MTL - Plane Source Code-~ Super analysis

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Thinking of women being slept by a large group of black men, and being bullied by their own children, the antenna fists shook and said:

"I absolutely follow the instructions, even if there are beautiful women who make me look good, I will not miss the task."

Meng Xiong does not have these taboos, his eyes dripping and hesitantly said:

"I'll follow the antenna honestly. If he takes his sister, I'll be there as a light bulb."

Everyone disappeared into the space of the Lord God without any feeling, but when they reappeared, they were in a wasteland bush. Pineapple looked up at the sky and said:

"The Red Queen began to connect to communication satellites. Everyone's headsets should be worn at any time. When I have the ability to make non-destructive implanted headsets."

Everyone took out a small in-ear headset and plugged it into the ear hole. The technology in Pineapple's hand is enough. The equipment is also available, but the red Queen is still analyzing and mastering the micro-production technology. Control the call, and can avoid signal tracking and interference according to the quantum connection. In an emergency, the headset will be automatically destroyed to avoid being controlled.

Now everyone can only equip this equipment that is plugged into the ear hole, and each of them is ready to check, Pineapple said:

"Send the antenna deeply. They go to Xavier School first. I go directly to Cairo."

"Woo ..."

"call out......"

During the talk, two aircraft suddenly flew in different places several kilometers away. One of them was slender and very fast, and the other looked like a helicopter and was not slow. It suddenly disappeared invisible during the flight.

The personal battle analysis system in Pineapple's eyes began to quickly calculate the routes of the two aircrafts, and at the same time projected the coordinates of the map on the connection of the Red Queen, his eyes jumped and said:

"Now we are in the desert of northern Australia. One of the two aircrafts we just went to North America should go to the United States. Now I don't know if they will directly contact Xavier and others;

In addition, the aircraft that looked like a helicopter should go to Europe according to the route. They did not go directly to En. Sabah Noor.

From this point of view, these are two different teams. It is estimated that they have detected each other, but they do not plan to start the war now. "

Tang said deeply:

"That is to say, they may be a team that supports the X-Men and a team that supports the Apocalypse. Everyone should be careful."

Pineapple took out the two spacecrafts, Tang deeply greeted others to board one of them. Pineapple waited for them to leave before entering the spacecraft to start the stealth system and said:

"Intensify monitoring and start the spacecraft."


The location of Xavier School was easily found from the search. Tang drove the stealth spacecraft deep into the woods two kilometers away from the school, and let the antenna and Moe bear leave the spacecraft.

Looking at the depths of the forest from the antenna, he found out the fake identity certificate and a stack of dollars that the Red Queen had made before departure and said to Meng Xiong:

"Remember your identity. We are posing as powers and brothers. This time we heard that Xavier School recruited special students to sign up."

Meng Xiong put away his identification and muttered:

"Then what power do we say?"

The antenna hehe laughed:

"I don't care. As long as the exercises are working, they are almost the same as abilities. Except for those who specifically sense the mutants, they will find that my abilities are not abilities. The rest can be concealed. As for you, enter the school and quickly copy a person's That's all. "

Meng Xiong has a depressed face, copying one at will. This is not his idea. If he wants to make a very good one, especially when he listens to everyone chatting and practicing special skills, he does n’t want to. Becoming a towing oil bottle was disgusted.

Meng Xiong said,

"Let ’s go to school, but we are both Chinese, if we are seen by other teams, will we not be exposed?"

The antenna walked with a smile, and when Meng Xiong's fat body followed, he said indifferently:

"As long as people who haven't appeared in the movie are on guard, you don't have to talk after entering, right, I have a movie here, do you want to see it?"

Meng Xiong nodded hurriedly, plugged the phone directly to him and laughed:

"While watching the movie, the group of people was arrested. Although the story world is slightly deviated, it will not change too much. The rest is all prepared. If something is wrong, kill it."

The killing words that Antenna said with a smile showed coldness and decisiveness. The cute bear heard that the vest was cold. Then he remembered that the mission team of the main **** world was born to death, and they could be regarded as dead blood in their hands.

Earlier introduced, Tang deeply said that they killed Dongying from all walks of the godless palace and imperial palace, and the seemingly most peaceful pineapple was cut off the grass and killed many people, and even more evil was that pineapple caught more than 3,000 The beautiful Dongying young ladies asked Erhei to practice. It is said that when they left, many young ladies estimated that when Erhei broke through the tenth layer of the immortal gold body, she did not refine her gas.

When killing becomes a habit, as long as you don't reach your own bottom line, the goal of survival is everyone's choice, and this time as a free team, everyone can kill casually, both positive and negative factions are considered their enemies.

Without justice and evil, this has to consider everyone's heart. The antenna did not say that killing and killing at Xavier School to earn experience points, that is, he is still keeping his heart, at least that the main purpose of the X-Men is to Fight against evil mutants.

Meng Xiong watched for a while and remembered everyone in the movie ~ ~ Because the shock wave blasted the space and blew up the school, except for the Phoenix Girl, Night Walker, Li Qianhuan, etc. All of them were rescued by Quicksilver one by one.

Meng Xiong quickly calculated and analyzed while watching:

"There are three in the explosion center: Devil Woman, Female Agent, and Beast. Scott's brother hung up in the explosion. There are four students in the upper hall of the explosion. They are young, and the task team does not know if there are any children. , So beware of little guys for the time being;

There is a beautiful sister in the hallway above the hall, and it looks very delicious. I will not admit it. On the other side of the hall are four students upstairs and downstairs. There is a boy in the bathroom and a female teacher in the laboratory. And four students, easily recognizable;

A pair of young men and women on the rooftop are about to snooze. Three dormitories are connected with six people plus a dog. Inside the aisle is a male teacher and a girl with glasses. There is a surround lens in the movie. There are 29 people in total. In addition, Xavier and Shockwave are thirty-one.

As long as we remember these people, the extras and newcomers must be members of other squads. Whether you are concerned or assassinated is up to you. "