MTL - Pokemon Elf Master-Chapter 2863 Today is not the dream of the past, defeating the Obsidian Dragon King (Part 2)

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And the strength of the Obsidian Dragon King is more than that of the Evil Dragon Lord, at least one and a half orders and a half. The normal quality standard has reached the seven-star barrier, and the projection of the sacrifice of life is definitely more terrifying.

Even the monarch fierce demon spirit, the projection of the sacrifice of its life is far more difficult than the ordinary monarch! This made the alliance pay a great price. Many monarchs died on the projection of the Chaos Dragon, and they were often destroyed by the group.

Today, if there is no certainty of instant kill, the monarch of the alliance will not dare to kill. This scene has almost been changed before. It used to be that the alliance relied on the power of guardian to fight back desperately, forcing the ferocious demons to dare not kill easily.

Hearing the ridicule of the fantasy, the Obsidian Dragon King was not annoyed, but showed a smile: "Since you know it too, why should you be ashamed? You can't kill me at all, even if it is really possible, it will only end up together in the end. Nine tails. Fox, I advise you to be rational, it is not worth it to pay such a big risk for the alliance."

"You really don't miss any opportunity to sow discord."

The fantasy blew up the Obsidian Dragon King, speechless.

"Hehe, is even telling the truth a sorcerer?"

The Obsidian Dragon King stabilized his figure, and the power of the source exploded. The two sides fought each other in such a way. It seemed that every move was killing him, but the murderous aura was a little less than before, which was a bit strange.

‘It is the influence of charisma. The longer the time, the stronger the effect. It seems to be related to the attitude of both parties. If the hostility is smaller, the effect may be stronger? And the simulation of consciousness warfare cannot fully simulate the effect of charisma. ’

Bai Yuling summed up all the previous data and made a summary. Perhaps because there is no possibility of killing, the Obsidian Dragon King has almost no killing intent, and the hostility is naturally not that big.

After thinking about it carefully, Fantasia also agrees with this conclusion. It seems to be the case, but in this case, how should it be used? Greet the enemy with a smile? Regardless of whether the enemy believes it or not, how many effects there are, she herself does not have the confidence to perform well.

In this case, the characteristic of charisma, the combat potential does not seem to be as high as expected.

The Obsidian Dragon King is by far the strongest existence, but the combat power is actually far inferior to the current her, and the effect of more than 20 seconds is not enough. If it is replaced by a stronger existence, the effect will only be lower.

‘It can’t be compared like this. Although your strength has increased to a certain level, your charismatic heritage is actually far from reaching the current standard. It is difficult to estimate how much potential you have.

Continue to fight, as long as the five senses are not completely closed, the impact will expand into a weakness sooner or later, let's see how long it will take.

If it is really unbearable, you can only give up the enhancement background. ’

Bai Yuling returned, the fate of destiny can be regarded as the final and biggest transformation, and the final path must be decided before that. After that, there is no room for change.

Soon, the two sides fought fiercely for a few more minutes. The battle process was almost the same as before. The Obsidian Dragon King suffered tens of millions of injuries, but the fantasy did not even have a million.

But compared to Obsidian Dragon King's life force limit of at least 60 million, it's less than one-fifth, not to mention that the healing treasure is constantly recovering, not even the minor injury stage where the life force is less than 70%.

Bai Yuling did the math. Because the recovery of his vitality could not be determined, the error in the vitality of the Obsidian Dragon King might have exceeded five million, so there was no need to bother to calculate.

However, the influence of the Obsidian Dragon King is indeed a little more than before, the killing intent has been slightly reduced, and the reaction power seems to be weakened by one ten thousandth?

'Fantasy, provocative sentence. ’

Provoked, the killing intent of the Obsidian Dragon King immediately returned to its peak.

‘Well, sure enough, the influence can be resisted and erased by will. ’

Ten seconds later, the killing intent of the Obsidian Dragon King decreased again, the magnitude...

Bai Yuling recorded these data very meticulously. Although the accuracy of the data obtained is almost zero due to too many unknown factors, as long as it is collected all the time, it will be able to be fully analyzed sooner or later. .


The Obsidian Dragon King suddenly exploded with a double source of black brilliance and slammed the dragon's tail. The timing was just at the moment when the fantasy hit the move. No opponent could integrate the power of a hundred times the source in such a short period of time to condense the double source of profound meaning.

The unpredictable fantasy, or the long-awaited expectation, but there is nothing that can be done, this is also the normal state of the monarch level, the flaws do not depend on the opponent's mistakes, they all rely on their own creation, and what they seize are irreparable flaws! And this is already the second time, even if you count the battle of consciousness, it's hundreds of times.

The related battles in the illusory world flashed through the fantasy world. For the first time, I deeply realized the insufficiency of the illusory world. After all, it is only a simulation. Its combat wisdom and experience are limited to data. If there is no control, the changes are too rigid. She will find flaws.

It is possible to accumulate experience, but it is basically impossible to gain insight. The effect of the illusory world on them is getting lower and lower.

Dream only had time to protect the nine tails in front of the key, and was blasted out, and then the Obsidian Dragon King seized the opportunity to gain a ten-second advantage.

In order to save the source consumption to the greatest Fantasy will only carry out the source counterattack that maximizes the benefits, as long as the wounds caused by the unsacred flames are healed.

According to the current fighting frequency, it consumes about 4 strands of source power per second. According to the third-order monarch’s 30,000 strands of source power, it can last for 125 minutes, but the fantasy is actually only 800 strands of source power. According to the source body 30 The minimum consumption per second can only last for 400 minutes, which is less than seven hours.

Fantasy doesn't intend to force the Obsidian Dragon King to leave the stage, but the helpless thing is that there will be flaws in the body of the source, otherwise, he can find targets everywhere and fight recklessly, greatly increasing the experience of the death battle of the monarch level.

After 10 minutes, the injuries of both sides have improved and increased, and the previous advantages have been wiped out under the action of Healing Treasure.

The two sides fought for a radius of 100,000 miles. The battle was extremely fierce, and no one intervened on the way. The battle situation at this level is currently in a state of anxiety, and the winner cannot be determined in a few hours, but the overall situation has already happened. Earthshaking changes.

In the battle at the extraordinary level, the alliance side has occupied an absolute advantage, intercepting all the back-hand support of the fierce demon spirit, and striving for the maximum attribute restraint advantage.

The God of War is worthy of being the God of War, and his ability to control details is simply outstanding. According to the battle situation of the main attacking forces of the three parties, the follow-up support scheduling is constantly adjusted, and this is accomplished at the minimum cost, and it is even broken down by dividing the battlefield one by one.

Every ferocious demon spirit monarch or team has to face more than ten times the power crushing, to ensure that the ultimate overdraft burst and double the original meaning can be crushed, plus the joint bombardment of hundreds of restraint attribute half-step monarchs, there is no such thing at all. The opportunity to sacrifice was completely bombed and killed on the spot.


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