MTL - Pierce Heaven Til’ It Breaks-v19 Chapter 16 Harm others

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Volume 19 Chapter 16 Harm to others

The dwarf captain died unexpectedly, countless large fish began to attack the ship, the bottom of the ship broke into the water, and the hull began to sink. The situation was very dangerous. (Baidu search m, Rainbow Literature Network)

During the whole process, Li Yi kept watching, because he knew that these were normal plot settings, and each player would encounter such a situation when he reached the endless sea for the first time.

"Friends, hold on, I see land!"

The dwarf helmsman was desperately at the helm, trying to get the ship closer to land.

"Oh no, you idiot, the endless sea has no land. Come back soon, that's a trap!" The dwarf deputy captain yelled.

It's late, at this point, the helmsman has rushed forward to the land ahead ... it was a huge vortex.

嗖 嗖 嗖 嗖 ——

The ship was drawn in and began to spin rapidly until Li Yi's eyes darkened and passed out.

A moment later, Li Yi's consciousness was restored. Opening his eyes, he lay down on a wooden board, looking around, there was only an ocean.

The endless sea has no land, only the endless ocean!

"Come out, Freya!"

Li Yi drank a bottle of 'Advanced Underwater Breathing Potion' and summoned the mermaid queen.

Raising the endless sea requires diving to the bottom, and Li Yi needs Freya's help.

Li Yi rode on Freya and dived into the sea.

The map of the endless sea can no longer be described by its size. It is said that this sea area was the place where the **** king and the evil **** fought, and was shocked by the divine power, which caused this sea area to evolve into an endless state.

In this area of ​​the sea, you are always swimming in one direction. Even if you swim for ten or eight years, you cannot swim to the end. The name of the endless sea comes from this.

It is even more difficult to find items in such strange seas than to find a needle in a haystack, and the time limit of the mission is only ten days, reaching the highest difficulty level sss, which is not surprising.

"Treasure hunt!"

Li Yi dived into the sea and issued instructions to allow Freya to search for nearby treasures.

Freya swam away happily. About ten minutes later, she held a red crystal in her mouth and swam back.

Red represents power. The name of this crystal stone is ‘Stone of Strength’, which can be used to inlay on the equipment to increase its attributes by 10%.

The power stone is a very rare thing, and the auction house can't see it at all. It only appears when players dig for treasure occasionally.

"Continue searching for treasure."

Li Yi stroked Freya's head and issued the command again.

Although the underwater world is dazzling, in Li Yi's eyes, he can't even distinguish between southeast and northwest, which direction is where the **** king and evil gods fight, and where to store the items left by the **** of death, he knows nothing.

Now she can only take advantage of Freya's special abilities.

Freya's second treasure hunt, brought back a dagger, purple quality, level 200 equipment, very good attributes.

"I need weird treasures. I don't need these."

Li Yi threw the purple dagger to the ground in front of Freya's face.

"Continue treasure hunt!"

Freya swam away with red eyes.

Li Yi leaned down to pick up the purple dagger and put it into the backpack.

Since Freya has evolved into a mermaid queen, her ability to "treasure hunt" has also been greatly improved. Previously, all the types of items she found for treasure hunts were random, but now, she can refine the search target through the command of her master.

Li Yi said not to equip, then next time Freya will never find equipment.

This time, Freya has been searching for treasures for a long time. Half an hour has passed, and she has not yet returned.

"Alice, come out!"

Li Yixian's boredom summoned the strongest mercenary, Ai Sisi.

Alcis recognized the place at a glance: "Here is ... the endless sea!"

Li Yi Daqi: "How do you know?"

Ai Sisi is the second demons, and has been living in a different world. She can know the endless sea, which really surprised Li Yi.

Ai Sisi narrowed her eyes: "This is the place where the **** king and the evil gods fight. I can feel the divine power left here ..."


Li Yi looked at Ai Sisi with a smile on her face.

How Alcis knew that this place was unimportant. The point was that she said she could feel the divine power remaining here.

Doesn't that mean that the clues left by the evil **** can be found?

Li Yi could not wait to ask: "Which direction?"

Alcis pointed to the West: "This way."

Li Yi did not find it immediately, but stayed there waiting for Hou Freya. Although the mermaid queen is clever, if he runs too far, there is danger of losing.

After waiting for another half an hour, Freya swam back exhaustedly, holding a black crystal nucleus in her mouth.

It is-the core of God!

Li Yi reached for it, checked the attributes, and only displayed a name ‘Heart of Destruction’.

This is a crystallization of divine power left after the death of the Dark God.

"Good job, good job."

Li Yi stroked Freya's head and kept praising. Freya moved and choked, and her favorability went up.

