MTL - Pirates: Control Thunder and Lightning-Chapter 529 :coming

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Kaido's eyes suddenly narrowed as he spoke, and his expression was obviously much more solemn.

And what he said also attracted the attention of Shiliu, Abaro Pizarro, and others who were beside him.

"What's coming? Hiccup~"

Basque Choate said drunkenly with the bottle in his hand.

And his questions were obviously unanswered.

Kaido looked at Charlotte Lingling, who also looked at Kaido.

The eyes of the two were intertwined in mid-air, and their overlord colors were unabashedly released.

And almost when the two overlords unabashedly released and swept across the entire Narcissus Island, two overlords were also raised in another direction and on the sea.

Almost in an instant, four incomparably powerful overlord colors collided on the Shui Xian Xing Island in an instant.

And this moment.

Festa, who was in the broadcast room, was so excited that he could hardly breathe.

Because he received a message that Edward Newgate, the Four Emperors Whitebeard, was heading towards Mercury Island with a large fleet of Whitebeards.

"What's the matter, is there going to be a war between the four emperors?"

"What the **** is this **** oppressive feeling?"

"Can cause such a big reaction from the Four Emperors, could it be the navy coming?"

"To the north, what will we do if the four emperors fight."

Many pirates felt the terrifying sense of oppression in the air and couldn't help whispering. Obviously, they also knew very well that if the four emperors went to war, even if they were on the battlefield with the strength of those monsters, it would be extremely dangerous. thing.

And this unusual scene was also broadcast in real time to all parts of the world through the live phone bug.

"Are those guys going to fight?"

"Pirates are pirates, let them eat dogs, it's better to die."

"Is the navy finally taking action? I knew the navy would not sit idly by."

"Is that the Four Emperors of the New World? What a terrifying fellow."

"Hey, I don't know who will become the new emperor after today, who will be pulled down from the throne, and where the world will go, I'm really looking forward to it."

From the top of a towering tree, Doflamingo looked into the depths of the sea.

There, a huge ship slowly emerged from the sea level.

at the same time.

The navy, which is still quite a distance away from Mercury Island, also noticed the pirate fleet appearing on the sea through the surveillance ship.

"Ranger Doma, Leiqing Makugayin, Ice Witch Wydibe, Skuard the Great Vortex Spider, Brother Decalban..."

"These guys are all captains who are famous in the new world! That guy with Whitebeard is for real!"

Looking at the huge pirate ships of various shapes that appeared on the screen, the expressions of many navies became quite serious.

"That guy with Whitebeard is going to fight Kaido and those guys head on or is he planning something else?"

On the ship, Admiral Crane frowned at the huge fleet on the screen.

"Lieutenant General Crane...According to the information from the front line, there are a total of 35 pirate ships, except for the few pirate groups under Whitebeard's banner who died in the battle with the beast Kaido and the devil's descendant Barrett some time ago. All the subordinate pirates.

But the only thing missing is the Moby Dick, Whitebeard and the captains!

! "

Through the flags hanging on the pirate ships, the navy can easily identify the origin of each pirate ship, without exception, they are all pirate groups under Whitebeard.

However, the figure of the Whitebeard Pirates was never seen.

On the decks of each pirate ship in the Whitebeard Pirate Fleet, captains who were famous in the new world raised their eyes to look at the island of Shui Xianxing in the distance.

Where they're going to let everyone know what it's like to provoke Whitebeard.

Crocodile looked towards the sea with a cigar in his mouth. A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he whispered, "This is you, Whitebeard."

On the coast, countless pirates were observing around the sea with binoculars. Suddenly, the shadows of several sailboats appeared in the binoculars. As the viewing angle of the binoculars shifted, the iconic flag of the Whitebeard Pirates appeared in sight. Many people suddenly shouted loudly: "Come on!"

"That's the big fleet under the Whitebeard Pirates."

"Ranger Doma, Leiqing Makugayin, Brother Decalban, Scuardo the Great Vortex Spider... Each of them is a captain who is famous all over the world."

"But what about Whitebeard?"


In the next second, the huge waves rose and fell, and a giant ship jumped out of the sea. The Moby Dick, like a beluga whale, appeared at the forefront of the pirate fleet in an unexpected way.

Team 1 Captain Phoenix Marco, Team 3 Diamond Joze, Team 5 Foil Bista, Team 6 Captain Bramanke, Team 8 Captain Namur, and all the surviving captains of the Whitebeard Pirates turn up.

Finally, through constant adjustment, the image on Moby Dick's deck finally appeared in front of everyone.

A burly man wearing a white coat and holding Cong Yunqie in his right hand appeared in front of everyone.

The man standing on the deck, just standing there, raised a feeling of wanting to run away immediately.

"Goo la la la la...!" Whitebeard stood on the deck, staring at the Suixian Island in the distance

Whitebeard directly pushed Cong Yunqiu into the deck, and then saw his legs spread apart, his hands clenched and fists clasped on his chest, and the sudden gust of wind blew the coat on his body.

After a while, Whitebeard looked up and looked forward, and then the fists clasped in front of his chest slammed into the air on both sides.

Immediately, like an invisible hammer head shattering the space, along with the sound of the mirror shattering, one after another cracks spread like spiders in the void.


At this moment, there was a sudden vibration from the direction of the Moby Dick, and this vibration seemed to keep hitting the hearts of everyone who heard the sound.

A large number of pirates began to turn pale, their heads began to feel dizzy, and they even felt inexplicable.

And all the marine creatures in the surrounding sea area seem to have noticed that something terrible is about to happen, and they are desperately staying away from this sea area.

"What... what's wrong?"

"Empty... A crack appeared in the air..."

"Why did the sea suddenly recede!"

Looking at the rapidly falling water level, many unidentified pirates immediately said in shock.

"What a terrifying man."

Doflamingo looked at the Moby Dick in the distance, let out an unintelligible laugh, and then stretched out the silk thread directly from his hand, wrapped it in the distance, and swayed directly in the air away from the coast.

"What a messed up man, mr1 let's go!"

Crocodile frowned, and after speaking, the whole person directly elementalized, turned into a ball of sand and flew towards the distance.

He knew that in a matter of seconds, a huge tsunami would come.

After a few many pirates felt that the ground under their feet was shaking continuously, and a white line suddenly appeared on the sea on both sides of the island, and the white line was rapidly approaching the island.

When I could see the white line clearly, I found that the white line in the distance was rising continuously, and the sea water of billions of millions of tons seemed to be rushing towards the coast as if the ancient beasts.

"It's a tsunami, so big!"

"Run to the heights, if you are swallowed by that tsunami, you will die!"

Suddenly, the pirates gathered near the coast panicked.

The vibrations on all sides became more and more intense, and even the rich sound of the rumbling water was already in Chichi.

The pirates who were fleeing looked at the shadows on the ground, and couldn't help being a little stunned. When he looked back, the last thing he saw was the terrifying tsunami that was enough to cover the island.

"Is this the power of that man to destroy the world?"

Those who saw this scene almost subconsciously came up with the figure of the man.