MTL - Pokemon Elf Master-Chapter 2795 Counterattack, 4-sided invasion (part 2)

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"Huh, don't run away if you have the ability?"

Yan Tianlan sneered.

"Oh, if you have the ability, don't use magic skills?"

Huqier couldn't help but smile, and there was a trace of ridicule in his eyes. What are the six holy masters, if it is not the bloodline of the beasts, it is a fart, plus the increase of the holy flame is no better than him, if it is Excluding the gap between bloodline and inheritance, perhaps Ke Qiu can fight with Yan Tianlan!

Yan Tianlan was speechless, attacking silently, this kind of topic could not be taken advantage of.

Ling'er's Hundred Flowers World, forcibly swallowing the energy of Ke Qiu's world to strengthen itself, but was also suppressed by the world, and its consumption increased greatly, but relying on the previous accumulation, it was enough to fight for a long time.

Ke Qiu had no plans to fight Ling'er head-on, as long as he used his original super powers to block Ling'er's instant movement, anyway, Ling'er's movement speed had to be limited by the World of Flowers.

Even if Ling'er used the hand of the heavenly fairy, he would be avoided by Ke Qiu using teleportation, making it impossible to hit.

After several times to no avail, Bai Yuling said: "Ling'er, leave the world of Hundred Flowers, look for the surrounding link secret realm to break through."

Even if she leaves the Hundred Flowers World and relies on the natural realm, Ling'er's original fairy hand power is far above Ke Qiu, more than doubled.

But one trades and the other grows, and Ke Qiu now only needs to cast a double annihilation bomb to roughly eliminate it.

One side attacked, one side defended, dozens of clashes in a few seconds, Ling'er was still unable to achieve his goal.

So Ling'er became angry, strengthened the hand of the original fairy, condensed the power on himself, turned into a fairy dragon, and ran into it directly.

As soon as Ke Qiu perceives this familiar tyrannical fluctuation, he knows that Ling'er has moved his true character, and he gives up without hesitation, even if he uses three times the original source, it is far beyond offset.

The fairy dragon directly smashed the world origin of this linked secret realm, and then directly broke into it.

The horrible existence of forcibly broke into, tearing apart the space node, making the whole secret world sway, like a doomsday scene where the sky is collapsing.

The doomsday is the doomsday, but it is only the doomsday of the fierce demon spirit. Under the terrifying look of those fierce demon spirits who are waiting, the fairy dragon flashes by, and kills a hundred monarchs in a circle, and then replenishes the energy to kill another one. In the circle, thousands of half-step transcendents and dozens of remaining monarchs were directly bombarded.

The whole process took less than a second. The fierce demon spirit lord who reacted the fastest had no time to successfully summon the projection, and he had lost all consciousness.

Only the incomplete soul origin is left, waiting for eternal sleep in the origin crystal.

Recovering these origin crystals at will, Ling'er rushed out of the secret realm space again, and the fairy dragon instantly regained full energy, and supplemented the previous ray of origin with a triple power increase, and rushed to the next target point.

A dark annihilation bomb caught up with Ling'er, and after a while dodge, after all, it was too late to be hit on the spot, and the hand of the original fairy only had a few powers left.

However, as long as it does not completely collapse, it can quickly replenish energy. With a movement of thought, the dragon reappears, and the speed of the pause once again soars more than three times. Although it is far less than obvious, it is also nearly ten thousand miles away.

After a minute, everyone stopped at a range of about 100,000 miles, and even if they entered, they would quickly return.

This distance can ensure that they encounter the worst situation, such as the siege of the three Ke Qiu and all the great monarchs at any cost, and retreat in time to the transcendental world of reincarnation without being severely damaged.

In order to increase the results of the battle, everyone began to circle around and continue to search for new secret nodes.

Although the strengthening of the original superpowers has been repeatedly blocked and obliterated, the strength of the original superpowers can still be easily scanned to the location you want to scan. A hundred thousand miles away, a group of monarchs are blasting the roots of the original source and are busy breaking the world's source. The fierce demon spirit inside evacuated.

Yan Tianlan's eyes suddenly brightened, and the magical skills finally came into use.

Without thinking about it, the divine skill Holy Flame Burning Sky directly blasted out.

Upon seeing this, Huqier showed a smile on his face, and his figure teleported hundreds of thousands of miles away.

In the next second, all the panicked monarchs teleported and disappeared, and the holy flame burned the sky. The terrifying power not only erased the world origin of the secret realm, but the power even penetrated into the secret realm space, causing the secret realm to be unstable. This intensifies the penetration effect, forming a vicious circle.

In less than a second, the secret world was invaded by the holy flame, the entire secret world collapsed directly, everything was burned into nothingness, and hundreds of thousands of fierce demon spirits died tragically.

But Yan Tianlan's face was not good at all. Most of these hundreds of thousands of fierce demon spirits were infected elves, and they were all champions. In terms of importance, they were not even dozens of half-step extraordinary.

The magical skill only caused such damage, and it was not much different from zero.

Yan Tianlan controlled his magical skills and fell into an embarrassing situation with no one to beat.

In the end, it can only hit the origin of the world, with a trivial effect.

After being fooled this time, Yan Tianlan became cautious, uncertain of the lowest result, and never used magical skills.

Five minutes later, everyone has been close to each other for hundreds of thousands of miles, and they have been able to perceive their existence.

Yan Tianlan's depressed heart eased, and when he reunited with Lan Hai, he would immediately wash away the shame he had just received.

"The fierce demon spirit has no plan to prevent them from meeting, is there something we have overlooked?"

Bai Yuling was surprised in her heart, and constantly deduced the overall situation in her mind.

Ke Qiu and the others are powerless to stop Lan Hai and the Flame Bird Lord, but there is always a way to delay, and they don't do anything at all. It only shows that they have a coping method, or they are deliberately letting it go.

The former does not matter, if the latter, it can only show that the fierce demon spirit has a great conspiracy...

"There are too many variables, and it is impossible to count them all. We can only guard against it from our own perspective. What we are most afraid of now is that the strength of the strongest is restricted and the opponent rushes to our world to kill wantonly."

Pan Shi said calmly.

"The safest way, UU reading is to invite a holy lord to come back and sit down."

Broken Star said immediately.

"I'm afraid that it won't work. It's a dangerous situation. What's the point of asking the Holy Lord to support us here?"

Huan Meng shook his head and said, the impact of this was too bad, and the gain was not worth the loss.

"If that's the case, can't you not meet?"

Yi Fei awakened the dreamer.

Anyway, he still has a certain advantage, and if he keeps on fighting like this, even if he can't expand the results, it doesn't matter.

Bai Yuling never dared to underestimate the opponent, and wanted to play a huge victory in the opponent's home court. He had no such delusions.

So Lan Hai suddenly turned around and transmitted a message to Yan Tianlan to explain the situation.

Yan Tianlan's expression changed slightly. This may not be small, but he just gave up. He was a bit unwilling. After thinking about it, he said, "Your Excellency can't let the enemy Monarch Legion teleport away within three seconds?"