MTL - People In Pirates: I Can Copy Any Talent-Chapter 106

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To a certain extent, this ability is even more terrifying than Neptune's Token.

If knowledge and color can also affect the whole world, the consequences can be imagined.

While everyone was not paying attention, Neuer stored the burnt fruit and the imitation fruit in the illustrated book, and then quietly used two copy cards.

The red Nian Shen resonance and the golden Neptune Token entered the body, and Neuil suddenly felt that his mind was much more open-minded.

Just like a myopic person, the color of knowledge is like myopia glasses, no matter how you look at it, it feels like there is a layer of separation.

But when Neuer changed his talent for knowledge and knowledge, his eyesight seemed to return to its peak, and he could even vaguely perceive the emotions of the people around him.

"so poor…"

A very weak voice sounded from the bottom of his heart, Neuer's sense of knowledge was released uncontrollably, and he quickly retracted.

Neuer covered his forehead, and frowned with some difficulty. The color of knowledge had new characteristics, and he was still a little uncomfortable for a while.

Was that voice Robin's?

Neuer turned her head to look at Robin, but there was no expression on her face, as if she didn't think so in her heart.

This is really an authentic mind reading technique...

Neuer understands Robin, and sometimes there are no waves on the surface, but his heart is softer than anyone else.

Forget it... Anyway, I copied Bai Xing's talent over and over again, so I can help her for Robin's sake.

Neuer turned to Enilo and asked, "Can you find out where the weapon came from?"

Although the characteristics and quality of Neuer's knowledge and color are far superior to Enilo's at this time, in terms of detection range, few in the entire Pirate World can match him.

Enilu stretched out his fingers to his temples, put on a strange posture, and hummed: "I almost couldn't find it, but it's okay, I roughly know the trace."

Jinbe looked at Enilo in surprise, and said, "Can your arrogance be found so far away?"

This long-eared man is not good-looking, and even has a slightly disgusting demeanor. I didn't expect his domineering attainments to be so profound!

Jinbe looked at Enel with a little admiration, and the fiery eyes made Enil feel uncomfortable.

Neuer, who roughly heard what Jinbe was thinking, suppressed a smile, and sent Enel to find him quickly.

Frequent mind-reading consumes a lot of mental and physical energy, which is far different from Neuer's previous consumption of knowledge color.

As expected of the highest level of knowledgeable arrogance, if Neuer doesn't have a bit of willpower, I'm afraid he will be backlashed...

There is also the ability to control the Neptune, this ability is temporarily concealed, and it is better to use it as a trump card.

Although Neuer is not a mermaid princess, and the sea kings he controls are limited, it is still very easy to destroy an island if it is fully launched.

This ability cannot be known to the navy, even if they have not thought about the Aquaman.

The ability of the river of the underworld was exposed early, otherwise the navy would have to lose everything.

With Neuer's guarantee, Neptune chose to believe in Enilo's knowledge and arrogance, called out a large group of mermaid guards, and smashed out of the Dragon Palace in a mighty manner.

And this time, Princess Bai Xing was also brought along.

This is what Shirahoshi wanted to follow. Although Neptune was worried, Neuer did not object.

Not to mention that the main force of the Underworld Pirates is here, isn't there still Haixia Jinping, can't they beat a paranoid VanderDaken?

Bring Bai Xing, maybe you can get a wave of goodwill, and get the system's acquaintance rewards.

Neptune did not go with Neuer and the others, but sent his three sons to follow, mainly to protect Shirahoshi.

Big brother Sha Xing looked at his younger sister Bai Xing worriedly, and said, "Sister, or else you can go back to the palace and stay, we will solve it."

The second brother, Huang Xing, also persuaded: "Yes, Vanderdyken IX's target is you, you will be in danger!"

Bai Xing, who was always docile on weekdays, suddenly changed his attitude today, shook his head firmly and said, "I'm sorry, brother, I want to come out and take a look."

"If Lord Neuer can make Vander Daken IX stop hurting me, I can... go to mourn my mother..."

