MTL - Pokemon Elf Master-Chapter 2812 Crisis, the trap set by the Chaos Dragon

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Ling'er immediately awakened with 120,000 points of energy. The action that should have taken the treasure directly stopped, and carefully cut out some super powers for meticulous scanning, and even used the body of the source and the power of the source to improve. At the peak.


   "The miracle system, deep scan."


   Bai Yuling also used the system.


   A second later, still nothing was found.


   Are you worried? Bai Yuling thought for a while, she was already cautious about her actions, so it's better to be completely relieved.


   "Initial deep scan."


   Bai Yuling directly used the power of the divine beast to transform into the super power of the Jimi divine beast, and performed a more thorough scan.


  Using Ling'er at this time as the carrier, although the scanning level is far inferior to that of being able to show his hands, it is far better than the strongest, and can definitely reach the seven-star level.




   After this deep scan of the origin, even the core origin of the world can be seen very clearly, the whole world has no secrets, and even the strength of the spatial distribution can be sensed clearly.


As the scanning of the system came, Bai Yuling and Ling'er's hearts suddenly tightened. The original crystallization of the fallen fierce demon spirit king was hidden in the core of the world. At this time, it seemed that they felt the scan, from the bleak and calmness. The appearance of has become a crystal that emits a strong black light.




   The world trembled abruptly, the clear sky was thundering, the ground was shaking, the sea was surging, the volcano erupted, and finally, the space crack appeared and continued to extend.


   In just a few seconds, the whole world is a doomsday scene, and everyone is sluggish and unbelievable.


   "It's not good, run away."


   Bai Yuling shouted in his heart, he really guessed it. The Chaos Dragon set a trap here. Fortunately, he didn't want to personally experience the means of dominating the beasts.


   After so many experiences, Ling'er also knew what it meant to be within his power, and decisively abandon the compassion for the creatures in this realm, and decisively tore through the cracks in the space to forcefully rush out.


   But the invisible force suppressed Ling'er's strength. The mighty power of the strongest level was suppressed to the peak of the monarch in an instant. Oops, it was the force of rules.


   There is only the peak of the monarch, it is almost impossible to forcibly tear this secret realm in the current situation.


   "The world is about to be destroyed, don't resist if you don't want to die."


   Ling'er took this treasure at will. There was no trap in the treasure, and she moved instantaneously, bringing the Elder Hudi and Boscordora and other nearby elves to the edge of the world in one breath.


   "Rush out with me."


   another voice transmission was left, Ling'er burst out with 20 strands of original power, transformed into an emerald dragon, took Hu Di and more than a dozen people through the barriers of the world in one breath, and rushed out.


   rushed out of the world, and the strength suppressed by the power of the rules instantly returned to its peak.


   The original super power blends into the eyes, and the changes in the Treasure Secret Realm are in a glance. The previous drastic changes are indeed a precursor to the destruction of the world. The whole world is like a volcano that has been accumulated to the limit, and it may explode at any time.


   "It's really a horrible method. It suppresses power with the power of rules, and then blocks the barriers of the world, and finally condenses the entire world for implosion. Once it succeeds, I am afraid that the strongest will die forever!"


Pan Shi was horrified. Although it was not discovered early, it was brewed in a few seconds later. With Ling'er alone, it was definitely a life of nine deaths. At most, it could survive on the companion world tree. Ling'er and the world tree once returned to the pre-liberation period. It is not impossible.


   Bai Yuling also thought of the consequences, and instantly soaked his back with cold sweat, which was really dangerous.


Even Long Xiang and Cang Batian, who have always loved excitement, were shocked, almost getting cold.


   "Then what should I do now, go straight away?"


  Long Xiang asked in his heart.


   "If I go this way, I always feel a little unwilling."


   Cang Batian said unhappy.


   "So what can I do, but I still want to find the Chaos Dragon to settle the account?"


   Huanmeng sighed, also very unwilling.


   "Maybe it's not that there is no way, Ling'er, can the world of Hundred Flowers, which is going all out, forcibly prevent the destruction of the world?"


   An idea flashed through Bai Yuling's mind, and he immediately asked.


   "This, if the position just now, can maintain peak strength, it is easy, but if you want to stop it from the outside, this is a secret space in space rather than a small world. I don't have much confidence. Time may not be too late."


   Linger replied after some simulation. If this is the case, it would be a waste of a thousand sources of power, but nothing can be done.


   "It's not necessary, it's not worth how many worlds can be saved by Ling'er's one thousand original powers."


   Huo stabbed his head and said.


"It has nothing to do with saving people, and the master's purpose is not this, but the secret realm itself. Don't forget, this secret realm can nurture the Seven Stars. If it is integrated into the transcendent world, its value will increase, and it will be destroyed. What a pity ."


   Lan Hai replied.


   "Well, if there is no such value, the Chaos Dragon will not leave a crystallization of the origin of the great monarch, set this trap, try your best."


   Bai Yuling said solemnly, after considering it in detail, you can give it a try.




   Linger immediately started, and adjusted and perfected accordingly according to Bai Yuling's ideas.


   Activate the associated world tree, improve endurance, ten times the origin of the Hundred Blossom World, and limit the explosion.


  In an instant, the world of Hundred Flowers came, and the ten trees of the world of life were divided into ten directions, expanding to the limit, and finally completely enclosing the treasure secret realm.


   the invincible power of the strong and magical skills, instantly broke all the blockades of the world, and invaded it strongly. UU reading took root in millions and spread all over the world.


  The volcano, the seabed, the ground, and even the empty space crevices are filled with life world trees with massive energy. The world on the verge of destruction has finally ended the progress of destruction.


   Massive vitality permeates the world, powerful energy targeted to eliminate the power of the fierce demon spirit monarch, and blockades in all directions, approaching, and forcibly trapped it in just one second.


   But at this moment, the original crystal burst out with unimaginable power, directly breaking through the blockade, and disappearing across the space.


   At the same time, the central area that should have detonated first disappeared, and the rules that suppressed the peak of the monarch no longer existed.


   The Treasure Secret Realm, stopped the trend of destruction.




   Linger did not hesitate to catch up with decisively, following the slight traces.


   In the void storm, the original crystal is absorbing massive amounts of energy, and even the void storm is swallowed into energy, and the dense black light spreads, gradually forming a posture.


   Bai Yuling has seen this situation many times, the conditions for the formation of the Chaos Dragon projection!


   But it seems to be a little more condensed and clear, Bai Yuling's heart sank, and suddenly thought of a terrifying guess, the Chaos Dragon personally designed it, is it possible to come up with a clone? This is definitely not impossible.


   The situation is extremely critical, what should I do?