacks, everyone came out to a relatively flat place to rectify, Ye Cang developed a new formula red slime stewed bat, the effect is a little less agile but more The ability of a certain dark vision made everyone feel shocked, but the taste was even worse than the stewed wolf.

Although nausea is disgusting, but the thorns can not help but envy this cooking, the effect is surprisingly useful, greatly saving the recovery time required for leveling, the drug is dying, a bottle of Xiaoxin in the new town sells 15 silver coins at NPC. However, it has not recovered very much. As for the blue bottle, I have never heard of anyone seeing it. The recovery of magic is even more painful, so the thorns have always let the dew control their own magic value. The ordinary mobs are not necessary. Lose more than one magic, at least when you want to keep the elite of the game, there is enough blue to deal with magic damage.

What everyone doesn't know is that Ye Cang's vision as a half-elves is farther than that of humans. It is a little less than the elf's vision at night. The silvery eyes are slightly shimmering, pointing to the right leaning wall. Said, "There is a cave here."

Everyone looked only dark, and the location was very remote. The thorns noticed the streamer of the night action in Ye Cang's eyes. "You are not a human race?"

Ye Cang shrugged, "Well, can't say no, half elf."

Zhang Zhengxiong suddenly realized that it is no wonder that brother always finds things at night than himself and Lele.

The blood had previously felt a bit strange. Every time the bat group came, he was always the first to find a reminder. What he could feel was the breath, not a real vision.

Yan Mei looked at Ye Cang three hidden occupations, hidden races, life careers, what else? No more questions. "Since you have night vision ability, it is up to you to investigate and take a look at it."

Ye Cang nodded and took everyone to the rock wall of the slope. He jumped up and began to climb. The crowd followed, climbed into the cave and looked inside. It was just a small hole in the dim. Two treasure chests excitedly "have two treasure chests!"

Treasure chest! ? Yan Mei, Zhang Zhengxiong and others quickly climbed into the hole.

The thorns just want to say one side, Ye Cang hurriedly opened a treasure chest and looked at the empty space and wondered, "How is there nothing?", slowly hoisting the treasure chest down, and finally angered and fell to the ground "啪".

"`````````````` 刺 玫 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无

Ye Cang looked over at the other side and slowly extended the magic hand. "I will see this ```"

Zhang Zhengxiong fluttered him to the ground, "Lele, go open!!"

The three women of the thorns suddenly stunned. Why are you doing this, open a treasure chest? .

"Trust me! This is empty, I will definitely have something good when I come to open! No! This treasure chest must have been empty! It is a blind man! Let me go! Let me open!" Ye Cang struggled while extending his hand toward The treasure chest is creeping.

Lin Le opened the treasure chest "Little White Brother! Xiaoxiong brother, there is a bow inside, and a helmet."

"I have something out of my way!?" Ye Cang excitedly got up and took the bow of Lin Le's hand, a very textured wooden longbow, about 120 cm long.

Hemlock longbow (excellent)

Category: Longbow

Requires attributes: Strength 11 or Agility 13.

Attack power: 5-9

Strength +1

Agile +1

Range +10 meters

"Brother! You don't open the box and touch the body of the elite BOSS. Every time there is nothing, a treasure is wasted." Zhang Zhengxiong complained.

"Rolling! The box must have been empty! It is absolutely like this. I can't do it with this hand. It must be an artifact." Ye Cang held his right hand unquestionably.

Zhang Zhengxiong said nothing, just sighed.

The three women of the thorn rose are a little uncertain, and the **** blood picks up the eyebrows. This is a bit superstitious. Although there is a little bit of red hand and black hand, it is also a chance to learn and hide some of the lucky effects. At most, it is open. The things are more different, the grades are lower, but as for the things inside, they can't open things, haven't heard of them, but Lin Le is really red, and the exquisite equipment is very rare, let alone excellent.

Ye Cang will equip the longbow with "This bow is taken by me, no problem?"

As for the longbow thorns, there is no opinion on this side. Although the property is very good, it is really only used by him. It is also one of the weapons used by the Ranger's soy sauce profession. Asked "Look at what the helmet is."

Lin Le nodded and took out a metal cap with a few rivets.

Rivet iron cap (exquisite)

Category: Light Helmet

Requires attributes: physical strength 15 or power 10.

Defense value +2

Physical strength +1

The hat has already taken one because of his own side, and Ye Cang has assigned it to the thorn.

"Is there any evil that you said?" Qinglu looked at the empty treasure chest and wondered.

"Try not to know." Ice blood took out a small purse. "This is a random money bag for mission rewards. There is one copper coin to one silver coin (100 copper coins). Look at luck."

The thorn rose picking up the eyebrows. Now that the currency is so tight, the funds added by the three of them are less than one gold. The black market is also in short supply. Although this money bag is not much, it is still possible to open dozens of copper coins. Good luck is seven. Eighty is possible, this is not worried.

"Hey, give it to me!" Ye Cang smiled lightly, took the money bag and slowly opened it, and stunned.

"How much?" Qinglu curious.

When Ye Cunton handed the bag over, it was very serious and said, "Okay, the bag is fake, go find the guy who gave you the return ```".

"Remember to give a bad review" Lin Le thought it was a fake look at the cold blood reminded.

"```````````````" 玫 三 three women speechless, turned to look at the empty money bag, suddenly sucked a sigh of gas, the above is not marked, at least one can be opened Is it? Actually, there is such a guy who can't even touch a copper coin, and then look at the empty treasure chest, there is a feeling of heart plugging.

The thorns of the thorns, the good cabbage was arched by this singer, the key is that the treasure chest is so arched, some internal injuries "that, 贱 ``cough, Cang Xue, etc. If there is a treasure chest, BOSS corpse or something , trouble you to stand far away."

"Rose sister, useless, my brother saw the body of BOSS after death and the things that can be turned into a hungry ghost." Zhang Zhengxiong sighed again, the three women remembered the scene just now, suddenly realized, no wonder he wants to drag Lived with him.

"Missy, just the thing, in short, accidents, often happen, you have to believe my hand ```" Ye Cang once again raised his right hand and smiled.

"I don't call Missy!" Yan Mei listened to Miss Da suddenly, and looked at Ye Cang's right hand. When she remembered the strange bird, she gnawed her teeth and wanted to lick it ```.
