MTL - Pokémon Modifier-Chapter 5 I have a friend…

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  Chapter 5 I have a friend...

  The guy called Takehara swallowed and said, "What do you want to know?"

  Hu Yang could see that the other party was very afraid of him. He had never encountered this kind of scene in his previous life, but he watched too much TV and played this kind of role with ease.

  He asked blankly: "What area is this?"

  Takehara looked at the young man with a face in front of him, thinking of the terrible scene just now, and honestly replied: "Fengyuan area" paused, and added, "This is the Orange Forest in the west of Orange City."

  Hu Yang secretly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. The other party did not seem to be the kind of character who would rather die than surrender. He continued to interrogate:

   "Who are you?"

  Takehara: "We are Pokémon Hunters."

  Pokemon Hunter, a criminal organization that captures rare wild elves for underground trading.

  Unlike the Lava Team, which aims to expand the land, their purpose is purely for money.

  In the words of another world, they are poachers in the Pokémon world.

  Only money is enough, not to mention lions and tigers, even dinosaurs, they dare to catch them.

  Like the "auction" that just came from the communication tool, so they just grabbed La Roulas just to sell it?

  After such sorting, Hu Yang quickly figured out the whole thing.

  It may have been the luckier reason in the previous life, so the crime has always been far away from him. Now, the first time he encountered it, he didn't know how to deal with these two people for a while.

After thinking about it for a while, Hu Yang asked, "How long does it take to get to Orange City from here?"

  Takehara didn’t know what he was thinking, but he was keenly aware that the other party was thinking about how to deal with them. He swallowed and replied: “Walk... it takes two hours to walk.”

   "Yeah." Hu Yang nodded. It seemed that the direction the Chinchilla was pointing was right. He stood up and picked up the things on the ground.

  Takehara watched as the other party put his wallet, ferry ticket and poke ball into his pocket, his eyes widened in disbelief:

   "That...that's my thing!"

  Hu Yang glanced at him and said with a faint smile: "Your big wolf dog hurt me. These things are the medical expenses and mental losses you should compensate me."

  Takehara is stunned. He used to rob others. He has never encountered such a thing before!

  He tried to argue, but when he saw the fool-like bird, he was persuaded again.

  Hu Yang didn't say much, he packed his things and prepared to leave.

   Seeing him turn around to leave, Takehara panicked again: "You can't leave us here!"

  At night they will be torn to pieces by wild elves!

  Hu Yang soothed: "Relax, someone will come to rescue you."

  Such matters should be handled by the police of this world.

  After speaking, regardless of the man's reaction, he turned around and left.

  Maybe it was the reason why we went to the periphery of the forest, and the elven ecology here also changed.

  Those elves with larger bodies and vigilant personalities have disappeared. Green caterpillars and unicorns, such as weak elves with low desire to attack, have increased.

  Hu Yang walked, watching their detailed information and inner emotions.

  At this moment, Hu Yang understood the reason why there were not so many vocational trainers in this world.

  Because the journey is so hard!

  They are all children who have just turned ten when they travel. At this age with insufficient social experience and experience, it is a question of whether a person can survive in the wild.

  Don’t even think about it. Many people who aspire to become trainers, after leaving home or because they can’t stand the hardships of the journey, many people encounter repeated setbacks in the process of challenging the gym.

  Finally, only a handful of people persisted in participating in the league competitions, and very few can stand out.

  The road is tortuous, and the future is bright.

Two hours later, Populus euphratica finally walked out of the dim forest. Looking at the open road and the world full of light in front of him, he breathed a sigh of relief.


  At the entrance of the forest, there is a warning sign "please bring your elves before entering the forest".

  Hu Yang raised his bag, licked his lips, and looked at the pedestrians alive on the side of the road, he became excited.

  The excitement made him forget the exhaustion of rushing on the road, and arrived at Orange City by following the instructions of the wooden road signs on the side of the road.

  Standing on the lively street, watching the scene where the people and the elves coexist in harmony, at this moment, he was a little excited and wanted to cry.

  He was very hungry and tired, but business matters, Hu Yang cheered up and asked the location of the passerby police station.

  The passers-by did not dislike his embarrassed appearance, but rather enthusiastically said: "Are you a trainer traveling outside? Go to the wizard center to have a good rest!"

  Trainer? He is not yet.

  Hu Yang suddenly realized that if he is wearing it, then he seems to be a shady in this world?

  Hu Yang had a headache. He bid farewell to passers-by, took Gu Yueniao to the police station, and told Miss Junsha the news that Pokémon Hunter appeared in the forest.

  Ms. Junsha's work efficiency is very fast. After determining the location, she directly rode a black and white police three-wheeled motorcycle and disappeared at the end of the road with a catty dog.

  Not long, he took two crying men back smoothly.

  After verifying the situation, another Miss Junsha who was in charge of the interrogation expressed her gratitude to Hu Yang.

   Is this done? Hu Yang was disappointed, he thought he would get a reward for arresting people.

  Before leaving the police station, he initiated a question to Miss Junsha: "Hello, may I ask, if I lose my ID card, where should I replace it?"

  Ms. Junsha: "Are you a trainer traveling outside?"

  Hu Yang is not, but he can pretend to be.

  Ms. Junsha thought he had lost the illustration book, and didn’t think much about it: “You don’t need to reissue it. You only need to show the badges and names you collected to the league tournament to participate in the tournament.”

  Hu Yang understands it, but in this world it seems that only the children of the alliance’s lineage and people with identities can get the illustrated book, and they are also called the book holder.

  The holder of the illustrated book bears the responsibility of helping the local doctors collect information on the wild elves, and is also entitled to use the facilities of the elves free of charge.

  And other civilian trainers do not enjoy this treatment, they go to the wizard center, it costs money.

  Hu Yang paused, then asked: "What about ordinary people?"

  Ms. Junsha did not react: "What do you mean?"

  "I have a friend who has lived in seclusion with his parents in the forest since he was a child, and he has never gone out."

  Ms. Junsha understands now, the situation of Heihu is not unavailable, she has heard about human beings being raised by elves before.

  She thought for a while and replied: “It’s simple, you just ask his parents to accompany him to the police station for identity registration, and we will upload his information on the Internet.”

  Hu Yang breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly asked, "What if his parents pass away?"

  Ms. Junsha replied earnestly: "Then he can only do it by himself."

  (End of this chapter)