MTL - Plane Source Code-~ Opponent's calculations

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Black Johnson asked:

"Can't you tell what team Antenna and his brother Meng Xiong belong to?"

"No matter who they are? Let's kill them," said Oba's donkey, clenching his fists.

Poll smiled neatly with shiny white clothes and neat heads:

"Oba donkey, don't only know how to fight and kill. Although you are a major gladiator, remember that we are a whole and the missionaries of the world of the Lord God."

Milan Sisko sneered with a tall nose like a hawk:

"Death stick, you will die if you don't pretend for a day. Your light magic has not been used to kill you. Compared to the paladin Johnson, you can kill no less than him. Now you have 4,000 experience points. You don't want me to kill them. "

Bill glared at the group, and said after everyone was quiet:

"Kill, you must kill, as long as it is not our team or the enemy, but here is the Xavier Genius School, how can we use the power of the X-Men to kill here? Will they believe that we have killed for no reason?

When we get out of school, we can do it. Besides, we don't just have the ability to cultivate and copy. Don't forget that we get a lot in the special forces world. "

Everyone was amazed. The Cowboy Squad also went through four missions. At the beginning of the sniper operation: Ghost Operation, they assisted the villains of the US sniper, killed the US sniper, and protected the oilfield. less;

The second task they entered was a low-level magic Snow White world. Everyone chose their cultivation direction, Bill's Iron Fist and Gunfighting, Johnson's Paladin Sword Art, Ball's Bright Priest Divine Art, and Oba Donkey. Fighting style combat, Milan Sisco's wind fast sword and the charm of Barbara;

Entering the third World Zombie World War, they found nothing, they fought a few times to survive, and finally relied on the help of the protagonist to survive.

For the fourth time, they entered the special forces world teamfighting mission. They supported the Cobra Commander against the United States. Although they are Americans themselves, because they are descendants of immigrants, they have no root or love for the United States.

Using the high-tech of the villain, they sneaked into the special forces headquarters, killed the special forces owners, and even killed everyone in the United States White House and the Pentagon. What they got when the mission was completed was unusual;

The villain's nano-machine worm technology, stealth suit, two stealth ion thruster helicopters, what most cares about them is to obtain a full nitrogen anion salt ammunition weapon.

This kind of weapon can be the strongest to create N2 bombs. The explosive power is huge but there is no pollution. All the weapons on their hands are this kind of ammunition. Their lethality is very clean. This is also their confidence that they can beat anyone.

Bill told them that they still had cards in their hands, but now they ca n’t mess around at Xavier School. Since participating in the mission of the Lord God, they have come back to reality by downloading all kinds of TV movies and novels, and they will take a closer look once they enter a certain world.

They are also very familiar with X-Men, so they believe that the other two teams will not be unclear, and Bill said with a smile after he said:

"Yeah, killing people here, although the experience value is in hand, but the result is the exclusion of the soldiers. Even if we help, they will resist, and other teams are still there. Once the apocalypse completes the plan, who of us can destroy the earth Apocalypse opponent? Even with N2 bombs, he may not be able to kill him. "

How strong is the Apocalypse? No one will compare the last in the movie with several level 4 or 5 mutants and kill the Apocalypse. Everyone will calculate it based on the power of his awake moment, and the apocalypse can take a group of people through space. Before the opponent completes the body transfer and kills, the cowboys will be killed by the apocalypse.

"Well, don't kill them for the time being, but what if they do it first?" Oba Donkey said.

Bill said:

"We remember at least two people going out and not giving them a chance, especially Barbara. You live with the students, in case they have special means to sneak into your room, it is troublesome."

Ball glanced at Barbara's arrogant heart and said:

"Yeah, Barbara. You practice Charm. Once you break your body skills, it will be a pity?"

When Barbara entered the world of the Lord God, she was only fifteen or sixteen years old. She was an adult when she shuttled in several worlds. She knew her ideas very well for the people in the squad. Otherwise, her charm would balance the squad She has long become unclear and plaything for the team men.

Barbara ignored Pol's evil eyes and said:

"I'm not afraid. Do you think that the power of the Phoenix I copied is a fake? Although it is far worse than Qin Gelei ~ ~ to deal with your bright pastor who only has wall penetration, I can kill a group in an instant."

Ball was stunned by Barbara. Not to mention now, even when Barbara has only the power of charm, she will carry a miniature N2 explosive bomb that is open at any time, as long as someone has a life-threatening situation to her, she said After all, the detonation bomb will be destroyed with the other side;

The men in the squad were interested in Barbara who was just fifteen years old. If it wasn't for Barbara's hard work, he wouldn't have been able to live with them to this day.

Just as the killing cowboys discussed how to deal with the antennas, they had completed training and learned about the application of shock waves. The cute bear Xing Chong rushed to the registration office, but learned that Li Qianhuan had returned to the bedroom. He is a new student. In his bedroom, he saw the antennas arrange strange things in the room.

The antenna placed a dozen ping-pong-sized hemisphere-shaped metal objects on the bed. Meng Xiong would reach for one, and patted the antenna on Meng Xiong's hand and said:

"This is a one-time laser launcher, and you've been cut carefully."

Meng Xiong hurriedly withdrew his hand and laughed:

"Why not give me a few of this thing?"

The antenna despised:

"Do you have the ability to accurately arrange the laser net in 0.1 second? It would be useless if you didn't."

What about the Shockwave ability? I have n’t practiced martial arts, and the speed response is very slow. The antenna now knows one thing. Most of the abilities that require time to excite and prepare, even if the variant level is strong, if you are fighting at close range He can instantly kill opponents with martial arts.

In the mushroom team, pineapple focused on martial arts, and Erhei focused on body, but everyone else has learned martial arts, and has a deep understanding of martial arts to improve people's response speed, so even if you major in other exercises, everyone has not given up the martial arts .