MTL - Please Start Your Show-Chapter 128 Hundred and Twenty-eighth Raiders:

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[Fifth Yi] Looking nervously at Xiao Tu, who still maintains the shape of a gray folded ear rabbit, until Xiao Tu nodded to him, then he was relieved. The space opened by Xiao Tu seemed to be able to hold Brother Lu and The main brain confrontation is over, there is no need to worry.

Well, you have to worry about it, like ...

[Fifth Yi] As soon as he turned around, he met the cold eyes of Lu Jianyan and Sister Lu Jianci waiting for explanations. As if any little loss of Brother Lu did not need the main brain to kill him, they would help the main brain get what it wanted.

"Uh, it seems the new routine is successful." [Fifth Yi] can only speak with a little embarrassment. He can understand the anger of Lu Jianyan and Lu Jianci. For him, if someone dares to take a leisurely trip or take a chance to take risks, he will also be angry. However, the only thing that can kill the main brain is Lu Jiancang, who is fused with the artifact. Even if it is known that he will be resentful by Lu Jianyan, {Fifth Yi} will not change.

Anyway, he has been hated by countless Lu Jianyan, and this one is not bad.

"The main brain isn't dead?" Lou Yixian was almost frightened, and he hurriedly grabbed his daughter from Fifth Yi, and quickly checked again and again. Chu Chu no longer cried, even as if nothing had happened, thinking that Dad was playing with her, and gave a crisp laugh. But only Lou Yikang knew that his scared hands were shaking all the time, and his heart was jumping out of his chest.

"Think about it, very simple logic, isn't it? I said before that the main brain can feel the artifact that is about to awaken. If it is not intended to do something to Chu Chu, why does it check Chu Chu repeatedly? Check once, It ’s enough to confirm that the artifact is not on her. Why do I have to go again and again just to show the affection of my father and daughter? ”[Fifth Yi] Although he never had any expectations for the idle IQ of the building, he still ... I did not expect Lou Yixian could not come to this point.

Even when the misty **** operator said it before [Fifth Yi], he noticed the contradiction in his words, closed his mouth wisely, and cooperated with the performance he didn't really understand as much as possible.

It works well without looking at Lu Jian Cambodia, no matter which Lu Jian Cambodia.

The real “Lu Jian Cambodia” from the 1104 small world is doing everything possible to reduce his sense of existence, for fear that his brothers and sisters in this world will vent his anger on him. He didn't do anything but just played a show together, really!

"So, he left himself a trail in Chuchu? Something like backup?"

"Accurately, it should be that it is trying to use Chuchu to kill me." Even [Fifth Yi] cannot deny that this is indeed a good way to kill him. He can harden everyone's heart, but only Chu Chu and Lou are leisurely, he cannot face.

Individuals leave a trail for themselves, and the main brain is no exception. It is not as stupid as it appears. The character of the main brain must have the character of Secondary Two, but not all of them. It anticipated that it was possible that he could not play the experienced [Fifth Yi], so he deliberately acted arrogantly, only to relax the [Fifth Yi] 's vigilance, so that [Fifth Yi] thought that they could hit in one shot. In fact, it is a dead tail.

When he frequently visits Chuchu, he should have done something to Chuchu. When his health value has fallen below a certain limit, he can attach to Chuchu and unexpectedly fight back [Fifth Yi].

However, the main brain had two younger brothers Lu co-starring, thinking that he could give himself a chance to breathe by going to the 1101 small world, so he finally gave up his original plan, and instead went to the routine.

After all, the main brain is too greedy, just as it allows the tasker to take advantage of the sharp and immediate benefits of the sword, if it only allows the tasker to do the task well (after all, most taskers receive good starting points for the task), then, That is, the entire universe will become better with the efforts of the tasker, and then the main brain will be strengthened and happy. However, the main brain felt that the speed of gaining power in that way was too slow. It used the system to let the missionaries go some crooked ways, and the power it got was fast, but it also angered the aborigines.

The original win-win situation eventually turned into a life and death, and also killed the main brain itself.

As far as [Fifth Yi] knows, almost every death of the main brain is due to greed. If it is only content to kill [Fifth Yi] in the last breath, then in order to protect Chu Chu, [Fifth Yi] even knows that Chu Chu has a main brain in his body, he can only let the main brain kill him, Because he didn't dare to hurt Chuchu, even the slightest.

But the main brain heard the words that it could go to another universe, it moved other minds, and was not satisfied with just killing [Fifth Yi], it wanted to go to other universes to regain strength, and then come back for revenge.

So, it gave up its hole cards that could really protect it, and couldn't wait to go to what it thought was the 1101 small world.

It was blinded by greed, but whenever it thought for a moment, it could understand how silly 'Lu Jianchan' was, and then it would give up [Fifth Yi] without stable ability and send him home, and chose to let Xiao Picture sent? What can they do when they become a child at the end of the world? Can't wait to add a meal to the zombies?

Even if Xiao Tu did not understand what Brother Lu was playing at first, when he met Brother Lu, he understood. The coordinates of Lu Jiancang in this world are 1114 small worlds, and Xiao Tu cannot locate the 1101 small worlds through it.

So, what world can Xiao Tu open up to be imagined-the real portable space he used to store his friends.

Nowadays, only the power of the artifact in that space has not had time to fully play Lu Jianchan, and the main brain of the lingering and asthma, the outcome is obvious.

"So, all I can do is wait?" Lu Jianyan didn't like the feeling.

"I can guarantee that there is no reversal." [Fifth Yi] can only answer so weakly, he tried to reassure Lu Jianyan, "I believe your brother, he is very good. Most of the universe I choose him as an artifact They all won, which is one of the reasons I like to choose. "

Lu Jianyan was silent, and didn't say much, but chose to turn around and leave. He needed time to calm down.

The ship's banquet hall reopened the portal again, and restored the appearance of singing and dancing. All the people involved in this event are still adapting to this result, waiting for the real ending by the way.

Lu Jianyan alone pushed the door and went out. It was dark outside, the sea was silent, only the wind that seemed to blow into human bones, and cold Lu Jianyan didn't want to talk anymore. He pulled out a pack of cigarettes from his coat pocket and squeezed them in his mouth, trying to help himself calm, but it didn't help. In the end, he had to take out a lighter and light himself a cigarette.

Lu Jianyan had almost no addiction to cigarettes, most of the time he just held his arms. If he really smoked, the problem was serious.

Separated by a wall, there is a golden ballroom that is bright and bright like daylight, and outside is the darkness that reaches out and can't even see all five fingers. Lu Jianyan leaned on the cold wall and took a deep breath of cigarettes. After being completely surrounded by the smell of tobacco, the burning bright red dots began to flicker in the dark as Lu Jianyan smoked.

When the medicine was recovered, Lu Jianyan was found in the first place with the sporadic bright red. He stepped forward and took out a cigarette, put it in his mouth, lowered his head, and protected his hands with both sides of the cigarette: "Would you mind giving a fire?"

Lu Jianyan looked at the eye medicine, his white hair and silver smoke eyes were still eye-catching in the dark, making people never open their eyes. After looking at each other for a few seconds, Lu Jianyan compromised. He bowed his head slightly, holding the cigarette in one hand and blocking the wind in the other. He stepped forward and passed the fire to the medicine with his own smoke.

In swallowing the clouds and spitting the mist, the medicine said without a problem: "If you blame me, blame me. It is my first suggestion that the main brain may use Chuchu, and we can counter-use this idea."

"I know." Lu Jianyan's voice was a little hoarse, [Fifth Yi] and the main brain fighting so many universes, what each other will do, they must be well-informed, if you want to win the main brain, you need a new way of thinking Yao Wushang happened to be the one with the big brain. And it was precisely because the medicine was harmless that it was proposed that [Fifth Yi] would be willing to backfire at the end, not wanting to cause the contradiction between the medicine without harm and Lu Jianyan.

Without waiting for the medicine to speak, Lu Jianyan continued after smoking a cigarette and said, "I didn't blame you for this. I've never seen so cheap and so happy. When he left, his eyes were as if he was going to rush to one. Dating. This is what he wants and is eager to try, and I will not stop him, I just, just ... "

"Think you're useless?" Wushang tried to say, only they knew each other best in the world.

"Yes, I think I'm very useless." As the eldest brother, Lu Jianyan was educated from a young age to the point that you have to protect your brother and you have to take on the responsibility of the family. No matter what, Lu Jianyan wanted to make himself more useful. He couldn't accept that he didn't do anything, so he could enjoy victory. In particular, the roles of him and his brother seem to be reversed in an instant.

"Did you not do enough?" Yao Wuyan didn't agree with Lu Jianyan's thinking. "You are the first person to resist the task. You are the first person to face the monitor. You are the first. Knowing that the main brain exists ... "

"That's because I have the ability to [see everything true], or [Fifth Yi] was entrusted to me. I know that those who deliberately approach me are bad intentions, so I want to resist them. Even if it weren't for me, as long as I had that ability, there would still be someone to resist. "

"In universe A, you have nothing, but you still found the taskman and resisted to the end. That's not just what happened in the parallel universe, but also what you will definitely do in the same situation. I don't know you Where this strange idea of ​​self-dedication comes from, but I can tell you responsibly that no matter what you did in the end, no one can obliterate what you did before. Hey, we are a team Remember, each of us is doing what we can. Think of Ye Nan. He just stays quiet and is very successful. Do you dare to say that you do n’t like him? "

Although Lu Jianyan was very clear that the medicine was innocuous and he was talking nonsense, he somehow wanted to believe his crooked truth.

"You can take this as the last routine we have to go through. Who said that the protagonist must be the one who strangled the boss last?"

"I don't think I'm the main character." Lu Jianyan smiled.

The medicine was close to Lu Jianyan, just like a small animal warming up, hugging his lover. He threw away the smoke from his mouth, and took Lu Jianyan's by the way, and then smeared and explored Lu Jianyan's lips, giving him a desire-free, just pure expression of emotion. kiss. He exhaled a warm breath and murmured with a magnetic voice: "You are the protagonist, you are the eternal male protagonist in" A world without drugs "."

Then they deepened the kiss a little bit, a kiss mixed with tobacco, sea breeze and warmth.

As soon as the kiss was over, the light was gradually shining through the darkness outside. At the other end of the coastline, the sun slowly rises, and through the thousands of clouds, the unremitting efforts illuminate the golden power.

The time in the banquet hall seemed to be static before. Only when they came out could they find that they had been fighting for a whole night.

The darkness will finally pass, and the dawn can't wait.