MTL - Pirate’s Brood Order-v3 Chapter 353 prison riot

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The cage was blown to pieces, and the icy aisle was full of potholes and squirming. A dark and dark fungus crept emerged. The surrounding walls climbed with layers of black markings, and dense black lines were mixed into the walls. As if alive.

Abstract, twisted, exudes a terrifying and mysterious atmosphere!

Inside the cramped cages, the shackled prisoners stared at the ground in horror as the cracks opened, and countless surging black lines shot out, exuding a "hissing" sinister coldness. From the ankle upwards, the entire body was swallowed up, and the ears, nose, mouth, and eyes all penetrated into the cold black.

"Ah ah ah—"

The terrifying screams came one after another, and the prisoners locked by the Hailou Stone were unable to resist at all, and the black thread penetrated the heart, and soon a black light appeared in each of their eyes.

The screams disappeared, replaced by excited breathing, the shackles that were broken freed and smashed to the ground, the sound of the icy prison being smashed open, and prisoners exuding horror escaped from the trap!

"I give you freedom, and you consecrate your life and soul to me!"

Arlin stood in the center of the infinite hell, with cracked creeps and black threads surging under his feet, strange shadows and black-robed apostles standing around him, making him look like a demon **** descending from the abyss.

In the dead silence, there is a strange and exciting aura.

"Go ahead, occupy this prison, it will become the Legion's lair!" Yaerlin said quietly.


The unanimous roar penetrated the infinite **** and echoed throughout the advancing city. The gate of the sixth-floor prison was pushed open, and the guarding beasts were torn to pieces in an instant. Before the guards could respond, their bodies exploded into a cloud of blood. fog.

monitoring room!

The monitoring screen on the entire sixth floor fell into pitch black. Then, the entire advancing city seemed to tremble for a while, and the air echoed with roars, as if countless beasts had rushed out of the cage.

"what happened?"

Hannibal rushed in from outside, staring at the surveillance screen with rounded eyes.

Boom! ! !

Suddenly, the ground arched a huge bulge, as if a huge explosion erupted from the ground, but it failed to completely blast the surface, and only formed a strange bulge.


There was another sharp explosion, and the protrusions appeared as cobweb-like cracks. Countless hard rubble volleyed around like rolling mud, and the monitoring screens were smashed. Several prison guards were sitting on their chairs before they could react. The body was volleyed into a thin sieve.

The scorching flames spewed out, the hot rocks were melted into molten iron, and Ace jumped out from below. He looked at Hannibal and said savagely: "I remember you, you are very unkind to me when you first came here. friendly!"

Dense beads of sweat appeared on Hannibal's face, and his lips stuttered: "Jailbreak, Fire Fist Ace has escaped!"

"Prison break, this word is not very accurate!" In the hoarse and twisted voice, another prisoner in prison uniform jumped out.

The red eyebrows on his wrinkled and withered face were striking. His mouth was wide open, revealing sharp teeth, and he appeared behind Hannibal in an instant.

The slender and powerful fingers grabbed the opponent's throat, and the blood-sucking fangs pierced the artery and sucked greedily. At the same time, the wrinkles on the face quickly subsided, and the whole cheek returned to the handsome appearance of youth.

"Red Earl, Baroric Redfield!"

A terrifying name appeared in Hannibal's mind, and he turned his head, and his whole body was sucked into a human body.

"Occupy this prison!" Baloric wiped off the blood stains from the corners of his mouth, licked his scarlet lips, and replied to Hannibal's corpse.

The wall next to it suddenly exploded, and the viscous poisonous gas rolled into a black poisonous dragon. The walls along the way were corroded by the poisonous poison, and the body of the jailer on the ground turned into a pool of black water just by being touched lightly.

"Tell me how you got out of the cage of infinite hell!"

Magellan manipulated the poisonous dragon, like a giant whale swallowing the sea, his entire chest was heaving, and a piercing huge exhalation whistling pierced into the eardrums of Ace and the Red Earl.


A twisted sand snake shot out of the hole, and the black magnetic sand tumbled violently, like a ferocious chain wrapping around the head of the poisonous dragon.

Sa Suo twisted the head of the poisonous dragon, the pouring poisonous rain fell and the magnetic sand was corroded into a foul-smelling silt. A little under Crocodile's feet, the whole person turned into a black wind and appeared behind Magellan.

"If it weren't for the imprisonment in the cage, it would not be so simple to take in these vicious criminals. In the end, it is your credit!"

The words of thanks came out of his mouth, but the poisonous sting mercilessly opened a gap on Magellan's back.

Magellan frowned, his entire body melted into a pool of venom in an instant, and then suddenly swelled into countless splashing raindrops covering Crocodile.

Crocodile bared his teeth, his whole body swelled and turned black, showing a little metallic luster. He raised his hand and clenched it forward, and the surging magnetic sand condensed into a hideous sickle to tear open the rain curtain.

The splattered venom hit his body and created a corrosive pothole. Crocodile's eyes turned black for a while, and then he saw a worm tornado engulfed and devoured the corrosive venom, and a large number of poisoned insects fell to the ground. , a ghost in a black robe emerged from the The rain curtain was torn apart, and a terrifying hole opened in Magellan's chest, which was condensed into a human shape, and the whole person flew out. There was a faint ripple in the air, and a transparent blade pierced his eyebrows like lightning.


Shiryu, the former warden of the advance city, the one with the ability of the transparent fruit, was imprisoned in the sixth floor because of the indiscriminate murder of criminals.

Magellan's pupils shrank, and a strong poisonous mist suddenly spewed out of his mouth. He quickly covered his head with his arm, and saw a cluster of swords piercing through his arm, piercing through it, less than an inch from the center of his eyebrows.

"Have all the prisoners on the sixth floor escaped?!!"

Magellan's heart sank to the bottom, but he couldn't figure out who had released these prisoners.

Blood gushed out from his arm, and Magellan fell heavily to the ground. He quickly got up to dodge Shiliu's continuous stabs, and his mind twitched wildly, thinking about the countermeasures.

The sound of the blade piercing the flesh, and the sword was stabbed by Shiliu. Magellan stroked the latter's chest with his palm, and the violent toxin instantly penetrated the opponent's body. With just one breath, the surface of the opponent's body surfaced with festering damage. Meat, the whole person twitched and fell to the ground, spitting black water.

"The poisonous heart needed for the upgrade of the yin marks should be you!"

An indifferent voice came out, a strange voice like a cold blade plunging into Magellan's eardrum, a black line poking out from the ground and slowly condensing into a stern face.