MTL - Please Kill the Demon-Chapter 769 The woman in Shushan [Ask for a monthly ticket! 】

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  Chapter 769 The woman in Shushan【Ask for a monthly ticket! 】


   Many practitioners on Hongmian Peak suddenly witnessed an amazing scene that day. A huge bright white halo descended from the sky, separating the peaks of Shushan Mountain from the Hongmian Peak, splitting the sky and the earth in an instant, and no breath could communicate with each other.

   Except for Hongmian Peak, all Shu Mountains have been divided into another world. This method is tantamount to establishing a secret realm in an instant!

   "It's Yu Tianhuan!"

   There were also knowledgeable practitioners present, who immediately recognized that the magic weapon above the sky that did all this was actually the Yutian Ring, which was once as famous as the Universe Tribulation Wheel?

  At the beginning, Yutianhuan was separated from the universe, but later Yutianhuan was damaged and was taken by the imperial court. At the charity auction of Yunque Temple, we returned to Penglai Shangzong. But since the imperial court dared to take this thing back to Penglai, it should be sure that it could not be repaired.

   Today's Yu Tianhuan is actually intact again?

  Boom boom boom—

  With Yutianhuan separating the space, all fights in the secret realm will no longer affect the Cotton Tree Peak. It seems that there are many people in Cotton Tree Peak, and Penglai doesn't want to cause trouble. This also made the practitioners on Cotton Tree Peak not worry about their own safety, and looked lively hanging there with peace of mind. I don't blame them for their good deeds, it's because today's scene is too shocking.

   At a moment that no one expected, the Penglai Shangzong started a war against the Shushan faction!

  "Yu Tianhuan?" Bai Ze felt the power of the universe coming from the outside world, and Shushan was pulled to another world, so he naturally recognized this ancient artifact, "Penglai repaired it?"

   "Hehe, there is no need to repair it." Lushan Weng smiled again, "The world still doesn't understand the power of the Eastern Sea Space Wheel."

   Bai Ze immediately understood what he said.

  Because Penglai's artifacts are rarely used, the world doesn't understand its power, only that it can control time. Looking at it like this, the Penglai Shangzong should use the East China Sea Cosmic Wheel to directly reverse the years, and return the Yutianhuan to the intact state thousands of years ago!

   This is shocking to hear, but it may not be impossible to do it with the power of a divine weapon.

  In fact, thinking about it carefully, Penglai was forced to let Taotie City overdraw the spirit stone coins in order to **** the broken Yutianhuan. Later, in order to help Taotie City and vent his personal anger, Qi Lin'er went to intercept the Red Cotton Peak team, and only then did Chu Liang kill Qi Lin'er in anger, and the common people killed Chu Liang...

  Although the conflicts between the two sides had a long history, the final intensification was caused by the Yutianhuan, and Penglai also paid a heavy price for it. But now they have several Tianyuan powerhouses and two artifacts, and they have also reaped huge rewards.

  Penglai's two artifacts will definitely leave one to guard the mountain gate. Since the one brought this time is Yutianhuan, it means that the East China Sea Cosmic Wheel is not here. A cold light flashed in Bai Ze's eyes. It seemed that they had planned and decided to go to war this time. The survival of the Shushan faction could not be softened.

  The old Lushan Old Man on the opposite side looks like a candle in the wind, but when his cultivation base is running, there is a majestic momentum rising up immediately.

  The avenue he controls is the yin soil of the five elements, named Xuanling Avenue.

  The yang soil of the five elements is called thick soil, which focuses on the breeding of vitality, high mountains and great mountains, which is the positive side of the soil; Xuanling is the place of decay and decomposition, and is the yin side of the soil.

  As Lushan Weng pushed the road, the ground under Bai Ze's feet was instantly as black as ink, and he climbed up to the package, engulfing her whole body. At the same time, a strong force of corrosion spreads along with every inch of soil it touches. If it is an ordinary power, I am afraid that it will not be able to withstand it for a while, and it will be completely turned into pus.

