MTL - Pirates Make Memes: Get Eight Magic Skills at the Beginning-Chapter 176

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The carcasses of swimming fish were floating on the sea surface, and there was no end to be seen at a glance.

This is really a fight between gods, and mortals suffer!

Even Yang Ming's move against Kaido of Beasts obviously felt quite a bit of pressure, after all, he hadn't cultivated his armed domineering aura to the point of exposing it.

But fortunately, he is a coward, even if he does not rely on armed domineering, he still has his own confidence.

"Fenghou Qimen!"

Yang Ming made a strange move, which made people feel in a trance, as if an invisible and intangible gossip formation rose from under Yang Ming's feet, located in the middle palace, and Yang Ming fiddled with the time and space around him wantonly.

Different people have different effects when using Fenghou Qimen.

With Yang Ming as the center, the area within five meters around seemed to be his absolute domain.

The next moment, faster and stronger slashes soared into the sky than usual.

"Atomic Slash!"

The dazzling light shot straight into the sky, even brightening the haze over Wano country, and the whole world was plunged into a white world in an instant.

What followed was an earth-shattering roar, which was truly earth-shattering, and even Wano Country experienced a violent earthquake.


Amidst the deafening roar, Yang Ming's voice came into the ears of the leader of the revolutionary army, Long:

"Time is money, my friend."

"While I attract the attention of Beast Kaido, attack him quickly!"

Chapter 256 Destruction of Heaven and Earth, Who Will Fight for the Front?

The last second was calm, but the next second was completely unrecognizable. The huge waves roared with a destructive force, directly crossed the coastline, crossed the strange rocks on Ghost Island, and swept a large wave ashore.

The sea roared and the mountains crumbled and collapsed.

Numerous rocks on Ghost Island cracked into large pieces of rubble and rolled down into bottomless turbulent waves.

Under Yang Ming's reminder, a figure braved the bitter wind and poured rain on its head, and suddenly appeared behind Beast Kaido, with his right arm on his waist, five fingers clenched into a fist, and a strong armed look of domineering and domineering. Domineering wrapped around the fist and blasted out along the wound on Beast Kaido.


The torrential rain shattered, and the sound of strong cracking was ups and downs.

Beast Kaido is worthy of being the strongest creature in the world. He confronted Yang Ming head-on in the front, and carried the bombardment of the leader of the revolutionary army, Dragon, on his back. He was completely unafraid.


A deafening roar erupted, and the power of Beast Kaido soared by more than several times in an instant. With this unreasonable power, Yang Ming was sent flying with one blow. Immediately, he twisted his waist, force came from his heels, and he held the wolf tightly with both hands. The toothbrush turned around and twitched.

"Lightning after drinking! Yin Naraku!"

A thunderbolt and lightning fell from the sky, along the mace, and slammed into the leader of the revolutionary army, Long.

After briefly knocking the two into the air, Kaido's arms could be seen trembling slightly, and the wounds in some places had just healed and burst open again.

If it were an ordinary pirate who was injured like this, he would have lost too much blood and died.

But Beast Kaido was as if nothing happened, and he was able to erupt stronger than usual for a short period of time. He really deserves to be one of the strongest people in the world.

Thick white smoke spewed out from the thick nostrils, puffing out the exhaust gas accumulated in the chest cavity, Beast Kaido raised his breath again and went straight up, floating clouds rose up under his feet, and rushed towards where Yang Ming was.

In the eyes of Beast Kaido, the leader of the revolutionary army, Long, may be a difficult opponent, but only Yang Ming is the enemy he wants to eradicate first.

Yang Ming is not dead, he is uneasy!

Obviously, in the mind of Kaido of Beasts, Yang Ming has been listed as the number one enemy to eradicate.

Beast Kaido is like a baseball player, waving a mace obliquely, and his whole body is constantly spinning like a top, drawing a sharp arc in mid-air, and the sea below obeys his intention, unexpectedly setting off at the same time In the turbulent sea, a huge wave hundreds of meters high swept out. Its height was several tenths higher than ordinary skyscrapers, as if connecting the sky and the earth.

"Jundali! Long Shengjun!"

The mace swelled at a speed visible to the naked eye, like an inflated balloon, just like the golden cudgel used by Monkey King in Journey to the West, it turned into a pillar of the sky in an instant, which was extremely shocking.

According to monks in Wano Temple, Gundali is one of the four Ming Kings. It is said that the venerable can display the shape of a thousand hands, hold various vajra sticks, destroy and subdue all kinds of demons and ghosts, and subdue all crooked ways.

Among them, Junchali has the distinction of two-faced four-armed statues, four-faced eight-armed statues, and eight-armed statues.

And these Buddha statues, without exception, have red intersecting bodies.

The so-called Longsheng Army contained a certain meaning.

The surrounding air suddenly became solidified, and the whole person was like a mosquito in the amber, but Yang Ming did not move at all, and concentrated on attacking the enemy, even the system prompt that sounded in his ear, he only paid attention to it for a moment.


