MTL - Plane Source Code-~ Pineapple in 1

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Since the mushroom team pineapple entered the situation, it has been smooth sailing, got the blood bodhi, learned the six tricks of Aohan and the true skill of Xuanwu;

When he arrived at the Dragon Cave to kill the dragon, he did not expect that the dragon vein in his hand sucked the real dragon into his arm to form the Gaishilong Boxing. After eventually receiving other benefits to improve and repair, he helped the team members to improve because the pineapple was The captain of the mushroom team must be responsible for the members of the team.

The member of the Mushroom Squad is a group of fungal group members. Tang Shen, a beautiful high IQ with long legs, is calm, dark-faced and firm. He is greedy but stubborn and flying. He likes beautiful women, and he does not have a specific antenna. There is also a younger sister who likes younger sisters.

Now the split pineapples are fused, but there are two team crests on his arm. He can erase one of them, but he does not move but looks at the fierce volcano in front of him.

"I'll deal with the trouble I caused. Fortunately, I have enough experience."

With his whisper, the new pineapple, which had two pineapples all repaired, flew directly hundreds of feet away, and at the mountain pass where lava erupted, he quickly threw hundreds of ball-like objects. Get out of it directly.

"Uh ..."

These **** burst open one by one when they contacted the lava in the gap of the mountain pass. All of them released a powerful cold and started to freeze the magma. One of these gadgets is 20 points of experience value. It can freeze molten steel in the range of tens of meters, and it is more than enough to deal with magma.

The frozen bomb quickly frozen the crater melt. Without the melt connected, the melt in the front will slowly cool down. Seeing that the lava flow started to stop the pass and temporarily frozen, the pineapple fell to the frozen lava surface. With one hand, he absorbed the cold air from the Daxue Mountain and passed down from below.

Because of the strong impact, the mountain had cracked. Although the pineapple froze the surface, he was worried that this layer of lava shell could not bear it. He had to use his capricorn to start freezing the deeper lava.

Pineapple continued to absorb the cold and freeze the underground lava, but he suddenly found that he could use it with one heart and one heart. He guessed that it was the result of splitting into the world of the Lord God, but the Lord God World said that there is no bug, what is his current situation.

With one heart and two uses, Pineapple simply started to practice Wanjian Guizong. He did n’t need to play any waste caves to rebuild. Capricorn could simulate the acupuncture points that were scrapped and gathered Wanjian Guizong ’s sword gas, and he practiced in his body. Several kinds of true qi have also condensed into pure innocent innocent qi for hundreds of years under the impulse of Beiming qi.

The current pineapple doesn't know how powerful he is, but just believe that under the peerless dragon fist and the **** stone, no one in the whole world can pick him up, but he is the tasker, not the world he entered to kill anyone. Now, he has two choices, one is to erase the seal of the mushroom team, and the other is to remove the mark of the crazy team. He has a plan in his mind, but now he temporarily uses this special status that is not a bug to vote.

The task of the mad team is to guard the Tianmen to clean up the martial arts and kill members of the mushroom team, but the mushroom team is to protect the world and clean up the sect and kill the members of the crazy team. Prior to this, the pineapple of the mushroom team has killed two members of the mad team, that is, Yamashita And shadow, the two sneaked into Lingyun Cave and encountered a latent pineapple bombarded by two shells. At the same time, they knew the general situation of the crazy team. Now that the pineapples are united, they can only know a little more.

Honestly, the pineapples of the madman team don't know as much as the mushroom team pineapple. For example, the madman team played with women in several worlds to kill women. The pineapple of the madman team didn't know. After staying for a full year, the serious injuries that he suffered by himself one year ago have already recovered. Driven by hundreds of years of cultivation, all kinds of exercises he practiced have also been fascinated.

Using Capricorn's immense power to detect the depths of the ground, Pineapple intends to leave this place, because almost the beginning of the official plot of the situation, he must use various means to start the mission plan.

As the pineapple got up, all the sturdy ices condensing around him shattered and scattered. He rushed up to the top of the mountain and watched another year of snowstorm, he whispered to himself:

"The people of the madness team are also group friends, but this group of people are very cruel and they may have to kill them."

Pineapple doesn't know yet. One year ago, he fought against himself and caused the Daxue Mountain to crack. The sword emperor witnessed it all, and he was scared to hide in Jianzong's secret place and never dare to go out.

When Pineapple came out of the mountain and just arrived in the small town outside the Snow Mountain, he was taking a bath in the town inn. Suddenly, an urgent news came and he couldn't help but stand up and said in shock:

"Master Xiao is dead! What's going on?"

Pineapple remembered one thing in horror ~ ~ The pineapple of the mushroom team had met the Mud Bodhisattva. He said that there would be deaths in the mushroom team, but now it does not seem that the members of the crazy team were killed.

When the entire mushroom team entered the world of storms and storms, they prepared themselves. The antenna went to Wushuang City to lurk. After stealing the Wushuang secret recipe and elixir, the antenna pursued the bright moon that was only ten years old. At the age of fifteen, the moon had already given the belly. Get married.

Pineapple has no objection to the habit of antennas. Indecent sentiment does not mean that it has an impact on the mission. In reality, the antenna is still in Senegal, Africa. He also exchanged a bunch of cows for ten black beauties as women. At least he absolutely followed the instructions when he was on the mission. Act.

Erhei was hiding near the East Godless Godless Palace. After stealing the fist-killing and immortal golden body, he couldn't approach the boxing gods. When the pineapple went to send blood to Bodhi, he accidentally scared the crazy man with the stealth technique of the iron blood soldier. Boxing in the void, now Erhei is practicing in Dongluo, and by the way monitors the movement of the Abyss.

There is a stable person like Erhe who is in charge of Dongying. Pineapple is also confident that it can be easier. In the world meeting where they must be responsible for guarding, the team's think tank Tang deeply took Feifei and Xiaoxiao into the waitress. After pineapple gave them blood Bodhi, All three are innate masters;

But now Lord Xiao is actually dead. He hasn't been killed by the mad team. How can Pineapple not be shocked? Everyone has advanced weapons in his hands, why was he killed?

Anxiously, Pineapple flew out of the window without checking out. When he reached the hidden ravine, he took out the invisible spaceship captured by the trial of the Iron Blood Warrior. After half an hour, he had reached the world that is not too far away from the Daxue Mountain. In the woods near the residential area. rw more exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone reading school