MTL - Petite Mother of Four Big Shots-Chapter 36 Coquettish mother

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The next day, Gu Yizhou and Shu Ran met at the airport-for some reason, Shu's private jet was not available, and they had to take a regular flight.

Gu Yuanyuan didn't tell Jiang Yan about this. She was worried and said that Dabao would immediately send an airplane to them.

At the airport, Gu Yuanyuan looked for Shu Ran everywhere, until he was photographed on the shoulder: "Here."

"Xiao Ran?" Gu Yuanyuan looked in shock at the person who had wrapped himself in a blind relationship.

The man was all black and bloated, and the hat, mask, and glasses almost covered his skin without revealing it.

"Huh." Shu Ran revealed a tone from his nasal cavity. "Go."

Gu Yuanyuan: "How do you wrap yourself like this?"

Shu Ran gritted his teeth: "No word is allowed."

He did not want to recall the incident of being blocked in a public toilet by a fan.

"Who is this?" Looking around, he noticed that Gu Yuanyuan was followed by a somewhat restrained girl.

Gu Yuanyuan introduced: "This is thinking, my assistant."

"..." Shu Ranjiu, "I haven't seen each other for two nights, I have assistants already. Great."

Zuo Si was Jiang Yan's assistant to Gu Yuanyuan. As soon as Gu Yuanyuan left the apartment today, he saw the girl waiting at the door, a serious self-introduction, and an appointment letter indicating that she was assigned by Jiang Yan. of.

Shu Ran glanced at Zuo Si, a very bland face, the kind that would not be noticed when thrown into the crowd, and immediately there was no interest. Xiao Yuanyuan was still pretty.

He stretched out his hand to go to Gu Yuanyuan. The latter didn't respond, and Zuo Si grabbed his hand like a lightning and twisted it slightly.

Shu Ran: "!!!"

Gu Yuanyuan: "Stop thinking, let go!"

Zuo thought to let go, Shu Ran's pain caused Shengsheng to be stabbed back, and the other man moved manually, holding back: Damn, don't hit a woman.

Zuo Si's whole body was tense, and he said, "This gentleman, please don't move your hands to the lady."

Shu Ran gritted his teeth: "Which of your eyes did you see when I manually kicked her?"

Zuo Si said nothing.

"Xiao Ran, I'm sorry." Gu Yuanyuan rounded the field, "Xiao Si is a veteran female soldier, very powerful in the army."

This is what Zuo Si said when introducing herself.

With all the data in Zuosi ’s army, he could enter special forces for training. Unfortunately, he was screened because he was one centimeter shorter.

Zuo Si, who had left the army, did not have a college diploma, could not find a good job, and did not want to go back to his home to trouble his family, so he had to do some hard work on the construction site.

But she was a girl, and it was not very convenient on the job site, so she changed security for a while. Tian Xuan, the bodyguard who often stays with Jiang Yan, has a younger sister. By chance, Zuo Si was rescued once, and Zuo Si and Tian Xuan met a few times.

Jiang Yan wanted to find a suitable assistant for Gu Yuanyuan. Tian Xuan thought of Zuo Si. After Jiang Zuo personally saw Zuo Si, and felt good, he sent her directly.

Zuosi told Gu Yuanyuan all this information in 1510. She is a sincere girl and feels that no matter what work she does, she must make her background clear and clean.

The boss gave her a high salary. This is the first time she took such a high salary after she came out to earn a living. The boss asked her: Don't let any unscrupulous male approach the ancient Yuan Yuan—this must be done by her.

When Shu Ran patted Gu Yuanyuan's shoulder for the first time, she resisted, but when Shu Ran wanted to capture Gu Yuanyuan, she couldn't bear it!

"Xiao Yuanyuan, I shouldn't take you home this time." Shu Ran was really not good at thinking about a girl, clutching her chest and walking forward sadly.

Gu Yuanyuan became more and more embarrassed, but not surprised at Zuo Si, he had to think to Zuo: "You don't have to be so nervous, you should play with me."

Zuo Si froze. Facing Gu Yuanyuan's small face, she blushed and became even more helpless.

She knows that she looks ordinary, has done a lot of rough work, and is not treated favorably outside. Even, she has suffered a lot of malicious acts, but these are nothing to her.

