MTL - Pirates: Control Thunder and Lightning-Chapter 522 : the world's attention

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Before the final island was discovered by the Roger Pirates, the final destination of the great route was Mercury Island.

For a long time, a large number of pirate groups who were able to come to Mercury Island also believed that this was the end.

Because as long as the people who came to the Mercury Island according to the guidance of the magnetic force, they would not be able to store the magnetic force on the Mercury Island to go to the next island.

And according to the law of sailing on the sea, the magnetic pointer on an island will be able to store the magnetic force of the next island as long as it is stored for a certain period of time.

After that, you can go to the next island by virtue of the traction between the magnetic pointer and the next island.

When the magnetic needle cannot store the magnetic force of the next island, it means that the sailing has reached the end.

And the Roger Pirates proved that the final island does exist. This feeling of knowing that the island is there but not being able to go there can be said to make countless pirates who want to obtain the great treasure feel desperate.

After all, in the vast new world with many climate changes, if there is no magnetic pointer to guide the ship, then not only finding the location of the final island, but also surviving is a problem.

Therefore, for more than 20 years, no one other than the Roger Pirates has reached the final island.

The pirate groups that have gone to the New World for more than 20 years have all stopped at Shui Xianxing Island.


Because of the actions of Kaido, Barrett and others, the island of Mercury, which had been largely ignored, once again attracted the attention of the world.

When the permanent pointer to the final island and the Mercury Island are brought together, it is undoubtedly full of fatal attraction for those who want to go to the final island to obtain the big secret treasure.

The reason why Barrett and the others chose this place is because Mercury Island is located in the new world, and the influence of the navy and the world government is undoubtedly minimized. The pirates gathered.

In addition, the difficulty of navigating to Shui Xianxing Island is very high, even if there is an eternal pointer to guide the direction, all kinds of terrifying weather during the navigation, and the sea kings that appear everywhere can also brush the weak guys ahead of time. Lose.

Mercury Island.

In the center of the island is a mountain with an altitude of over 1,000 meters.

On the top of the mountain, a temporary castle was standing at this time.

"In order to prepare for this celebration, I spent a lot of effort."

On the high platform of the castle, Festa stood on the edge of the platform, holding a glass of red wine in his hand, looking down at the busy construction site in the distance.

It can be said that since it is planning to hold a grand event, a lot of things to eat, drink and play are indispensable. Otherwise, countless pirates will come to Shui Xianxing Island and end up standing on the bare land one by one. Naked humiliation by Aina Festa.

"It seems that with the help of those underground mice, everything is going well, and soon a grand event that will shock the world will begin! Ah ha ha ha!

! "

After laughing happily, Festa raised his head and drank the red wine in one gulp, then walked into the castle.

He still has a lot to deal with.

As time goes by, countless pirates compete for admission tickets, which can be said to have caused great harm to the navy.

A large number of mid-level naval forces are hunted by pirates.

The fierce collision between the two camps made the world a mess.


The Revolutionary Army took this opportunity to enter the field strongly. In the sea areas where the naval forces were severely damaged, the Revolutionary Army sent troops to enter. These Revolutionary Army, which filled the vacancies in the Navy, took over the task of expelling the pirates.

For some powerful pirates, admission tickets can only be exchanged with naval officers, and these revolutionary troops are also somewhat difficult to mess with.

For ordinary pirates, if there is no strong pioneer, they are even less likely to break through the towns where the revolutionary army is garrisoned.

And those powerful pirates, after getting the tickets in exchange for the heads of naval officers, also set off for the new world one after another, intending to participate in this grand event.

For a time, the chaos caused by the pirates gradually subsided, and the revolutionary army took this opportunity to usher in a huge development in the popularity of the people.

"Barrett, everything is almost ready, but the only thing I'm worried about now is..."

Festa slowly got up, put his hands on the table, looked at Barrett sitting on the sofa, and said, "When the monsters from the Navy come, can you and Kaido hold the 'initiative' in your hands? ?"

They are not too worried about the pirate Festa. After all, with their knowledge of pirates, there may be monsters that are comparable to Barrett and Kaido.

But there is absolutely no guy who can defeat Barrett and Kaido teaming up, not to mention those guys also have their own pride and will not choose to team up with others.

So Festa's only concern is the navy, Sengoku, Karp, Sakaski, Polsalino, Kuzan, if these monsters in life come with the navy, can they stop them?


Barrett fell into silence with an expressionless face.

Festa's eyes narrowed slightly, revealing a smile.

If it was the former Barrett, he might just say no problem.

After all, at only 15 years old, he has the strength to draw Rayleigh, and his strength is even among the best in the Roger Pirates where monsters gather.

But after being defeated by the current three generals of the navy and sent to the advancing city, he has realized that he is not afraid of anyone in this world alone.

