MTL - Please Sink In Happiness-Chapter 322

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Too many things have happened.

Li Zijin inherited the memory of the previous life, Ya Yinyue also recalled the former king, when facing the goddess who tried to devour the world, no matter what kind of power will be rewritten by the law.

Is the final outcome already doomed?

Originally, her purpose was just to keep her brother alive, even if she sacrificed herself to the goddess, it didn't matter, at least in the Garden of Eden, her brother could live a happy and carefree life with the girls, but in the end, she still made a selfish decision Let go brother.

"Fenghuazi, let's prepare. Within this week, we will also take a boat to Stigma Island."

"Yes, Your Highness Yinyue."

Li Zijin is a little anxious, and hopes to arrive at Stigma College as soon as possible to meet Ivy, but because the ship needs to replenish supplies in time when passing through some countries, Li Zijin sometimes reads, sometimes sings, and sometimes accompanies Ai. Sylvana dances and sometimes asks Maikako for ninjutsu lessons.

This kind of daily life is not bad.

However, whenever it is night, the two women with demon blood in their bodies will turn into beautiful beasts of desire and throw down Li Zijin. They don't care about the occasion.

A vampire, a succubus.

The loss of red and white liquid made Li Zijin almost unable to get out of bed every morning. This is really not something that ordinary men can withstand, but since they decided to marry them, they must be conscious.

"Hey, I'm back with Zijin again, so happy."

"Aishwana, my love for you has never changed. I was in the prison of the slave arena, and then I was plotted by you. I like you as always. You are a succubus. I got mine in this way. I'm actually quite happy with the power, and after you gain the power, you will have the ability to protect yourself."

Li Zijin gently stroked the brown cat ears. After inheriting the power of her previous life, Li Zijin could easily see through Aishwana's level. Now she is stronger than Miss Ivy.

"Zijin, do you think Fenghuazi is comfortable, or is it me?" Wuhuazi's kimono fell off, revealing her snow-white fragrant shoulders, peerless elegance, and on her lips, there was still a trace of blood she just sucked out.

"I don't know very well, but Fenghuazi is more restrained than you. If I were a human, I might have been squeezed into a mummified corpse by you long ago. Fortunately, I am a demon."

"There's no way to do this. After all, it's boring on the boat, and the entertainment is very limited, so Zijin, you have become the only means of entertainment." Wuhuazi's beautiful eyes moved slightly, with a strong demeanor.

"Okay, it's been a hard week this week, just be patient, the port of the Kingdom of Sri Lanka is ahead, let's go there to replenish resources."

"I want to cook!" Aishwana was immediately excited when she heard that she was about to arrive in Sri Lanka. "Tonight, let Zijin and Maikako taste the food of our hometown."

Memories can't help but go back a long time.

At the beginning, after she woke up in Miss Ivy's mansion, Li Zijin had the honor to taste the cooking made by Aishwana herself. It was more like enchanting than cooking, and the taste was even more indescribable. , Aishwana is a culinary genius for the sake of being unpalatable.

"Aishwana, let me cook tonight."

"But I also want to cook for everyone occasionally. Don't worry, I haven't been idle during this time. I have been reading books about cooking." Aishwana muttered a little aggrievedly on her lips, the green cat Hitomi was full of longing, "I'll taste it myself this time."

"OK then…"

Arriving at the wharf in Sri Lanka, the city without war is now in ruins. The Sri Lankans built their houses. The city that was once covered with cow dung and full of smell has now begun to have an orderly plan. The Kingdom of Shengluer The North Sea Parliamentary State has oppressed the local people in the past, but the local people also learned something from the colonists.

If you fall behind, you will be beaten.

After the blood and tears, they are no longer confused. Educators teach local children to read in the open-air lecture hall. Children with cat ears and children without cat ears can sit together, and there is no identity difference.

"very nice."

Aishwana sighed.

This is the homeland she used to dream about, because of Li Zijin, this place is getting better little by little.

"If the king sees Sri Lanka today, he will be very happy. Thank you, Zijin."

"Thank you for what? I'm your husband."


The long-lost landing made me feel very comfortable, but Li Zijin also had a quarrel with the locals about purchasing supplies. The reason was that the other party recognized Li Zijin and insisted on giving Li Zijin and others supplies for free. In the end, Li Zijin almost About to curse, the dark-skinned businessman was forced to accept Li Zijin's money.

Back on the boat in the evening, Aishwana cooks, this time the taste has indeed improved a bit, but it is still not out of the category of unpalatable.

Laxatives and cooking, silly and unclear.

Chapter 14 Headquarters

Saint Prince's Island is located near Stigma College. A few days ago, a fleet sailed here. The leader was a man as dark as an iron tower, and behind him was a group of troops armed to the teeth. They had no fixed uniforms, but Discipline is extremely strict, and everyone performs their own duties.

Some locals thought this group of people were pirates, and the authorities on Saint-Prince Island even had a first-level combat alert and said hello to Stigma Island next door. Once this group of people launched an attack, a large-scale navy would be dispatched to intercept it.

However, the expected battle did not happen. The nervous naval officers realized that the fleet did not intend to launch an attack. A speedboat lay in the middle of the fleet, and the naval soldier standing on the bow asked loudly:

"Who are you? What are you doing on Saint-Prince Island?"

"Little brother, my name is Tom Bryant." The dark-skinned man had whiter teeth than usual, and grinned, "Please let us go ashore, we can't survive in our own country. , that's why I came to Saint-Prince Island, don't worry, we are not rogues and robbers, and we will pay taxes on time."

The navy soldiers waved their flags toward the shore, and used the semaphore to tell the tense naval officer Daoming Tom and others on the shore.

The boundless sea, the inhospitable fleet, and the black and well-armed troops approaching two meters...

There are also various flags on the fleet, there are three triangular flags, in addition to the flag of the wolf head, the flag of the white elephant, the flag of the snake...

"More than a month ago, the Kingdom of Sri Lanka successfully drove away the invaders from the Western Kingdom of Shengluer and the North Sea Parliament," said the stern-faced Rear Admiral of the Army in his fifties, "you should you know?"

"Of course I know this, this is big news. I heard that the reason why the invaders can be driven away is that in addition to the tenacity of the Sri Lankans, there are also external forces intervening. With their help, they have always been confused. After Sri Lanka was reborn, it also changed its past and established a parliament, and Sri Lanka should now be called a republic."

"Look at this well-disciplined fleet, and their weapons and firearms are far beyond the current era. Do you think they will be an international column to help Sri Lanka?"

"It's very possible, so what should we do next?"

"Don't worry, although the international columns are powerful, they are all people who obey the rules. Let's let them go ashore first. Now, they really don't belong to any country anymore."

The governor of Saint-Prince Island, the officer corps, every soldier and even every civilian are nervously watching the approaching fleet, ready to fight at any time.

Finally, the first boat docked. After the boat with the flag of the wolf head stopped, the black man with a height of two meters walked down with a dull pace. The man behind him was a cat-eared man with a sniper rifle. There are also glamorous elves magicians.

"We have no ill will," said Tom loudly to the soldiers who surrounded them. "We just want a place to live, that's all."

"Okay, let's go ashore."

Saint Prince Island and Stigma Island are considered to be a pair of twins in the middle sea area of ​​the mainland.

The international column established by the student council president Kutak on Stigma Island also has a group of loyal fans in Saint-Prince Island, and Saint-Prince Island is a place where fish and dragons are mixed, and the local administrators have always let the security of this place be laissez-faire. Do not threaten the rule, always turn a blind eye to **** gambling, cults or mercenary organizations. After all, these things that are banned in most countries are all money-making businesses.

Perhaps the international column can change the distribution of local power, but as long as the basic rule is not shaken, Saint-Prince Island will not refuse the population resources that can pay taxes.


The Governor of Saint-Prince Island stepped forward in person.

However, in addition to the welcome, there are also malicious eyes sweeping at Tom. For some organizations that make a living from pornography, gambling and drugs, such as the International Column, an organization that looks great in their eyes is very annoying.

After arriving on the island, Tom immediately took out the funds currently in his possession and purchased a collective dormitory building locally. Some ingenious female players immediately started to decorate the interior of the dormitory building.

"Everyone, Brother Zijin told me before that Saint-Prince Island will be our headquarters in the future. It has a favorable geographical location, unlike Stigma Island surrounded by sea monsters, and we can go to Dongzhou if we go east, and we can go to the west. Xizhou, you can go south to the southern continent, extending in all directions. As long as there is injustice and oppression in the world, our army can go to any corner of the world at any time.”

The members of the column looked at their new home with excitement.

"Also, Brother Zijin asked me to tell you before that, in addition to improving your strength, you must also set up cultural courses, any course can be, history, philosophy or literature. , we can win a place in a changing future."

Saint-Prince Island is adjacent to Stigma Island. Although the faculty of Saint-Prince College is inferior to that of Stigma Island, if you look at the mainland, Saint-Prince College is also one of the best colleges. Many students who fail to enroll in Stigma Island will come to Saint-Prince. There are many children of nobles and wealthy merchants, and their libraries are also open to the public.

Saint-Prince Island is an excellent training ground for members of the International Brigade.

A mixed force, with the second largest library in the world, and convenient transportation...

Headquartered on the island, it is a wise choice.

"Brother Zijin, have you escaped from the Dongzhou Empire?"

Privately, Tom got in touch with Li Zijin, and the mobile phone in his mind allowed him to report the current situation to Li Zijin anytime, anywhere.

"I didn't escape, I came out in an open and honest way. So far, no one can restrict my freedom."

"That's good, brother, where are you now?"

"I just left the waters near Sri Lanka and I am heading towards Stigma Island. After I reach Stigma Island, I will get in touch with you. By the way, how is the headquarters?"