  In the blink of an eye, Bai Ze's figure had disappeared, and there was only a bulging black soil bag left in place, like a tomb.

  Lushan Weng's expression did not relax, but he saw him wave his fingers, and a ball of silver light flew out from his sleeves, and it swelled into a white stone tablet in the wind, and crashed into the top of the tomb.

  His facial features became more and more concentrated, his fingers swung, and a black light spread, as if he wanted to engrave words on the stone tablet.




  When writing the third word, the black light on the stone tablet suddenly encountered some kind of resistance, and could no longer write.

   "Ah—" Lushan Weng let out a low growl, grabbing his right arm with his left hand, and seemed to be trying his best to finish the last word. As long as he finishes writing that word, it will be concluded that he will defeat the strongest mountain-suppressing beast in Shushan! Such a result had never been imagined before.

   After a moment of stalemate in such a tug-of-war, the pressure he was under suddenly disappeared, and the word "tomb" instantly appeared on the stone tablet.

  But Lushan Weng didn’t see clearly the connection of the four big characters, because when he finished writing the tombstone, his body felt a huge pulling force, which directly pulled him away from the gap between reality and reality.


  When he settled down again, he was already in a dark and crowded space, surrounded by soil full of strong corrosive spiritual power, frantically trying to devour his flesh and soul.

   This is his own Xuanling burial.

   Lushan Weng quickly withdrew his spiritual power and stopped the devouring of these soils, otherwise he would commit suicide. There is no need to say much about where he is.

  He is in the tomb he built for Bai Ze!


  Lushan Weng broke out of the tomb, and within a short breath just now, his body was covered with mottled bloodstains and sores, which had been attacked by his own supernatural powers, and was slowly wriggling and repairing.

  Seeing the words "Tomb of the Lushan Weng" on the stone tablet that was blown to the side, he just thought that suppressing Bai Ze was just a self-righteous joke. Before she knew it, she had been drawn into her yin and yang world by Bai Ze. Among them, reality and reality were reversed, yin and yang were reversed, and I thought I was killing her, but in fact it was me.

  Fortunately, I used the Xuanling burial earth. If I used other methods, it might be too late to take it back.

   Look around again, where is the shadow of Bai Ze?

  It's a good thing that she left. If Bai Ze hadn't been in a hurry to support other places, and if he had spent more time, he might have died here.

   "Alas..." Lushan Weng sighed, Bai Ze really deserved the title of the strongest beast.

   Can't beat it at all.

   Even dragging on for a moment is already very difficult.



  On Biluo Peak, the battle between Yan Daoren and Jing Yuanzi also became intense immediately after it started.

  The mighty Jueyun sword energy covered the sky and covered the earth, surrounding Jing Yuanzi. Whenever he touched a ray of sword energy, his body would be pierced immediately.


   When countless sword qi gathered at one point, his figure had already disappeared, and the wooden sword with bright spiritual light had already pierced Taooren Yan's body.


  Jing Yuanzi straddled the air, not even leaving an afterimage. If it shrinks to an inch, there should be fluctuations in the rhyme of emptiness and reality. But Taoist Yan had been invaded by Jianfeng without realizing it.

   "Lve Ying..." she murmured.

   "That's right." Jing Yuanzi drew his sword, but instead of being overjoyed, he said calmly, "What I'm in charge of is Lve Ying Dao."

   Looping Avenue, the limit of speed.

  In the world, the avenues of "no distance" and "virtual reality" seem to be able to move thousands of miles in one step, but that is not pure speed, but to achieve this effect by shortening the distance. If the real speed is the fastest, it is only Lve Ying, which is extremely fast and can even surpass time.

   Corresponding to it are the limit of strength and the avenue of Qingtian, and the person in charge is the master of Tiangang Sect.

  Jing Yuanzi was also a sword cultivator back then, but when he reached the seventh level, he felt that there was no way to cultivate swordsmanship, and the three avenues were occupied by people, so he changed his path to major in Lve Ying. Using kendo cultivation as the limit of speed can achieve miraculous results.