It is said that the three brothers calmed down unanimously, Bai Xing was the child who relied on Princess Otto the most, but after the death of his mother, Bai Xing hit the target ability.

So much so that at the funeral of his mother, Bai Xing was unable to attend in person...

Neuer's eyes were sharp, and a dark red aura gushed out, shattering the attacking flying knife weapon.

so annoying...

This Van der Dyken IX would throw a weapon almost every five minutes. This kind of deformed courtship is disgusting enough.

Several fruit-capable users were covered with a waterproof coating of bubbles and dived into the dark depths of the sea. Enilu pointed to a huge shipwreck and said, "This is it!"

Neuer couldn't bear it for a long time, looked at Van der Daken's residence with a sneer, and started to do it without saying a word.

"Eight-foot Qiong Gouyu!"

Imitating the trick of the yellow ape, Neuer held the golden light in his hand, and countless laser cannons fell on the ship like a torrential rain, causing a storm in the already dark sea and making it even more turbid.

"Damn it! Who dares to sneak attack me!"

An angry shout sounded, and a murloc coated with a waterproof coating climbed out of the boat, glaring at everyone with a disheveled face.

But when he saw the famous murloc, Kaixia Jinbe leading so many people, he almost couldn't help but ran away!

what's the situation? !

Chapter 171

Although Van der Daken IX was a formidable opponent to the guards of Murloc Island, but against Shichibukai Jinpei...

Coupled with the well-known demon man Neuer, he might not even be able to fly with his wings.

Vander Daken IX looked around, and suddenly saw the beautiful figure that made him dream, and shouted excitedly:

"Princess White Star!"

Hearing this strange cry, Bai Xing trembled in fright, and quickly hid his body behind Neuer.

Neuer summoned the demon sword Demon Moro, and said blankly: "Quickly solve it, I don't want to dawdle with you."

Seeing his beloved woman hiding behind another man, Vander Daken IX forgot his fear for a moment, and roared furiously:

"Damn bastard! Don't hinder my love affair with Princess Shirahoshi."

Neuer's face darkened, and his figure suddenly disappeared into the dark sea water.

The pupils of Van der Daken IX shrank rapidly, and the pungent smell of fishy sweetness hit, and the sea was dyed red in an instant.

Jinbe watched this scene in shock, he didn't even see how Neuer teleported and then swung the knife.

Is the flash and shadow to help? But why can Neuer use his abilities underwater? !

Vander Daken IX held his throat that was gushing blood crazily, and looked at Neuer with a grim face.

Neuer wiped the blood on his clothes with a knife, and sneered, "Trash!"

Consciousness gradually became blurred, Vander Daken IX rolled his eyes and floated in the sea like a dead fish.

Bai Xing covered his eyes and didn't dare to watch this scene, while the third prince Shark star stared at Neuer with the knife sheathed in awe.

Dragon Palace has not caught Van der Daken IX for so many years, not only because this guy is cunning and untraceable, but also because his combat effectiveness is also good.

But under the hands of the demon man Neuer, he couldn't even take a single move.

Neuer swam back to the chasing mermaid team, and said to Bai Xing: "It's settled, now you don't have to worry about him harassing you anymore."

Although he felt that Neuer's methods were somewhat cruel, Shirahoshi still said gratefully: "Thank you, Mr. Neuer!"

As soon as this sentence was said, the system rewards came as promised:

"Meet important people, rewards have been issued, talent evolution card*1, jade pearl necklace*1."

Neuer got the Talent Evolution Card for the first time, and looked around the space excitedly.

Neuer didn't hesitate too much about the use of the talent evolution card, and directly chose to give it the resonance of the mind.

Other talents can be trained to upgrade and evolve. It can be seen that it is too difficult to train this kind of arrogance, let alone the highest level of arrogance.

The red gifted mind-spirit resonance that was just acquired evolved to a golden quality in a short time.

Neuer accepted the change of power a little dizzily, and became a little dazed for a while.

