MTL - Please Call Me Lord God-Chapter 420 Yangshen

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... Harry Potter is also a member of the "Keeper", and is fighting modern times with others who stick to this country.

On the third day after the sacrifice, he resurrected on the third day after his death.

It was Dumbledore who saved his life at the last minute. The magic of the "Trinity · Artificial God" was not completed, and was hindered. In addition to human factors, he was resurrected together with Voldemort's replica Merope.

During the turmoil, due to the death march of Adolf the "King of the Antichrist" and the existence of the four knights and angel reapers, the entire British mainland was divided into separate battles.

The flyway network, morphing phantom, and other methods of space transmission have failed. Ghosts, dragons, and a large number of angels linger in the sky, and the human air and sky transportation system is completely destroyed.

On the ground, there are a large number of dead areas, forbidden areas, and dangerous areas polluted.

The adherents did not give up hope. They united with government departments and a large number of survivors. Through continuous counterattacks, they finally repelled the necrotic legion and angel reaper.

In the past few years, several larger autonomous regions have completed the division, and human power finally occupies the advantage, and this has continued to regain land.

In an instant, nineteen years passed.

Looking back, he couldn't help but sigh deeply.

"It's been a long time, Harry."

A voice sounded from behind him, and he turned around and saw someone falling to the ground on a flying motorcycle, Aberforth Dumbledore.

"It's been a long time, Aberforth."

He smiled: "I remember at least seven or eight years. I didn't expect you to take part in the recapture in London this time."

"I didn't expect us to have a chance to reunite here."

The old man jumped off the flying motorcycle. This was the dress that was given to him after Sirius died.

He was hugging Harry Potter.

"Melop and the kids are okay ..."

"She stayed in a safe zone with James, Albus, and Lily, and there were occasional raids on the London side."

Harry was a little overwhelmed. He thought about it and told Aberforth desperately, so he chose to hold his throat down and whispered, "I think you've heard about it. I've been there for the last few years. It is rumored that the 'person' of the Soviet Union may have appeared again. "

"... this kind of thing is impossible."

Aberforth was hazy for a moment, and he remembered that decades ago, the world had been immersed in the edge of darkness.

"‘ He was hit hard in that war in Washington, and he ’s been sleeping somewhere since then to get his strength back. ’

Twenty years ago, half of the world was suppressed by the dark forces, and there was a terrible power in the dark polar region far away.

... People were deterred by the terrible Dark Witch King, especially the war in Washington and the downfall of the great power of the United States, the collapse of one of the world's unipolarities, which made countless people tremble.

That was the most terrible time, and it was the one that scared two generations in the world, with the exception of the Soviet Union.

The "Dark Witch King" Drake turned out to be a huge shadow covering this world, which is more terrible than the nuclear deterrence in the early Cold War. At least, both the United States and the Soviet Union had methods to destroy the other side, but they changed to that time. There is only one wizard king in the world.

They can't imagine that person can recover and return.

After all, 19 years have passed, time has changed, and times have changed.

The disintegration of the United States stems from the collapse of the golden emperor summoned by the Supreme Four Pillars.

This collapse consumed and overdrawn the majestic national fortunes of the United States of America, causing the country's finances to collapse ... At the same time, Drake also disappeared in the war. The impact of the "free trade" of the golden emperor should have caused him severe damage. Short-term It is difficult to recover within.

People don't know where Drake is hiding, there are indeed many people searching for Drake's tracks, but, for a long time, people have found nothing.

The collapse of the United States also changed the situation in the world, and the disappearance of Drake also caused fluctuations in the Soviet Union.

Drake has always used power to control this country. When he left this country, the hostility, greed, and ambition he suppresses broke out at a rapid rate.

The General Secretary of the Soviet Union Vinogradsky was assassinated, Chechnya, and Afghanistan were independent. Civil anti-Soviet forces criticized the former General Secretary and Drake for corruption and dictatorship.

"The age of tyrants is over, the country will usher in a new destiny, and the magic railway must be eliminated."

The loosening of the Soviet Union circle seems to be a harbinger of this era, and people have demanded that the magic iron curtain that envelopes the Soviet Union's huge country be destroyed as soon as possible.

"Don't you ... understand?"

Mortal General Secretary Vinogradski rebuked those who assassinated him.

"That's the shield that protects this country ..."

"No, that's a cage to block the people who love freedom on this land."

The assassins and other accomplices said so.


"I also hope that this will not happen, but several experts in the Ministry of Prophecy have seen the shadows of the future ... they are all inferring whether this is a sign of the man's return."

This is not good news, especially for Harry, who has been in contact with that "person."

It is undeniable that no one is happy to see that man return to this world.


China, Jiuquan.

Eastern Space City (JSLS), as the largest country in East Asia, was behind the times in World War I and World War II, but in modern times, because of the changes of the times and the disintegration of the United States, the Soviet Union has been silent for more than 20 years. The world-class power is limited only by the particularity of this country and has not developed into an American power. Instead, it has established a new type of international relations similar to the tribute system of the heavens.

The outside world calls China "the rise of power ~ ~" but the oriental red country's self-positioning is "recovering its historical status".

The Chinese have always believed that they have been a long-standing, generally recognized and rock-solid East Asian hegemon from a thousand years ago, and the center of East Asian culture.

As long as this country maintains a unified state in history, it will form a strong and centralized dynasty.

Since the beginning of the new millennium, China has become an overwhelming economic engine of the world with its powerful economic strength, and has also controlled the entire East Asian circle through its strong economic and trade strength.

However, the Chinese are even more proud that after the Soviet Union, they had a national-level magic covering the entire territory-the "Yangshen Map".

The British and Americans also created national magic, but they were devastated without completing them.

The Chinese claim to be that they are the second country in the world with complete national magic.

The map of the Yangshen position, also known as the Hall of the Republic's Spirit, is a national magic built with the Kyushu Yuding defense system, which can cover the vast Chinese land.