MTL - Phoenix Destiny-Chapter 783 Ruomu’s memory

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This green tree stretches out the branches and sways gently in the wind.

Lu Mingshu said again: "What do you want to do? Is it enough to play with so many people?"

This tree is still silent.

Ji Kunkun couldn't help but say: "Lu girl, are you mistaken? What is wrong with this tree?"

The answer to him is Xie Xingshen: "The treasurer, haven't you seen it yet? Your former master, but it is a jealousy."

It is difficult for him to believe in this matter. Ning Chong is an idiot and not a fake, but his past life is not. I used to be a poor person, and he was a stranger to him.

Lord of the Gods...

Ji Kunkun remembers a lot of things.

He remembers the forest, when the gods were still prosperous, the one did not allow anyone to enter the forest.

For a long time, they did not know its existence. Until the day when the gods collapsed.

In the memory of Ji Kunkun, there are elongated branches and tangles, and the inner city is divided into five, and the five circles are separated.

Later, he resumed his memory. He heard that Mufu Ning's guardian of the treasure of the gods, he immediately thought of the scene before the collapse of the gods.

If wood, it must be this thing. Since the domain of God has collapsed because of it, it is certain that it will be reconnected.

He tried his best to develop and grow, and he destroyed Ning's family, and wanted to **** Ruomu.

As a result, Lu Mingshu, who was mistaken into Taiyuan, got it.

He once thought about killing Lu Mingshu and robbing Ruomu. However, after estimating their strength, Ji Kunkun believes that he does not need to waste energy, so he changed to Huairou.

The world is curious about the mysterious origins of Ruomu, but Ji Kun is only a bridge.

He thought it was ignorant in the world. Was the ignorant person himself?

Lu Mingshu, if the shadow of the wood grows bigger and bigger, it is in line with its body.

It swayed the leaves and seemed to want to break her off and return to the body.

Lu Mingshu was unmoved, watching it struggle on his own body, the body was close at hand, but in vain.

Xie Xing Shen looked at this scene with concern. Only in the domain of God, he has seen the power of Ruomu. Ningchong got the heart of the heart, and the strength rose to the Yuanyuan. As a result, under the power of Ruomu, he was vulnerable.

If this thing is malicious to Lu Mingshu, they can't resist at all.

A gust of wind blew, the leaves shook, creaking, as if crying. The shadow of Ruomu on her body is constantly struggling, but she can't return to the body.

At first glance, it seems that Lu Mingshu is bullying it.

She looked coldly and whispered: "You don't have to struggle, you can't get rid of it."

If the wood is strong, it is too big for the power of the skywheel.

If the shadow of Wood ceases to be distorted, the sound of weeping is greater.

Lu Mingshu also disagrees with it. The whole world is its toy. When it wants to play, find a scorpion to build a sacred domain. If you don't want to play, you will disconnect the five realms. It is not a poor seedling, but a devil who is more murderous than a singer.

She does not want to comment on who is right or wrong, but this is undoubtedly the root of everything.

The sound of the branches and leaves was getting denser and denser, and she heard the real crying.

Thin, weak, like a child.

As if I was having fun, I was forcibly interrupted, and I was sobbing that the adult returned his toy, but I could not get a response.

Lu Mingshu was as hard as iron, and he was not listening to Ruomu’s crying.

Until it desperately made a sound: "Give me back, give it back to me..."

Xie Xingshen and others heard the creeps.

Xiang Zong couldn't help but ask: "Is it alive? Is it fine?"

Whether it is ancient summer or Kyushu, only Warcraft has the corresponding ingenuity, plants like trees will become fine, or listen to the Guangling layman mentioned. However, the strength of the hole period was still a bit worse, and they could not follow them to other circles. Xiang Zongshi did not see it.

Lu Mingshu shook his head: "It should be said that it was originally alive."

She asked Ruomu in front of her eyes: "Where did you come from? What is the relationship with the skywheel?"

"Heaven, the sky wheel..." If the wood muttered repeatedly.

"Yes, the sky wheel." Lu Mingshu patiently waited for the answer.

"I don't know, I don't know." The thin child cried, listening to everyone's ears, only feeling creepy.

"Then why are you building a **** domain?"


"If you don't make it clear, you can't think back to the body."

Her tough attitude allowed Ruomu to know that it was impossible to get pitiful and get everything.

"Is it right? Will it be returned to me?" The fine tone was as pitiful as listening.

Lu Mingshu just said faintly: "You don't say, certainly not."

"Hey, I said, I said..."

If there is a smog on the wooden body, throw it here.

This smog wrapped them in the next moment, and they seemed to be in an illusory image.

A huge tree, stout, straight to the sky.

Countless people and birds and beasts come in and out, through this tree, to the unknown place.

Her vision quickly zoomed in and finally attached to a branch.

The birds fluttered around and the beasts jumped on the branches. There are also those who come and go, in different forms, different costumes, and pass by them one by one.

The vast land beneath them lives with human beings who are similar and different.

Some of them are the first person, exactly the same as today. There are also people who are the first beasts, the beasts, and look strange and harmonious.

A city wall is built around this tree. These strange human beings live in peace with each other.

The clouds of smoke drifted and the foreground of the eye changed.

Humans who used to be harmonious with each other have picked up their weapons and used various techniques to attack each other.

They played dark and landslides.

The electric snake danced in the air, and the gale winds through everything in the world.

The blood flowed all over the place, and the birds and beasts scattered.

"Oh!" This branch detached from the tree, fell into the earth, and was covered by darkness.

I don't know how long it took, it was drilled out of the soil, and it was a completely different scene.

There is no such a huge tree, no surrounding the city, no birds and beasts, no human beings.

It grows alone, sprouts and grows into a tree.

Finally, it saw humans and birds and beasts again.

But they all have a fixed form, and only people are the first person, and the beast is no longer a human figure.

One person was the first to discover its anomaly.

So, it poured some of his power into him and made him the strongest in the world.

He conquered everyone and built the same city as its memory.

He used a special technique to create many bird-bearing birds.

He also wants to make more of the creatures in his memory, but there is not enough power to go to this step.

In the beginning, it was a joy, as if it had returned to the past.

But then, it didn't become uninteresting.

False, all fake. It’s not like the people and things in its memory.

So, it took back its strength and fell asleep.

The city was destroyed and the five circles were disconnected.