Robin saw what was wrong with Neuer in time, quickly supported him, and asked carefully in a low voice: "What's wrong with you? Not in a good condition?"

Neuer's head seemed to be like a paste, he shook his head vigorously and said, "It's okay, there is a new force that I'm not used to yet."

Knowledge-colored domineering is not like other abilities. This ability to permanently change other people's thoughts is a bit abnormal, and its consumption is a great test of the user's mental power.

In addition, thinking resonance is Neuer's talent with the shortest time, so Neuer's control over knowledge is not as good as before.

But fortunately, this is not a big problem, as long as it is exercised in the future.

Neuer looked at the string of sea pearl necklaces again, silently looking at the introduction given by the system.

This thing looks like an ordinary accessory, but its actual use is better than Neuer imagined.

It allows the wearer to breathe normally underwater and protects the wearer from sea water.

To put it simply, it is a bit like a water-avoiding bead, which should be very useful for devil fruit users.

But it's useless to hang Neuer on the wall, he is not a landlubber.

It's a pity that it is not mass-produced, otherwise Neuer would definitely send a batch to Robin and the others.

The four brothers and sisters of Shark Star were all relieved after Vanderdeken IX was resolved, and Bai Xing couldn't help expressing that she wanted to visit her mother's tomb.

Now, Shark Star and the others had no reason to object, and decided to guard Bai Xing and go with her to have a look.

Enilu stretched his waist, and said depressedly: "It's so boring, I thought I could have a stronger opponent!"

Neuer spread his hands helplessly, and then said: "The matter here is almost over, let's go back to the sea after playing for a while."

Robin nodded, raised her hand and begged, "I asked Neptune before, and she said that there is a piece of historical text hidden in the palace. I have to go and see it."

Neuer nodded. There is indeed a lot of hidden historical information in Murloc Island. In addition to historical texts, there are also Joy Boy and Ark Noah.

However, when Neuer came to observe it, the sunken ship where Vander Daken IX lives now should not be the future Ark Noah.

Noah's big ship, Neuer, can't be repaired well, so he didn't think about it, but he was a little curious about that period of history.

Robin is interested in these things, so let her check them out.

The partners in Hades went to play separately. Neuer was planning to take a stroll, but Shark suddenly came back with a look of embarrassment on his face.

Neuer looked at him strangely and asked, "What's wrong? Didn't you go with your sister?"

Shark Star said with a serious face: "A group of gangsters broke in illegally, and they have already rushed into the Fishman Island!"

Neuer narrowed his eyes and said, "It's a pirate? It's none of my business, can't you solve it?"

Shaking his head, Shark star said with difficulty: "But...they named you by name and said they came to look for you."

Neuer was taken aback, looking for him?

The world government and the navy have been settled for the time being, so they shouldn't come to make trouble for themselves. Have there been other enemies before?

Oh, he thought, there's Old Sand... and Sand Crocodile... and... Crocodile.

Forget it or not, if Lao Sha came to seek revenge, you will know by looking.

Neuer sighed, and said to Shark Star, "Lead the way, I'll meet them."

Shark star nodded yes, his lower limbs swung his fish tail, commanding the mermaids to pull through a royal anchovy car, and there was a small compartment made of bubbles in the car.

Neuer likes this kind of prince who knows how to do things. He sat in the car with satisfaction, and Shark Star led the way on the Bubble mount.

After a while, the anchovy pulled Neuer to the bustling street, and Shark Star took out his weapon to confront the group of people.

Neuer looked at the other side with interest, and looked at the appearance of the intruders on the other side.

Everyone was wearing uniform shabby sackcloth, with hoods covering their faces, and they really looked like a group of terrorists.

Chapter 172

Neuer squinted his eyes and looked hard at the group of mysterious people, especially the man in the lead.

It's blurry, but I can't see it clearly, but looking at the outline, it seems to be familiar...

Neuer tapped his head lightly, where did he see it?

On the opposite side, the mysterious people surrounded by the guards of the Dragon Palace raised their weapons nervously, and a strong aura gathered in the hands of the leading man.