MTL - Pokémon Modifier-Chapter 562 actor

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  Chapter 562 Actor

  The new year is over, and the pace of time has officially entered the 215th year of the league calendar.

  On the first day of the new year, the movie "Time Traveler 2" released by Pokémon Hollywood in the Hezhong area was released.

  The director is still Hall, but because Hu Yang and Rose Redo are not available, Hall found other actors to shoot.

   On the night when the movie was released, Hu Yang took all the Pokémon and the trio around him to the movie in Kanaz City.

  It was still the movie theater, where many Pokémon gathered. Team Rocket sat among a group of Pokémon, looking at Mewtwo and Arceus in shock.

   "It's really shocking meow!" Meow said: "I didn't expect that the boss can even subdue this kind of Pokémon..."

   "Calm meow." Musashi patted meow on the head and said, "It's been so long, haven't you gotten used to it yet?"

  Meow Meow: "I just didn't expect meow..."

  Amidst the voices of the trio, the movie officially begins.

  Hu Yang looked at the big screen in front of him with great interest.

  The last time he watched a movie, he didn't know that the protagonist of the movie was based on himself. Looking at it now, it seems that life is like a drama, and drama is like life.

  In the first part of the movie, the plot came to an abrupt end when the protagonist "Natsuki" traveled back to the past, leaving many puzzles for the audience.

  For example: Has Natsuki successfully returned to the time when he first met Pokémon? Has he found his Pokémon?

   In this regard, Hall's answer is that all answers will be resolved in the second part.

  Hu Yang is very curious about how Hall will solve those problems.

   In his doubts, the movie officially started.

  The protagonist "Natsuki" opened his eyes and went back to the past.

  He meets his own Pokémon like in the first part, and the main line of the story has not changed much.

   Still conquering Pokémon, training, challenging gyms, and participating in alliance competitions...

  In this way, the plot continued until the time when the Pokémon Ba Dahu of "Xia Shu" was about to die.

  At that time, the accident happened suddenly.

  A ray of light from the future shot into Ba Dahu's body, allowing Ba Dahu to survive.

It turns out that people from the future knew what Xia Shu had experienced, and they were moved. They used the newly developed machine to save Ba Dahu, so that Ba Dahu and other Pokémon could accompany Xia Shu to the end of their lives. moment.

  The plot is almost over here.

  At the end of the movie, there is a bouquet of elegant flowers in front of the tombstones of Natsuki and Pokémon.

   A gust of wind blew by, and the green leaves on the surrounding trees shook slightly.

  In an instant, it seemed to bring people back to the summer when the trip began.

  The screen freezes, and the movie ends here.

   There was pattering applause in the cinema.

  Hu Yang looked back and saw the trio wiping away tears and said: "It's so touching!"

   "Yes, meow! I really want to meet such a trainer, meow!" Meow wiped away tears.

   Populus euphratica: "..."

  He retracted his gaze and looked at the big screen.

   At the end of the movie, there was a line like this: This movie is adapted from a true story, and I would like to thank Cross for bringing us such a touching story.

   Populus euphratica: "..."

   Well, it is indeed a happy ending.

  He sighed softly, then took out the poke ball, let the Pokémon line up and return to the poke ball, ready to take them home.

   Soon, only Populus euphratica, Arceus and Mewtwo were left outside.

   They walk out of the movie theater and it's snowing outside.

  Pedestrians on the street hurried past, and suddenly saw Chaomeng and Arceus, with a look of shock in their eyes.

   Populus euphratica looked up at the snow.

   Chaomeng looked at him and asked, "What are you going to do?"

  Hu Yang replied softly: "I'm going to the Carlos area."

   Chaomeng nodded in a daze: "I see."

   "Go back!" Hu Yang said.

   Chaomeng and Arceus nodded slightly, but just as they were about to take Populus euphratica back to the ecological park, Populus euphratica stopped suddenly.

  He turned his gaze to the street corner, where, before the thick white snow, a familiar woman in winter clothes and a black veil was sitting there.

  The woman, like other passers-by on this street, cast her gaze here.

  The only difference from those people is that she is looking at Populus euphratica, while those people are looking at two strange Pokémon, Mewtwo and Arceus.

  Hu Yang hesitated for a moment, then raised his foot and walked over there.

   Chaomeng and Arceus followed behind.

   When Hu Yang approached, the woman looked at him deeply and said, "It seems that you have made your own choice."

  Hu Yang nodded.

  The woman looked at him calmly, her red lips slightly raised under the black veil, and asked softly, "So, do you want to do another divination?"

  Hu Yang squatted down and skillfully placed his hand on the crystal ball in front of the fortune teller.

  Accompanied by a flash of light in the crystal ball, the woman also closed her eyes, as if she was feeling something.

   After a while, Hu Yang withdrew his hand, and the woman opened her eyes.

   "What did you see this time?" Hu Yang asked.

"I saw... the fog covering you disappeared, and I saw your future... You and many, many Pokémon lived happily on an island, and everyone liked you very much, just like a fairy tale As described in the story." The woman said slowly.

  Hearing this, Hu Yang showed a smile on his face, stood up, touched his pocket, took out the divination fee and put it in front of the woman.

   "It's about to end." Hu Yang said as if talking to himself, and then he looked at the female fortune teller in front of him, and said to her: "See you next time!"

  The female fortune teller was taken aback for a moment, and in the next second, she saw a ray of light envelope the tall man in front of her.

   Immediately afterwards, the man and the two Pokémon beside him disappeared without a trace.

  The female fortune-teller turned her head to look around, and saw other people looking at this side with dull expressions.

   Populus euphratica returned to the ecological park.

  He released the Pokémon, greeted everyone, and then returned to his room. He sat at the desk, took out a pen and paper, and wrote names one after another on it.

  Carlos area: Slimy Dragon, Baby Tyrannosaurus, Naughty Panda, Hoopa, Miaomiao.

  Alola Region: Mane Rock Werewolf, Wearing Bear, Jayra Aura.

  Galer Region: Martial Arts Bear Master.

  At this time, Geng Gui floated over from behind, it leaned forward, looked at the unfamiliar words on the paper, and asked, "What are you doing?"

   Populus euphratica touched its head with a smile, and replied: "In a few days, it's time to travel to the next area. I'm wondering if I can meet some interesting companions there."

   Upon hearing this, Geng Gui's expression immediately became serious.

  It is very clear that new companions will take away the love and time that Populus euphratica has for them.

   "No, we must tell Pogaman about this and let him stop Hu Yang!"

  Thinking of this, Geng Gui immediately bid farewell to Hu Yang, turned around and floated out of the room.

  (end of this chapter)