But it was also clear that in the face of those monsters, as long as there were more than two people, he would not be an opponent.

"Don't worry, I won't fall down easily."

Barrett said sternly.

In fact, Festa also knows that even if Barrett and Kaido are strong, they may not be able to control the audience.

After all, there will be not only a large number of pirates, but also the navy gathered on Mercury Island at that time. No one dares to boast that Haikou is able to control the audience in that situation.


so what! ?

For Festa, as long as he can hold a grand event that is enough to shock the world, he has no regrets.

And on this stage where many powerful people are about to gather, a battle will only bring this event to a climax!


"No, no, no, no..."

One of the phone bugs on the table rang.

Festa directly picked up the phone bug's microphone.

The phone bug then came out with a voice:

"Festa, the location of the live phone worm has basically been determined... But I said before, if you purchase the live phone worm according to your requirements, it will be a fee that will make you stunned!"

"Things that can be solved with money are not a problem, and don't think about the lake to get Laozi. If you dare to get me by the lake and ruin my affairs, you will be dead."

Festa stared at the phone bug's eyes and said fiercely.

For him, although these guys in the underground world are partners, they are also unreliable.

If you show a little cowardice in front of them, they will swarm you and tear you apart and swallow you.

"Hee hee hee hee, Festa, don't worry. Now that you have received the money, everything will be arranged. In addition, the wine and food needed for this event will be accompanied by those phone bugs with the Sea King. When the fleet arrives, remember to prepare the money and pay for the delivery."

"Don't worry, I won't be missing you."

Saying that, Festa directly hung up the phone.

He really doesn't like these guys who only recognize money and not people.

That's right, since we want to hold an unprecedented event, we naturally have to hold it under the witness of the whole world.

So he plans to broadcast the celebration to the world via the live phone bug.

In addition to the world government's live phone bugnet, Festa wants to build a new live phone bugnet around the world. The cost is undoubtedly huge.

Festa put down the phone bug and tilted his head to look at the sea outside the window. At this time, he was even more looking forward to the event that was about to be shown in front of the whole world.

Time flies by—

this day.

The waters around Mercury Island are rarely calm.

At the same time, pirate groups from all over the world heading towards Shui Xianxing Island also appeared one after another in the waters near Shui Xianxing Island.

Festa, located in the castle on the mountain, after discovering the first group of guests through the phone bugs all over the island, immediately took a telescope to the balcony outside the castle and looked towards the sea. After a piece of white sails, he immediately danced with excitement.

At the same time, he pressed the button on his right hand forcefully. With the pressing of the button, in town squares around the world, the phone bugs who had closed their eyes suddenly opened their eyes.

As the phone bug's eyes opened, all the screens on the walls suddenly appeared on the screen, and the live pictures of Shui Xianxing Island, and even the sea area around Shui Xianxing Island, appeared directly on the screen.

In Festa's room, in addition to the pictures around Mercury Island, there were also some black shadows whose faces could not be seen on several screens.

These shadows are the giants of the underground world and the mice in Festa's mouth.

After all, a guy who doesn't even dare to reveal his real face, even if he brags that he is the emperor of the underground world, isn't he still a rat in the gutter?

"Hahaha, will this event be broadcast live to the world?"

"Will the other four emperors come?"

"I don't know if Charlotte Lingling and Shanks will but Whitebeard will definitely come. After all, Barrett and Kaido completely angered the old guy some time ago..."

"I just want to know when the navy will appear. This war, which brings together most of the pirates in the new world and the navy, is likely to change the situation in the world."

"Hehe, you underestimate the heritage of the World Government. Even if the Navy suffers a fiasco in the New World, I dare to say that the World Government will only be left in a hurry for a while at most!

The only people who can shake the world government are those guys in the Revolutionary Army. "

"But no matter how the pattern of the world changes, no one can shake our status, hahaha!"

The underground emperors who appeared on the screen were discussing the conflict between the pirates and the navy unscrupulously.

In their eyes, this is just a game that affects the world, no matter who wins or loses, they are still the emperor of the dark underground world.

Festa, who returned to the room, leaned on the table with one hand, propped his chin on his head and listened to the discussions of the giants of the underground world.

Will the Four Emperors come?

Will the Navy Headquarters launch a major offensive?

The answer is yes.

The Four Emperors just didn’t know how many would come, but according to the collected information, the three major generals of the navy, Garp, had already taken a large number of elite navies to Mercury Island all their lives.

"Who knows? But for now, let's enjoy this grand celebration that will definitely go down in history!

! "

Festa raised his hands high, and the smile on his face became more and more crazy.

Whatever the outcome, as the host of the celebration, his name will definitely go down in history.

And when Festa was talking to the elders of these underground worlds, a cat with an eye spell on its face was squatting on the beam and looking at everything below.