MTL - Please Start Your Show-Chapter 58 Fifty-eighth Raiders:

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"It's really a ghost." Lou Yixian couldn't help whispering in the direction of singer An.

The Raven vice squad was right next to Lou Yixian. Only he heard this sentence and couldn't help but curiously came up and asked in a low voice: "Ex-boyfriend?" Fortunately, Fifth Yi did not come, or else it is necessary to face Shura field directly?

Lou was idle for a while, and he really didn't know how to describe the strange relationship between him, No. 5 Yi and singer An. In the end, he could only say, "If you don't come, it is already a Shura field."

"How do you say?" The Raven Deputy was more curious.

"What do you care about?" Lou Yixian squinted at the Raven vice squad.

"Oh, this is not to maintain internal solidarity." The Raven Vice Team coughed, saying that it was definitely not his gossip, but from the perspective of the task, "You know one of our tasks this time is Did the singer and Emperor Su leave? Of course, it is estimated that Teacher Qian will also take it away. He is probably the task of the tactical machine that happened before. If you ca n’t get along, we will have a hard time. "

Lou had a moment's sleep, but soon accepted the setting. I just do n’t know what the above will do to call those who participated in the doomsday test to City B again.

"I'm done, it's your turn." Raven Vice, cough, okay, he's gossip, he admits, and ask for the answer!

Lou Deng nodded his mouth and headed towards the office: "Is it embarrassing to not see the scene?"

Emperor Su Ying, Sing An, Teacher Qian, and Miss Zhu Si, in the teacher's office where the light is not very abundant, have formed a very strange confrontation.

If it must be described, it is probably that Sing An and Miss Zhu Si take it for granted that Su Yingdi should be with him or her, but Su Yingdi himself is more inclined to be with Teacher Qian. It is said that Su Yingdi and Teacher Qian had a relationship before the end of the day. At that time, Teacher Qian was still in college. Su Yingdi was just invited to give a lecture at that university. The two were very speculative at the time. The reason is no longer connected, but now it is met, it is simply fate.

When Su Yingdi came out to greet him, he did not know that there was support. He was simply waiting for Teacher Qian, while An An came out following Su Yingdi.

It is conceivable that this is a terrible Shura field.

The sluggishness of the floor, feel the unusual atmosphere from these four people. Unfortunately, there are so many people, and you can't find the right time to ask Lu Jianyan or Su Yingdi alone. What's going on?

After a break, Wu Bai went to communicate with the school's principal, that is, the old principal, about how to place these people in the school next; the Raven vice team took people to the pilot to understand the situation; The soldier was responsible for distributing supplies, and Lou Yi chose to follow suit because he really didn't want to sit here awkwardly.

Lu Jianyan didn't feel embarrassed. Instead, he took the medicine and sat down with enthusiasm while watching, and then he took out snacks and ate while watching.

Singer An stared at Lu Jianyan in a speechless way. Just as Lu Jianyan and others did not know why Sing An appeared here, Sing An was also wondering how Lu Jianyan appeared here.

Simply put, in the plot, they should not have appeared in this elementary school, and now everything is messed up because of tests.

Yes, singer An knows how to test this. He used system props to keep his memory, and was so proud of his foresight that he knew this test would not be so simple. Keeping the memory should be enough to get him one step ahead of everyone, at least at the time he thought so.

Compared to Lu Jianyan and other talents waking up in the last days, singer An and others have been fighting for survival in the last days for at least two or three months.

One by one, they look at the old churros that are already in battle, but they also have novices.

The most rookie among them is undoubtedly the singer An, because although he managed to block the memory loss, it also caused him to fail to receive the background information that the test itself should give him. When he first entered the world, he didn't know where he was, the exact time, and even what he "experienced".

All I knew was that he was shabby and sullen, and he was surrounded by people he didn't know before, and there was no such paragraph in the script. Later, he managed to get past the amnesia caused by pretending to collapse and learned the status quo.

They are in the film and television city. The strangely dressed guys around them are all actors or crew members of the crew. There are 12 shooting bases in the film and television city. Everything is lacking, but there is no shortage of costumes. From ancient clothes to modern suits, from summer to winter clothes, as long as the fashion taste can be tolerated, they can fight any weather.

Singer An began the days of guerrilla warfare in the film and television city, and was used to seeing all kinds of dressed-up zombies, eunuchs from the previous dynasty, space suits full of science and technology in the future, and generals of Rong Ma's life. He also had his arm nearly pinched by a woman.

The film and television city is usually opened to tourists as a scenic area, and has a wealth of food and mineral water reserves, so these people can live here for half a year. However, not long ago, they finally ran out of food. More and more zombies, but fewer and fewer of them. Although they also received national broadcasts, they obviously couldn't wait for the rescue. I can only find a way to break through and go to the nearest city, at least the place where the supplies are placed.

Discussing, Su Yingdi appeared. According to him, he has also been hiding in the film and television city, with his assistants, agents and other teams, but unfortunately everyone died, and in the end only he was fighting alone. He did not expect there were others here.