When signing the contract, she only knew that the boss was the kind of person who was rich at the first sight, which made her feel uncomfortable at the same time, and also knew that she would take care and protect what seemed to be a star.

She didn't want to answer because most of the rich were not good at serving, but the high salary attracted her.


I didn't expect Gu Yuanyuan to get along unexpectedly, she just thought that Gu Yuanyuan would scold her because she took action against Shu Ran.

Gu Yuanyuan chased Shu Ran and coaxed: "Xiao Ran, wait a minute, I'll buy you milk tea, don't get angry."

Shu Ran thought, anyway, I am also a person with a face and a face in the circle, how can I not be angry if I can coax it?

He just wanted to sing proudly, and found that Gu Yuanyuan really ran to the tea shop next to him. He was slightly surprised, and then rubbed his wrists with a little taste, then looked at Zuo Si who followed him silently, and sighed with sigh.

How could Gu Yuanyuan be able to afford an assistant?

It must be arranged by Jiang Yan.

It seems likely that she is a sister-in-law.

I remembered that Shu Ming begged on the phone and told him how to contact Gu Yuanyuan. Shu Ran's eyebrows tightened tightly and her head began to hurt again.

After being coaxed by a cup of milk tea, Emperor Shu Daying got on the plane, and finally he was able to unload his full arms, Zuo Si looked at it, and stayed straight.

Shu Ranjun raised an eyebrow, and his voice was low magnetic: "This lady, Master Ben is handsome."

Zuo Si's face flushed, and he whispered seriously: "It looks good."

How could Shu Ran think the other side is so sincere, it's not good to make fun again, the point of Zuo Si's wrist twisting before disappeared completely. Gu Yuanyuan looked around and smiled with gossip, but he still had to hold back: "Xiao Ran, don't bully and think."

Shu Ran rolled her eyes and covered her eyes to sleep.

All the way, he got off the plane, and Shu Ran found cheers outside the passage, scaring the airport staff and saying, "Walk around the safe passage."

He thought his whereabouts had been exposed, and all his fans were cheering outside, for fear of being blocked by the fans again, he said to Gu Yuanyuan urgently: "You go on the other side, don't follow me."

Lest he be dragged down.

Gu Yuanyuan was aggressive.

As soon as the voice fell, there was a person coming around the corner, a long leg across, leaning against the wall: "What are you going to do?" I have been waiting for half an hour! "

"Well, Lin Shaoji, what are you doing?" Shu Ran jumped.

Lin Shaosi ignored him, and stretched out his fingers towards Gu Yuanyuan, his tone was particularly gentle: "Little girl, come here."

Gu Yuanyuan ran to him with a smile: "Xiao, you come to pick me up?"

Shu Ran: "..."

Is this girl the second sister-in-law, unaware of the rough waves under Lin Shaosi's calm surface.

Starting from yesterday, Lin Shaosi was out of breath, and the thought of Gu Yuanyuan was taken away by a man, he was panicked.

He told himself: a little girl, it has nothing to do with him, what she wants to do is her freedom, and he is not her, panic.

But he couldn't calm down in the end. In the end, he gave himself a reason: the little girl had a face exactly like his mother's, so he rushed to this face, and he had to be responsible for her one or two. A man's got arched.

If it wasn't for Lu Wenchen's taking away Yuan Yuan Yuan, Lin Shaoji would have gone directly from the crew.

I learned that Gu Yuanyuan's flight happened to be in the afternoon, so he came to the airport to squat in advance.

He came here with great fanfare and did not make any concealment. When he arrived at the airport, he was recognized by fans not long after. He used a few tricks to easily throw them away.

Later, he communicated with the airport staff, and he waited for them in an open manner not far from the exit.

When she saw Gu Yuanyuan, and then faced her with a smile on her face, Lin Shaosi's tone suddenly disappeared for some reason.

He also found the reason himself: the little girl didn't look like she was bullied. There were many people here, and she would ask slowly when she returned to the hotel.

As soon as he was ready to pull Gu Yuanyuan away, he stared for a moment and fell to the left, his eyes narrowing slowly.

Shu Ran was close. At that moment, he felt that if Zuo Si was a cat, he must have been exploded all over his body.

