MTL - Pirates Make Memes: Get Eight Magic Skills at the Beginning-Chapter 175

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In **** form, Beast Kaido is more than ten meters in size, covered with indestructible dragon scales, holding a mace in his hand, and swooping down from the sky, with a strong domineering look The domineering and armed colors are all wrapped around the mace, and the sound of breaking wind that is enough to pierce the eardrum comes, accompanied by endless red and black lightning.

"Thunder gossip!"

The mace carried overwhelming power, and the entire air froze.

Don't underestimate the mace in Kaido's hand, it was specially made by a master craftsman in Wano for Kaido alone, and it is called Hachisai.

Due to the wide disparity between the rich and the poor and the seclusion of the country, the poor and poor people are desperate and unwilling to take risks, so they will rely on illusory religions, so there are many Buddhist temples and monks.

In the promotion of Buddhist temples, the so-called eight fasts refer to no killing, no stealing, no nonsense, no lying, no drinking, no eating out of season, no fragrant flowers and manly adornment, no singing, singing and dancing, and no prostitution. Sitting and lying on high and wide beds.

If you violate the eight precepts, you will fall into the three evil ways, unable to end life and death, and suffer in hell.

It's a pity that Beast Kaido is uneducated. He doesn't know that there are so many truths behind the name of this weapon. He is almost cursed by the Wano blacksmith who pointed his nose at him. If he knew, he wouldn't use this weapon Carry the mace close to your body and regard it as a treasure.

Under the thunder and gossip, the mace swung extremely fast, and even broke through the sound barrier. Even with the knowledgeable domineering aura that can foresee the future, it is absolutely impossible to predict the trajectory of Kaido the Beast.

Fortunately, Yang Ming acquired this skill a long time ago, so he is naturally familiar with its methods.

Flames and thunder entwined on the blade of the Zanpakuto, in the way of thunder and gossip, using the way of the other to return to the other body.

"Thunder gossip!"

Knife and stick, head-to-head.

The tip of the needle is against the wheat awn, and there is no backing down!


Centering on the fight between the two, the sea seemed to be sapped down by some terrible thing, and it sank within a range of several hundred meters in diameter, and there was even more turbulent waves outside the range, like a wall of water stretching between the sky and the earth.

The violent wind filled the surrounding wantonly, and each wind was like a blade, scratching the face of the person.

The waves of the goddess scattered like flowers splashed on Beast Kaido, and drops of water dripped from the wet bangs hair, and the pair of dragon pupils shone with unbelievable colors, muttering to himself:

"How could you gossip like thunder?"

"Could it be that you learned it secretly just by looking at it?"

Obviously, Kaido of Beasts did not associate the young general in front of him with the notorious Lord of the Night Li Qing who was faintly known as the fifth emperor of the sea.

After all, the two have different power systems, use completely different skills, and have completely different temperaments. They are basically two different people.

After excluding other answers, only stealing can explain one or two.

Beast Kaido was shocked, obviously shocked.

For decades in the sea, Beast Kaido has seen countless amazing geniuses. The one who impressed him the most was Kozuki Oden, a genius who was never born in Wano Country, whether it was swordsmanship or physical fitness. The techniques are all top-notch in the world.

But so many geniuses in the past could not move Beast Kaido so much.

"In this way, I won't be able to keep you even more!"

Terrible killing intent circulated in the dragon pupils, Beast Kaido felt ruthless in his heart, he took a sharp breath, twisted his waist, the power that had gone away from the old force was born again, and the backhand was another thunderous gossip.

Yang Ming didn't know that Kaido of Beasts had so many inner dramas, but even if he knew, he would just smile at best.


These two words are not enough to describe him, he should be called a coward!

Seeing Kaido of Beasts intending to harm Yang Ming, Long, the leader of the Revolutionary Army, was taken aback and was about to step forward to support him.

In terms of interests, the Revolutionary Army is now highly tied to Yang Ming, and if the leader of the Revolutionary Army, Long Future, wants to rescue Karp from the deep sea prison, he will have to rely on Yang Ming's help. damage.

As far as friendship is concerned, Yang Ming's vision for the new world just caters to the program of the Revolutionary Army, and it is also what the leader of the Revolutionary Army, Long, has been doing. Watching him fight alone.

However, just as Long, the leader of the revolutionary army, took a step, his pupils shrank suddenly.


Very fast!

So fast swordplay!

At this moment, the world seemed to be overshadowed by this stunning swordsmanship, and completely gave up the stage to Yang Ming.

"Atomic Slash!"

This terrifying swordsmanship, which had never been seen before the world before, unfolded its fangs at this moment, and immediately showed its shocking power.

"jingle bells! jingle bells! jingle bells..."

The boundless sword shadow shrouded the mace and the beast Kaido. It was impossible to tell whether it was a human figure or the shadow of a sword. Only a series of dense crisp sounds could be heard.

