MTL - Plane Source Code-~ Snow Margin

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Pineapple knew this. God gradually became crazy and arrogant. Bu Bai Suzhen left God after she gave birth to her daughter, but was killed by God in the wilderness. Fortunately, as long as the extinct demon body is not gone, it can be resurrected. Bubai Suzhen After the restoration, he rebuilt a kind of exercise method. The ground-level Capricorn immeasurable was opposed to God's Tianji Capricorn immeasurable tithe, and their daughter was also named Bai Suzhen, the master of the story of Leifeng Tower.

Bai Suzhen, who also cultivated the skill of moving the heavens, was extraordinary and soon became comparable to her parents, but she fell in love with a scholar Xu Xian. After marriage, she was hunted down by Fahai sent by God, and Fahai had a stone in her hand. The pot bowl that was created forced her to hide, but unfortunately in the end, she won the calculation and Xu Xian hit her hard with the stone.

Xu Xian is just an ordinary person. Even if Shen Shi increases her attack power by 20 times, she won't kill Bai Suzhen, but she is very affectionate. The betrayal of her beloved makes her willing to die, otherwise Xu Xian will never kill her.

Since Bai Suzhen's death, a caring person has adapted her story into a biography of the White Snake, and described Fahai as an unforgiving monk. In fact, Fahai was merciful, but Xu Xian poisoned her heart.

Because the West Lake floor drain and face flow were about to come into contact, Fahai placed the **** stone on the floor drain to block the lake water, and at the same time built the channel of Leifeng Tower.

God was worried that someone might have stolen the **** stone, so he looked for a woman who was exactly the same as Bu Bai Suzhen as a disciple. At the same time, she renamed Bai Suzhen and Zhenbai Suzhen together to guard the West Lake. In the end, this woman named Bai Suzhen who actually called Xue Yuan fell in love. Stunning clouds eventually lead to the battle between God and the situation ...

Everything went to Yuan, Xue Yuan continued to guard the **** stone, but it was no longer for the gods but for the people and at the same time to shock the clouds, but the entire TV show was over, and Xue Yuan did not take the lead from the beginning to the end.

Now this West Lake has Jinshan Temple masters and Xue Yuan guarding the **** stone, and even if Xue Yuan has the skill to move the heavens, even the goddess Luo Xian would not dare to provoke him. As for the **** general, he originally knew Xue Xue and also Secretly love Xueyuan, it is impossible to meet Xueyuan here, at least in Xueyuan's heart, God will be a hung person.

Letting pineapples here is definitely not for him to pin down the masters of Jinshan Temple. Those people have Tianmen masters to deal with it. In fact, the idea of ​​the goddess Luo Xian is to let pineapples hold the snow.

On this day, the brothers of the Bai family went out to explore again. Pineapple sat in the small pavilion at night and took a cool breeze. It seemed to be drinking leisurely, and his body suddenly shook his body by a dozen points. Being caught, he was startled in his eyes, but saw a practise of Bai Bai in the lake like a snake snake, tied directly around his waist and pulled into the water.

Like water, the pineapple did not splash water, and a bubble surrounded the whole body tightly surrounded him, but the person continued to go deep into the West Lake with that Bai Lian.

He was quickly hovering in the pineapple head of the acupoint. There was only one person in the West Lake who dared to pull him down the lake, that is, Xueyuan. He didn't expect this woman to do it now, because the uncle of the Bai family had not found the Leifeng Tower. At the entrance, he would not be able to use Fossil Dan all the way through the secret passage.


With a crisp sound, the pineapple passed through a bubble-like thing and entered a door, and then was thrown to the ground. The body felt a strong wind sweeping through the acupuncture point to untie it. He stood up and looked back, one meter on each head and foot. Chichi's white dress woman was standing in front of her.

Beauty, pineapple dare to say that any star in the real world or a beautiful woman who has appeared in the past millennia will embarrass herself in front of her. A pair of glittering big eyes are filled with a touch of coyness. She looked at the pineapple for ten minutes. Inside are silent.

Pineapple didn't speak, it wasn't sure what the other person wanted to do, but the other person didn't speak because the pineapple exuded a breath that made her feel extremely consistent, and she was very familiar with this breath, and looked at her fingers for a while. Holding the pineapple's wrist, his eyes locked like pineapples asked in a low voice:

"What kind of person are you, and how can there be an extermination body in the body, and there is an extremely pure breath that is even stronger than the extinction body, and what is the relationship between those who explore the secret of Leifeng Tower and you? ? "

Xue Yuan's eyes were like deep pool water, and when her eyes were flowing, an intoxicating and convincing feeling passed into Pineapple's mind, just as Pineapple opened his mouth and wanted to tell the truth, the lines on his arm Zhang came with a tingle of tingling to wake him up.

The heraldic space given by the Lord God can lock the quester from leaking the news of the Lord God's world, and at the same time, it can resist the weak spiritual charm. Although Xue Yuan is highly established in the world of the wind and clouds, in the setting of the Lord God, it is low and low. Practitioners.

If you want to use spiritual charm to deal with the task, at least you must have a character above the fairy level, that is not the so-called **** or fairy in the world, they are so far away from the real gods that they ca n’t be compared ~ ~ awakening Pineapple still pretended to be deceived, Xue Yuan could not think of a Dantian without any internal force, but a person with two kinds of horror energies in the meridian could wake up under her spiritual charm. Pineapple murmured:

"I met a dark-red Warframe man who claimed to be a general. He was very fierce and said he wanted to eat my brain. He also said that my brain was definitely better than the brain of an ordinary warrior, just when he was about to kill me. Here comes a woman in white. She rescued me, but both of them left me with the vitality of the exterminator and the sacred heart.

As for what Leifeng Tower I don't know, I don't know who the girl asked, if Tang Ye knew the answer should be honest. "

Xue Yuan looked at the pineapple with surprise. She didn't expect that the fat man had met a master in front of her. She showed her eyebrows and twitched out and sent out a practising spirit of moving God. But at this moment, the pineapple was born. A force that swallowed the sky, Hulah, began to absorb the moving spirit of Xueyuan.

Xueyuan eagerly wanted to pull her hands away, but the harder she moved the body, the faster the true air flow lost, and in horror, she raised her hands and wanted to kill the pineapple, but she felt that her body was as fast as the Yellow River flooding. disappear.

As soon as the body disappeared, Xueyuan collapsed to the ground, the original beautiful cheeks quickly turned into dry bark as dehydration. Pineapple crouched down and looked at the woman who was still breathing. He raised his hand and put it down again. , According to a special set of acupoints in the Zixia magical power, the finger sealed the whole body of Xueyuan in a glass living compartment.

Xueyuan is a good person, but pineapple is not necessarily a good person, but he doesn't want to be a demon. He took the opportunity to devour Xueyuan's move to heaven, which is just his idea of ​​time, but if he wants to kill Xueyuan like this, he thinks It's almost time for me to become a demon. 8) More exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading school