MTL - Pharmacist of the Future-Chapter 49 Dahei turned into a dragon

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The mask man quickly grabbed Mu Yanzhi, reached out and touched Mu Yanzhi's neck, determined that the other party was just fainted instead of dead, and he was slightly indifferently relieved.

The ancient beast snake looked at the mask man spitefully, but did not look at Mu Yanzhi. From the beginning to the present, what he wanted was the human in front of him.

The mask man looked at the ancient beast snake coldly, and then carefully placed Mu Yanzhi under the tree, and waste a lot of abilities into a protective cover to protect Mu Yanzhi.

At this time, the mask man's muscles were tight, and he gradually mobilized the surrounding abilities to put himself in a state of preparation.

The ancient beast snake can clearly feel how threatening this human is in front of it. It does not dare to relax at all, and understands in its heart that it must go all out. This human is too powerful.

However, such human nuclei will also be more powerful.

Thinking of this, the ancient beast snake's eyes flashed with greed, but nevertheless, it did not lose its mind and rushed straight up. Instead, it carefully hovered the body and kept swinging the snake's head, as if looking for the weakness of the mask man.

After searching for a while, the ancient beast snake seemed to have made a decision. I saw that its eyes became redder and his forehead gradually bulged up. Then something broke through the meatballs and came out, emitting a terrible black gas. .

The mask man took a vigilant look and found that it turned out to be a black horn, especially the black gas wrapped around the corner gave the mask man a very terrifying threat.

Instantly, the mask man quickly mobilized the abilities on his body and gradually gathered in his hands, which could be triggered at any time.

Seeing this, the ancient beast snake quickly gathered more black gas on the forehead, and gradually gathered into a black ball, which looked quite scary.

It seemed instinctual, one person and one snake launched an attack at the same time, and threw out his power ball.

The purple lightning ball and the black fog balloon collided instantaneously, making a huge booming sound. A wave of mountains shook the surrounding trees, causing the attack to fall to the ground. This shows how terrible the attack of one person and one snake.

The male face in the mask grew colder, and his eyes were extremely vigilant.

There are two types of ancient beasts. One is purely powerful, but there is no power attack, and the other is with power attack, but the body is not as hard and fearless as the previous one. It can be said that nothing can hurt it.

The mask man didn't dare to care, he didn't expect that the card in front of this ancient beast snake turned out to be a power attack, and he didn't lose to himself at all.

However, no matter how powerful it is, no one can kill the ancient beast.

The male eye of the mask flashed a purple light, and a purple lightning ball condensed again. Looking at the lightning ball, it even contained a moist white streamer.

That is the lightning ball after the water and thunder abilities are combined. The power is extremely great. The mask man will never use this skill at will, because once he is used, he will be weak for a while.

The ancient beast snake stared at the lightning ball, and suddenly felt a crisis of death shrouded in himself, and it opened its mouth in horror and roared, as if shouting something again.

Immediately, the roar of another ancient beast snake came not far away, and seemed to respond.

The masked man's secret road is not good. If the two ancient beast snakes come together to attack him, then he has absolutely no chance of winning.

Time couldn't be wasted. His eyes sank, and he quickly threw the power exactly where the ancient animal snake was injured. The ancient animal snake's skin was tightly closed in an instant. It quickly covered it with its tail. His wounds, while using his horns to release a more powerful black mist balloon into a shield to protect himself.

With a slamming sound, a thunderbolt and water polo smashed on the black fog shield, and it burst into a brilliant light. At the same time, all the trees and leaves of the forest were destroyed by the energy wave. Many trees were stricken and fell down completely, even the ground The turf was not spared, and all of them blasted off, revealing pots of black earth.

The ancient beast snake was lifted up by the energy wave. The huge body crushed the surrounding trees and made an unbearable crunch. After a few seconds, the ancient beast snake fell heavily on the ground and smashed a huge Dirt pit.

The man in the mask was not very relaxed. He was also backed up several meters by the energy waves formed by the two powers. His feet even slid out of the pit on the ground and fell into it.

"Hoo ..." The mask man covered his chest, as if to suppress the pain caused by the trauma of the five internal organs, and the corners of his mouth even dazzled with blood.

The ancient beast snake hurriedly lifted its body to cover another wound that was blasted by the energy wave at this moment. The blood from the park kept flowing, contaminating the grass on the ground, and seemed to dye it red.

Some of the surrounding power beasts or fierce beasts were trembling because of the terrible ancient beast level coercion, and fled like crazy. Some mercenary regiments entering the forest today quickly discovered today's power beasts and animals. It seemed to be extra fearful, and even lost the war. For a moment, they began to besiege the power beasts with great excitement. This time, they secretly said that they would make a lot of money.

Having said that, the blood on the wound of the ancient beast snake was too fast. In a blink of an eye, it could clearly feel that its strength was weak. To stop the bleeding, it was necessary to activate the power on the forehead, but the power only Use less and less.

One person and one snake suffered no small injuries, and they did not act lightly. It seems that they mutually agreed to temporarily suspend the truce, and to recover the wounds at this fastest time, preparing for the next battle of life and death, endlessly.

After a while, the ancient beast snake found that the wound on his body was still bleeding, and he instantly realized that the human ability could weaken its powerful recovery ability.

It can't wait any longer and urges partners to come over as soon as possible.

"His ..."

Soon, another ancient beast snake responded quickly.

