MTL - Plane Source Code-Chapter 503 Stele of Phantom Valley

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The Nether Temple is a powerful force that has dominated Hongmeng for hundreds of billions of years. Unfortunately, it suddenly collapsed and was surrounded by several major forces. However, a Xeon appeared suddenly and silently 10 billion years ago, and was killed in the Nether Temple. Three strong men of statehood and control of two women of statehood;

But the Xeon was like a flash in the pan, and all the related people disappeared. This became a secret that Hongmeng later wanted to probe. Unfortunately, even the two masters who had been hiding in the secret Phantom Valley that year were unable to find it. A trace.

The cold face man shook his head and walked to the third slang saying coldly:

"One turn, two turns, three turns, the unification of the true self, no way, no way, no way, endlessness is in my palm. This slang is as simple as a strong person who despise beings. Disgusting. "

The smiling man said hehe:

"This stele was here when Hongmeng was born. It's definitely not just that we saw it. You and my brother have been here for trillions of years to crack the true meaning of the stele. Just by looking at these words, we can repair everything. Ascension to the state, if it really breaks everything, then the last sentence is in my palm ... "

The smiling man opened his hand and shook it vigorously, then said:

"If we can completely control Hongmeng, we may break through the realm to achieve a higher power."

The cold face man Shen Sheng said:

"How did that person and Long Lin handle it? He was actually related to the slang of this stele, so it is inevitable to keep it."

The smiling man said:

"But the practitioners in the middle of a avenue have no threat to us for the time being. The Jin Dadao and the Holy Path are the enemies in front of us. Our people have intercepted dozens of batches of the magic valley. In the city of golden light and the gate of the Holy Path;

It is also strange that those guys under the door actually occupied countless cities around after the collapse of several major forces, and had to attract the attention of people.

As for this man with Long Lin, even if he is the robber who said in slang, we don't care too much. Now the 30 elders of the seven elders under the door have gone out, hoping that they can catch this person back Come on. "

"I still think it's good to kill," said the cold-faced man.

The smiling man didn't continue to speak. He looked at the sculpted two lines at the end of the second stone tablet, and frowned. He guessed that the really meaningful things were above the two words of this stone tablet. There is still no way to see the characters above.

In Magic Valley, Hung Meng has hidden two state-of-the-art masters for many years muttered and mumbled. It seems that the two people's ideas are different, but the two will not cause conflicts between the brothers, and let the people under them perform. Any plan is successful.

As for the stele slang, Tang Ye just knows what Ren Liqi said, looking at Xiaolong Lin who stared at his shoulders and always sleeping, this little one can entangle with two or three congenital saints. The legend of the First Spirit Beast Tang Yue has not yet seen it.

After thinking about it for a while, Tang Ye still put away Dragon Lin temporarily. This little guy has a strong ability to sense spirits, even more effective than Tang Ye's true glance. With the guidance of the natural wayfinding disk, he looks for Hongmengwu. The fine things have become extremely simple.

The city of ice in the extreme north is located in the closest city in the frozen abyss. In the icy snow world, there is only a trace of heat in the city. In the pub, after a long jump of hundreds of years, he came here for a drink. The most expensive flame burnt the soul, and he drank a drink to greet Xiao Er to hear about the ice cave abyss.

Xiao Er, the shop here, looked at Tang Wei and said with a smile:

"Kaiguan, this ice cave abyss has not been so cold these years, it seems to be related to the disappearance of the masters of the Xuanshui Temple more than 10 billion years ago, but the abyss is too scary. No one has gone down these years."

It was more than 10 billion years ago, Tang Ye asked Xiao Er to step down and drink, thinking about how many earth-shattering things happened in Hongmeng that year, and what was the existence behind it.

Tang Yan drank the spirits and put down the glass. He didn't plan to stay more. He must quickly collect all the Hongmeng five essences, and then retreat and improve himself. Although Tianzhu Zhu said that his people are strong Protect in secret, the ghost knows what is going on, and he will be at the mercy of others without being careful.

"Is that what he is? It's a fast speed, it has gone from extreme east to extreme north in a hundred years. This speed can't be achieved even at the top of the avenue. It is troublesome to fight."

Upstairs in the tavern, a man with a golden mask whispered while looking at the gates of the city of ice. There were also two people with a golden mask behind him, and twelve men with silver masks sitting around him. It is said that these are all strong in Magic Valley, the purpose is to Tang Yan.

"Four elders, Lord Otani asked us to capture this person ~ ~ The second elders let the six elders and seven elders kill him. This is not easy to do." The man in the golden mask who spoke was beside him. A golden mask man said.

The four elders nodded and said:

"The five elders don't need to worry, the three elders, do you know the whereabouts of the elder and the second elder? Since the floods and looting ten billion years ago, they suddenly disappeared. I wonder if they went there?"

The golden-faced man known as the three elders said:

"This matter is slowly investigated. Since the two valley owners did not express their opinions, we cannot openly investigate. The magic valley is hidden for trillions of years. If there is no courage, it would be better to disperse it earlier."

"What about this person?" The elders asked in a low voice.

The elders in the eyes of the three elders revealed their sturdy domineering:

"Twelve in our three lives, we will not be able to get rid of even the strongest in the middle of the state. If the three of us can reach the state, we will be invincible in this world. Let ’s take this kid as a test product. , Catching him back is also a matter of resolution. "

"Okay, this array hasn't been tested since it was formed. This kid is fast and just tests our array of forbidden worlds." The four elders nodded.

This group of magic valley powerful men has planned to set a trap, but Tang Yan has already reached the entrance of the ice cave abyss. This ice cave abyss is millions of miles long, and there are countless canyons interlaced in it. The strong cold air from the canyon Mouth twitching in the mouth.

"If the temperature here radiates into a normal multidimensional universe, it is estimated that the entire universe will freeze in an instant. Absolute zero is a joke in front of this low temperature."

Looking at the icy canyon, Tang murmured that the absolute zero of the normal universe is calculated based on the temperature at which the particles of the universe are frozen, but the particle structure here is billions of times stronger than that of the normal universe. ...