Others did not expect that there was a Su Yingdi hidden here. Whether considering the former reputation of Su Yingdi or the status quo that must be united now, everyone quickly accepted him and planned a detailed escape plan together. They had always been trapped in the film and television city, and finally, like the help of a god, suddenly escaped smoothly, and with the help of a few children, they went to the elementary school where Teacher Qian was.

Although Su Yingdi has always given up on singer An, he is doing his best to treat Su Ying as much as he already knows that Su Yingdi is one of his lovers ...

After entering the doomsday, the system has already told singer An on everything.

Because of this, although Singer An had previously seen the zombies transformed by Su Yingdi ’s agents, assistants, and others, they seemed to have died long ago, but he did not expose Su Yingdi, but has been helping Su Yingdi conceal. He didn't know how Su Yingdi could live alone in the film and television city for so long, but he knew that Su Yingdi was his lover.

This is the last task. Singer An firmly believes that as long as he can complete his lover, he can become one and become a fairy companion with him.

Yes, there are only seven fragments of singer An's lover, including Su Yingdi, Lou Yixian, Fifth Yi, Twins, the largest group of nine backers, Mingming, and the mixed-race gold master he was looking for before.

At present, in addition to the master of the gold medal, there are six other people waiting for him to overcome.

As for the fourth class ...

[They represent the test of mission? 】 Because of these troublemakers, his lover will not let him wait for him according to the original script, and fall in love with him, but some people dislike him, some like Zhuishi, and even more like him each other. Singer An felt a stomachache as soon as she thought of Lou Yiyi and Fifth Yi. He knew that his lover had narcissistic properties, but could not imagine that he could narcissize to such an extent.

But it doesn't matter, he will heal him and change all this! Take advantage of this test!

[Why don't you understand! 】 The system is angry.

Lu Jianyan, who is eavesdropping on the singer and system dialogue, Zhenghuan who is eavesdropping, also wants to yell, who gives you the self-confidence that makes you feel that you don't like you, but you are sick and need you to cure?

If this is heard by Fifth Yi, he will be blasted again.

The main thing is that now is the end time, but you just want to use it for dating? Is the primary and secondary upside down? Well, singer An has no memory loss, knowing that this is a test, so she can be so straightforward.

This is something that Lu Jianyan can't learn. He knows that this is a test, but he still unconsciously will be infected by the people around him. He will follow the father of Lou in the virtual world and hope that the end will pass from the future and will be with the crow vice The team mourns together, and feels that every growing child in elementary school is the seed of hope, and seeing them feels like seeing the future.

Yao Wuyan didn't know what Lu Jianyan heard, but he just held Lu Jianyan's hand at the right time to give him strength and help him stabilize. Don't be impulsive. Otherwise, the patience in front will be forbearance.

Sing An: [What should I understand? 】

System: [I wish they were you. Don't you feel familiar? Those characters, those practices, those thinking ...]

what? !!

This time, not only the singer An is stupid, but even Lu Jianyan is stupid.

System: [I don't know how it was done, but I'm sure those people are your different side. ] Zhu Si is the most extreme side, and Teacher Qian is the dumbest and sweetest side.

Seven attacks and seven suffers are exactly the number of people found in nine groups.

In fact, many things can be explained in this way. The most extreme wish 4 is that she should know this, so she would take the singer An as a matter of course and replace it, and be wary of all the avatars when she meets before the group nine, and feel that they are her competitors. .

But in fact, the dark sides of the other five avatars are diminishing, and there are even people who do n’t know anything about it, like Teacher Qian.

So Su Yingdi would be unconsciously attracted by Teacher Qian. He always liked singer An, but he did not like the singer who became more and more dark, but loved the original him.

[No no no, how is this possible? I do not accept! I will not accept it! 】 Singer An completely broke down. He no longer cares about the people nearby. It doesn't matter what kind of image or strategy. It was suddenly revealed such a thing that made him unbearable. I am me! How could they be me? How can my lover not love me and fall in love with others? !! 】

The system rarely said something that Lu Jianyan agreed with: "You can fall in love with different aspects of your lover, why can't your lovers fall in love with your different aspects? 】

Some people are so weird that they can't stand it just because they are dealt with in the same way. So when he used such a method to deal with others, why did he feel that others could stand it?

Lu Jianyan hurriedly communicated with Yaowuwen. Through the suspended mobile phone with the changed ability of Yaowei, they can chat with each other WeChat again and again. It's just limited to the two of them.

Lu Jianyan: [All in all is that fine points are attacked by VS fine points. 】

There is no medicine: [[Cheesy expression pack] is really a big show. 】

Lu Jianyan: [Speaking of reason, I think even the most extreme Zhu Si is better than singer An. 】

Zhu Si represents that singer An is unwilling to accept so many aspects of her, but she wants to kill only one singer from beginning to end. Although Lu Jianyan still insists that Zhu Si and An are actually different people.

The philosopher had nothing to do with medicine but discussed with Lu Jianyan: [Assuming that Sing An and Zhu Si are really one person, does this time of fighting represent the self-destructive tendency of Sing An ? While enjoying the surrounding of my lover, I felt so unfair and hated myself. 】

It's fair now.