The confrontation between domineering and domineering is everywhere, and the red and black thunder disappear and appear from time to time.

Under the vertical and horizontal sword aura like a horse, long and slender sword marks were cut on the rippling sea. The sword aura can split the sea, penetrate the seabed under the sea surface, and even briefly see the seabed The aquatic creatures on it were wriggling, but they were submerged again by the seawater discharged from both sides, covering up these terrifying sword marks again.

Despite this, the waves on the sea are still endless, and they are even more outrageous than before. The rolled up waves even formed a terrible tsunami, sweeping towards Wano Country not far away.

If it was an ordinary opponent and an ordinary weapon, in the face of Yang Ming's atomic slash, he would have been smashed into the sand very quickly, and his whole body would have been chopped into pieces.

But who is Kaido the Beast?

Armed and domineering, there is even room to wrap around the mace to prevent the weapon from being shredded.

However, only those in the middle of the game can deeply feel how terrifying the atomic slash is.

Hundreds of slashes per second, and the knife is deadly!

And in the process of slashing, Yang Ming's pair of kaleidoscope sharing sharing eyes, which are different from ordinary people, has a faint light flickering. Deadlines on the body.

Some of the slashes followed the dead line, directly ignoring Beast Kaido's monster-level defense, leaving deep and visible bone wounds on his body.


With a roar and roar, Beast Kaido took advantage of the power of thunder and gossip to get himself out of the range of Atom Slash, exposing his embarrassing figure to the eyes of the leader of the revolutionary army, Long.

When he saw that Kaido of Beasts had a large area of ​​knife marks not only on his body, but also on the weapons in his hands, Long, the leader of the revolutionary army, was already shocked beyond words.

"Yang Ming is so terrifying!"

Chapter 255 Time Is Money, My Friend

The capital of flowers.

A burst of laser beams flew towards the defeated position of the Hundred Beasts Pirates with a scream that pierced the sky. At the same time as the flames flashed, there were bursts of rumbling violent explosions.

Pieces of soil and torn pieces of pirate corpses rose into the air. The air was filled with the pungent smell of gunpowder and the smell of burnt corpses. The turbid smell was extremely pungent, even after years of fighting. When the soldiers smelled this smell, they couldn't help but feel their stomachs turned upside down, almost wanting to gag on the spot.

Kozuki Sukiyaki was wearing the Iron Man Mark 2 battle armor, and the laser cannon in his palm was emitting hot smoke. Seeing that the pirates were speeding up their defeat, he recalled what Yang Ming had said before. .

"It is advisable to chase after the poor with the remaining bravery, and not to be known as the overlord."

Although as a native of Wano country, Kozuki Sukiyaki couldn't understand the allusion, but the meaning inside was very clear.

Cut the weeds and eradicate the roots!

"Comrades, the dawn of the liberation of Wano is at hand!"

"For the sake of our future generations, we don't have to be slaves anymore, come kill with me!"

Through the microphone inside the battle armor, the sound of Kozuki Sukiyaki spread throughout the battlefield.

Around the pits blown up by various bullets and shells, corpses were scattered all over the place, as well as rebel soldiers who were seriously injured and fell to the ground. Even if the rebel soldiers survived by luck, their clothes had already been blown up by the shells. The shock wave was shattered, the whole body was exposed to the air, and there were traces of gunpowder smoke and knife wounds everywhere.

When they heard the passionate voice of Kozuki Shoukiyaki, these rebel soldiers who were seriously injured did not care about the wounds all over their bodies, their eyes were cracked, and their hands were propped on the corpse, their bodies seemed to be injected with infinite power, stiff Shengdi dragged his tired body to stand up again, and walked forward with indomitable steps.

On this road covered with corpses and blood, only one kind of faith can make them fearless of life and death.

Yang Ming's road to common prosperity through the villages and towns under his rule has shown these rebel soldiers that this possibility is real, and they are willing to shed their blood for this, just to fight for a bright future for their descendants. future.

Seeing this scene, Tina and the others sighed in their hearts, and immediately ordered the naval soldiers under him to send forward the healing potion peddled by the Dinosaur Chamber of Commerce.

Those who hold salaries for others should not let them freeze to death in the wind and snow.

What's more, these rebel soldiers have such tenacious willpower and firm beliefs, and they will definitely become Yang Ming's most loyal followers in the future, and they will also be the foundation of Yang Ming's rule of the Kingdom of Harmony, and there is absolutely no room for loss.

After one or two years of development, these therapeutic potions made from the bath water of Princess Manxueli of the Lilliputian Kingdom have already developed products of different qualities. The variety is highly therapeutic and can heal serious injuries, generally internally.

With the help of the healing potions, the wounds of the original dirt-faced patients healed within a short period of time. Except for those with severed limbs that could not be healed on the spot, they were basically able to recover as before.

