MTL - Please Start Your Show-Chapter 52 The 52nd Raid Strategy:

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The location of Su Yingdi's appointment was naturally his choice.

It is the prestigious Yangya Teahouse in City B. It is taken from the Yangya of "Yanya sincerely living in his house for a few days" in the "Tea House Poems" of Poetry **. The 100-year-old time-honored brand has started from a tea house and has gone through chaotic times. From the idleness of the market to the official congregation to the present day, regardless of status, only money is always at the forefront.

The tea house is a true ancient building facing the street, imitated by the predecessors of earlier people. As soon as you entered the house, it was Zen, mahogany furniture, lacquerware calligraphy, as if everyone had to practice it. The way guests are treated here is based on the old rules of sitting down.

The entire teahouse is very large. The three floors of the front yard and backyard have been artificially divided into several parts. What kind of identity stops there? Just listening to the introduction seems to be back to the days when the remnants of the former dynasty were still carrying cage birds, drunk and dreaming of death.

Interestingly, when Lou Lou was still at the gate, he saw the nine groups of people greeting the guests.

Lou Yixian was very impressed with this man, because he interrogated him overnight in Mo Xunshan. At that time, the man was in a nine-unit special action uniform, which made it easy to remember his skin, but he forgot his face; now this man is wearing a teahouse's work clothes with a “manager” nameplate on his chest, which is also easy. A polite smile that makes you look. But Lou just recognized him and was sure he was alone. It seems that the salary of the nine groups is not enough.

The man saw the building casually, but was very calm, just like an ordinary restaurant manager, and met an ordinary guest.

It's just that the person who came up and talked leisurely with the building was true at first glance. The ordinary teahouse girl became another young lady in a cheongsam.

Just before Miss Sister opened her tentacles, Lou took the initiative to explain: "It is purely a coincidence and has an appointment with a friend."

Looking down Loulou's sight, you can see Loulou's "friends" in the waiting hall. Su Yingdi is still talking and laughing with singer An.

The lady nodded and treated Loulou as an ordinary guest again. She also benefited from the membership system of the tea house.

Lou Yixian didn't make any difference this time. He didn't like this kind of clear soup, but now this Yangya Tea Club is also related to Jiuzu, he doesn't even want to come. Only once, no later! At least at this moment is so decisive.

Fifth Yi did not speak from beginning to end. This kind of active communication and Taiji work should have been his, but he was annoyed, fearing that he would be abusive when he said it.

As soon as I saw An singer, Fifth Yi would have no irritability for a while. It's not like him. He knows, but can't find the reason. In the end, it can only be attributed to the excessively hot and anti-human weather in city B in early July. .

Lou Yixian finally noticed singer An, and her face changed. She wanted to turn around on the spot, but was seen by Su Yingdi and got up to chase after him.

There are not many customers at this point in the tea house, but after all, it doesn't look good. After all, Lou Yiyi and Fifth Yi agreed to go and sit down temporarily.

Singer An also followed, panickingly explaining that he and Su Yingdi just met here by accident, because they had met at Lu Sanshao's banquet before, so they ventured forward and talked a few words, and now they are leaving.

Fifth Yi looked at the singer with a smile, and finally said in an unknown way: "That's a coincidence, just like you happen to know Lu Jianchan. No matter what day you say you happened to know who, I am No one would be surprised. "

The meaning of ridicule is self-evident.

But none of the three present wanted to make a clearance for the singer An, who "can blush even if so embarrassed". Singer An waited for a long time, and finally she could only help herself: "I know that what I said is useless. I did something wrong at first, but, but I am ... forget it, what am I doing. However, I will take my own humiliation and I will never appear to you again. "

If your Majesty is so, singer An will turn around and want to leave, pretending to be strong from the back. Obviously, he was waiting for others to think that he had unspeakable distress and kept him.

Unfortunately, the other three people, whether they are real or pretending, are so incomprehensible.

Fifth Yi has no anti-routine experience, but is a natural master. Singer An was really about to step out of their eyes, and smiled and said to the other party, "Please be sure to do it. Otherwise, I will not be sure what my bodyguard will do next time."

Singer An suddenly looked back, tears in the corners of her eyes, and a little bit of light, she looked at the fifth imprisonment so unbelievably: "You ..."

Wuyi Yilou and other leisurely weekdays looked like only two people were walking around the city and wasting time, but in fact they had been secretly following the bodyguards to protect the two people from the air. Now that the bodyguard is at the door, he has responded in the direction of singer An.

Singer An probably did not expect that Fifth Yi is such a person who does not know how to be fragrant and cherish.

