MTL - Plane Source Code-~ Edman alloy

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There is not much in the space of Park Xingchen, a secret book of Korean swordsmanship, a three-foot-long magnetic rail gun and a pile of ammunition, and in addition there are a bunch of crystal strips and several host hard disk-like things.

Tang Shen Shen had not yet seen the harvest, and in Cairo Mitsui suddenly exclaimed:

"No, this Ping Xingchen died and died. All the information we obtained in the story of the Doom is in him. Among them are the nano gate, the twenty-fourth pair of chromosomes, and the ark transmission technology, and even some samples. He Yao, his mother, said that he would not let him keep it alone, but you think you have taken up the space. Now you are all right. "

Ichikawa Masami grinned:

"Mitsui, we can continue to look for other things. Do you dare to inject the twenty-fourth pair of chromosomes? The nanometer gate is only used as a wall. As for the ark transfer technology and samples, we have researched and produced them for hundreds of years. After. "

Mitsui Mitsui was persuaded by Ichikawa Masami and just sighed and ended, but I do n’t know that these things are just sending charcoal in the snow to the mushroom team. They are slow in research, and pineapples have red queens. .


In the grove, Wanci Wang has woke up. He looked at the body of his wife and daughter for a while, and finally looked around and said:

"You are not the ones who scrambled me. They should be the ones who saved me. Why save me?"

Tian Qiwei smiled and wiped the body of Wanci Wang ’s wife and daughter into the ground. Another blue channel appeared in front of Wanci Wang.

Through the passage, you can see that there are neat houses on the opposite side, but there are rusty iron nets outside the housing area. God revealed that everyone walked into the passage, and he said as he walked:

"Just look across and you'll know."

After passing through the space passage, I went outside the city of Auschwitz, Poland. The house here used to have a noun called a concentration camp. At that time, Germany killed more than one million people by various means, including the magnetic king's parents.

Wanci Wang was originally in the sadness of his wife and daughter being killed. Seeing the familiar scene here made him feel, he clenched his fists and said:

"Why did I get here?"

"Because I want to maximize your power, remember, here is your painful beginning, but it will be a new beginning for you to become a strong ..."

With the special energy wave, Tianqi's faint sound continued to flow into the body of Wanci King. In his mind, he recalled the picture of being arrested with his parents when he was a child. When his parents were sent to the gas chamber, his screaming and screaming inspired Wanci.

As Wanci Wang became more and more hated and angry, Apocalypse voice said:

"Your power comes from 10,000 magnetic forces. When you are close to the ground, you can feel the endless magnetic force with your heart. The huge power that can destroy the world is in your heart."

Wang Wanwang pressed his hands on the ground, and a line of magnetic force began to roll around the concentration camp. The metal material wrapped around it began to spin and decompose in the magnetic field line. The surrounding barbed wire began to tear and fly up. Even the entire world ’s magnetic research institute detected this. Unit power.


This powerful energy pineapple was also detected, and Jin Dan trembled a little in his condensed sandalwood, and his mind also clearly felt a potential threatening power to radiate. He knew that Magneto ’s fifth-magnet magnetic force was definitely far more than that of the tasker. 10,000 magnetic force is strong.

Sensing this, they immediately notified Erhei, who had arrived at Xavier School, Antenna, and others. At dawn in the United States, the antenna sent a message that Erhei had arrived. Xavier and others had gone to the CIA headquarters to find Xavier's old man. He and Meng Xiong, plus Li Qianhuan, Qin Gelei, Scott, and the Night Walker walked on the street, so as to avoid the fear of killing the Cowboy Squad, and the school's affairs could only be held responsible for the Erhei who became the devil.

But before that, Pineapple had sneaked into the dam research base and killed the leader Stryker here, and at the same time controlled all the soldiers. When they got the antenna, they just told everyone to be careful when they went shopping, but he went straight to a special In front of the laboratory.

There was a man detained in this laboratory, a mutant Wolverine called a beast. At this moment, the Wolverine in the laboratory was controlled by the sedative drug and did not wake up. Pineapple looked at him and walked to another room like an operating room. In the room with high frequency electric stove.

In the electric furnace, a silver metal liquid tumbling. On a blackboard next to it, there were metal refining data and matching parameters. The pineapple asked the Red Queen to record these parameters, but he took out hundreds of molten mold shells carefully. The furnace next to it was started and the metal liquid was cast along the shells.

After ten minutes, all the shells were filled with liquid and solidified. The pineapple looked at just the right metal shrink ratio and smiled. There was still a small half of liquid in the furnace. After thinking for a while, he saw a set of ten slots next to it. He simply closed the steel mold and poured all the liquid metal into it.

The biggest purpose of the pineapple trip to the dam was not to kill Major Stryker, who was an anti-mutant. Although he killed him and received a special reward of 500 points, he was not for the amazing fighting power and super-resilient King Kong. The wolf, because he doesn't need such a beast helper, his purpose is to study some of the weapons that Strike studied against the mutants and this silver metal Edman alloy.

The Edelman alloy is called the hardest alloy by all Marvel movies ~ ~ It can sustain up to 500,000 degrees of high temperature, the ability to resist high temperature instantly is unknown, and the hardness is only the same metal. break in;

Pineapple here is mainly to find the alloy formula to build his warframe by the way, because he is going to smelt the four **** stones, without the armor change of the **** stone, he has to consider his own safety.

All the previous modules are the armor accessories designed by the Red Queen. After the completion, the Red Queen must install special electronic equipment and support systems in the card slots and gaps reserved for each accessory.

The rapidly cooling solution mold shell under the fan is directly shaken apart with internal strength. This is an armored shell and support frame of about one millimeter. Pineapple sends these things into the heraldic space. The Red Queen will operate those automatic robots. Begin processing of follow-up work.

The same ten-foot Edman alloy dagger had to be bound with a grip. These things were left to the Red Queen. Pineapple looked at the Edman alloy formula and the materials on the side:

"Edman alloy is the hardest metal, with indeformable hardness. It seems that the weapon is not bad. Otherwise, it would be good to fuse Edelman alloy into the four **** stones."