  Seeing Taoist Yan's body explode, it turned into a broken green leaf in the center and slowly fell down. The moment Jing Yuanzi pierced the sword, he had already realized that the other party was not his real body.

   Moreover, she was not an external incarnation used in advance, but before she made a move, she used the technique of Li Daitao's stiffness.

  Jing Yuanzi's eyes tightened, "I'm almost past the time and you're still faster than me."

  Facing the ultimate Lve Shadow Avenue, even when you have made a good defense, he can go to the moment before you defend and stab with a sword. The so-called passing time is not a lie.

   But Jing Yuanzi didn't hold back the slightest bit when facing Taoist Yan, and he gave his best as soon as he came up.

   Ke Yan Taoist is still ready in advance.

  On the branch of an ancient green tree, Taoist Yan's figure reappeared, looked at Jing Yuanzi indifferently, and said, "The heart of the sword is always faster than the sword. With your swordsmanship, it is absolutely impossible to stab me."

  Jing Yuanzi was silent for a while and tentatively said: "Knowing the Sword Realm?"

  In the arena at the Shu Mountain Summit, Jiang Yuebai once used this level of swordsmanship, but he used his sword to predict the enemy first, and felt the danger before the enemy made a move. And this is exactly Yan Daoren's unique skill. It is even more mysterious to display it here.

   Unless it is so strong that even if it is known, it cannot be resisted, otherwise it will be difficult for any attack to pass through her Kongzhi sword realm. Especially after taking charge of Jueyun Avenue, her sword heart has improved to a higher level!

  There was also a roaring sound from Tongtian Peak. Yan Daoren didn't talk nonsense with him any more, but Xiaoyun's ancient sword moved, and the sword energy gushed out again!


  Jing Yuanzi's figure flashed and disappeared again.

  Although it is difficult for him to hurt Taoist Yan, it is also difficult for Taoist Yan to hurt him. Even if it is inevitable, he can escape the moment before the attack comes, and both sides are almost invincible!

   Unless the battle is so fierce that both sides are no longer able to support the avenue, but still have to fight to the death, then it is possible to tell the winner.

  But at this moment, a ball of fire roared in the distance, like a meteor piercing the sky.

  Generally speaking, the only thing that can threaten an eighth realm is another eighth realm. But Jing Yuanzi actually felt a strong threat from this ball of fire!

  He immediately guessed who was coming. After all, they all came from that era. Relatively speaking, Taoist Yan is already recognized as the most unhateable person in the golden generation of Shushan.

  The most hated one is well known.

  With Taoist Yan by his side, Jing Yuanzi didn't dare to take it hard, so he gave her an opportunity. So he chose to dodge again, his figure flashed and he flew hundreds of feet away, even if the flame was as fast as a shooting star, it couldn't stain the corner of his clothes.

   But at the same time, the majestic sword energy like the waves also spread over!

  If Taoist Yan attacked him directly, then he would have time to dodge. But this time it was the second person's attack. The moment he dodged and paused, Taoist Yan predicted his position.


  The emperor's daughter Feng slammed into the mountain of Biluo Peak, directly melting half of the mountain wall, standing up from the lingering gunpowder smoke, and shouting: "Dare to hit Yan Zi? Have you asked your aunt?"

   When Jing Yuanzi reappeared, half of his body was already stained with blood, and he was predicted by Taoist Yan just now under the pincer attack, and he was still hit by a sword qi no matter how much he dodged, and his right shoulder was pierced immediately. It's a pity that his Lve Ying can only pass the time by an instant, which is not enough to avoid the sword that was issued in advance.

  Jing Yuanzi gave a wry smile seeing the vicious look of the imperial daughter Feng.

   Didn't you see who hit whom?

   Speaking of which, he was also very helpless. Why are the women in Shushan so good at fighting?

  (end of this chapter)