"Congratulations to the host for saying the classic lines in World of Warcraft and getting a chance to draw a lottery. Do you want to start the lottery roulette?"

The prizes in the lottery roulette are divided into two types, one is racial talent, and the other is skill.

Racial talents: escape expert, heroic aura, tenacity...

Skills: Charge, Rally Cry, Slash...

[Swift]: Passive, reducing your chance of being hit by melee and long-range attacks by 2%.

A reward that is better than nothing is not exciting.

The icy cold air began to diffuse in all directions, and behind Yang Ming suddenly rose an ice-sculpted Bodhisattva with a kind face.

"Blood ghost! Water Lily Bodhisattva!"

The bodhisattva has a kind face and awe-inspiring cold air all over his body. Even the hundreds of meters of huge waves that rise up are affected by it. From the bottom to the top, he begins to freeze into a huge ice sculpture. The ice wall is average.

Mere natural waves, of course, can't work.

Kaido of Beasts never thought of using this method to deal with an enemy like Yang Ming. That would not only belittle and insult people, but also insult this sacred battle.

The invisible gossip formation appeared at Yang Ming's feet. When Beast Kaido approached Yang Ming again, he immediately felt different, as if the whole person had stepped into a strange field, centered on Yang Ming, the four Within five meters, it becomes a space that excludes him, and he can clearly feel this sense of exclusion. Even taking a step is extremely strenuous, requiring more energy than usual.

"Eight Miraculous Skills! Fenghou Qimen!"

When Beast Kaido's speed slowed down, Yang Ming's speed increased a lot, and the shadow of the sword in his hand could hardly be seen. how fast.

At the same time, Long, the leader of the revolutionary army, counterattacked again.

Facing a rival like Kaido the Beasts, they don't need to talk about the morals of the world, two against one is not a problem at all. Anyway, as long as Kaido the Beasts dies today, the outside world will not know that they joined forces to kill Kaido the Beasts. Knowing that Yang Ming, the Shura general, was carrying out justice, he shot and killed the sea emperor who dared to collude with the revolutionary army on the spot.

The messy strong wind swept all around, and each strong wind possessed extremely terrifying destructive power. When it fell on the ghost island not far away, it plowed a bottomless ravine in an instant.

Under the melee of the three of them, the airflow became messy, and even the haze covering the sky was repeatedly shaken away, and there were even terrifying cracks like the sky being split in half.

Poor Ghost Island didn't offend anyone, just because it was the closest to the three-person melee area, the ground was plowed over and over again, even if it was an island, it couldn't bear it, the ground was cracked in large areas, and large pieces of broken pieces The rocks cracked and scattered on the sea surface, and finally reached a certain critical point. The entire island fell apart completely, was swallowed by the ensuing huge waves, and completely disappeared in the depths of the turbid ocean.

The aftermath of the battle of just three people is enough to wipe out an island.

It is conceivable that if the main battlefield of the three of them is placed on the land of Wano country, the entire Wano country may suffer catastrophe, and a large number of houses and people will be affected by it.

the other side.

After the rebel army and the navy completely wiped out the defeated pirates, the two sides followed Yang Ming's instructions before leaving, and Kozuki Sukiyaki, the former Wano country general, was stationed in the flower capital, and was responsible for calming people's hearts while secretly investigating evil deeds. After Yang Ming completely took over the Wano Kingdom, he planned to pull these families out and slaughter them, so as to harvest people's hearts and establish a new order.

Tina and the others were worried about Yang Ming's safety, so they left some naval soldiers in the Flower City. Even if they fly to the southern border together.

No matter how fast their group was, by the time they reached the coastline south of Wano Country, it was already more than two hours later.

For Yang Ming, Kaido of Beasts, and the leader of the Revolutionary Army, the three top powerhouses, more than two hours is not a problem at all. They are all in their prime of life, and they have not reached the point of exhaustion. Now they are in a fierce battle. in the process. Read the book

A group of girls looked up, only to see light floating on the edge of the sky, countless lights and shadows overlapped one after another, and disasters such as flames, thunder, frost, and strong winds appeared from time to time, and there were infinite slashes and shock waves that were fleeting.

The location where they were standing was at least 20 kilometers away from Ghost Island, but now when they saw this scene that seemed to destroy the world, they felt as if they were in it, and they could feel the pressure and suffocation that came to their faces feel.

"So strong!"

"Is this the strength of a top powerhouse?"

"When will I be able to become so strong?"

Gu Yina's beautiful eyes were rippling, and she wished she could join in this kind of top battle and fight side by side with Yang Ming.

At some point, becoming an admiral of the Navy seems to have replaced her previous dream.

Now, she takes Yang Ming as her idol and secretly vows to catch up.

Ai En placed a pair of slender hands on his chest, clenched his ten fingers that did not touch the sun, and pressed his moist lips tightly.

The rippling eyes of the autumn water stared at the sky, as if she could see the wise and mighty figure in the distance, and secretly said in her heart:

"Senior, you must work hard!"

All the girls are in a heavy heart, each with their own worries.

