MTL - Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet-v2 Chapter 2434 Baby, you are calmer.

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If every vest is held once, her future life will probably be spent in a non-stop wedding...

Seeing that the night of the night is really seriously considering this issue, Ye Hao was scared enough, and quickly turned the topic back.

"Cough, stop and stop! I want to marry! Who has held so many weddings, I just want to put the wedding in China, and hold it as Ye Hao!" Ye Hao hurried.

Secretary Night Cold looked at her: "The wedding of Huaguo is naturally held, but the independent state..."

Where did Ye Hao dare to let him finish and directly intercepted him? "It’s very simple. All the friends and relatives here in the independent state are also invited to China! My parents and my grandfather, I have already said Ok, they all respect our opinions!"

After the revision of the law, the restrictions between the Chinese and the independent states have not been so much, and it is very convenient.

Secretary night cold brow microcoagulation: "Do you decide to hold the independent state several times?"

“Have again... How many times?” Ye Hao’s black line: “Baby, you calm down!”

Secretary night looked at her with a faint look: "I am very calm."

Ye Wei: "..."

Calm down!

Are you calmly wanting to hold a hundred weddings?


A few days later, Ye Hao and Si Yehan sat on the plane back to China.

Originally, the original intention of Ye Haolai's independent state was to figure out his own life. Now that things have been clarified, she also knows who she is, and naturally goes back to her father, mother, and Ye Mufan.

In the years when her memory was replaced, she lived in China and lived as Ye Hao. In these years, she also completely regarded herself as Ye Hao.

Although the identity is false, the relationship and feelings during this time are true.

There are still many people in Huaguo waiting for her, waiting for Ye Hao.

She must go back and explain the explanations.

Otherwise, it is too unfair to them.

Probably close to the situation, although Ye Hao has been mentally prepared in advance, and has considered the long-term wording to figure out how to explain, but when the plane falls, it is inevitable that there is some tension.

After getting along with each other for so many years, Ye Dad and Ye Mama have loved her. She has already regarded them as their loved ones, and Ye Mufan is the sister of this sister...

In fact, she really didn't know how to tell them such a cruel fact. How to tell them that the daughters who were always with them were not their daughters, and their biological flesh and blood had already died in the explosion of that year. Even the bones could not be found.

If they can't accept it, she can only... detach this identity that is not her own forever.

Probably aware of the girl's emotions, the Secretary of the Night Cold reached out and licked the girl's head.


Ye Haozheng lost his heart, and the direction of the front pick-up came to Ye Murfan’s excited voice.

Next to Ye Mufan, Ye Shaoting and Liang Yijun all came, and looked forward to the crowd of people flying down. As soon as she saw her figure, her eyes suddenly brightened.

"Dad... Mom..."


Ye Hao hurried to the direction of the three people, and the night walked behind, helping her to drag the suitcase.


When Liang Yijun saw his daughter, he was red-eyed, and he held Ye Hao tightly in his arms. "It’s good to come back... just come back..."