However, how to say it well, everyone is a man, why should we care for Hong Xiangxi. No matter what your internal attributes are, you are a tough guy on the outside, thank you. Do you dare not come to the woman's set? Is the gender disorder?

Happily sent away singer An, and the three were led to the backyard where only guests with a special status could go.

Su Yingdi originally booked a box on the third floor. Now he changed places and thought it was the face of the house or the fifth house, but Lou Yixian and Fifth Yi knew that they had nothing to do with Yangya Tea House. If Lu Jianyan's president is burdened with the most serious crimes, he won't have such an effect.

Lu Jianyan, who is far away from the pharmacist and is working hard to save the world with Yaowu Sui, sneezed. I don't know if someone missed him. He still said him behind.

The young lady led the way and walked through the corridors with twists and turns. In the end, after passing a full 50 palace lanterns, she finally stopped in front of a small courtyard in a solitary courtyard. The scenery inside and the rockery and plants in the atrium form a unified and independent wonder. The building and Wuyiyi once again thought of Lu Jianyan, and the decoration here is absolutely the style that Lu Jianyan does not like the most.

Too complicated to make Lu Jianyan restless.

After going in, the tea that Su Yingdi ordered in advance was not less than a minute and a second, and was brought up at just the right time. The corresponding four dishes of delicate refreshments and four dishes of seasonal fruits and vegetables.

In the end, there was also a tea art show that was given away by this box, but the three of them had the same intention to reject it.

Lou Yixian and Fifth Yi sat aside, across the table, face to face with Su Yingdi. The atmosphere between the three was very embarrassing. When the younger sister left, Su Yingdi hurriedly explained it in a vague manner and eased the atmosphere.

Emperor Su Ying was also annoyed. He wanted to sit in the lobby and wait for the fifth floor, and wanted to show his importance. Wherever he thought, he became a mess. This was also his own problem. Just now, his mind seemed to suddenly stop. He knew that the explanations of Sing An and Lou Yi could not explain the past, but he couldn't help talking to Sing An when he came to talk to him. It seemed as if there were endless words, and I felt that singer An was different from outside rumors.

This confusion didn't stop until Wu Yi and Lou waited in. After Wu Yi pointed out the stance of singer An relentlessly, because he realized that he had been used, Emperor Su Ying became angry and angry. Awake.

Singer An's acting skills are not less enthusiastic than Su Yingdi. Any chance encounters are simply squatting.

Lou Yixian didn't have the old feelings of An singer and the outside world that she thought of An singer. It wasn't the kind of reluctance to force An singer obediently to recognize the reality and return to him. It really just hated An singer. This can be seen in Lou Yi's friend Wu Yiyi's uncivilized attitude towards singer An. I don't know where singer An's self-confidence comes from. I feel that there is a misunderstanding between me and Lou. I can definitely say it clearly.

Su Yingdi was almost deceived by singer An, and wanted to agree to reconcile it, but fortunately not.

After speaking, Lou Yilei, who knew singer An was wrong, and Fifth Yi were sympathetic to Su Yingdi, but they were also surprised by Su Yingdi's good resistance. If you look at Lu Xianjian's previous attitude, you can see that singer An is not so resistant.

Fifth Yi is a good one to remind Su Yingdi: "Instead of paying attention to this, it is better to care about who betrayed you."

Su Yingdi eats privately with investors and publishers, which is not something worthy of publicity.

Reality is not a novel. Even if it is the film emperor, the film emperor, and the wealthy merchants, if they are not careful, the first reaction left will not be the film emperor or the film emperor, but a subconscious Too good Lenovo. Not necessarily all PY transactions, but there must be negative consciousness such as flattery and knotting.

Therefore, it is rare that there will be announcements of celebrities and a wealthy businessman eating, unless it is the scandal that can not be covered but also covered by the entire network.

Su Yingdi has cleaned himself for so many years, no matter whether he is proactive in not making a scandal or ED has forced him not to make a scandal, but at least he cherishes this man who has been working for many years to set up feathers. As a reminder, Su Yingdi made a cold sweat, and he did not dare to think deeply about the articles that might be done behind it.

"Thank you."

This is Lou's answer for Fifth Yi: "No need."

This is the fifth game that only focuses on the point: "so, what the **** are you looking for us?"

"It's embarrassing to say, I really can't help it," Su Yingdi said slowly, every word was being considered, and it was very difficult. "I, I want to get rid of this film cooperation."

"!!!" Lou could not sit still, "Why?"

Emperor Su Ying put his hands on the table with his hands folded, and looked down at the undulating tea stalks in the tea cup. After several openings, he went silent again and tossed back and forth several times before saying: "My recent mental state is not quite right. child."

Lou Yilei did not respond, and Fifth Yi already seemed to have caught something: "What's wrong?"

