MTL - Pokémon World’s Male Mother-Chapter 694 Impossible Conan

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Hearing that Lao Ka was not familiar with "Raykonza", Eminem breathed a sigh of relief.

He also didn't mean to ask "Raykongzao" for help at all!

After all, the reputation of "Raykonza" is not very good - the world is very advanced in IT, but the reason why the wireless signal is very blocked is mostly because of "Raykonzao"!

The most direct thing is that without the permission of "Rayquaza", human beings cannot launch new artificial satellites. This makes the number of artificial satellites very small, which is far less than the world before Eminem traveled. With the new technology of satellites, it is impossible to Immediately updated, what's worse, the academics on artificial satellites have become a low-level that is not valued, and natural satellite signals have become "precious".

This has resulted in a situation where there is no signal everywhere...

Even without satellite relay, the direct transmission of wireless signals has a limited distance in this world, half because the direct transmission of signals will interfere with the lives of some Pokémon, and then make them frantically destroy the signal towers, and the other half is because , which can be considered as the reason why "air" is used as the medium, the transmission efficiency is low, and it is easy to be interfered.

And "Liekongzuo" is also the "God of Atmosphere"—for a real [god seat] owner like "Liekongzao", the corresponding natural rules are also part of its power.

Of course, Eminem doesn't want to condemn it now, but just wants to stay away...

The aggressive style of "Lyakonza" is obviously much higher than that of "Three Sacred Birds", and even their boss "Lugia" is a head shorter in front of "Lyakonzao".

After all, before "Raykonza" woke up, "Rogia" was [the **** of ocean currents and monsoons]. Besides the sea, he also had part of the authority over the sky, but after "Raykonza" woke up more than a hundred years ago, " "Lugia" is a pure sea god.

Therefore, Eminem has absolutely no intention of getting in touch with "Raykoza"...

I even want to remind the robbers, can you change the direction, why are you flying closer and closer?

Fortunately, it didn't fly directly towards the [Pillar of the Sky], but just passed by.

As for the radar...

A Pokémon that is too weak cannot be detected by radar, and neither is a Pokémon that is too strong!

"Why are you shaking!" The robber came over and scolded Ah Mu who was shaking his legs.

"Are you still flying the original route? Or go south to give the alliance a surprise?" Eminem suggested sincerely.

"Shut up! Don't speak!" The robber rejected Eminem's offer.

It's not fear that Eminem shakes his legs, it's mainly anxiety, and it seems that he will continue to be anxious—not only is he getting closer to "Rayquaza" now, but also... Eminem can always feel the gaze of "Rayquaza"!

If Lao Ka can come out, maybe he doesn't like "Lie Kongzuo" too much?

This Eminem is also not sure.

But Ah Mu is very sure that if Lao Ka doesn't come out and just relies on the "Dragon Scale Light Wall", it will definitely not be able to have any effect in front of "Liekongzuo"!

[Old card, it always looks at what I do? ] Eminem couldn't help asking.

[That's... look at me. ] Lao Ka replied.

Ah Mu was taken aback when he heard the words, and immediately understood that "Liekongzuo" discovered it through his connection with Lao Ka, and it is very likely... talking?

[Then you must not quarrel with more polite! ] Eminem exhorted.

Old card: ...

At this moment, Eminem's ankle was scratched slightly, and when he looked down, there was a ball of paper rolling from behind - it was obvious that Conan was not honest!

Eminem leaned over to pick it up... and secretly complained in his heart: Conan is still too young, look at the dark organization and Pokémon Investigator... At this time, no one was in a hurry, and he started to act vigorously!

"What are you doing?" The robber responded immediately.

"The shoe shook off." Eminem said calmly.

"You're the one who has a lot to do...Come out! Change seats with him!" The robber said, pointing his finger out—it's on the outside, so it's easy to see.

While stuffing the ball of paper into his pocket, Eminem got up and prepared to change positions with Xin Chuan.

"Wait! What's in your pocket!" the robber said suddenly.

At this time, Eminem also realized that there should be a hidden watcher, otherwise, from this angle, his actions would not be seen.

The "sniping tree owl" on the side also immediately aimed at Eminem...

Yuanzi on the side couldn't help but nervously said: "Ah!" Then he immediately covered his mouth.

"Take it out!" The robber said nervously while letting "Hei Lujia" approach.

This guy is obviously very guilty...

"Don't be nervous, it's nothing." Eminem said, and took out the small ball of paper - based on his understanding of Conan, he should not directly write anything important.

After handing it to "Hei Lujia", the robber breathed a sigh of relief, then took it from Hei Lujia's mouth, opened the paper ball, and found that it was painted in a children's style, with a picture of "a man handed to A woman with short hair and a bottle of stuff".

"What is this!" The robber looked at Conan in the back row at this moment—it was obviously not drawn by the little girl who had been scared all the time.

"Drawing...drawing..." Conan immediately said that he was too scared. JPG.

Of course the robbers couldn’t understand it, but after looking at the paper from a distance, Ah Mu understood what Conan meant—the one with short hair should be Miwako, and Conan was implying that he gave Miwako something before.

That is, the last time I was on a plane, when I happened to meet Miwako and a suspected bomb appeared, Ah Mu gave the [Explosion Suppressant Potion] to Miwako!

Now it should be a hint to Eminem, be ready at all times and use [Explosion Suppression Potion]. UU Reading www.

"No! Where did you get the paper and pen?" The robber also felt that something was wrong at this moment, the little boy was too courageous.


"Come out! I think you two should really go down!" the robber said immediately.

"Wait!" Seeing this, Xiao Lan immediately stood up.

After all, it was still dangerous. Seeing that this guy was going to attack Conan, Xiaolan couldn't keep silent.

"Enough! You all have your own goals, right? He's just a child!" Xinchu looked very righteous at the moment. When Xiaolan just opened his mouth, he immediately opened his mouth and stood up to block Xiaolan behind him. and Conan.

Seeing Eminem...

It is estimated that "he" is mostly pretending, in an attempt to dispel Xiuyi's suspicion... and a small part is because Xiaolan and Conan have different meanings to "him".

"Okay, is there really someone pretending to be a hero?" Robber A grinned, and immediately raised his hand as if preparing to give orders to Pokémon.

Eminem is also ready to release the flash to see if everyone can be stunned in an instant - it doesn't matter if you accidentally injure some passengers, it's better than a plane crash!

But at this time, Robber C in the cockpit shouted to the outside: "Second brother! The Quartz Alliance contacted us...the boss has been released!"

(end of this chapter)