MTL - Pirates: Control Thunder and Lightning-Chapter 520 : Hunting Naval Operations

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The last stop on the Great Route before reaching the final island, the island of Mercury.

"Ugh, it's so happy."

With a bandage on his chest, Kaido sat on the wide seat, raised the scarlet wine gourd in his hand and poured wine into his mouth happily.

A large amount of transparent liquor dripped onto the bandage on his chest along with Kaido's drinking, and the red blood on the bandage was instantly dizzy.

"Kaido, are you alright? I don't want you to be held back."

Barrett, who was sitting next to Kaido, folded his arms around his chest, looked at Kaido coldly and said.

"Well, don't worry, this little injury is no problem for me at all. Then it's time to start a war that sweeps the world!"

Kaido placed the wine gourd heavily on the table in front of him and said arrogantly.

And as Kaido's voice fell, a carnival broke out in the huge hall.

It can be said that most of these pirates who are qualified to appear in the hall are not villains at sea or representatives of the underground dark forces. People with bounties of less than 100 million are not qualified to appear here.

"no problem?"

Barrett was noncommittal about Kaido's words.

Some time ago, if he hadn't arrived in time, Kaido would have been killed by the furious Whitebeard.

"Morgans, are you alright?"

Kaido said and looked at the big news Morgans sitting not far to the right of him.

"Of course no problem, all the papers are already printed and ready to be sent around the world."

Morgans' eyes have already begun to glow. This time can be said to be his most exciting moment. All kinds of big news are emerging one after another, and it is foreseeable how much the next news will make waves in the world.

The next day, a news from the World Economic Agency was conveyed to all corners of the world through newspapers.

The carnival of pirates has officially begun! Tickets are-

A navy head with at least the rank of captain! The major can serve as five tickets, and the lieutenant colonel has twenty-five tickets...]

As soon as the news came out, there was an uproar in the world!

The news published in the newspaper immediately caused panic all over the world.

That's right, panic. The Navy has always issued a bounty order, making countless pirates become bounty hunters and Bailey in the eyes of others.

This is common sense and an effective way for the Navy to contain the ever-present pirates.

At the same time, this kind of behavior will also give ordinary people a sense of security. At least the existence of a bounty order can make them believe that the pirates who are offered a bounty will one day be sent to prison.

But now, Kaido the Beasts and the others have so boldly exchanged the tickets for the carnival and the navy heads as equivalent.

Such behavior, in the eyes of ordinary people, undoubtedly subverts their worldview, and at the same time makes them panic.

It is only natural for the navy to offer a bounty to pirates. After all, one is a soldier and the other is a thief, and the navy has always been chasing pirates all over the world.

But suddenly it turned the other way around, making many ordinary people unacceptable. After all, the other party even dares to offer a reward to the navy. Does it mean that the navy can no longer deter the pirates, and it is foreseeable that the first unlucky ones to face the crazy pirates are not necessarily those navies, but ordinary people like them.

After all, the lieutenant of the navy is also the backbone of the navy. Ordinary pirates are probably not their opponents, but these ordinary pirates will definitely take advantage of the opportunity of those powerful pirates to hunt the navy all over the world.

And everything is the same as what ordinary people worry about.

For the carnival that Kaido and others will hold, many powerful pirates are very impressed with this.

The head of a navy captain for a ticket to the celebration seemed quite reasonable to them.

After all, this is a carnival that can be linked to the big secret treasure, but not all cats and dogs are eligible to participate.


They have always been chased by the navy all over the world. This time, it was their turn to give the navy a little color.

"You're in big trouble, Shanks."

On the Red Firth, the expression on Ben Beckman's face was quite solemn when he looked at the newspaper in his hand.

It can be said that with the actions of Kaido and Barrett, there is absolutely no possibility of easing between the two forces.

The rules set by Kaido and the others can imagine what a huge impact it will have on the navy in the next time.

After all, the strength of these officers within the Navy is also different, just like the strength of officers with the same rank in the headquarters and some remote regional branches can be described as a gap.

And some pirates are likely to use the heads of those branch officers to get the tickets.

almost foreseeable—

The sea will be plunged into great chaos.

"Huh, a captain's head can only be exchanged for one ticket, really..."

Jesus sat on the side of the boat and said with squinted eyes.

"And this time, there are obvious signs of the participation of the emperors of the dark world. After all, with Kaido and Barrett, they cannot exchange tickets around the world.

It seems that the mice in the gutter can't hold back their inner restlessness, and they want to grab a huge enough profit from this huge storm. "

"Huh, those guys who saw the newspaper should have already acted, then we have to hurry up, captain. Otherwise, when the wave forms, it will not be so easy to stop it."

Bendik Snake looked at the redhead.

Hearing Bendick Snake's words, everyone present looked at the redhead, waiting for his reply.

"Well, then let's see what this so-called pirate carnival looks like."

Facing the eyes of everyone, the red-haired expression said calmly.

Raki Lu said while eating, "So shall we prepare the tickets first?"

Shanks shook his head, a bright smile on his face.

"I didn't have to follow the rules of those guys."


When everyone heard the words, they also showed their expressions as expected. They are the red-haired pirates, and they can go wherever they want.


Navy Headquarters.

Office of the Marshal.

Sengoku's face was gloomy.

The admission rules set by Kaido and the others are simply a provocation to the navy, and they completely ignore the navy.

At the same time, the Warring States period also seemed to have seen how turbulent the four seas and the first half of the great route would fall. UU reading

How could the Warring States period endure this kind of casual destruction of the hard-earned peace in the future?

Now, he can't wait to fly directly to the new world and punch Barrett and Kaido to death.

But on second thought—

Isn't this so-called pirate carnival an opportunity to wipe out all the pirate forces on the sea?

Thinking of this, Warring States took out a phone bug with a Mohican hairstyle and dialed it.

Before long, there was the sound of hurried footsteps in the corridor outside the office.

When Warring States heard the voice, he did not raise his head, but continued to say something to the phone bug.

After a while.

Three men in white coats and strange masks pushed open the door of the Warring States Office and entered the office.

Warring States looked at the person who came, and said unceremoniously: "Go out!

! "

Accompanied by the icy words, there is the terrifying overlord's domineering arrogance.

The three people who were shocked by the momentum of the Warring States did not react for a while.

"Watch your words, Warring States!"

He soon realized that they were three people who came on behalf of the world government, and quickly returned to normal. One of the masked men's tone was even more unkind.

"Commander, I'll hang up first, I have something to deal with."

Warring States, who hung up the phone, got up from his seat, came to the front of the three cp0s, looked down at cp0s, and then said coldly in a tough tone: "Go back and tell the five old stars, no matter what they want to do... This time , don't meddle in the Navy's affairs!

Then you can go away. "


! "

The three cp0 members who haven't indicated their intentions are slightly stunned.

The tough attitude of the Warring States period directly exceeded their expectations.