"I don't know if it was affected by the script. Recently, I always dream about ancient times ..."

"Anling" is a story that crosses between modern and ancient times. The modern plot is left aside. The ancient background tells why the word "Anling" refers to t0ng \ 'x-in \' l-ia. : n The history.

It is said that Chu was a beautiful man in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. He was a young man, attractive, young, educated, and noble. The only place that was criticized was to stir up bases with King Chu Xuan, similar to Long Yangjun. Because of the people's suggestions, not only did he serve the king by virtue of his beauty, but he also did various things to consolidate his position. The most famous of them was his feeling in the Chu Chuanwang slogan, "Who is going to enjoy this after a long life of a widow?" Le), he replied "Will be able to try Huang Quan in person", so Chu Xuan Wang was greatly moved, and he was named An Lingjun.

Therefore, "Anling's Good" was also used later to refer to t0ng \ 'x-in \' l-ia: n.

Ruan Ji, one of the Seven Sages of the Bamboo Forest, also wrote related poems--the former prosperous son, Anling and Longyang. Peach peach and plum blossom, burning glow.

The ancient part of the film is the story of An Lingjun and Chu Xuanwang after art processing. Of course, Su Yingdi played King Chu Xuan.

But since he got the script, I don't know if he is too far into the drama. I don't know when he will dream about a story of an emperor and his pet every night. At first I thought I dreamed of Anling Jun and Chu Xuanwang, but later I thought it was not the case at all. Because he dreamed of more than just a story, but several. In each dream, he will fall in love with a boy, but because of all kinds of dog blood misunderstanding, he will never be separated from the boy and the man, and he will not be able to stand together.

Those dreams are piecemeal and cannot be completely connected together, as if many stories are pieced together, but they are very real, as true as his past life, past life, and life.

But I don't know why, obviously it is a very beautiful or beautiful dream, and when superimposed together, it always gives him a creepy feeling.

"I think that's me, not me." Su Yingdi is really driving crazy with those dreams. "I know that it may be very unprofessional to say this. But I really don't know why I have these dreams, I can only push To the movie I picked up. "

This is actually a very obvious anger, and Su Yingdi himself knows that he is very guilty about it. He has been trying to adjust his state, but it has had little effect. There is really no other way, he will come to talk with Lou, and he wants to resign. Ye Xia resigned, he would still dream, but he still wanted to try it. What if he succeeds after his speech?

The reason for looking for a chat in private in the first place was because he didn't know what to say, so as not to make foreign film giants and Chinese directors angry.

The propaganda has been launched, and now it is so difficult to find another suitable actor. If Su Yingdi quits at this time, it will definitely add more trouble. Even if the trouble is solved, the film and television side is definitely still angry with Su Yingdi, who temporarily broke the contract, and it will be difficult for him to go abroad to develop in the future.

"I'm willing to pay any penalty."

"I also know that I'm really unprofessional like this, but ..."

"Whenever possible, I would not want to miss this opportunity."

A Sino-foreign joint venture, with the guidance of a Chinese director of Little Jinren, what could be more suitable for this on the international stage? Having to pass it by has already annoyed Su Yingdi. Naturally, he didn't want to offend people. However, if you play hard, you will be more embarrassed and offended by Su Yingdi's nervous and distressed look.

"If this is the case, I will think of a way." Lou's leisurely character made him hesitant to resist this responsibility for Su Yingdi.

Fifth Yi stopped the floor and waited. At this time, he didn't need his broken bones: "If I have a way to solve your dream, will you still participate?"

"Of course I do!" Who would want to give up when there is a chance to be promoted to another higher stage? Emperor Su Ying looked at Wu Yi's eyes as if he was looking at his savior, and he laughed at himself, "Maybe you said you didn't believe it, and I still feel that I can't help it, but when I see you two At that time, I had an inexplicable competitive mind, and strangely felt that you must help me at the end. "

Therefore, Su Yingdi dared to open this mouth, not because he knew Lou Yixian was his fan, but because he thought Lou Yixian and Wuyiyi would definitely help him, as if, as if they were the same person with different personalities. Having the upper hand, it is impossible to kill yourself.

"But I have a condition."

"You said."

"Don't worry, let's treat the illness first, then let's talk about the conditions."

Su Yingdi was a little hesitant, but he wanted to heal the current mental weakness and the dedication of acting in a movie, which drove him to agree without hesitation. He is like a dead end gambler, knowing that there are pits in the front and pits in the back, he chose to drink first to quench his thirst.

Then, Fifth Yi called Lu Jianyan.

Lu Jianyan has been staying with Yaowuwu recently, actively watching the movements of singer An and Miss Zhu Si.

