MTL - Plundering the Heavens-Chapter 1755 Killing

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"Good daring..."

Seeing that the great emperor was not afraid of himself, he rushed straight toward himself. Wan Haohai was also cold in his eyes, and he was drunk, and his body was rolling. Above the head, the magic flag was also hunting. Ringing, swaying endless fierceness, although he only has one person, but when the magical spirit floats, there are successive black and white shadows appearing around him, which are actually the sacred magical squad that was previously smashed and swallowed by him. At this time, His incarnation was in general, and he surrounded him tightly in the middle. From a distance, he was like a man, and he was like a big army, and the big red emperor who screamed at him, but it was The great disparity is huge!

"A good emperor, timid is not small!"

Yan Zhao song sighed low, eyes illuminate, I do not know whether it is really cheering or gloating!

"You said it was really good, we still have a chance..."

The young Heavenly Emperor Lu Xiaojun is gazing and whispering, and the body is slowly running.

"You dare to start with me, it is no different from finding death..."

Extremely evil, the old devil, Wan Haohai saw a far-reaching slogan, and he sneered a sneer. Behind him, there were several black shadows on the way, and the black shadows were like his avatars. The machine is tyrannical, unpredictable, and in the middle of the air, it has already run the avenue of light, and it has fallen to the side. The most terrible thing is that the light of his dark roads is actually with that. The power of several bewilders in their lifetime is generally the same. The cooperation between them is even more seamless and wonderful!


Fang Xing met the number of black shadows, the right hand bully Tianba knives, the left hand holding the golden nine gongs, roaring, slamming down, but only seeing the shards of the shards in the void, cracking, black and **** Rain, that bully savage knife is the most able to hurt the body, even the golden body of the big Luo Jinxian can be split, and the golden nine 戟 戟, then break the avenue, the fairy light magic weapon hits the broken, now the square hand With these two pieces of Xianbao, it is the perfect complement to each other, and the fierceness of his whole body has been fully exerted.

"Oh, you just showed some kind of method to control the avenue at the same time. Why don't you show it now?"

Extremely evil, the old devil, Wan Haihai, smiled low, and the law of the law, the incarnations that were broken by the party, once again condensed, still besieged the side, and he is not in a hurry, slow, mouth Pulling out, it seems that I am really waiting for the secret method!

It’s just that the line is not so stupid, really show that way!

As soon as the old devil appeared, he revealed the ability to devour the avenue. At this time, he could send it to the door.

"If you want to kill you, you don't need to use the power of the bottom of the pressure box..."

You can't admit defeat on your mouth, and you can scream and scream forward.

The black fog bursts open at all times, obscuring half of the sky...

Countless black shadows burst open in front of him and were swept away by him...

It is clearly a struggle between two people. Today, there is actually an artistic conception of two army rushing to kill!

"I said, I have to clean up the portal for the demon!"

At this time, in the face of the magical evil old devil head, in addition to the side line, no one dared to casually shoot at him, his supernatural power is too strange, the magic is too strong, who is also Unwilling to be swallowed by him, turned into a shadow of his side, even the protectors and the sects of the great heavens and the Taixuantian, after eating a big loss in the previous siege of the Wanhai Sea, nowadays They have all retired, but they are staring at the battle between the scenes. Xiao Beiming and other devils are even more alarming. There is no desire to shoot, even subconsciously with Yan Zhaoge and Lu Xiaojun. Pulling the distance apart seems to be drawing a line!

However, in this situation, behind the party, there is one person standing up!

Heran is the white-haired white Xiao Xiaoxiao sister, facing the old devil's magical devil, her face is not half-confident, but a whistling, the white snake soaring, holding her directly to the flight Above nine days, then the white hair flutters, and a sword falls down. This sword falls, and the heavens and the earth are already white, but in the snow that looks in the distance, there is a more dazzling silver sword. The light, straight down, I don’t know how many black shadows in front of the old devil’s head are shredded...

"Oh, some courage..."

The extremely evil old devil saw Wan Haihai, but not angry, but he laughed, and the ten fingers evened, and there were more black shadows immediately around him. He directly wrapped Xiao Xue in it, and the black shadow was like crazy. The tide generally rushes toward Xiao Xue...

"The juniors nowadays are really less and more disappointing..."

