MTL - Pirates: Your Emperor is Back!-Chapter 26 territory

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The battle in the deserted desert is over.

As Rowan said, this battle was a good after-dinner pastime for both him and Garp.

The two had a good time.

And after the aftermath of the battle dissipated, the torn opening in the sky was closed again.

The group of four did not choose to leave immediately, but chose to shelter from the heavy rain in the ruins.

After all, those with the ability to rust fruit don't like rainy days, and Granny Crane, who always likes clean, doesn't want to go back wet.

Crocodile smoked a cigar and asked Rowan.

"Is it okay?"


"The core of the principle of your fighting style."

Crocodile smiled gloomily: "It is a bit redundant to take the initiative to explain the principles of his abilities to his opponents."

"What does it matter? Little crocodile."

Rowan smiled and said, "Battle is not a game of guessing each other's abilities. For example, now that you know, what can you do?"


Crocodile was speechless.

Indeed, even if he knew the basic principle of Rowan's use of the rustling fruit, he had to face endless grit soldiers in battle, as well as Rowan's horribly accurate control ability.

What's more, the top powerhouses in this sea are disdain to hide their abilities.

Whitebeard, Sengoku, Garp, and many pirates or navy masters, everyone knows their abilities, but no one can shake their status!

As for using an unknown fruit ability to win a battle by surprise?

Do not make jokes!

They just disdain to do this, it goes against the self-esteem of the strong!

Whitebeard is like this, Sengoku is like this, Garp is like this...

Rowan is the same, and Crocodile is the same!

If the opponent wants to, they will even patiently explain their abilities to the enemy, and then completely defeat the enemy bit by bit!


The heavy rain in the desert comes and goes quickly.

After about ten minutes, the sky cleared.

The four walked in the wet sand and returned to Albana the same way.

The surroundings were very quiet, only the sound of wind and footsteps could be heard. The four of them did not speak, but were thinking about their own affairs.

Karp was thinking about going back to his room to eat some senbei for supper.

Hiss, it's over...

The pocket containing the senbei fell on the warship!

Crocodile is recalling Rowan's battle.

As a shasha fruit person, Crocodile felt that Rowan's direction of developing his fruit ability was of great reference value.

But when he thought about it carefully, he couldn't help but feel disappointed.

The reference value is indeed there, but it is not large.

As Luo Wen himself said, the direction of his development of rustling fruit mainly revolves around his own domineering arrogance.

Among the three colors of domineering, the overlord color is the most special.

It cannot be acquired through training, nor can it be inherited, and it can only be determined through its own destiny.

Moreover, even if you can control the domineering arrogance freely, you cannot rely on training to strengthen it, only through the user's own growth can it be strengthened.

In addition, every owner of the domineering domineering will have different "characteristics" because of the difference in his own destiny.

For example, the [red-haired] Shanks who is active at sea, it is rumored that his domineering arrogance is enough to cause substantial physical damage to the surrounding area!

And what about Ryan Rowan?

According to Crocodile's observation, Rowan's domineering arrogance is very different from his common sense.

Gentle, extremely wide coverage, but also longer.

Ordinary overlord's domineering can be released in an instant, and you can use your own aura to frighten the surrounding enemies, and even make them faint.

But in the battle with Garp just now, Rowan was unleashing a domineering arrogance from beginning to end.

The domineering spread, turning the surrounding area into Rowan's "territory".

The gravel soldiers stood up continuously from the territory and obeyed Rowan!

The normal type of domineering and domineering - it seems very appropriate to describe Rowan's domineering look like this.

All in all, Rowan's moves are based on his unique domineering arrogance.

But unfortunately, Crocodile has not awakened the domineering arrogance so far, so he has lost the prerequisite for imitating Rowan to develop the fruit ability.

He can make similar grit soldiers, but he can't command them like an arm.


On the other side, Granny Crane was recalling Rowan's last words:

"Alabasta is really big, isn't it?"

This sentence seems to be unremarkable, but if it is combined with the previous questions, then this sentence is particularly harsh.

What Granny He asked was: "In your peak period, how big was the domineering range of the overlord's arrogance?"

Rowan's answer was: "Alabasta is really big, isn't it?"

Granny Crane's face was the same as before, but her heart was trembling slightly.

Does this mean that Ryan Rowan's domineering arrogance at his peak is enough to cover the whole of Alabasta?

This is a superpower with a land area of ​​one million square kilometers!

If Rowan can really overwhelm the whole of Alabasta, does that mean that Rowan can summon a gravel army that is enough to cover the entire country?

Granny Crane imagined such a scene, squinted her eyes, and already made up her mind.


As for Ryan Rowan himself.

At this moment, he is recalling the details of his battle with Garp.

A strange feeling lingered in his heart.

Has he become weaker?

Yes, not right...

Rowan is very sure that he has not lost any power because of the eight hundred years of sleep.

Overlord, domineering, gritty soldier, black gun...

These are all moves that he is all too familiar with.

The way he felt when using these moves was no different from eight hundred years ago.

But through the battle with Kapuna's "three-point force", Rowan also vaguely discovered that the power of his moves seems to be inferior to that of 800 years ago.

Obviously, the "feel" of using the moves is the same, but under the same strength, the "expressiveness" is subtly weakened!


Is it related to his resurrection event 800 years later?

Rowan couldn't figure this out.

He made a note of the matter, and then slowly investigated it later.


The group of four finally walked back to Albana.

It is late at The heavy rain has just passed, but the night market in Albana is still prosperous.

The continuous flow of people shows the unique style and charm of this desert capital.

Karp bought a few bags of senbei that he was thinking of, and brought some souvenirs to his subordinates.

Although the time was short, Garp was having fun visibly.

Crane looked at Garp's back and sighed helplessly.

"Ah, man..."


Everyone returned to the palace, had supper, and went back to their rooms to rest.

The next morning, Garp and Crane greeted King Cobra and prepared to leave.

Cobra was a little surprised.

"Mr. Karp, Ms. Crane, won't you stay for a few more days?"

Kap laughed: "No, otherwise that guy from the Warring States period will complain to us again!"

It was about the dignified Admiral, and Cobra didn't know how to answer this reason, so he could only smile and nodded.

The crane on the side was quite helpless, so he stepped forward to make a round and said goodbye to Cobra.

Everyone parted at the gate of the palace.


On the way back to the port, Garp grinned and asked, "Xiaohe, how is it?"

Granny Crane said calmly:

"The senbei you bought for me didn't taste right."

"Ahahaha, I'm so sorry, but that's not what I'm asking about!"

Karp laughed and scratched his head. Suddenly, the conversation changed, and his face straightened, "How about the emperor eight hundred years ago?"

He was asking the crane about his attitude towards Ryan Rowan.

Granny He smiled and thought for a while, then slowly replied:

"The Tianlong people are about to rummage through the boxes to find a peace covenant from 800 years ago..."