Prior to the banquet storm, Miss Zhu Si thought that she could completely solve the singer An. But singer An is so indomitable and has not been easily defeated. He made Fifth Yi feel irritable and also made Miss Zhu Si angry enough to jump.

Facing the overwhelming infamy, singer An didn't feel the slightest fluctuations in her heart, instead she calmly called on the phone and managed to get the urine test report that she entered the police station and posted it on Weibo. Not only that, he also in turn played a tragic trump card against cyber violence, presumably using systematic technology, bringing in a navy, guiding public opinion, and becoming a person who is now sympathized by most people. Realized a textbook-like Jedi counterattack.

Although she still lost her advertising role, singer An could be considered alive again.

When Lu Jianyan saw this result, he was already numb, and could only feel sorrowful with the medicine. It was not because of the tasker who was doing the last task, it was impossible to take the dog so easily. If it was really so easy to be killed by Miss Zhu Si, Lu Jianyan would have doubted that the singer's status as a senior or special tasker was fraudulent.

Of course, Miss Zhu Si was not to be outdone, and instead spurred the public to wonder if the singer An An who had been fostered before had found a new gold lord, and his godfather was able to master the sky and try to turn the tide.

The human form on the Internet, it is impossible for even the country to make everyone agree, let alone a little star.

Some people think that singer An is wronged, and some naturally think that the new gold master theory is the real person. What's more, I like to play with the mud, each playing 50 big boards, I feel that singer An is not as unbearable as rumored, but not innocent.

Really, An An, who did nothing, was almost vomited.

Yao Wushang looked very deflated, and he still did not forget to ridicule: "Does he think he is living in the entertainment circle? Netizens have a brain? Today, he hulah blackened him, and tomorrow Wuyi will wash him white? Do n’t make a mess. Most of the creatures like humans know that they are wrong. They have to go to the bottom to save face. There are also types that feel that there are shadows all over the world, and they do n’t even look at subsequent whitewashing. Know what Telling the rumor to be cool for a while, would you explain that you had run away? "

Singer An did not win this public opinion battle, and Miss Zhu Si did not meet her expectations. It can be said that killing the enemy one thousand and self-damaging eight hundred, both parties are miserable.

Medicine Wushang is still in the muddy water to touch the fish, black here and black, I can't help applauding them for real PK.

However, this method of fighting across a network is not enough to let people see their hole cards. The medicine-free hand is beating on the table, constantly digging for their own abilities, and trying to find a more suitable one.

Lu Jianyan was listening to a story about Su Yingdi, and then readily said that he could send Su Yingdi a mobile phone.

"Without a cell phone," Fifth Yi refused, "I mean, can I give you a piece of peace and jade with the runes inscribed?"

That is, Lou Yiyi and Fifth Yi can accept the setting of science fiction, and most people are better off traditional.

"Yes." The medicine's ability to be harmless can be attached to any item. Sending a mobile phone with a screen is also Lu Jianyan's consideration of the status quo of modern mobile phones. Not all jade items will be carried, but the mobile phone will certainly not be released for too long, let alone a handy bracelet Heihe technology.

Fifth Yi did not hang up on this, but asked Lu Jianyan: "If, I mean, I take the ring off, do you think I will have this strange dream?"

Lu Jianyan said for a moment, I don't know why Fifth Yi had this brain circuit, but he really felt it was possible after being so prompted: "I don't know, but I don't suggest you try it."


The fifth promise of such a promise, after turning his face after explaining the situation with Su Yingdi, he pulled back to the hotel suite they had directly contracted for half a year, and solemnly asked the building to relax: "Look at me, there is something No, just bring the phone back to my hand. "

"Is this necessary?" Lou Yixian still agreed with the strategy of trying out the nine groups.

"Seeing is believing, I need to see for myself what's going on!"

Unfortunately, nothing happened for a while after taking off the purple bracelet of the guy. Lou Yixian and Fifth Yi trembled for a moment, even a little disappointed.

"Would you like to go out and find inspiration?" Lou Yixian burst into his brain.

Fifth Yi shook his head. Although he was curious and inquiring, he was not a fool without a mind and would not rush to do trading that would definitely lose.

Lou Yi nodded and no objection to the decision of Fifth Yi, but he also had his own mind, turned on the TV, and figured it out when he did.

The TV just happened to be a lively interview with the nine groups in the rebroadcast building. The host asked the public on behalf of the public to see why Volunteer was nominated for Country C.

Lou casually did not seem to have a plastic surgery, jokingly said: "Probably kill the doomsday female."

The camera swept the audience and everyone laughed.

Fifth Yi held his head, feeling that this scene seems to have met.