In the other direction, the sword sorcerer of the black robe big sleeve saw this scene in the far air, and couldn’t help but smile and turned to face not far from him, and was in the same vein as Tai Xuantian. The singer saw the demon fox girl in the war and said with emotion: "Before, we are all pursuing our own way. Since it is a demon, of course we must regard ourselves to be higher than the sky, and how to be willing to inherit others. The truth? But now, you are embarrassed, got the inheritance of the demon predecessors, and happy with what..."

"This predecessor, did we know before?"

The glamorous demon fox woman and the Taiyi xian will fight, it is the time of difficulty, frequent distress, this time I heard the black robe man narrates around him, when he is in a hurry, while fighting, while Hurry: "If we don't have friendship, what do you mean by listening to me? If we have friendship, you can't help me, why are you complaining?"

"Haha, I know you, aren't you the first beauty of the Tianyuan Yaozu?"

The sword ancestor laughed and said: "I also know that your name is Fox Xianji!"

"Is that still not helping?"

Fox Xian Ji was almost shot by the celestial one, and he screamed.

"Haha, then you have to remember my personal feelings..."

The sword ancestor laughed and the body shape was assisted. The cockroach disappeared in the same place, and at that time, the Taiyi singer will be shot in front of the fox singer. Fox Xian Ji even closed his eyes, but there was no movement for a long while, and when he opened his eyes, he saw that Taiyixian would have disappeared. He stood in front of himself and took his own waist, but that was The man in black robe, smiling proudly, looked at his eyes gently, whispered: "...can't wait for the end of the war, have a meal together?"

Fox Xian Ji’s heart was awful, but he did not dare to offend him. He could only barely smile: “I have a heart...”

The sword ancestor is furious: "Who?"

Fox Xian Ji’s eyes turned, pointing to the far side of the battle with Wan Haohai.

Sword Devil ancestors: "This little bastard..."

Fox Xian Jidao: "Predecessors are not going to help?"

The sword ancestors said: "If I go forward to help, it is equal to bullying the younger generation..."

Fox Xian Jidao: "You are so old?"

The sword ancestor stayed, and hurriedly said: "Who said that I am old? Look at the old guy who slaughtered me!"

When he spoke, he let go of the fox fairy, flying in the air, the right palm was holding, and the black light road, there was already a black giant sword in his hand, and then he laughed and flew straight. Thousands of miles, the figure is incredibly fast, actually broke through the heavy shadow directly, and went behind the Wanhaihai, and then smiled, and cut a knife to his neck...

The "嗤" sound made an unexpected scene appear!

Wan Haohai flew up in a head, and then the sword ancestor raised the head and turned and walked...


This line, the extremely evil little devil Wan Jiang hated this scene, stunned and screamed.

"No... not so exaggerated?"

Fox Xian Ji also stayed for a while, apparently she did not expect the sword ancestor to be so easy to succeed.

It was the old ancestors of the sword, who took out this head and took out a thousand miles. Then he turned around and frowned. He suddenly threw the head down and held the black giant sword tightly. His eyes are cold and cold, and the body of the sea is...

"Oh, even the old devil head of yours has appeared, it looks like, now I should be my magic road prosperous..."

Wan Yihai’s body has lost his head, but his voice has been screaming. As the voice sounded, the headless body suddenly turned into a shadow and disappeared between the heavens and the earth. The other black shadow that was closest to him changed and became his appearance. He saw his eyes full of murderousness, and looked coldly at the sword ancestors. Then, suddenly, the magic sky skyrocketed. The figure was straight and smashed out, like a black giant python, rolled up to the sword ancestor in midair!

"...but how many incarnations do I have, how many lives are there, how can you kill me?"

Now, he is fully committed, and the power is different!

The rolling magic, like a volcano, broke out, covering the sky and covering the sky, filled with the heavens and the earth, not only the sword ancestor was shocked, flying far and wide, I do not know which emptiness crack into the gap, even The front side of the fight and Xiao Xue, the pressure on the body is not too small, exhausted the full force, but also all the rushing magic shadows out of the body, can only barely protect themselves!

Even other people, except for the silence of the Yuan family freak and the white robe of the monk, no one dared to approach this battlefield, even the old Phoenix of Jiuling Phoenix Day is at this time. The flying body has withdrawn from the battle circle and is getting farther and farther away from them. Those who are in the midst of the evil warfare will be born with the Protoss, and even more willing to hold their heads and escape far away...

Once the weak is close, it will become the shadow of the demon master, and become a part of his magical power!

It is stronger, facing, not an opponent that can be weakened by battle, he will only get stronger and stronger!

From this point of view, Wan Haohai is indeed invincible...