Perhaps because he sensed that Yang Ming had a group of confidantes behind him silently puffing up his anger, Beast Kaido was so angry that the strength in his hand suddenly increased a bit.

Even though Kaido of Beasts is already big, and has raised female dolls as big as Yang Ming, but it is still like when he was young, no one can show affection, let alone have so many girls.

"Great Virtue! Thunder and gossip!"

With a burst of shouting, the unparalleled armed domineering and overlord-looking domineering condensed on the mace like substance, and these two substances could even be observed with the naked eye, violently engulfing Yang Ming and the leader of the revolutionary army, Long Long. You are within the scope of the move.

One-on-one with two of the world's top powerhouses, and still have such a demeanor, Beast Kaido is worthy of being the emperor of the sea, and he does have a bit of power.

In the horrified gazes of the girls, this blow seemed to penetrate the entire sky, and the haze that shrouded Wano's sky completely exploded, revealing the clear night and bright moonlight below.

Chapter 257 I would rather make a mistake than do nothing

The savage gusts of wind howled, the aura of Xiao Sha enveloped the world, and the endless wind swept around, as if the stars were changing, and even the night in the sky became dim, only the figure like a demon king cast down the sky. Shadow, holding a mace with thousands of warehouses and hundreds of holes in his hand, waved ripples as if to shatter the space.

"Great Virtue! Thunder and gossip!"

Amidst the roar, the stick shadow enveloped Yang Ming and Long, the leader of the revolutionary army.

Among the four Ming kings, Daweide is called Dawei because he can subdue demons, and he is also called Dawei because he has the merit of protecting goodness.

Kaido of Beasts took this as his name. This move not only has the effect of fighting against the enemy, but also shields himself under the shadow of endless sticks, so as to avoid being hit by Yang Ming's slash that ignores defense.

The strong wind pressure hit his face, as if the pressure of suffocation, made the leader of the revolutionary army, Long, feel extremely shocked. He did not expect that he had fought with Kaido of Beasts many times before, and the opponent did not really show his full strength. Out of the opponent's cards.

"Such terrifying power, even when the old man was young and vigorous, was it?"

At this moment, Kaido of Beasts felt to the leader of the revolutionary army, Long, as if Garp was at his peak back then. He also possessed infinite power and skill. This stick is enough to destroy a large city. !

Under the coercion of the stick, even the sea level in the surrounding sea area was lowered by one or two meters. Outside this sea area, a huge tsunami that could be called a natural disaster was set off, and some small islands were submerged in an instant.

so terrible!

It's no wonder that Kaido of Beasts can be called the strongest creature in the world, and it is well-deserved!

Facing Kaido's strongest blow, Yang Ming and the leader of the Revolutionary Army have tacitly unfolded their strongest abilities without any words.

Yang Ming directly entered the transformation state of Thunderbolt, with purple arcs lingering all over his body, each strand of hair stood upright, and in a pair of scarlet eyes, a black windmill-like pattern turned rapidly.

Although the power of illusion is almost equal to nothing for a strong man with domineering aura, because the existence of awakened domineering aura is always a person with a firm mind and unparalleled perseverance, and it is almost impossible to be swayed by mere illusions, but Yang Ming is still Unleashing the illusion on Beast Kaido, even if it only affects him for a moment, is profitable.

At the same time, the thunder and lightning continuously stimulated Yang Ming's muscles from bottom to top. Every cell seemed to be expressing joy. The status has risen to the top.

"Atomic Slash!"

The 5,700-degree high-temperature flames and the 200 million-volt thunder are entwined on the body of Zanpakuto. The power of such a terrifying mixture of two things cannot be taken lightly. If it is an ordinary famous sword, I am afraid that it will not be able to withstand this for a long time. Such a terrifying power has long since burst apart inch by inch, and only the Zanpakuto, a magical thing that transcends this world, can easily control the two.

Under the acceleration of Qimen's mobilization after the eight strange skills, Yang Ming was so fast that he couldn't see Dao Ying's moves faster, as fast as lightning and thunder, and even the surrounding air was distorted out of shape.

The sonic boom that pierced the eardrums was endless, as if countless deep-sea bombs were dropped on the sea surface, stirring up countless waves hundreds of meters high.

The battle between the two sides, if it was placed 800 years ago, would probably be called the battle of the gods by the people at that time.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The sound of thunderous bombardment rolled in, and even Wano Country, far away, ushered in a magnitude 8 earthquake.

The earth shakes, the earth dragon overturns. ap.

The color of the sky and the earth changes, and the stars move.

On the cliff where Tina and the others stood, an unimaginable earthquake also ushered in. Under the shaking of the ground, the women only felt the endless bumps under their feet. maintain the stability of the body.

Momotu Gion looked at the shattered sky on the edge of the sky, and was beyond shocked.

Once upon a time, Yang Ming was still a student who had just graduated from the Naval Academy, and was still the younger brother she could look down on.

Never thought that in just a few years, the other party has grown to this stage, and she needs to look up to the other party's heroic appearance.

"Brother stinky, don't let anything happen to you!"