At this moment, Mu Yanzhi woke up, and just happened to hear what the ancient animal snake said.

"Come and kill humans ..."


These two conversations immediately made Mu Yan careless of himself, anxiously facing the big underworld in front: "Big black! Another ancient beast snake is coming."

The **** eyes darkened, and his voice seemed more hoarse than ever. He said, "Sit there and don't move."

I got the news from my companion. The ancient beast snake quickly urged the horns on his forehead to provoke some mist to cover the wound. Soon, the blood flowing out of the wound seemed to gradually diminish. Can stop bleeding.

"His ..." The roar of another ancient beast snake gradually heard in the distance, and the sound waves shook many trees to the ground.

Over ...

Mu Yanzhi's face was pale. He remembered that Dahei had said that he could not fight two ancient beast snakes.

"Let's run." Mu Yanzhi shouted to the mask man.

"Can't run away, stay in my power hood well, don't walk around." Dahei ordered.

At this time, Mu Yan found out that there seemed to be a translucent cover around him. He didn't dare touch it, but he sat there anxiously. Don't drag the mask man as much as possible.

On the contrary, at the end of the moment, the mask man had no fear at all, but released all the killing intentions all over his body. The terrible coercion caused the ancient beast snake that was hurt in front of him to be scared, and he was obviously injured. Why is this human being still returning? So powerful.

At this moment, the sky seemed to sink down, Mu Yan looked up, and his pupils almost shrank.

At this moment a huge snake fell from high altitude, which just blocked the sunlight of this forest, which caused the shadow to appear.

Mu Yanzhi was so terrified that he wanted to run away immediately, but because of his strength, he was also spiked for running, so he might as well stay in place.

With a bang, the serpent landed on the ground and smashed a huge pit. It stared at the mask man spitefully and kept vomiting his tongue.

Seeing that his companion had arrived, the fear in the heart of this ancient beast snake disappeared, and it slowly crawled over and made preparations for attack.

The two ancient beast snakes felt a little bad for a human being.

"Good come!" The mask man seemed to sneer, but his calm tone seemed to contain the violent killing intention, causing the ancient beast snake that came over to be very vigilant, and quickly showed his hole card. Soon its forehead also The big bag was swelled quickly, a black horn broke out from it, and the terrible black gas hovered around the horn.

Mu Yanzhi opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he could only helplessly close his mouth, and kept praying in his heart that Dahei could defeat these two terrible beasts.

The two ancient beast snakes seemed to have the spirit and the rhinoceros, hovering together quickly, the snakes intersected. They are tangled up, regardless of each other, and the two snake heads are raised high. At first glance, it looks like a two-headed snake, and it looks even more terrifying than before.

The mask man was not afraid, but was war-fighting, and the whole body began to emit purple light visible to the naked eye, looking even more majestic, with an indescribable dignity and domineering.

When the two ancient beast snakes didn't know what happened, they were a little uneasy. They were just ordinary humans, but they had a kind of surrender from their bones as if they were facing more noble and noble creatures than themselves mean.

The ancient beast snake understood that they could not wait any longer, and immediately decided to kill the human regardless of everything and win the crystal nucleus.

For a while, the black horns of the two snakes seemed to emit a black aperture, and Mu Yan contracted in the power hood, blessing the power hood to hold the black aperture.

He didn't want to die here for a while, he couldn't even return the earth.

The masked man's dark eyes flashed vigilance, he jumped quickly, stood in front of Mu Yanzhi, and once again created a power wall with powers in front of him.

The dark aperture gradually widens, and every tree that touches the aperture stops and cuts off instantly, until the aperture touches the wall of the power, and there is a slight fluctuation.

The two ancient beast snakes continued to increase their abilities, and the mask man also quickly thickened the abilities wall again. You attacked me and it seemed that no one could bear what he could, and he felt relieved in Mu Yan's heart.

Just then, the mutation occurred.

One of the ancient beast snakes suddenly launched a sound wave. This sound wave quickly passed through the wall of the power and attacked the mental power of the mask man and Mu Yanzhi.

This change happened too quickly, coupled with the mask male one to two, it was really impossible to be distracted before being attacked successfully.

The most terrible thing is that the seemingly solid wall of powers opened the gap instantly ...

Mu Yanzhi's headache was attacked by the sound wave of the ancient beast snake, as if a spoon was constantly stirring his brain, and the pain seemed to faint.

"It hurts ..." Mu Yanzhi couldn't help crying out.

At this moment, a dark shadow came together, and then it seemed that the citrus was hit by his own neck, and his consciousness began to blur instantly, but just before passing out, a white light flashed in front of his eyes Then, faintly saw a white and blue tail.

After Dahe put his hands down and determined that Mu Yanzhi had passed out, he glanced at his tail lightly, transformed completely assuredly, and in a blink, he changed from a tall human to an ancient beast.

His appearance looks similar to those of the two ancient beast snakes, but his body is white, with blue mane growing on his back, floating in the wind, and having nine claws at the same time, extremely sharp.

There are tentacles on his forehead, and the blue whiskers add a bit of domineering, graceful but noble and domineering, just like Pianhong. The mask man knew that his ancient beast form was born with the ability to fly. He floated in the air, faintly gnawing a snake with small tentacles.

The two snakes somehow felt the coercion from their bones, blinking in fear.

They can't figure it out, why can a human be turned into an ancient beast?

Why this ancient