Tina looked in the direction of Ghost Island with worried eyes.

Now, the only thing left to do is decide the future of Wano Country.

At this moment, at this moment.

The leader of the revolutionary army, Long, looked into the air in surprise, and looked at the burly and bruised man.

Beast Kai is known as the strongest creature among the people, and ordinary shells, knives and guns cannot cause any damage to his body, but right now his body is dripping with blood, and even the dragon scales covering his body surface have been overturned.

Under the burst of muscles, even the white bones underneath were exposed, and the turbid blood flowed out of the wound like money, making him look like a blood man, a man just fished out of the sea of ​​blood .


Excruciating pain!

Pain like never before!

Beast Kaido couldn't remember how long he hadn't felt such pain, even if he fell straight down from an empty island above 10,000 meters to the ground, it didn't have the pain of one hundred thousandth of what it is now.

Lowering his head, looking at the four vertical and horizontal knife wounds on his body, Beast Kaido was a little dazed.

Gently touching the bruised wound with your fingers, you can even feel the warmth of the blood and the tingling sensation where it passes. Do your best to heal your wounds.

But not all wounds heal quickly.

Among them, the wound cut by Yang Ming along the dead line was like the deep imprint left by a burning iron on Beast Kaido. Instead of being healed, there was a constant pain that reached deep into the soul.

"You actually... hit me hard?"

Beast Kaido's pupils constricted, and his breathing gradually became short of breath.

Surprisingly, the corners of Beast Kaido's mouth moved up wantonly to the sides, and a terrible sharpness burst out in his eyes, which was a complex emotion of fear and excitement.

If this kind of contradictory emotions were placed on normal people, they would definitely be considered insane by others, but if they were placed on Beast Kaido, there seemed to be a sense of logical self-consistency.

"Good, good, good, very good!"

Beast Kaido didn't care about his injuries at all, he untied the wine gourd around his waist, bit the cork with his mouth, threw the cork aside, and immediately drank heavily, letting the wine full of wine smell Flow down the corner of the mouth.

After drinking all the wine in the wine gourd in one go, Beast Kaido casually threw the wine gourd onto the rough sea, and immediately twisted up the same scarred mace, his two arms suddenly swelled in a circle, and one The blood vessels and veins are exposed outside the body, like green snakes snaking around, and the face covered with dragon scales is now covered with frost and killing intent, where can you see the slightest hint of drunkenness?

"Jiang III! Yin Naraku!"

Stepping on the air with his right foot, the power of this foot even caused a series of explosions in the air.

Afterwards, Beast Kaido leaped in the air, his purple coat fluttering in the wind, like a golden-winged roc flying high, across the sky above the sky, falling with a more astonishing and terrifying momentum than before.

Armed color domineering cultivation realm can be divided into several types, namely hardening, entanglement, external release, and internal destruction.

Generally, if you have just practiced Armed Domineering, you can only harden a part of your body. After you are proficient, you can harden your whole body.

And after mastering the armed color domineering, you can wrap the armed color domineering around the object.

If the armed color domineering is cultivated to the master level, the armed color can be released to the outside, and can destroy the enemy internally.

The degree of destructiveness of the armed color depends on the user's physique and strength. The better the foundation in this aspect, the stronger the destructive power it can exert.

Just like the naval hero Garp, with a full blow, he can release a terrifying shock wave that affects the entire island. It is a terrifying power that can destroy a city by one person.

Garp does not rely on any devil fruit ability, and purely relies on the training method that breaks through the limits of the human body to create such terrifying power. It should be said that he is at the peak of human existence.

Let's stop gossip here and get back to the point.

If Beast Kaido was in human form, he would naturally not be as powerful as Karp, but when he unfolded the orc form, he could use the driving force of the animal devil fruit to break through the upper limit of the human body.

However, it can be seen that the condensed shock wave lingers on the mace, where the mace is swung, even the air is distorted and deformed, just like the air deformed in the heat.

The move of Beast Kaido was taken from the Four Ming Kings.

What are the Four Ming Kings?

They are, Jiang III, Gundali, Yamantaka, and Vajra Yaksha.

The so-called subjugation of the three times means surrendering the three poisons of greed, hatred and ignorance in the past, present and future, or taking these three poisons as the third world.

In the preaching of the monks in the temples of Wano, Naraku is described as an endless **** that can never be liberated.

Beast Kaido is named after this, which means that the power of his move is comparable to dropping the enemy into an endless hell, and he will never be reborn forever!

"Die to me!!"

The air was violently distorted, and even the face of Beast Kaido became blurred. Before Yang Ming was affected by a stick, the ocean in this area boiled completely. Countless creatures living in the ocean suddenly burst into flames. Feeling a strong external force pressing on their bodies, their fragile bodies couldn't bear it at all, and they were directly crushed to death from the outside to the inside.