MTL - Peter Pan and Cinderella-Chapter 76 you also

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Xie Zhuxing's external image is a good-natured and good-natured man. Gao Siyuan's words to him are disgusting. Now that Wang Chao has come in, he shut up and said "I have something to go first" after taking his coat and leaving in anger.

The captain is not really stupid. Usually he is too lazy to use his brain. Now that he thinks about it, he knows that Gao Siyuan is probably saying something sour again. He asked Xie Zhuxing unhappily: "Did he run on you again?"

The teammates were still present, and Xie Zhuxing didn't want to make it too ugly, so he denied it, "No way, just chat a few words."

Wang Chaocai didn't believe it, and said, "If he didn't have him, he would run away as soon as he saw me? There's something to say to me, someone who always bullies me behind my back?

Ji Jie also said: "Brother Xie, don't take it for him. I heard what he said just now. I would have already started with him."

Cheng Yao held a big belly cup and nodded frequently.

As for the meaning of Gao Siyuan's words just now, everyone who heard it knows that he must have felt that Xie Zhuxing got together with Wang Chao for the sake of his superior position.

Xie Zhuxing is the eldest brother, and he is very good to these brothers. When he first debuted, everyone had no money, and he did not ask his brothers to pay for meals when he went out to eat. Help, help. Later, he became more popular and had many Weibo fans. He has always maintained equal interaction with several teammates. He announced that he ran a lot alone, and did not forget to take the initiative to mention teammates in interviews. He talked about teammates on the show several times. 's paragraph, has also been popular.

To say that there is no jealousy or jealousy towards the most popular member, this is not in line with human nature, but they have never done anything to be sorry to you. After getting along for so long, a "little brother" is affectionate and warm all day long. Yelling, turning away and speculating about others with such a dark mind, can this not be punished?

Yang Xiaomu and Gao Siyuan shared a room for training before their debut, and their relationship was still relatively good, so they explained for him: "Everyone calm down, Siyuan has a bad temper recently because of the unhappiness of the online drama. Don't know him in general."

Apart from Xie Zhuxing in this group, Yang Xiaomu is the one who can play with the captain the most. There is always this kind of person in a group, Xianyun Yehe is just a passerby, with big hearts, and it doesn't matter too much whether they are popular or not. I'm a foodie, and I don't care much about other things. My life is going back and forth between eating and losing weight. I recently hosted a food reality show, and my popularity has risen a lot. I can eat all kinds of food. I was originally a haha ​​party. The laughter seems to have dropped a lot recently, and I can hear him from far away hahaha.

He spoke for Gao Siyuan, and everyone stopped talking.

Besides, Gao Siyuan is also unlucky to think about. The script of the online drama he acted was two male protagonists. After only four episodes were aired, they were complained about inappropriate views, **** pornography, and CCTV news officials posted a Weibo post saying that it had a negative impact on society and the growth of young people. The broadcast platform of the online drama hurriedly took the drama off the shelves, and it is unlikely that it will be launched again. Gao Siyuan filmed for two months without even showing his face.

After they were separated, Wang Chao also discussed with Xie Zhuxing: "Why don't you ask my eldest brother to arrange a movie role for him? It will save him from being unbalanced and chattering all day long."

Xie Zhuxing said: "Let him be in a movie well, let Ji Jie and the others think? Who can make trouble and who has candy?"

Wang Chao thought for a while and said, "Yes, that's fine."

He added: "My eldest brother doesn't care about me now, it's fine if he doesn't see anyone, he's impatient to call him, his wife doesn't deal with me, maybe he's blowing some pillow wind. I told him last time. I want you to act in a movie of some great director, but he didn't answer for a long time, and I'm embarrassed to keep telling him, telling him to see that we have an affair, that's incredible."

If Wang Qi found out, he was still young after being beaten, and Xie Zhuxing, a new star who had just emerged, Wang Qi could press it down with a single finger.

He was thinking for Xie Zhuxing, but Xie Zhuxing thought that he didn't want to let the family know, and said after a moment of silence, "Don't ask your elder brother to ask for this for me, I will take it slow and feel more at ease."

Wang Chao did not mention it.

He didn't hear what Gao Siyuan said in detail, and he guessed that he could guess a little bit. He wanted Xie Zhuxing to go more smoothly, but he didn't want others to say that Xie Zhuxing was relying on him. I'm not convinced for Xie Zhuxing. Most of Xie Zhuxing's current achievements and popularity are due to his good conditions and willingness to work hard. If it is replaced by others, it may not be enough to give even the best resources.

Besides, Xie Zhuxing didn't mean to rely on him to take the top position at all, he was all chasing after him.

It was originally a small disturbance. When I saw Gao Siyuan again the next day, he seemed to have lost his memory, as if nothing had happened, and he was still with his teammates.

Then it's better to expose this matter, it is a combination anyway. Other teammates including Xie Wang also thought so.

It's a pity that things backfired, and there was a conflict within ID that suddenly spread like an explosion.

First, the marketing account has successively posted long Weibo. After the "reasonable and well-founded" analysis ID became popular, due to the uneven distribution of resources, several members were secretly intriguing, and it was more than once that people witnessed frequent quarrels between ID members. , and even start a fight.

Then the company's top management called Liu Cong over there and told him to adjust the internal contradictions of ID, and the company began to spread the news that ID might be disbanded.

Xie Zhuxing's parents contacted him and asked, "I heard that your group is about to disband?"

When relatives ask, they can explain that if it doesn't happen, it will be difficult for others, and others will not ask them face to face.

There was no work arrangement that day. Xie Zhuxing came to the company to practice dancing, and Wang Chao came with him. After watching him dance for a while, he went to the composition room to play by himself.

After skipping an hour, Xie Zhuxing packed up his things and prepared to leave. He went upstairs without going to the composition room first, but went to the toilet first. While washing his hands, someone came in and looked up in the mirror.

The enemy's road is narrow, a keyboard player whom I haven't seen in a while. He is a singer-songwriter. There are several composition rooms on this floor, and it is normal to appear here. Every time Wang Chao comes, he goes to the one with the best and most complete equipment, which is reserved for the company's gold-medal composers and a few first-line singers, while the others are just a little off.

Having seen it, Xie Zhuxing nodded, intending to say hello, but did not want to speak.

The keyboard player asked him, "Come to the company alone? Didn't Xiaochao come?"

It's none of your business to come or not? Xie Zhuxing said, "Do you have anything to do with him?"

The keyboard player smiled and said, "It's okay, I haven't seen you for a while, so I asked casually. I heard that your group is about to disband?"

Xie Zhuxing shook the water in his hand, turned around, and said with a stern face: "Then you are probably disappointed, you can't watch this lively."

The keyboard player raised his eyebrows and said, "What am I so disappointed about? It's none of my business whether your group disbands or not? If Xiaochao and you break up, I'll be able to watch the fun."

Xie Zhuxing said, "You..." He didn't say anything, and it would be a waste to swear at this person.

The keyboard player was quite provocative: "I am a straight person and I speak directly, don't mind. You two are going to leave, remember to let me know, I don't mind picking up a leak, anyway, you were picking up my leak, I It's not too bad to pick up what's left of you."

Xie Zhuxing said: "Don't talk nonsense here, I know exactly what happened in the past."

The keyboard player sneered: "What do you know? If I hadn't figured out whether to start or not, it would be your turn?"

Such self-righteous people are also rare, Xie Zhuxing was too lazy to teach him to be a man, and said, "I still have something to do, I'm leaving."

He walked around the man and wanted to leave, and as he passed by, the keyboardist stared sideways at him and said, "I guess you feel like a Cinderella too, don't you?"