The value of the heart of God, Li Yi naturally knows that if this thing is used in conjunction with the "Book of God", it can trigger the task of becoming a god.

"Go back and rest."

Li Yi beckoned, resolved Freya, and summoned the crimson seahorse.

"Under the crown of Alice, sit up."

Elsie shook her head: "No, I can swim over."

As a demon god, Ai Sisi always maintained the dignity that the devil should have, riding and riding with a mortal, she could not do such a thing.

Ai Sisi insisted not to sit, and Li Yi couldn't help it. Now she can't put her away, and she still expects her to lead the way.

"Please invite me first." Li Yi asked politely to Elsie.

Elise stretched her arms and swept slowly forward.

She can breathe freely under water, but the speed of swimming is very tragedy. It is not as fast as Li Yiyou. Slowly, she seems to have the urge to grab her head.

Li Yi swam with her for a while, and couldn't stand it. She came up with an idea, took out an engineering cable, and threw it to her.

Drag her to swim and it will be fast.

"Okay ..." Elsie nodded and agreed.

The crimson seahorse started and swam westward like an arrow.

There are many monsters on the bottom of the sea, Li Yi deliberately avoided all the way, if he could not enter the battle, he would never enter.

"How far is it under Ercis?"

"Coming soon, I feel that the divine power fluctuations are getting stronger and stronger."

In an instant, half an hour passed, Li Yi asked again, "How far is it under the crown of Ai Ersi?"

"Should ... come on ..." Alcis' tone was a little less confident.

Li Yi took Ai Erxisi all the way west, and after swimming for about three hours, she could not reach the place where Ai Ersisi called the power fluctuation.

Ai Sisi shook her head helplessly: "It's strange, I obviously feel that it's not far, but why ..."

Li Yi disbanded the crimson hippocampus and summoned Freya. The crimson hippocampus was moving too slowly, and using Freya to hurry, it was much faster.

It ’s not very good to march alone on the endless endless seabed. All channels are blocked, mailboxes, voice messages, and all invalid, all the friends' avatars are gray ...

In the endless sea, there is no connection with the outside world.

Freya marches quickly on the bottom of the sea. Although she is still pulling a person behind her, her speed is still several times faster than the crimson seahorse ...


"Kill, kill, dare to play with me, you must kill!"

Chamber of Commerce under the Gods, Qiu Zhilian looked at the items in the auction house, and waved his fists in anger.

Recently, Li Yi contacted Fengyun Jiujie's desperate stocking and price reduction, and Bai Xiaoya was about to collapse, but no one thought that at this time, Bai Xiaoya actually changed her strategy, not at low prices. Instead of selling goods, they rushed to acquire.

You charge me too, and both sides grab it.

"Sister Qiu Qiu Qiu Qiu Qiu Qiu Qiu ... I, I, I, I, I ..." Dong Dong held his fingers and settled his account. He couldn't even figure out how to calculate, and the anxious brain door was sweating.

"The price is twice as low as the market price. If you sell all of them without leaving them, don't check them. You just do it."

"I, I, I, I, I ..."

"A set of 250 gold, do you understand?"

"Understand ... understand."

Qiu Zhilian is notoriously dark, and her mind is definitely not as good as that of ordinary people. This is why Li Yi dare to let her help her. Although this girl is not self-interested, it is quite detrimental.

Bai Xiaoya's mind is not simple, but unfortunately, this time, she encountered an opponent who is darker than her and more crafty than her.

Qiu Zhilian has Fengyun Jiuge's support behind her. She has no financial pressure at all. With her mind, what item she wants to go up can be lifted up immediately. If she wants to come down, she can come down immediately.

"It's not that I pay, anyway, if I lose it, it won't matter to me!"

The black girl is smart.

Just like this time, she dared to lose half of what she received for 500 gold, and she was just one, so that Bai Xiaoya could stock up to reduce her working capital.

In this way, there is no strong capital to back it up. Whoever engages in death will be fortunate that Feng Jiujiu trusts Li Yi and the money is handed to you. He can spend it with you. He doesn't care. People, Qiu Zhilian's acquisition plan has been suspended halfway.

In order to defeat Bai Xiaoya, the black girl's current tactics are to damage one thousand and hurt eighty ...

Anyway, if you do n’t have money, I will kill you, kill kill kill kill ...

"That silly woman is crazy? She dare to pay half of the goods?"

Bai Xiaoya slammed the table! "Eat it all!"

With the news that Bai Xiaoya had all bought in, Qiu Zhi's love was even more joyful, and he ordered to continue: "Kill kill kill, continue to lose money and don't control ..."


Three days passed in an instant, Li Yi swam westward in the endless sea for three days, and still could not find the place where Elsith said the divine power remained.


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