MTL - Plane Source Code-~ Reciprocal squad

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It was actually missing, not dying or disappearing. This was also the special power of the contract, because the moment Barbara pressed the fingerprint, she was absorbed into the contract. Only when the mission of this world was over, pineapple could release her.

It would have been more useful for Barbara to continue to lurk in the Eurohawks team, but then Barbara has more dangers. In addition to her own team, another team will attack. This is not what Pineapple wants. Things, especially lurking such highly dangerous work, he will not let the players with low resistance to strike do it.

Barbara continued to stay in the Eurohawks team in crisis, so Pineapple knew that she would be sucked into the contract and arranged like this. Looking at Barbara who disappeared, Pineapple put away the contract and whispered to himself:

"Cute little girl, I hope the antenna and the soon-to-be-revived cute bear and Xiaoye don't make a mess."

Barbara disappeared, and members of the Eurohawk team in the hotel came out of the rooms. They glanced at the room where the team members lived. The captain James nodded, and several people gathered in James' room.

James's cold face became even colder, he said after drinking a glass of bright red blood:

"Barbara said she went out to investigate. It was actually missing, not killed or arrested. This is a strange thing, but I suspect it is related to the group of Orientals. Be wary, don't act alone, everything. Follow Evelyn tomorrow and get the news before talking. "

The others nodded and Andrew smiled and said:

"Tomorrow I will follow this group of Easterners. The captain and others will follow Evelyn and Jonathan. By the way, look for the American expedition in the movie. We may be mixed in the expedition."

Andrew's druid can be transformed into a bird or even a mouse. Tracking people is the best choice. James nodded and said:

"Okay, that's it. We'll make a decision when we have news."

A group of people dispersed again. Pineapple looked at these people through the door slit. He has completed the plan to return. Next, he should kill this group of people to complete the task in advance, and then find various benefits in the world to improve everyone's ability. Survive in future missions.

Covering the door of the room, pineapple sat down on her knees and closed her eyes to practice. The surrounding rooms were equipped with sonic jammers. Even if his ears were within ten feet of mosquito crawling, it was useless at this moment.

Cultivating till dawn, he was about to wash out the door. He just opened a door slit, and suddenly he closed the door and frowned.

Just now, he saw the members of the mad team go out. There was a pineapple in the mad team. Of course, pineapple will not forget this group of people. He frowned and waited for the mad team to leave before he opened the door and murmured. Whispered:

"Curry, Big Taurus, Master Qing, and a guy you don't know. Is the Mad Squad the Free Squad?"

Regarding the mad team, except for the curry of the sunflower book, other people have no sense of killing the pineapple. Now he knows that three teams will appear, the mushroom team, the mad team and the European Eagle team. It looks like there is no more The team is here.

With the rewards of releasing Barbara in the X-Men, he has fully understood the existence and structure of the Eurohawks squad, and now he has discovered the mad squad. He clenched his fists and decided to calculate all his opponents. Count it in.

The Spooky Squad just left, a sparrow fluttered out of a nearby room, hovering in the air, and followed the people of the Spooky Squad all the way.

Immediately afterwards, the remaining members of the Eurohawk team left the inn, and they went directly to the Eveline family to wait. Pineapple did not follow them but put on a robe to cover his face to the prison.

Because Pineapple took the box ahead of time, Evelyn didn't know what O'Connor was still in prison, she was still happy to go to work in the museum, and her brother Jonathan made a gold coin, and today he changed the money to the casino Hi Pi went.

The madman team arrived at the prison, but after waiting for a while, they found that Evelyn didn't come. They discussed for a while, and finally found the fat warden, spent a lot of money, and promised to share the treasure hunt to the warden, and then redeemed O'Connor. When they came back to the hotel, the other members of the Eurohawks learned the news. When Jonathan was half drunk and went into an alley, James and others appeared in front of him.

Slightly threatened Gary, and Jonathan, who would never have betrayed his customers, shook out all the news. James and others returned to the inn. Andrew, who was monitoring the Madman Squad on the roof, became a mouse transfer room, and he hurriedly said:

"Unfortunately, the group of Orientals actually rescued O'Connor, and it seemed that he was going to let him go to the city of the undead."

James moved his mouth to reveal his pair of slightly longer fangs and said,

"We followed Eveline siblings all the way. Eveline hadn't even seen the box. We persecuted Jonathan. The guy told us that he sold the box to an Oriental man. It seemed to be this group of people.

If we want to open the underworld passage, we need to get the black scripture of the undead, otherwise even if the mouth of the passage is blown up, Anubis' power will not be stable to the world. "

Andrew frowned:

"What to do? Barbara disappeared unexpectedly, brothers and sisters Evelyn didn't know the truth, O'Connor and the keys fell into this Oriental squad. Even if we got the black scriptures of the undead, no key is zero. "

James said murderously:

"In the city of the undead, we must fight in teams, otherwise any one of them will take the key and we will not be able to complete the task."

Norman Swordsman, who has rarely spoken, says:

"We have four people ~ ~ the other party also has four people. It seems that this is all arranged, but in the city of the undead, did we directly fight or did we go to the underground passage to catch the fight?"

Barnes, who practiced the power of the Titan, frowned:

"It would be good for me to be outside, because my Titan's power would have a height of more than four meters to fight, and it would be good for James and Andrew inside the passage, and I couldn't move in a tight space at all. This is a problem."

James said with a smile:

"The other party will also calculate these gains and losses. They will leave a person outside to adapt to the battle. When the time is up, you will do it. Regardless of ordinary people, kill all of them."

Barnes touched his chin and said:

"Oh, that's it. Now we should look for the American expedition to join it. Well, it is better that we have the final say. If it doesn't work, we can kill the expedition and some archeologists. We can take Beni to lead the way."