Zuo Si, facing the pressure that only she understood, said to Lin Shao: "Let go of Miss!"

"Who is she?" Lin Shaoji asked.

Gu Yuanyuan sighed, she began to regret and promised Dabao to ask her assistant: "Xiao Si, she is my assistant."

Lin Shaosi ignored Zuo Si's vigilance. He first said: "Don't mess around, I don't have a precedent that doesn't work with women."

"Where did it come from?" This was to Gu Yuanyuan.

When Gu Yuanyuan's heart moved, he took the opportunity to say: "Your brother arranged it."

Both Dabao and Erbao told her not to tell Sambo the situation first, and she also knew that Sambo didn't believe she was a mother, it didn't matter.

My brother always believes.

Let Sanbao meet Dabao first, and then through the explanation of Dabao Erbao, Sanbao should always believe that she is a mother.

Lin Shaoji: "???"

Shu Ran also looked at the question mark, didn't he arrange it? This girl is lying to Shao Lin?

Gu Yuanyuan was in a good mood, and he gave a final word: "Okay, go back to the hotel first."

Back at the hotel, Shu Ran was ruthlessly rushed back to his room, while Lin Shao Si entered Zuo Si's vigilant eyes into Gu Yuanyuan's room with her.

"Little girl, she ..." He pointed to Zuo Si, "I was arranged by 'brother'? Not 'brother'?"

He was thinking all the way whether Gu Yuanyuan described "Second Brother" as "Big Brother", but if it is Gu Yizhou, let's not mention why Gu Yizhou arranged an assistant for Gu Yuanyuan. Inform him on WeChat.

This is what he struggles with.

He told Gu Yuanyuan that he had four brothers, and that "big brother" in Gu Yuanyuan's mouth ...

Lin Shaosi didn't think that Gu Yuanyuan could meet his elder brother. He became famous for many years. If the elder brother recognized him, he should have recognized him like the second brother.

Before Yuanyuan Yuan posing as Shu Ran's girlfriend for a birthday party, he helped him find his elder brother.

How can it be so coincidental.

Gu Yuanyuan pressed Lin Shaosi to sit down on the sofa and motioned him to be calm and not impatient: "Xiao, is your elder brother called Gu Yiyu?"

Lin Shaosi even forgot his mother's name, not to mention his brother, but the name sounded familiar: "It should be."

"He has now changed his name to Jiang Yan." Gu Yuanyuan blinked, took out his mobile phone, and opened the picture of Jiang Yan. "Well, I also accidentally discovered that he is your elder brother."

"Look, both your elder brother and your second brother have met." Seeing Sanbao's unbelievable face, Gu Yuanyuan turned out the back of her picture of Dabao Erbao cooking in the kitchen.

Lin Shaosi glanced twice, disapprovingly saying, "... will not be p."

Gu Yuanyuan: "..."

Gu Yuanyuan: "If you don't believe it, you call your second brother and ask him about it."

Lin Shaoji thought for a while, then suddenly reached out and stunned Gu Yuanyuan's face: "Hey, you little girl, are you lying to me again?"

"If my elder brother really finds the elder brother, he will definitely tell me the first time." Lin Shaoji said, "I haven't received any news from him now, you say this is my elder brother, is he?"

"I think you just want to get past it, which guy did you go with that night." Lin Shaosi found that the little girl went out for a while, and she had more ideas, afraid she wasn't led by Shu Ran's boy.

The more I thought about it, the more he confided that he had hung up on the phone when questioning Shu Ran.

Lin Shaosi put down his mobile phone, flipped his hand, and Sen Leng's scimitar appeared, and slammed on the coffee table: "Little girl, honestly, who was with these two nights, and who did she get?"

He looked to Zuo Si, and when he thought of a stinky man who had shoved her to Gu Yuanyuan, and found that Zuo Si was as vigilant as him against the wolf, Lin Shao's hand was a little itchy.

The author has something to say: the second child arrives, hey ~

Yuanyuan sighs: My family's Sambo is so stubborn ~

Thanks for the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution ~

Thanks to the little angel who threw [the grenade]: Oh! My goblin! 1

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the [nutrient solution]:

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard! 2k novel reading network