"The headquarters is very good. As you would expect, looking at the whole world, Saint-Prince Island may be the most suitable place to establish an international column headquarters."

"Okay, your next task is to clear the remaining forces on the island, attract talents, and spread our ideas. After that, we must become the only master of Saint Prince Island."

"Understood, Brother Zijin, leave it to us."

Chapter 15 The Pope's Mission

Standing on the bow of the boat, Li Zijin was once kidnapped by Xinchuan Fenghuazi from Saint-Prince Island. The days when he came to Dongzhou Empire by boat are still yesterday. Every second of losing his freedom made Li Zijin suffer. He never hated their betrayal, he only hated his own weakness.

"I've never been stronger."

Even now, with a powerful strength far exceeding Ya Yinyue, Li Zijin is still very clear.

He was transformed into a dependent by Wuhuazi and gained the power of the blood clan. The death of Li Zijin in the previous life left him a rich legacy. If there were no such changes, Li Zijin would have been under house arrest for many years.

In the original memory, Li Zijin got in touch with his father's old department by chance and started a civil war in the Dongzhou Empire. Get in touch, secretly develop and strengthen the resistance army, and escape from Dongzhou while the chaos.

He is the son of Li Shize, and the only person in the future court dominated by the Central Plains who is eligible to inherit the throne. The Dongzhou Empire must exclude the barbarians such as Xinchuan and Daula.

That protracted war lasted for many years, and many people lost their lives.

All these plums are remembered.

This is another scene that Li Zijin saw. In order to be free, he had to step over the steps made of bones and escape from Ya Yinyue's palm.

Fortunately, in this life, he didn't have to go through all this, and he didn't have to use the power of the Sima family, the An family, and the Shi family to make the Dongzhou Empire fall into a state of utter ruin.

"It's about to go to the high seas, everyone, keep some snacks."

Before I knew it, I had been sailing by boat for about two weeks. During these days, Li Zijin used the mobile phone in his brain to get in touch with Tom, Demi and Pu Xiaoxiao, and he also played mobile games in his spare time. Leisurely, some of my friends in the Blue Star World also got in touch with Li Zijin one after another, but the fact that Li Zijin was in a different world was regarded as a joke by Li Zijin, not taken seriously.

"Kitten, don't worry, I will always be by your side."

Aishwana on the deck stared into the distance, the cat's tail wagging at random.

"Zijin, once I was extremely insecure and thought I wasn't worthy of myself, so I couldn't stand the temptation, I'm sorry..."

"You don't need to apologize." Li Zijin smiled and touched her cradle, "You look cute when you dance with joy."

"Then I'll dance a song for Zijin."

Aishwana twisted her snake-like waist, and Li Zijin was fascinated by the dancer's charming movements. Sometimes, when she recalled the first time they met, she thought this guy was very cute, and even suspected her sexual orientation at that time. Here comes the problem.

"Zijin, I made oolong tea for you, please use it."

The pale skin behind her, the flirtatious beauty in a kimono stepped forward and put the teacup on the table beside the Li Zijin lounge chair, steaming hot.


"Zijin, we are demons, and the church and the devil are incompatible." Shinkawa Maiko said, lying on Li Zijin's side, "The headquarters of the church is also located on Stigma Island, and when we arrive, there will inevitably be a battle. "

"I know all this." Li Zijin said calmly, "The church has always believed that what they serve is an absolutely holy and great goddess, but the truth will always pierce through the shadow of falsehood. I admire the spirit of the martyrs, but never agree with them. their way."

"The Pope is the strongest fighting force in the world..." Aishwana suddenly turned her head and said nervously, "When the time comes, will we fight the Pope?"

"Of course I will, but don't worry, I will definitely win."

Inside the church, the Pope looks like a canary locked in a delicate bird cage. Under his aqua-blue hair, he has a gentle face and big blue eyes like pure glass balls. Under a white dress, he is naked. His feet were soaked in the pool.

She is the only full-level existence in the world. In her eyes, the goddess is the only correct solution for the world.

The goddess is the mother, the goddess is the omniscient and almighty creator, the goddess is the spiritual leader of the pope, and the goddess can always give her almost perfect answers.

She is lonely, because the Pope is in the church and cannot be seen by anyone except a few church personnel. She has no freedom to speak of, but the Pope never thinks she is under house arrest, because she is willing to live like this Life.

In her almost ascetic life, she had her brother by her side, and a goddess who gave her answers. Besides, if she stayed in the church, human civilization would get the most basic guarantee, and she was already satisfied with her current life.

The life without the slightest ripple has ushered in a little change today.

She sat alone as always, but suddenly she felt as if someone was watching her behind her, but when she turned her head, there was no one there.


Who is it.

In the current world, if someone peeps, she will definitely be able to discover the existence of the other party, but she can turn around and turn back no matter how she uses her mental power to try to capture the other party, she will not be able to detect the other party's existence. She gathers her mental power and hears the voice of the goddess.

-kill him.